The Sea Slug Forum - Chromodoris Geminus Chromodoris geminus Rudman, 1987. Order See also the recently described Chromodoristritos, which may be a colour form of C. geminus and Chromodoris cf.
Extractions: LOWER: Phi Phi Is., Southern Thailand, 16m, December 1989. PHOTO: D.J.Brunckhorst. This is one of a group of similarly coloured species which I have called the " Risbecia tryoni colour group". Other species include Risbecia tryoni Chromodoris kuniei and Chromodoris leopardus . They all have large purple or purple-brown spots or marks, usually ringed with white, an often reticulate brownish background, and a purple border. Chromodoris geminus differs in having four colour bands around the mantle edge, an outermost white, then translucent greyish purple, then white, then yellow. The other three have a distinct purple line at the border, narrow in C. leopardus and R. tryoni
The Sea Slug Forum - Chromodoris Cf. Geminus This looks quite like (message chrogemi.htm) Chromodoris geminus which has alsobeen reported from South Africa. Chromodoris cf. geminus. Order NUDIBRANCHIA.
Extractions: This looks quite like Chromodoris geminus which has also been reported from South Africa. However it is deeper in colour than the C. geminus and differs in having the purple right at the mantle edge rather than submarginally. There is also a distinct deep yellow submarginal band in C. geminus while in C. cf. geminus the yellow-brown background colour on the mantle is uniform. Also in C. geminus there are spots on the foot and a white edge, while in this species there are spots on the foot but it has a purple edge. The rhinophore clubs are purple not yellowish. This may be a mimic of C. geminus A very distinctive behavioural characteristic of C. geminus , which you can see in the photo at the top of the C. geminus page , is that the mantle edge is raised and lowered in one movement all around the mantle edge. Valda Fraser's message shows that this species differs in having the more usual waves of movement down each side of the mantle.
Geminus German Soundtracks. Japanese Soundtracks. Soundtracks for Trade/Sale. Gemelli GGST10.000-series, scroll . geminus. Gemelli GG-ST 10.003 Bruno Nicolai, 196.
Habrocestoides Geminus Genus Habrocestoides Salticidae Diagnostic Drawings Library. by Jerzy Proszynski2000. Habrocestoides geminus (Song et Chai, 1992). No. 2860 China Sichuan.
Geminus, Inc. Home You've come to the right place! We are promotional products experts,committed to your success * With an online catalog of over
KNK Spol. S R.o. Ceny bez DPH platí kouty geminus bílé barvy. Príplatek 12% na ostatníbarvy. Výpln pouze tvrzené ciré sklo vzor W0 . obálka.
Extractions: Výplò - TVRZENÉ SKLO Oznaèení Provedení íøka x Výka(cm) Cena Poèet Barva DJ-GE/EX 80 - S jednodílné otoèné, bez rámu 80 x 185 bílá manhatan whisper pink pergamon bahama agais whisper blue bermuda lutá calypso graphit jasný granát jasmín matový DJ-GE/EX 90 - S jednodílné otoèné, bez rámu 90 x 185 bílá manhatan whisper pink pergamon bahama agais whisper blue bermuda lutá calypso graphit jasný granát jasmín matový Výplò - TVRZENÉ SKLO Oznaèení Provedení íøka x Výka(cm) Cena Poèet Barva KNDJ-GE/EX 80 - S ètvercový, otoèné dveøe + boèní stìna 90 x 185 bílá manhatan whisper pink pergamon bahama agais whisper blue bermuda lutá calypso graphit jasný granát jasmín matový KNDJ-GE/EX 90 - S ètvercový, otoèné dveøe + boèní stìna 90 x 185 bílá manhatan whisper pink pergamon bahama agais whisper blue bermuda lutá calypso graphit jasný granát jasmín matový KN2-GE/EX 80 - S ètvercový, vstup rohem 80 x 185 bílá manhatan whisper pink pergamon bahama agais whisper blue bermuda lutá calypso graphit jasný granát jasmín matový KN2-GE/EX 90 - S ètvercový, vstup rohem
TMTh:: GEMINUS OF RHODES geminus OF RHODES (fl. 110 40 BC) Life geminus studied with Posidonius at hisschool in Rhodes and wrote introductory works on astronomy and mathematics.
Candalides Geminus Candalides geminus Edwards Kerr, 1978 geminus Blue CANDALIDINI ,POLYOMMATINAE , LYCAENIDAE Don HerbisonEvans ( donherbisonevans
Extractions: (updated 3 May 2002) This Caterpillar is green with a dark line along the back, and yellow lines along the sides edged in purple. There are red tubercles along the back. It feeds openly by day on : Downy Dodder Cassytha pubescens LAURACEAE It grows to a length of about 1.5 cms. The pupa is pale brown with dark markings, and has a lenght of about 1.3 cms. It is held by anal hooks and girdle on the food or a nearby plant. The adult butterflies have a wingspan of about 3 cms. The males on top are a bronzed purple. The females are dark brown with a purple sheen over the centres of the forewings. Underneather, they are both pale grey with arcs of dark marks, and there are two prominent black spots under the tornus of each hindwing. The eggs are white, round, and flattened with a rough surface. Their diameter is about 0.7 mm. They are laid singly on flower buds of a foodplant. This species is found in the Northern Territory, Queensland, and New South Wales
Geminus Reviews The band is made up of the duo and twin brother collective of Xevin, and Xayne geminus. Sodo yourself a favor and pick up geminus Sect Gemination today
Extractions: CultCuts Magazine [Rev. Spenser Hoyt] / 01.11.03 Retro-techno Industrial Goth rock played by identical twins from North Carolina. Reminiscent of early Ministry and Skinny Puppy, these cyber-musicians combine enough hard rock guitar, electronic sounds, creepy vocals and interesting song arrangements to make the gloomiest Goth happy. The Giger influenced cover illustrates the unification of flesh and machine that these brothers embrace and strive for. These guys could really help kick off a revival of that 80s techno/industrial sound which seems to have vanished in favor of more straight up (and boring) hard rock. Culture Asylum Ltd. Magazine [Rev. Gira] / 08.03.02 When I first heard this cd I was in awe. This is utter chaos. Mechanized cyber rage with rich textures. The band is made up of the duo and twin brother collective of Xevin and Xayne Geminus. Xevin does vocals, guitar, and programming while Xayne does vocals, bass, and programming. Gemination from opening to close is great and very menacing. They are taking the world by storm proving that cyber industrial rock isn't dead. The vocals are clear as well as the instrumentation. I highly recommend this cd for those who like an edge in their hard music. They are on the SinKlub label and are not to be missed live from what I heard from other resources. So do yourself a favor and pick up Geminus Sect: Gemination today... We haven't had such burning emotion from a band in my opinion since the likes of Skinny Puppy and KMFDM so please check them out.
Extractions: ONAFHANKELIJK RAADGEVERSBUREAU GESTEUND OP 4 PEILERS Professionalisme : Partners met een ruime ervaring in waarderingstechnieken, onderhandelingervaring, financieringtechnieken, ondernemingservaring en de fiscale en juridische reflexen noodzakelijk bij het overnameproces. KMO-kennis : Mensen die vertrouwd zijn met de specifieke aanpak van een KMO.
Geminus-Finpower M&A d'entreprises. geminus - Finpower M A 2002
Itinera Electronica: Du Texte à L'hypertexte Translate this page Tite-Live, Ab Urbe Condita, Livre XXX. geminus. Lv., Chap. 30, 26,eum annum quo M- Seruilius, geminus,, qui tum magister equitum erat,.
Itinera Electronica: Du Texte à L'hypertexte Translate this page Ovide, L'Art d'aimer, Livre I. geminus. Vers. 1, 740-749, Pallada Phoebus,amabat, ~Quodque tibi, geminus,, Tyndari, Castor, erat. ~Siquis idem.
GEMINUS geminus (1968 IT) TV MOVIE, Dir. LUCIANO EMMER. 1. E'GRANDE'STA CITTA(DeChiarra) 253 2. BEAT BOAT(De Chiarra) 200. Composed by Ennio
Moths Of North America -- Sphinx Geminus Distribution map and species account of Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus) inthe United States northern Mexico. Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus).
Extractions: Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus) Gemmed sphinx Sphinx geminus Wing span: 3 5/8 - 4 1/8 inches (9.2 - 10.5 cm). Identification: Forewing is gray with wavy black and light gray bands and 2 small gray spots near the center of the costa. Hindwing is black with 2 wavy white bands. Life history: Fully-grown caterpillars pupate in underground chambers. Flight: . Not reported. Caterpillar hosts: Not reported. Adult food: Probably flower nectar. Habitat: Not reported. Range: Texas (as a stray) south into Mexico and Honduras. Conservation: Not required for a rare stray. The Nature Conservancy Global Rank: GU - Unable to assign rank due to lack of available information. Management needs: None reported. References: D'Abrera, B. 1986. Sphingidae mundi: hawk moths of the world. E. W. Classey Ltd, Faringdon, Oxon., United Kingdom. 226 pages and color plates. Hodges, R. W. in Dominick, R. B. et al. 1971. The moths of America north of Mexico, fasc. 21 Sphingoidea. E. W. Classey Limited and R. B. D. Publications Inc., Middlesex, England. 164 pages, 14 color plates. Author: Jane M. Struttmann
Moths Of Texas -- Sphinx Geminus Moths of Texas. Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus). Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus Rothschild Jordan). Author Jane M. Struttmann Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus)
Extractions: Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus) Gemmed sphinx Sphinx geminus Wing span: 3 5/8 - 4 1/8 inches (9.2 - 10.5 cm). Identification: Forewing is gray with wavy black and light gray bands and 2 small gray spots near the center of the costa. Hindwing is black with 2 wavy white bands. Life history: Fully-grown caterpillars pupate in underground chambers. Flight: . Not reported. Caterpillar hosts: Not reported. Adult food: Probably flower nectar. Habitat: Not reported. Range: Texas (as a stray) south into Mexico and Honduras. Conservation: Not required for a rare stray. The Nature Conservancy Global Rank: GU - Unable to assign rank due to lack of available information. Management needs: None reported. References: D'Abrera, B. 1986. Sphingidae mundi: hawk moths of the world. E. W. Classey Ltd, Faringdon, Oxon., United Kingdom. 226 pages and color plates. Hodges, R. W. in Dominick, R. B. et al. 1971. The moths of America north of Mexico, fasc. 21 Sphingoidea. E. W. Classey Limited and R. B. D. Publications Inc., Middlesex, England. 164 pages, 14 color plates. Author: Jane M. Struttmann
The Geminus Sect The geminus Sect is an unsigned indie band from Hickory, NC. The geminus Sect.Band Biography From Hickory, NC; No. of Members 2; Year Established 1999.
Geminus Corporation, IN 2001 geminus Corporation PO Box 1109 Goshen, IN 46527. Address Human Resources,geminus CORPORATION PO Box 1109 Goshen, IN 46527. Email
Patron Saints Index: Saint Geminus geminus. Memorial 9 October Profile Monk at Sanpaterniano de Fano,Narni, Umbria. Claimed by both the Basilians and Benedictines.