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61. Fermer Translate this page à la musique mais plus tard à l'étude de la médecine, mathématiques, astronomie,chimie et philosophie d'un étudiant de hunayn ibn ishaq qui était bien http://www.ifrance.com/Farabi/razi.html | |
62. Adventures In CyberSound: Euclid ibn Matar, first for the Abbassid caliph Harun arRashid (ruled 786-809) and againfor the caliph al-Ma`Mun (ruled 813-833); by hunayn ibn ishaq (ruled 808-873 http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/EUCLID_BIO.html | |
63. Outline For Week III mun (r. 813833) founds the House of Wisdom, where translations into Arabic andSyriac were carried on on a large scale; headed by hunayn ibn ishaq (808-873 http://home.wlu.edu/~lubint/msr/week3.htm | |
64. Interpreting The Self 36 Toward a History of Arabic Autobiography 52 Arabic Autobiography and the LiteraryPortrayal of the Self 72 PART TWO Translations hunayn ibn ishaq (d. 873 or http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/8736.html | |
65. Title Harvey. hunayn ibn ishaq (died 873 AD), was a professional opticianmany years before Anton Van Leeuwenhoek and Galileo. Sholto http://my.cybersoup.com/africanchurch/digest.html | |
66. CommHarab12 Translate this page Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban At-Tabari,. Contemporain du hunayn ibn ishaq. Né d'une famillede savants chrétiens syriaques en 780 ou en 810 au Tabaristan 870. http://www.academiedentaire.org/commharab12.htm | |
67. ME Culture One of its most famous scholars was hunayn ibn ishaq, who eventually translated theentire canon of Greek medical works into Arabic, including the Hippocratic http://www.geocities.com/postclassical/ME_Culture.htm | |
68. Al Razi Translate this page na música, mais tarde no entanto ele aprendeu a medicina, a matemática, a astronomia,a química ea filosofia de um estudante de hunayn ibn ishaq, que era http://www.islam.org.br/al_razi.htm | |
69. Outline - Post-Classical Science - History Of Science Study Guide - Dr Robert A. 3. hunayn ibn ishaq (c. 850) translations of Galen, Ptolemy's astronomy,Euclid's geometry, other technical treatises. C.Mathematics. http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Teaching/HIS-SCI-S | |
70. Islamic World Net - Directory ALGHAZALI ABU RAIHAN AL-BIRUNI ABU RAIHAN MUHAMMAD AL-BIRUNI Abu 'Uthman 'Amribn Bahr al-Basri Al-Jahiz Abu Zayd hunayn ibn ishaq al-Ibadi Aids - Related http://islamic-world.net/links/islamic_science_sites.htm | |
71. Introduction To Islam Many of the accomplished translators were Christian Arabs such as hunayn ibn ishaq,who was also an outstanding physician, and others Persians such as Ibn http://www.iad.org/Islam/know.html | |
72. Midterm Exam Study Questions Be prepared to give illustrations of your argument with reference to the followingArab medical writers hunayn ibn ishaq (Johannitius), alRazi (Rhazes), Ibn http://www.nmsu.edu/~honors/304_midqu.html | |
73. Untitled Document twelfth and thirteenth centuries 6. Hoyland, Robert G., Theomnestus of Magnesia,hunayn ibn ishaq, and the beginnings of Islamic veterinary science 7. Jamil http://www.arisandphillips.com/IslamicReflections.html | |
74. Banu_Musa Translate this page Après hunayn ibn ishaq et Thabit ibn Qurra ont travaillé aussi dansla Maison de la Sagesse avec les frères Bani Moussa. Muhammad http://membres.tripod.fr/alkashi/Banimoussa.htm | |
75. A Farmácia E A História - Mundo árabe Translate this page de Abu Zakariya Yuhanna ibn Masawayh (777-857), conhecido na Europa por Mesué ovelho João Damasceno e do seu discípulo Abu Zayd hunayn ibn ishaq al-Ibadi http://www.terravista.pt/Guincho/1040/cursohsf05.html | |
76. Beth Mardutho Meltho Fonts The most celebrated translator of the period is hunayn ibn ishaq (d.873 or 877), the son of a druggist. In addition to translating http://www.bethmardutho.org/AboutSyriac/civilization.html |
77. Personalities In Islam Specifically Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi A certain hunayn ibn ishaq, a Christian, was in charge of translations from theGreek, Aristotle and Plato among the philosophers, Hypocrites and more http://www.islamic-paths.org/Home/English/History/Personalities/Content/Khwarizm | |
78. L'oeil : Une Caméra Haute Définition. Translate this page et, parmi eux, des traités sur la physiologie de la vision et ses applicationsmédicales un des plus célèbres savants arabes, hunayn ibn ishaq (808-873 http://wwwusers.imaginet.fr/~pol/1OEIL.html | |
79. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 95.08.06 of Naples, Leo, the Nativitas et Victoria Alexandri Magni; a nexus of Latin, Spanish,and Hebrew works connected to the Arabic texts of hunayn ibn ishaq (9th c http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1995/95.08.06.html | |
80. Cronologia Cap. 5 E 6 - Do Mundo árabe Ao Ocidente Cristão Translate this page c. 866. Morte de Al-Kindi, 873. Morte de hunayn ibn ishaq, lat. Johannitius,925. Morte de Razés, 1001. Árabes chegam à Índia. c. 1013. http://www.ff.ul.pt/~jpsdias/histfarm/cursohsf_cronologia03.html | |
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