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41. Standards (and Cross References) Web index, database, and search engine for Computer and communication relatedWeb content eg companies, organizations, media, projects, etc. http://www.webstart.com/cc/standards.html | |
42. Health Communication Network -- Innovative E-Health Solutions Provides the up-to-date health information on a variety of subjects.Category Health Resources Consumer Information......Health communication Network based in Australia provides innovative ehealth solutionsto the medical industry in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and http://www.hcn.net.au/ | |
43. National Institute On Deafness And Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) Supports and conducts research in, and distributes information on, the disorders of human communication, Category Health Conditions and Diseases communication Disorders......This site contains information about the National Institute on Deafness and Othercommunication Disorders (NIDCD), one of the National Institutes of Health. http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/ | |
44. Journal Of Communication Education Research. communication Theory International Journal of PublicOpinion Research Human communication Research The Library Oxford http://joc.oupjournals.org/ | |
45. Net Connections To Communication Disorders And Sciences A metaguide to internet resources about communication disorders, designed for professionals and students Category Health Conditions and Diseases communication Disorders...... http://www.mankato.msus.edu/dept/comdis/kuster2/welcome.html | |
46. Communication-Québec Translate this page Vous ne savez pas où vous adresser pour les obtenir ? communication-Québecpeut vous aider. Vous avez des questions Nous avons les réponses ! http://www.comm-qc.gouv.qc.ca/ | |
47. Maroc MINCOM .. ILAYCOM Morocco Translate this page The Ministry of communication's site, Kingdom of Morocco, provides you withinformation about Morocco foundation, politics, culture, tourism, economy http://www.mincom.gov.ma/ | |
48. Ministère De La Culture Et De La Communication http://www.culture.fr/ |
49. American Communication Journal The American communication Journal is the premier online scholarly refereed journal dedicated to the Category News Media Media Literacy......The American communication Journal is the premier online scholarlyrefereed journal dedicated to the study of communication. The http://acjournal.org/ | |
50. Communication Theory Journal of communication Library Recommendation Form Oxford Business Books EmailTable of Contents Copyright © 2003 International communication Association. http://ct.oupjournals.org/ | |
51. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION Journal of Computer-Mediated communication On the Web Quarterly Since June, 1995Category Reference Education Instructional Technology...... Mail. Journal of ComputerMediated communication On the Web Quarterly SinceJune, 1995 Our Newest Issue, Volume 4, Number 4 Persistent Conversation http://jcmc.huji.ac.il/ | |
52. The Online Chronicle Of Distance Education And Communication The Online Chronicle of Distance Education and communication is the electronic sourcefor information about distance education produced by Nova Southeastern http://www.fcae.nova.edu/disted/ | |
53. Springer LINK: Applicable Algebra The Springer Journal Applicable Algebra in Engineering, communicationand Computing publishes Springer LINK, http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00200/ | |
54. SSCA.net - THE SOUTHERN STATES COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION Organization for scholars in the southern United States provides submittal instructions for the Southern Category Science Social Sciences communication Organizations......Our purpose is to promote the study, criticism, research, teaching, and applicationof the artistic, humanistic, and scientific principles of communication. http://ssca.net/ | |
55. ?. Establishes policies on broadcasting, internet, broadband, IT security, encryption, and negotiates The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.Category Regional Asia Ministry of Information and communication...... http://www.mic.go.kr/ |
56. College Of Communication At Boston University COMNews Today. A Summary of communication News from the Daily Newspapers.ABC Creates Online News Service; HBO Countersues Tony; WiFi Initiatives. http://www.bu.edu/com/communication.html | |
57. Canadian Journal Of Communication Journal of research and scholarship in communication and journalism studies, giving emphasis to Canadian Category Science Social Sciences communication Journals...... CJC Cover Volume 28 Number 1 Winter A journal of research and scholarship encompassingthe field of communication and journalism studies giving emphasis to http://www.cjc-online.ca/ | |
58. Center For Communication Programs Strategic, research-based communication for behavior change and health promotion that has helped transfor Category Health Public Health and Safety Organizations......The Johns Hopkins University/Center for communication Programs (JHU/CCP) is a pioneerin the field of strategic, researchbased communication for behavior http://www.jhuccp.org/ | |
59. Communication Workers Union Union representing workers in the postal and telecoms sector. Includes large membersonly section, featuring discussion forums and a large links database. http://www.cwu.org/ | |
60. Communication Studies Resources - University Of Iowa Directory of links to reasources on the web related to media and culture and related issues, compiled Category News Media Resources...... Health and Science communication; Interpersonal and Small Group communication(includes nonverbal communication); Search communication Studies Resources. http://www.uiowa.edu/~commstud/resources/ | |
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