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61. Niels Bohr Kort biografi om fysikeren, hans atommodel, det periodiske system og kvanteteorien.Category World Dansk Fysik Historie bohr, Niels...... Niels bohr blev i 1885 født to år før sin bror, harald bohr, der blev matematikerog professor ved Polyteknisk Læreanstalt og senere ved Københavns http://www104.thinkquest.dk/historie/his_bohr.htm | |
62. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s : Index Of Names 3 2318,21 24-5,8,10 26-2 27-2 29-8 30-1 0, 17 31-22 32-2 33-10,11 35-9,10,15,1836-10 37-8 38-20 39-6,7 41-13,16,17 42-7 45-3,8,14 bohr, harald (August) 4-2 6 http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pm05. | |
63. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Niels Bohr the University of Copenhagen. bohr had two siblings, one of which,harald bohr, would later become a distinguished mathematician. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/bohr.html | |
64. Bohr, Niels Henrik David See his collected works, ed. by León Rosenfeld (Vol. I, 1972). His brother,harald August bohr,. 18871951, a mathematician, taught http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE006621.html |
65. In English Articles. (a) harald Høffdings indflydelse på Niels bohrs erkendelsesteori (haraldHøffding's influence on Niels bohr's epistemology), Filosofiske Studier http://www.staff.hum.ku.dk/faye/in_english.htm | |
66. 233_Werner Heisenberg Translate this page Balmer, Johannn Jakob Becquerel, Antoine Cesar Becquerel, Antoine Henri Bernoulli,Daniel Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm bohr, Aage bohr, harald August bohr, Niels http://www.pas-berlin.de/chemie/ch-1/2_Atomistik/270_biographien.html | |
67. Bohr His Brother harald August bohr (22 Apr 1887 22 Jan 1951) was a famousmathematician. His Son Aage Niels bohr (1922 - ) is a Nuclear http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/course/97/qm97-1/pioneer/Bohr.html | |
68. The Bohr Model Of The Atom On June 19, 1912, Niels bohr wrote to his brother harald Perhaps I havefound out a little about the structure of atoms. . I. Setting the Stage. http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/Electrons/Bohr-Model-part1.html | |
69. Bohr, Niels Henrik David. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 3. His brother, harald August bohr, 18871951, a mathematician, taught (191530)at the College of Technology in Copenhagen and in 1930 became professor at http://www.bartleby.com/65/bo/Bohr-Nie.html | |
70. Niels Bohr Translate this page Niels bohr. (* 7. Oktober 1885 in Kopenhagen, + 18. November 1962 in Kopenhagen).Sohn des Physiologen Christian bohr, Bruder des Mathematikers harald bohr. http://www.wuerzburg.de/gym-fkg/schule/fachber/physik/lk9799/lk.13/bohr.html | |
71. KLUWER Academic Publishers | Niels Bohr: His Heritage And Legacy In the first part of the book Faye describes the close friendship between bohrand the Danish philosopher harald Høffding, who was bohr's mentor. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-1294-5 | |
72. Danske Avisers Fremstilling Af Naturvidenskabsmænd harald bohr Niels bohrs lillebror - havde siden 1915 været professor i matematikved Polyteknisk Læreanstalt, men blev i 1930 professor ved universitetet. http://www.dr.dk/Orbitalen/artikler/aau/naturvidenskabsmaend.asp | |
73. List Of Danes - Wikipedia Pure and Applied Mathematics harald bohr; AK Erlang; Thomas Fincke;Piet Hein; Georg Mohr; Niels Erik Nørlund; Julius Petersen; Caspar Wessel. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_notable_Danish_people | |
74. N.Bohr Short Bio & Quotes On his mother's side, he was of jewish descent. bohr had an older sister,Jenny, and a brother harald, who became a famous mathematician. http://www.ping.be/jvwit/NBohrshortbioquotes.html | |
75. Nachrufe Translate this page Boerner, Hermann (1906-1982), 86, 109-114 *. Bohl, Piers (1865-1921), 33,5-32. bohr, harald (1887- 1951), 55, 77 88. Bolza, Oskar (1857 1942), 3, 1-13*. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/nachrufe.html | |
76. INDEX Translate this page Frank de Boer, J. de Bogolubov, Nikolaj N. Bogolyubov, NN Bogolyubov, Nikolai NikolaevichBohannon, Philip Bohenblust, HF Bohman, Tom bohr, harald bohr, Niels http://www.cwi.nl/~wouter/DATA/pictures/names.html | |
77. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Etienne (398) Bôcher, Maxime (564*) Bochner, Salomon (149*) Boethius, Anicus (1033*)Boggio, Tommaso (436) Bohl, Piers (442) bohr, harald (616*) bohr, Niels http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
78. Niels Bohr - Biography son of Christian bohr, Professor of Physiology at Copenhagen University, and hiswife Ellen, née Adler. Niels, together with his younger brother harald (the http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1922/bohr-bio.html | |
79. Niels Henrik David Bohr Niels bohr's home was one filled with openness and refinement. He lived in the homewith his parents and his younger brother, harald, and his older sister Jenny http://www.ceemast.csupomona.edu/nova/bohr.html | |
80. Staff List bohr, Tomas, Adjoint Professor, (353)25342. bohr, Aage, Emeritus, (353)25252. Christensen,Lise Bech, Christiansen, Peter harald Lindenov, Ph.D. student, 353 25269. http://www.fys.ku.dk/Personlister/Personer.aspx?orgid=203&sprog=engelsk |
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