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         Taniyama Yutaka:     more detail
  1. Yutaka Taniyama
  2. Mathématicien Japonais: Kunihiko Kodaira, Michio Morishima, Masahiko Fujiwara, Kenkichi Iwasawa, Kiyoshi Ito, Yutaka Taniyama, Mikio Sato (French Edition)
  3. The Contributions of Japanese Mathematicians since 1950: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001

41. Nicolás Copérnico
Translate this page GORO SHIMURA Y yutaka taniyama desarrollaron en los años cincuentauna idea que acabaría siendo útil en la demostración de Wiles.
PIERRE FERMAT Su vida Su obra
Blaise Pascal

Fermat era como Newton y Gauss Isaac Newton SU OBRA
o el teorema magno.
De Simon Singh y Kenneth A. Ribet.
Universidad de Princeton Andrew J. Wiles Fermat Shimura-Taniyama

La Francia de Fermat
La ciudad de Castres
y Shakespeare. Descartes Blaise Pascal Miguel de Cervantes Newton en Inglaterra; en 1644 Torricelli Leibniz en Alamania. LA CIUDAD DE CASTRES Fermat en la WEB
  • Enciclopedia ENCARTA 2000 Enciclopedia UNIVERSAL MULTIMEDIA MICRONET

42. Ciencia Al Día - Artículo 1 Matemáticas
Translate this page (10). Para esta época, Goro Shimura (1926-1958) y yutaka taniyama (1927- ) estudiaronlas simetrías de las formas modulares que cubren un espacio -por ejemplo
Pablo Kittl

Universidad de Chile RESUMEN [ ABSTRACT cuadrados 1, 4, 9, …; en la tercera la diferencia entre los cuadrados vecinos 3, 5, 7, …; en la cuarta las diferencias de las diferencias 2, 2, … Esquema 1. vemos que se tiene:
= 25, tenemos: Esquema 2 Solamente se obtiene el caso (3) x, y , o z u y v son x, y, z La (275-194 A.C.). x = 3 y = 4 z = 5 x = 5 y = 12 z = 13 x = 15 y = 8 z = 17 x = 7 y = 24 z = 25 x = 21 y = 20 z = 29 x = 9 y = 40 z = 41 descenso infinito p, q, (1,2,3,…) m m (m=1, 2, 3,…) del tipo Por ejemplo, tiene por soluciones , etc. p p P p es, por ejemplo: p = 3 , se tiene: E p=1 = 1, E p=2 = 4, E p=3 = 4, E p=4 = 8, E p=5 = 4, E p=6 = 16, E p=7 = 9, E p=8 que cubren un i = 1, M = 2, M M = E , M = E A N + B N = C N Y = X + (A N - B N ) X - A N B N n se tiene: y como tienen valores mayores que cero y menores que uno, es decir: de acuerdo con el Teorema de Fermat. Cuando n=1, corresponde una con el intervalo . Esta recta pasa por los puntos y , como es el caso para todo n. queda <=e valores racionales los y Cuando es muy grande (n ), las curvas tienden a acercarse al segmento superior isomorfismo Referencias [1] Rademacher, H. y Toeplitz, O., "Números y Figuras", Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1970.

43. Home Singh Fermat, L'ultimo Giallo Della Matematica, Di Giulio
teorema di Fermat). E yutaka taniyama doveva uccidersi nel 1959.
Fermat, l'ultimo giallo della matematica , di Giulio Giorello
Wiles proves F. L. T se allora dunque L'Ultimo teorema di Fermat (in edizione italiana presso Rizzoli). Ben prima che Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) formulasse la sua congettura, i matematici greci avevano constatato come i familiari numeri interi - quelli con cui abitualmente contiamo: uno, due, tre, quattro dimostrato quello che empiricamente Il maestro di Pitagora, che si compiaceva del titolo di "filosofo", sembra essere perito in una rivolta. Qualche secolo dopo, Diofanto di Alessandria (III secolo a.C.), incapace di trovare pace "nella scienza dei numeri", pone "volontario termine alla vita". L'edizione rinascimentale dei suoi Libri aritmetici (dei tredici originari ci sono pervenuti i primi sei) capita nelle mani di Fermat, membro del Parlamento di Tolosa. Il magistrato si annoia e, mentre pare sonnecchiare, annota sul margine del testo le sue "osservazioni" (saranno pubblicate postume dal figlio). La dimostrazione di Wiles quella originaria di Fermat: un'impressionante mole di lavoro matematico separa il brillante inglese di Cambridge dal geniale "dilettante" di Tolosa (che rifletteva su Diofanto e molti altri affascinanti settori della matematica tra una condanna e l'altra; un testimone inglese ricorda la "commozione" suscitata quando aveva spedito al rogo "un prete che aveva abusato delle sue funzioni"). Fermat era stato soltanto fortunato, ingannandosi (o

44. Home Singh Dispongo Di Una Meravigliosa Dimostrazione Di Questo
Translate this page A un giovane matematico giapponese di questo secolo, yutaka taniyama, non bastòformulare un'acuta congettura che andava verso la soluzione del problema per

45. ? -
Discover, January 1989. Goro Shimura, yutaka taniyama and His Time VeryPersonal Recollections, Bull. London Math. Soc., 1989. B. Mazur
Encyclopaedia Britannica : Numbers Theory, Diophantine Equations, Diophantus, Fermat, Euler, Kummer, Gauss, Mordell, Weil. L. J. Mordell: Three Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem E. T. Bell: Men of Mathematics E. T. Bell: The Last Problem C. B. Boyer: A History of Mathematics W. W. Rouse Ball: Mathematical Recreations and Essays M. S. Mahoney: The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat Harold M. Edwards: Fermat's Last Theorem - A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory Paulo Ribenboim: 13 Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem Andre Weil: Number Theory - An approach through history Simon Singh: Fermat's Enigma: The Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem Ian Stewart: The Problems of Mathematics Keith Devlin: Mathematics: The New Golden Age L. E. Dickson, Fermat's Last Theorem and the Origin and Nature of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers, Annals of Math. Fermat's Method of Infinite Descent, American Mathematical Monthly, 1918, p. 333. Alonzo Church, An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory, American J. of Mathematics

46. FLT -The Book
The Japanese genius yutaka taniyama killed himself in despair, while the Germanindustrialist Paul Wolfskehl claimed Fermat had saved him from suicide.

47. Fermat's Enigma -Fermat's Last Theorem Discussion
In 1955 Goro Shimura and yutaka taniyama met at a mathematics symposium in Tokyo,and proposed The taniyamaShimura Conjecture All elliptical equations have a
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48. Math.albany.edu8010/g/Math/topics/fermat/bib-goss
them. Shimura, G. yutaka taniyama and his time. Very personal recollections,{\it Bull. Lon. Math. Soc.} 21 (1989), 186196. taniyama's

49. Ein Wahrhaft Wunderbarer Beweis ... [sciencegarden]
Translate this page der sich nie entscheiden konnte, ob er nun Mathematiker oder aufständischer Republikanersein wollte yutaka taniyama und Goro Shimura japanische Mathematiker



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Science's Next Wave
"Die Antworten auf die letzten Fragen der naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung werden wahrscheinlich sehr einfach sein; denn die Natur ist immer einfach in der Anlage."
Werner Heisenberg, Physiker u. Philosoph (1901 - 1976) April 2002
"Ein wahrhaft wunderbarer Beweis ..."
Im März hat Frank Berzbach auf Bücher zum Thema Bildung und Naturwissenschaften hingewiesen. Ein Buch, dass Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik durch spannende Themen und interessante Menschen näher bringt ist Simon Singhs "Fermats letzter Satz".
Wer immer schon der Meinung war, Mathematik sei spannend, der wird dieses Buch lieben. Wer schon immer der Meinung war Mathematik sei langweilig, den wird dieses Buch vielleicht vom Gegenteil überzeugen. Und wer eigentlich gar keine Meinung zur Mathematik hatte, der wird sich durch dieses Buch sicher eine bilden. Fermats Behauptung Im Mittelpunkt aller Berichte steht Fermats letzter Satz - ein Behauptung, die Generationen von Mathematikern in ihren Bann gezogen hat. Pierre de Fermat, geboren 1601, gilt als "Fürst der Amateure. Selbst Jurist, betrieb er Mathematik aus Spaß und Liebhaberei in seiner Freizeit. Er war genial, ohne dass er allzu viele seiner Mitmenschen daran teilhaben ließ. Er liebte es, Rätsel zu lösen, war jedoch zu ungeduldig, um Lösungen sauber zu dokumentieren.

50. Buchbesprechung: Simon Singh: Fermats Letzter Satz
Translate this page Als 2 junge Japaner, yutaka taniyama und Goro Shimura, damals eine neue Theorie aufstellten,wurde diese von der westlichen Gelehrten-Republik nur belaechelt.
Simon Singh: Fermats letzter Satz
Berlin Verlag, 364 Seiten, ATS 364,- 1. Fassung 28. April 98 Die perfekte Ueberraschung hat wieder einmal stattgefunden: Das Buch "Fermats letzter Satz" steht auf der Bestseller-Liste der Sachbuecher in Deutschland, und es wurden im deutschen Sprachraum bisher ueber 200.000 Exemplare verkauft. Das letzte Mal war es 1984 (also vor 14 Jahren), dass ein Buch mit naturwissenschaftlichen Inhalt zum Bestseller wurde: Douglas Hoftaedters "Goedel, Escher, Bach: Ein endlos geflochtenes Band". Doch das war (neben einer Einfuehrung in die Mathematische Logik und Artifizielle Intelligenz) zugleich auch ein literarisches Kunstwerk. "Fermats letzter Satz" ist hingegen nur ein Wissenschafts-Krimi und in einem journalistischen Aufdeckungs-Stile (a la Watergate) geschrieben. Also kurz ein Mathe-Krimi! Ich muss gestehen, dass ich selbst ein gelernter Mathematiker bin, und daher ueber diesen Erfolg von "Fermats letzter Satz" natuerlich hoechst erfreut bin. Doch muss ich auch ebenso gestehen, dass ich es ueberhaupt nicht verstehe, wieso die nicht-naturwissenschaftlich ausgebidelten Menschen sich so ein Buch kaufen? In meinen Augen muessen das Masochisten sein! Wie kann sich bloss ein Nicht-Mathematiker ein Buch ueber Mathematik kaufen, selbst wenn es ein Krimi ist? Das ist ja schon fast pervers. Doch umso mehr freut es mich, dass es geschieht. Und sogar mit so einem Erfolg! Das Buch ist natuerlich hervorragend geschrieben. Sein Autor, Simon Singh, ist eben ein Journalist und weiss daher wie man Buecher zu schreiben hat, damit sie auch verkauft werden. Und das Niveau ist so gehalten, dass man einen Einblick in die Materie bekommt, der allgemeine Leser jedoch nicht ueberfordert wird. Die Mathematik wird nur in homoeopatischen Dosen verabreicht, damit niemand an mathematischer Medikamenten-Vergiftung stirbt. Der ueberwiegende Stoff des Buches sind Geschichten und Anekdoten, aber auch die Zeitgeschichte der Mathematik, die zu unserer Jahrtausendwende immer mehr Bedeutung gewinnt.

51. Math@Net - O Último Teorema De Fermat
Translate this page Em 1954 dois jovens matemáticos japoneses, yutaka taniyama e Goro Shimura,iniciaram uma amizade porque Shimura ficara sabendo que o volume 24 do
O Último Teorema de Fermat
A história da demonstração da conjectura mais famosa da Matemática Um problema que desafiou os matemáticos por mais de 300 anos Baseado nos livros "O Último Teorema de Fermat" de Simon Singh, edição brasileira pela Editora Record, 1998, e no livro "Fermat’s Last Theorem:Unlocking the Secret of an Ancient Mathematical Problem" By Amir D. Aczel Delta - Trade Paperbacks A história mais famosa da Matemática Andrew Wiles demonstrou em 1994, finalmente, o Último Teorema de Fermat (UTF), um fato que se compara à descoberta de que o átomo é divisível ou à a descoberta da estrutura do ADN como observou John Coates, matemático de Cambridge, Inglaterra, ex-orientador de Andrew. Gerações de matemáticos foram envolvidos nesta batalha de cerca de 350 anos que influenciou, praticamente, toda a Matemática. Para Andrew o problema mais famoso da Matemática nestes últimos quatro séculos tornou-se uma obsessão desde quando, aos 10 anos de idade, pôs as mãos no livro de Eric Temple Bell, "O Último Problema". Este problema parecia tão simples mas os grandes matemáticos destes quatro séculos não puderam resolvê-lo. Andrew achou que tinha que ser ele a resolvê-lo. Pierre de Fermat era um Conselheiro da Câmara de Requerimentos de Toulouse, na França de 1631. Sua responsabilidade estava ligada à condenação de pessoas à morte na fogueira e porisso não podia ter muitas amizades. Em seu tempo livre dedicava-se à Matemática. Fermat ficou conhecido como o "Príncipe dos Amadores" por ter descoberto as leis da probabilidade, os fundamentos do cálculo diferencial e elegantes e difíceis teoremas sobre números inteiros.

52. WIDE > Member List
Ken Nakamura Masaya Nakamura Motonori Nakamura Osamu Nakamura yutaka Nakamura Masafumi TanakaYasuyuki Tanaka Takashi Taniguchi Hideki taniyama Kouichi Tashima
Board Member List
20 members, as of 2002/6/19 21:00:30 JST
Kenjiro Cho
Hiroshi Esaki

Yoshiki Ishida
Youki Kadobayashi
Akira Kato
Hiroyuki Kusumoto
Jun Murai

Motonori Nakamura
Osamu Nakamura
Masaya Nakayama

Hiroyuki Ohno
Keiko Okawa Atsushi Onoe Susumu Sano Yoichi Shinoda Hideki Sunahara Fumio Teraoka Kazumasa Utashiro Suguru Yamaguchi Kazuhiko Yamamoto
Member List
687 members, as of 2002/6/19 21:00:30 JST
Katsuhisa Abe Miki Abe Satoshi Abe Tatsutoshi Abe Manabu Adachi Reiji Aibara Hideyuki Aikawa Shigechika Aikawa Hiroyuki Aizu Eiji Akagi Masao Akimoto Hidenori Akinari Yukiyo Akisada Yuri Akita Toyokazu Akiyama Hidefumi Anan Tetsuo Aoki Hidekazu Arai Masaki Arai Akira Arakawa Masafumi Aramoto Seiji Ariga Hiroshi Arikawa Motoh Arimitsu Toshiya Asaba Hitoshi Asaeda Midori Asaka Tohru Asami Kazuo Asano Ahmed Ashir Rei S. Atarashi Yoshifumi Atarashi
Tatsuya Baba Tomomitsu Baba
Shuichiro Chiba Ken-ichi Chinen Kenjiro Cho
Susumu Date Tomosue Den Ning Ding Kazuo Doi Yusuke Doi
Jun Ebihara Tsuyoshi Ebina Hironori Egi Keijiro Ehara Hideyuki Endo Masahito Endo Zin Endou Thierry Ernst Hiroshi Esaki Masashi Eto Yutaka Ezaki
Alexander Frericks Masanori Fujie Shunsuke Fujieda Naoto Fujii Noboru Fujii Kenji Fujikawa Tadashi Fujimoto Hiroshi Fujimura Naomi Fujimura Atsushi Fujioka Tomohiro Fujisaki Kenji Fujisawa Shin'ichi Fujisawa Takahiro Fujita Kazuhiro Fujiwara Kazunori Fujiwara Toshiki Fujiwara Kensuke Fukuda Takeshi Fukuda

53. About WIDE Project : Member List
Nakamura Masaya Nakamura Motonori Nakamura Osamu Nakamura yutaka Nakamura Masafumi TanakaYasuyuki Tanaka Takashi Taniguchi Hideki taniyama Kazuyuki Tasaka

: Member List
In Japanese
Board Member List
20 members, as of 2003/3/17 11:00:30 JST
Kenjiro Cho
Hiroshi Esaki

Yoshiki Ishida
Youki Kadobayashi
Akira Kato
Hiroyuki Kusumoto
Jun Murai

Motonori Nakamura
Osamu Nakamura Masaya Nakayama Hiroyuki Ohno Keiko Okawa Atsushi Onoe Susumu Sano Yoichi Shinoda Hideki Sunahara Fumio Teraoka Kazumasa Utashiro Suguru Yamaguchi Kazuhiko Yamamoto
Member List
719 members, as of 2003/3/17 11:00:30 JST
Katsuhisa Abe Miki Abe Satoshi Abe Tatsutoshi Abe Manabu Adachi Yan Adikusuma Reiji Aibara Hideyuki Aikawa Shigechika Aikawa Hiroyuki Aizu Eiji Akagi Masao Akimoto Hidenori Akinari Yukiyo Akisada Yuri Akita Toyokazu Akiyama Hidefumi Anan Tetsuo Aoki Hidekazu Arai Ismail Arai Masaki Arai Yasuhiro Arai Akira Arakawa Masafumi Aramoto Seiji Ariga Hiroshi Arikawa Motoh Arimitsu Toshiya Asaba Hitoshi Asaeda Midori Asaka Tohru Asami Kazuo Asano Ahmed Ashir Rei S. Atarashi Yoshifumi Atarashi
Tatsuya Baba Tomomitsu Baba
Shuichiro Chiba Ken-ichi Chinen Tasuku Chiyo Kenjiro Cho
Susumu Date Tomosue Den Ning Ding Kazuo Doi Yusuke Doi
Jun Ebihara Tsuyoshi Ebina Hironori Egi Keijiro Ehara Hideyuki Endo Masahito Endo Wakana Endo Zin Endou Thierry Ernst Hiroshi Esaki Masasi Eto Yutaka Ezaki
Alexander Frericks Masanori Fujie Shunsuke Fujieda Kunihiro Fujii Naoto Fujii Noboru Fujii Kenji Fujikawa Tadashi Fujimoto Hiroshi Fujimura Naomi Fujimura Atsushi Fujioka Tomohiro Fujisaki Kenji Fujisawa Shin'ichi Fujisawa Takahiro Fujita Kazuhiro Fujiwara Kazunori Fujiwara Toshiki Fujiwara

54. PPT Slide
The final chapter in the story began in 1955, yutaka taniyama askedsome questions about elliptic curves, ie curves of the form.
PPT Slide
    • On May 1824 the uniqueness of factorization was proved for ideal complex numbers.
    • Kummer had used this principle to find regular primes and proved FLT for them.
    • September 1847, Kummer sent proved that for primes p that did not divide the numerator of Bernoulli numbers were regular primes and FLT could be proved for them.
      • The primes less then 100 that were not regular: 37,59, 67
      • For larger numbers Kummer, Vandiver continued to labor.
      • In 1915, Jensen proved that the number of irregular primes were infinite!!
      • The final chapter in the story began in 1955, Yutaka Taniyama asked some questions about elliptic curves, i.e. curves of the form
        y2 = x3 +ax + b for constants a and b
      • Further work by Weil and Shimura produced a conjecture, now known as the
        Shimura- Taniyama- Weil Conjecture.
      • In 1986 the connection was made between the Shimura- Taniyama- Weil Conjecture and
        Fermat's Last Theorem by Frey at Saarbrücken.
        - Other Mathematicians showed that a counter example to the conjecture would provide a counter example to FLT.
      Previous slide Next slide Back to first slide View graphic version
  • 55. Resenha - O Último Teorema De Fermat
    Translate this page Em 1955, yutaka taniyama e Goro Shimura, dois jovens matemáticos talentosos, desenvolveramuma conjectura que, sem perceberem, seria o grande passo para a
    Simon Singh
    x n + y n = z n , onde n representa 3, 4, 5, ... O Autor

    56. IMUS
    Translate this page Resumen. En 1955, yutaka taniyama conjeturó que toda curva elípticadefinida sobre el cuerpo de los números racionales es modular. 13-3-02.htm
    Miércoles, 13 de marzo, 2002 - 10:15 horas - Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Matemáticas
    Prof. Jordi Quer Bosor (Departamento de Matemática Aplicada II, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña) Curvas Elípticas Modulares. (Del Teorema de Fermat a la Conjetura de Birch y Swinnerton-Dyer) Resumen En 1955, Yutaka Taniyama conjeturó que toda curva elíptica definida sobre el cuerpo de los números racionales es modular. En 1995, Andrew Wiles demostró el teorema de Fermat probando la modularidad de ciertas curvas elípticas: las semiestables. En 2001, la conjetura de Taniyama ha sido finalmente demostrada. Uno de los problemas abiertos que centran actualmente los esfuerzos de los investigadores en Teoría de Números y Geometría Aritmética es la conjetura de Birch y Swinnerton-Dyer, la cual asegura que muchos invariantes aritméticos de una curva elíptica se pueden "leer" en el comportamiento de cierta función analítica asociada a la curva en cuestión. En las técnicas propuestas hasta ahora para abordar la demostración de esta conjetura, la modularidad de las curvas elípticas ha jugado siempre un papel esencial. Se trata, por cierto, de uno de los siete problemas por cuya solución el Instituto Clay ofrece un millón de dólares. El objetivo de la charla es introducir las curvas elípticas y las curvas modulares, explicar en qué consiste la conjetura de Birch y Swinnerton-Dyer, y mostrar la importancia de la modularidad para su estudio.

    57. Princeton - In The News
    The conjecture was originally posted by the late yutaka taniyama, a mathematicsgenius, and was developed into equations by Goro Shimura, a Princeton

    Princeton University
    Communications Office, Stanhope Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA
    Tel 609-258-3601, Fax 609-258-1301 Feedback
    Princeton in the News
    Enclosing directory
    The American Banker, February 14, 2001 Reed Warns: Banks Not Equipped for Crisis Former Citigroup Inc. chairman and chief executive officer John S. Reed, speaking in the first of two scheduled lectures at Princeton University, delivered a relatively pessimistic view of the banking industry's ability to manage risk. Mr. Reed, who retired from Citigroup in April, is a senior visiting fellow at Princeton's Bendheim Center for Finance. Roughly 100 people gathered Monday night to hear Mr. Reed's hourlong talk, "A Retrospective on the Banking Industry, 1965-2000." Risk managers in the banking industry should assume and plan for the worst by boosting reserves, Mr. Reed said. Risk management tools work well in helping banks get ready to handle potential problems along a relatively narrow continuum, but they are not equipped to deal with big shocks like stock market crashes, currency devaluations, or oil price spikes, he said. Despite all the time and money invested in improving bank systems, "risk management does not deal with discontinuities" or cataclysmic financial forces that upend the economic status quo, Mr. Reed said.

    58. Theoreme
    Translate this page Ainsi, la solution du problème de Fermat n'existe pas. Andrew Wiles. Barry Mazur.Kenneth Ribet. Jean Pierre Serre. André Weil. Goro Shimura. yutaka taniyama.
    Menu vie privée vie professionnelle amateur de génie ... Liens sur Fermat 350 ans de recherches sur la conjecture de Fermat
    Conjecture : nom que les mathématiciens donnent à un énoncé dont ils ne savent pas s’il est vrai ou faux.

    a conjecture de Fermat a n + b n = c n s'énonce simplement,.ce qui explique le nombre d'étudiants et d’amateurs qui se soient attaqués au problème. Nombre de mathématiciens et non des moindres ont consacré beaucoup de temps à tenter de résoudre cette énigme sans y parvenir complètement. Elle a même en engendré de nouvelles branches des mathématiques grâce aux différentes tentatives de résolution.
    D u XVIIème au XIXème siècles, ce sont les plus grands noms des mathématiques qui ont tenté de résoudre l'énigme : Léonard Euler, Sophie Germain, Adrien Legendre, Gustave Lejeune-Dirichet, Gabriel Lamé, Lebesgue, Ernst Kummer. Ils sont parvenus à démontrer le théorème pour certaines valeurs en fournissant un contre exemple mais non dans la généralité.
    n Allemagne, c'est le docteur Paul Wolfokehl qui offre en 1851 1 00 000 marks par testament à celui qui démontrera le grand théorème de Fermat. .

    59. The Japanese Journal Of Pharmcology
    Takeda, Katsura Tsukamoto, Yuka Mizutani, Tsunemasa Suzuki and Kohtaro taniyama. Okazaki,Akira Nakatsuma, Yuichi Mimaki, Hiroaki Araki and yutaka Gomita.
    Jpn J Pharmacol 79 (2) 1999
    Current Perspective
    Nitration Modifying Function of Proteins, Hormones and Neurotransmitters

    Toshio Nakaki and Tomoko Fujii

    Regular Papers
    Inhibition of the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor by TCV-116: Quantitation by In Vitro Autoradiography
    Keifu Song, Hironori Kanehara, Shinji Takai, Naotaka Shiota, Takeo Wada, Yoshiyuki Inada and Mizuo Miyazaki
    Supraspinal Neurotensin-Induced Antianalgesia in Mice Is Mediated by Spinal Cholecystokinin

    Blythe B. Holmes, Jodie J. Rady, David J. Smith and James M. Fujimoto
    Effects of NTE-122, a Novel Acyl-CoA:Cholesterol Acyltransferase Inhibitor, on Cholesterol Esterification and Secretions of Apolipoprotein B-Containing Lipoprotein and Bile Acids in HepG2

    Yukimasa Azuma, Takashi Kawasaki, Katsutoshi Ohno, Jiro Seto, Toshihiro Yamada, Masahiro Yamasaki and Yoichi Nobuhara
    Effects of NTE-122, a Novel Acyl-CoA:Cholesterol Acyltransferase Inhibitor, on Cholesterol Esterification and High-Density Lipoprotein-Induced Cholesterol Efflux in Macrophages

    Yukimasa Azuma, Takashi Kawasaki, Kiyohito Ikemoto, Katsutoshi Ohno, Toshihiro Yamada, Masahiro Yamasaki and Yoichi Nobuhara Antinociceptive Effect of Gosha-jinki-gan, a Kampo Medicine, in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice

    60. Lindsay Russell
    In 1984, Ken Ribet, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, connecteda conjecture produced by yutaka taniyama and Goro Shimura to Fermat’s
    Lindsay Russell
    October 22, 2002 FS 023 – Gödel Escher Bach
    Fermat’s Last Theorem
    The year is 1637. Pierre de Fermat sits in his library, huddled over a copy of Arithmetica written by the Greek mathematician Diaphantus in the third century A. D. Turning the page, Fermat comes across the Pythagorean equation: x + y = z He leans back in his chair to think and wonders if this property is limited to the power of two only. He bends over the book again, scanning ahead through the pages to look for any clues. Suddenly, he begins writing intensely in the margin: “ It is impossible for a cube to be written as a sum of two cubes, or for a fourth power to be written as the sum of two fourth powers or, in general, for any number which is a power greater than the second to be written as a sum of two like powers. I have a truly marvelous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.” These words, written so carelessly, were to survive to bewilder, frustrate and elude mathematicians of all kinds for centuries to come. This is the legend of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

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