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         Ahmes:     more books (38)
  1. Number: From Ahmes to Cantor by Midhat Gazale, 2000
  2. The Sarcophagus of Anchnesraneferab, Queen of Ahmes II, King of Egypt: About B.C. 564-526 by Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, 2001-09-13
  3. The Sarcophagus of Anchnesraneferab, Queen of Ahmes Ii, King of Egypt by E. A. Wallis Budge, 2010-03-28
  4. Ein Mathematisches Handbuch Der Alten Aegypter (German Edition) by August Eisenlohr, Ahmes, 2010-03-16
  5. Gems of Ahmes; Inspirational Writings by Lorraine (Rev. ) Lavani, 1974-01-01
  6. Ahmes
  7. Amenophis I. und Ahmes Nefertari (Deutsches Archaologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo; Sonderschrift) (German Edition) by Gabi Hollender, 2009-05-15
  8. Soldat de L'égypte Antique: Horemheb, Paatonemheb, Ahmès Fils D'abana, Maiherpri, Ahmôsé (French Edition)
  9. Mémoire sur l'inscription du tombeau d'Ahmès, chef des nautoniers. by EMMANUEL. DE ROUGÉ, 1851-01-01
  10. Reine de L'égypte Antique: Bérénice Ii D'égypte, Cléopâtre Vii, Hatchepsout, Néfertiti, Ahmès, Iâhhotep, Arsinoé Iv, Néférousobek (French Edition)
  11. Number: From Ahmes to Cantor -- w/ Dust Jacket by Midhat Gazale, 2000-01-01
  12. Ancient Egyptian Scribes: List of Ancient Egyptian Scribes, Ahmes, Setau, Nakhtmin, the Seated Scribe, Amenhotep, Son of Hapu, Hesy-Ra, Nebamun
  13. Mémoire sur l'inscription du tombeau d'Ahmès chef des nautoniers, par M. Emmanuel De Rougé (French Edition) by Emmanuel Rougé, 1853-01-01
  14. The Sarcophagus of Anchnesraneferab Queen of Ahmes II King of Egypt by E. A. Wallis Budge, 2010-09-10

81. Ancient Mummies
Royal Ancient Mummies. Nefertari ahmes. Tetisheri. Queen Ahmose Inhapi. Womanin Tomb of Amenhotep II. Lady Rai Nurse of Nefetari ahmes. Maiherpri.
Royal Ancient Mummies
Nefertari Ahmes
Queen Ahmose Inhapi
Woman in Tomb of Amenhotep II
Lady Rai
Nurse of Nefetari Ahmes
Queen Meryt Amun 18th Century
Crocodile Mummy

References Adams, Barbara (1988) Egyptian Mummies, Alyesburg Bucks, UK: Shire Publishers LTD. Brier, Bob (1994) Egyptian Museum: Unraveling the Secrets of Ancient Art. New York: William Morrow Harris, James E. and Wente, Edward F. (Eds.) (1992) X-Ray Atlas of the Royal Mummies Partridge, Robert (1994) Faces of the Pharaohs: Royal Mummies and Coffins from Ancient Thebes. London: the Rubicon Press Ikran, Salina and Dodson, Aidan (1998) Royal Mummies in the Egyptian Museum. Cairo: The American University Cairo Press Ikran, Salima and Dodson, Aidan (1998) The Mummy in ancient Egypt: Equiping the Dead for Eternity. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press Smith, G. Elliott and Dawson, Warren (1991) Egyptian Mummies. New York: Kegan Paul International

82. Docencia
Translate this page ahmes Autor Jesús García López de Lacalle Año 1994 Uso Realización de prácticasde Matemática Discreta y Geometría Computacional. Notas diversas.
Jesús García López de Lacalle
Publicaciones docentes
  • Álgebra y Geometría
    Autores: Foulquié M., García-López J., Lías A.I., Martínez A. y Miñano R.
    Editorial: Dpto. de Publicaciones de la EUI (UPM)
    Matemática Discreta
    Autores: Blanco G., Carreño J.J., de la Cruz A., Foulquié M., García-López J., Gómez F. y Lías A.I.
    Editorial: Dpto. de Publicaciones de la EUI (UPM)
    Mathematisches Praktikum mit DERIVE
    Autores: Chumillas V., Coronado J.L., Corral A., García A., García F., García-López J., López P., Martínez A., Miñano R., Rincón F., Ruiz B. y Villen J.
    Editorial: Addison-Wesley Año: Prácticas de Matemáticas con DERIVE Autores: Chumillas V., Coronado J.L., Corral A., García A., García F., García-López J., López P., Martínez A., Miñano R., Rincón F., Ruiz B. y Villen J. Editorial: Glagsa Año:
Desarrollo de software con fines docentes
  • Ahmes Autor: Jesús García López de Lacalle Año: Uso: Realización de prácticas de Matemática Discreta y Geometría Computacional
Notas diversas
  • Curso de Geometría Computacional Aplicada Autor: García-López J.

83. Straight Dope Staff Report: Who Invented Pi?
century). About 1650 BC the text was copied by a scribe named ahmes(or Ahmose), after whom it is called the ahmes papyrus. (It
Home Page Message Boards News Archive ... FAQs, etc. A Staff Report by the Straight Dope Science Advisory Board
Who invented pi?
17-Sep-2002 Dear Straight Dope: Hey for my Algerbra class, our teacher told us that we could get extra credit if we told him Who Invented Pi (mathmatically speaking) so I thought this would be the perfect place to turn to. Soo… WHO INVENTED Pi? Thanxs for your help Soccer Princess PS: Could you e-mail the answer to me @ both these e-mail adresses: [deleted]. Thanks so Much !!!!!! S~ SDSTAFF bibliophage replies: Lest anyone think we're in the homework business, this question arrived March 15, 2000. We figure Soccer Princess has surely flunked out by now. First, let's get one thing straight. Being a number, pi ( p =3.14…) isn't really an invention. If anything, it's a discovery. You wouldn't ask who "invented" three-quarters, or the square root of two, or 69, would you? Okay, maybe the last one wasn't such a great example. There are really several questions here, and of course I have all the answers. Who was the first person to realize the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter is constant? Who was the first person to realize the fundamental importance of this ratio in finding other quantities, such as areas and volumes? And finally, who was the first person to use the Greek letter p to designate this ratio? The answers, respectively, are "I don't know," "I'm not sure," and "It's complicated."

84. Agora SA
I tak bylo przez pierwsze 2 lub 3 lata, choc znaczacy udzial w tych rzadachmiala takze prawdopodobnie ahmes, jej matka. Atmosfera domu rodzinnego.
O firmie Przedsiêwziêcia Rynek reklamy Dla inwestorów ... Prasa bezp³atna

W ramach og³oszonej w 2001 strategii rozwoju, Agora rozpoczê³a inwestycje w sektorze magazynów. W kwietniu 2001 r. spó³ka kupi³a niszowy "City Magazine", a w pierwszym kwartale 2002 powiêkszy³a sw± dzia³alno¶æ wydawnicz± kolejne tytu³y magazynowe nabyte od wydawcy Prószyñski i S-ka. Dzi¶ spó³ka posiada 16 magazynów (12 miesiêczników, w tym jeden bezp³atny, jeden kwartalnik, trzy roczniki).
W sk³ad pakietu wchodz± nastêpuj±ce tytu³y:


City Magazine

Cztery K±ty
Wiedza i ¯ycie

Sekretariat: Agora SA ul. Czerska 8/10 00-732 Warszawa tel. (0-prefiks-22) 555 67 70 faks (0-prefiks-22) 555 66 64 e-mail: Kontakt z mediami: Beata Nowacka Agora SA ul. Czerska 8/10 00-732 Warszawa tel. (0-prefiks-22) 555 67 71 faks (0-prefiks-22) 555 66 64 e-mail: Wersja do druku bez polskich liter Ostatnie wydarzenia Setne wydanie miesiêcznika "Dziecko". Nowa formu³a i format "Poradnika Domowego". Nowy miesiêcznik motoryzacyjny "AUTO+". Wspó³praca miesiêcznika "Dziecko" z Fundacj± Wielkiej Orkiestry ¦wi±tecznej Pomocy.

85. Egyptian Papyri
them. The Rhind papyrus. ahmes, in the Rhind papyrus, illustrates theEgyptian method of multiplication in the following way. Assume Papyri.htm
Mathematics in Egyptian Papyri
Egyptian index History Topics Index
In the article An overview of Egyptian mathematics we looked at some details of the major Egyptian papyri which have survived. In this article we take a detailed look at the mathematics contained in them. The Rhind papyrus
, in the Rhind papyrus, illustrates the Egyptian method of multiplication in the following way. Assume that we want to multiply 41 by 59. Take 59 and add it to itself, then add the answer to itself and continue:- to see that 41 = 32 + 8 + 1. Next check the numbers in the right hand column corresponding to 32, 8, 1 and add them. Notice that the multiplication is achieved with only additions, notice also that this is a very early use of binary arithmetic (see below). Reversing the factors we have: Notice that for this method to work we need to know that ever number is the sum of powers of 2. The ancient Egyptians would not have had a proof of this, nor would have appreciated that a proof was necessary. They would just know from practical experience that it could always be done. Basically we can think of the method as writing one of the numbers to base 2. In the examples above we have written and Division works also using doubling. For example to divide 1495 by 65 we proceed as follows:

86. Wie Die Alten Ägypter Rechneten
Translate this page ahmes nimmt an, der Haufen besteht aus 7 gleich großen Teilen. Dafür stehtim Text Eine solche Division stellte für ahmes keine Schwierigkeit dar.
Home Rechnen Algebra Geometrie ... Kontakt Fortsetzung vom rechten Rand 7/1 und 1/7 In heutiger Schreibweise bedeutet das y = 7x
x = (1/7)y
x = 19/8 verdoppeln halbieren
Und das ist das Ergebnis der Division.
gelesen. Hier noch einmal zur Erinnerung die Tabelle mit den Zahlen-Hieroglyphen. Zahlen wurden durch Gruppierung bzw. Anordnung geschrieben, siehe auch die unten stehenden Beispiele.
Du legst 2 Spalten an. In die 1. Spalte schreibst Du 47 und in die 2. Spalte 1. Jetzt musst Du nur noch von Zeile zu Zeile verdoppeln. Jetzt setzt Du den Faktor 24 aus den Zahlen der 2. Spalte zusammen z.B. 8+16=24
47 x 24
47 x 24
47 x 24
47 x (16 + 8) Jetzt stellst Du folgende Staffelrechnung an: also gilt: 329 = 16 x 12 + 8 x 12 + 2 x 12 + 1 x 12 + 5 = (16 + 8 + 2 +1) x 12 + 5 demnach ist: 329 : 12 = 27 5/12 = 27 + 1/3 + 1/12 Wir erinnern uns daran, wie die Ägypter ihre Bruchzahlen schrieben. Sie setzten über die Zahlen-Hieroglyphe für den Nenner die Hieroglyphe für "Mund", also ein Oval. Und sie kannten bis auf die beiden Ausnahmen 2/3 und 3/4 nur Stammbrüche. Alle anderen Brüche wandelten sie in Stammbrüche um. Wenn man ihre Schreibweise in unsere Schreibweise überträgt, würde es vielleicht so aussehen:

87. The Official Athletic Site For NC State University Athletics Women's
Jassawalla and Virginia Romero picked up their first win as a team in the numbertwo match with a 83 victory coming against Aimee Charest and Laura ahmes.

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Wolfpack Sports Marketing Wolfpack Club Facilities ... E-mail this article Myrna Bawono clinched the match for the Wolfpack versus the Terriers with a win in the number three singles. Women's Tennis Home HEADLINES Match With Winthrop Cancelled Due to Rain Wolfpack Set to Host Eagles and Monarchs Wolfpack Drops Match to Seminoles, 6-1 RELATED LINKS OCSN Newswire Women's Tennis Takes Down Terriers, 6-1 Wolfpack is now 3-0 at home March 2, 2003 Raleigh, N.C. - NC State defeated Boston University Saturday afternoon on the courts of the Cary Tennis Complex. The Wolfpack won with a 6-1 advantage, dropping only the number one singles match. The Pack is 3-2 overall, and 3-0 at its satellite home facilities on the season. The Wolfpack grabbed an early lead, picking up two of the three doubles matches for the point. Myrna Bawono and Kristin Lam were the first to finish, dropping the Terrier tandem of Lindsey Dynof and Elena deMendoza, 8-2. Jennifer Jassawalla and Virginia Romero picked up their first win as a team in the number two match with a 8-3 victory coming against Aimee Charest and Laura Ahmes. NC State rallied to 6-6 after being down early in the third match, but

88. Storia Della Matematica
Translate this page I numeri presso gli Egiziani. Il papiro di ahmes. 7 (2+1/4+1/8) + (2+1/4+1/8) =19. x= 7(2+1/4+1/8) ossia x= 16 + 1/2+1/8 come ci dice ahmes verificando che. della matematica/storia_
La scuola di Atene - Raffaello Le origini Le origini della matematica sono più antiche della scrittura. Erodoto e Aristotele erano poco inclini a far risalire le origini della matematica a un'epoca più antica della civiltà egiziana . Erodoto sosteneva che tale disciplina fosse sorta in quella regione per rispondere al bisogno pratico di misurare le terre dopo le periodiche inondazioni del Nilo . Aristotele era dell'opinione che fosse stata l'esistenza in Egitto di una classe agiata di sacerdoti a stimolare lo studio della geometria. I punti di vista di Erodoto e di Aristotele sono rappresentativi delle due opposte teorie sugli inizi della matematica: l'una che vede le origini dalle necessità pratiche ,l'altra nell'agiatezza e nelle cerimonie rituali della classe sacerdotale.Il fatto che i geometri egiziani venissero indicati col nome di tenditore di corde può essere invocato a sostegno sia dell'una che dell'altra teoria. Il metodo delle corde Nell'antico Egitto,quando si doveva costruire la base quadrata di una piramide,per ottenere gli angoli retti,si adoperava il cosiddetto metodo della corda,che quindi risale almeno al 2900 a.C. Ecco di cosa si tratta : si prende una corda lunga 12 unità di lunghezza,e avente nodi che la dividono in parti,lunghe rispettivamente 3,4,5:si fissino nel suolo due paletti,distanti 4 unità .Fra i due paletti si tenda la parte di mezzo della corda : si tendano poi le altre due parti,lunghe 3 e 5 , fino ad incontrarsi in un punto.Si osserva che il triangolo ottenuto è rettangolo.

89. 1804
Translate this page Grabkammer. An den Seiten der inneren Thür ist rechts der KönigAmenophis I und links dessen Mutter ahmes-nufre-ari abgebildet.
Grabmalereien aus Theben Malerei auf Lehmverputz
aus Theben, Deir el-Medina
Grab TT 359
20. Dynastie, um 1187-1150 v.Chr.
Inv. 2060, 2061
in situ Professor Dietrich Wildung

Home Zettelkasten

90. Naturlige Udfordringer
tilnærmelse til I 1858 fandt historikeren Henry Rhind nogle gamle ægyptiske papyrusskrifterved Nilen skrevet af den ældste matematiker, vi kender til, ahmes
page_print_url = '/udfordringer/pi/tilnaermelser/index_print.html';
Hvad er pi?
Vi ved i dag at = omkreds / diameter. Navnet og symbolet for , som et tal. Indhold i udfordring Intro Hvad bruges pi til? Find pi med dartskive Vidste du det om pi? ... Udfordring som pdf

91. ,BEDMAN, Instituto Estudios Antiguo Egipto, Antiguo Egipto, Egipto, Egiptlogia,
Translate this page La primera reina de la dinastía XVIII que utilizó el título de Esposa del Dios,fue ahmes-Nefertary9. La titulación de esta reina se nos antoja confusa.
EL ORIGEN DE LAS ESPOSAS REALES DE LA DINASTÍA XVIII Y SU VINCULACIÓN CON EL TÍTULO DE ESPOSA DEL DIOS. Por Teresa Bedman. Correo: Los antiguos egipcios creían, como aún lo hace algún pueblo en la actualidad, que por medio de la sangre se trasmitían todas las esencias espirituales que eran necesarias para poder alcanzar el equilibrio y la Maat establecida desde el principio de los tiempos. La tradición contaba que tras la Creación, varios dioses varones se sucedieron en el trono de Egipto, pero que más tarde, ya en época histórica, el trono fue ocupado por hombres cuya esencia espiritual era divina. El papel desempeñado por la mujer en todo este proceso fue primordial pues ellas también poseían una naturaleza similar a la del varón, ya que eran la personificación misma de Nut , la diosa del cielo. Ciertas mujeres de la familia real, formaban parte del mito de Kamutef , según el cual, Nut se tragaba al sol cada noche, naciendo de nuevo de ella, al amanecer, renovándose de

92. Admiral Ahmose
A simple hieroglyphic reading passage from Dynasty XVIII
Admiral Ahmose Relates His Deeds Introduction Ahmose, son of Ebana, was born in the town of Nekheb. He served under the reigns of three kings - Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, and Thutmose I. His career started in the war against the Hyksos under Ahmose I. He followed Ahmose and his successors, Amenhotep I and Thutmose I on campaigns in Nubia, Palestine and Syria, during which he distinguished himself for his bravery. His biography is written in his tomb at El Kab (the ancient Nekheb) and is one of our most important documents for the history of the early 18th dynasty. The text given here is part of the beginning of this biography. Note: Go to Next Page Return to Ancient Egypt Resources Send comments and questions to

93. King Ahmose
Ahmose (about 15501525 BC). First king of the 18th Dynasty and the NewKingdom. The defeat of the Hyksos is the main event of his reign.
Homepage Timeline Maps A-Z index ... Learning Ahmose (about 1550-1525 BC) First king of the 18th Dynasty and the New Kingdom. The defeat of the Hyksos is the main event of his reign. Later he also campaigned in south Palestine and in Nubia.The events are basically known only from biographies of officials. Ahmose started to redevelop the country. There is attestation for building activity in Abydos (cenotaph or tomb) and Thebes (Karnak). Horus name: Aakheperu
Nebty name: Tutmesut
Golden Falcon name: Tjestawy
Prenomen: Nebpehtire
Nomen: Ahmose Burial place: unknown, probably originally Abydos ( Harvey 1994 Attestations in the Petrie Museum: Part of dating on stela UC 14402 (detail) faience plaque from Gurob tomb 82 Further Attestations:
  • Mentioned in the biography of Ahmose at Elkab ( Sethe 1906 Mentioned in the biography of Ahmose Paennekheb at Elkab ( Sethe 1906 Inscription of the treasurer dated under the king found at Maasara near Tura ( Sethe 1906 Stela of the king found at Karnak ( Sethe 1906 Stela found at Abydos concerning the king's mother Tetisheri ( Sethe 1906 Mentioned on a stela from Edfu ( Sethe 1906
  • Bryan 2000 (monograph on the reign and the campeigns of the king)

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