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61. The 2001 Ahlfors-Bers Colloquium every three or four years there has been a major conference in the United Stateswhich has focused on the outgrowths of the work of lars ahlfors and Lipman http://www.math.uconn.edu/~abcolloq/b_what.php | |
62. 5_01auteurs.html Translate this page ahlfors, lars 1907-1996. 30. Lectures in memory of lars ahlfors / Robert Brooks,Mikhail Sodin (Ed.). - Ramat-Gan, Israel Bar-Ilan University, 2000. http://dmawww.epfl.ch/BIBLIO_DMA/catalogue_dma/nouveautes/5_01auteurs.html | |
63. Ja-Lu TITLE VOL Lactic acid, Holten CH, Chimie, 1971, 13, lars Valerian ahlfors collctedpapers, 2 vols, ahlfors, lars Valerian, Birkhauser, 1982, 41, Learn http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jpla/jpbklstJaLu.htm | |
64. Catálogo De Autores ahlfors, lars Valerian, 1907(1); ahlfors, lars Valerian, 1907 http://biblioteca.unet.edu.ve/ALEXANDR/CATALOGOS/bcunet/Cat.Aut_01.HTM | |
65. CONFORMALITY WITH RESPECT TO RIEMANNIAN METRICS. BY LARS VALERIAN AHLFORS. HELSI BY lars VALERIAN ahlfors. http://kirke.hbz-nrw.de/dcb/Alle_004/Buecher_21/in_NRW_57/000943055.html | |
66. Helsingin Yliopiston Opettaja- Ja Virkamiesluettelo 1918-200.Matemaattis-luonnon Virka perustettiin 1938. 193845 ahlfors, lars Valerian (* 1907 1996) 1948-75Elfving, Erik Gustav (* 1908 1984) 1975- Illman, Sören Arnold (* 1943). http://www.helsinki.fi/keskusarkisto/mateml/matluonntdkmatematiikka.htm | |
67. New Books August 2001 QA333 A45 1960 (Gift) ahlfors, lars Valerian, 1907. RIEMANN SURFACES, BY larsV. ahlfors AND LEO SARIO. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1960. http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2001-08.htm |
68. Complex Analysis ahlfors, lars Valerian. Complex Analysis An Introduction to the Theory of AnalyticFunctions of One Complex Variable, 3rd ed. New York McGrawHill, 1979. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/ComplexAnalysis.html | |
69. Sci.math: Frequently Asked Questions [2/3] Year Name Birthplace Age Institution 1936 ahlfors,lars Helsinki Finland 29 Harvard U USA 1936 Douglas, Jesse New York NY http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/FAQ/msg00022.html | |
70. Table Of Contents Translate this page cosmologiques de la relativité. 154. . ARTICLE, ahlfors, lars Zur Bestimmungdes Typus einer Riemannschen Fläche. 173. . ARTICLE, Locher, L | |
71. Table Of Contents Translate this page Verschlingungsintegrals. 25. . ARTICLE, ahlfors, lars Ueber die Kreise,die von einer Riemannschen Fläche schlicht überdeckt werden. 28. . | |
72. INDEX Translate this page A. Aggarwal, JK Aghetta, Louis Antoine Aghvami, A. Hamid Agmon, Shmuel Agrawal, DharmaP. Agrawal, Divyakant Agre, Gennady ahlfors, lars Valerian ahlfors, lars http://www.cwi.nl/~wouter/DATA/pictures/names.html | |
73. Markus Församling 799 155. Församlingssekreterare är IngeMay Sevonius. Församlingen har två prästerkyrkoherden (se ovan) och en kaplan, lars-Olof ahlfors, 799 267 (tj). http://www.helsinginseurakuntayhtyma.fi/prosteri/html/markusny.html | |
74. New Series: Brooks, R. /Sodin, M. (eds. ). Lectures in Memory of lars ahlfors. Distributed worldwideby the AMS. Contents R. Brooks ? lars ahlfors (19071996) W. Abikoff ? http://www.yurinsha.com/325/p4.htm | |
75. Royal Statistical Society Centre For Statistical Education African Education, Primary 3 Mathematics, African Education, 1964, . ahlfors,lars V, Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966, Card No 65-20106. http://science.ntu.ac.uk/rsscse/library_database/text_books.htm | |
76. Ahlfors Maps, The Double Of A Domain, And Complexity In Potential Theory And Con Steven Be Ll (Correct) Similar documents based on text More All 0.2 SomeGeometric Aspects of the Work of lars ahlfors Brooks (1996) (Correct) 0.2 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/434425.html | |
77. MAI: Lite Mat Abstract In 1938 lars ahlfors found a beautiful generalization of the classicalSchwarz lemma in complex analysis, which gave new insights inte the http://www.mai.liu.se/LiteMat/latest/ | |
78. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s : Index Of Names W. 56,7 23-3,6,11 Adams, CR, mathematician at Brown 41-1 Adams, Edwin Plimpton16-3,5 44-6 Addison, John 19-1,2 Agnew, Ralph P. 4-6 ahlfors, lars V. 3-1 18 http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pm05. | |
79. New Books, Fine Hall Library, Princeton University: January 2002 1979, QA331 .A45 1979 c.2, Complex Analysis, ahlfors, lars V. 1970, QA329 .4.P3513, Linear Differential Operators With Constant Coefficients, Palamodav,VP. http://www.princeton.edu/~finelib/jan02bks.html | |
80. New Books, Fine Library, Princeton University: January 2001 William. 1966, QA331 .A45 1966, Complex Analysis, ahlfors, lars V.1962, QA43 .P62 vol.1, c.2, Mathematical Discovery, Polya, George.1952, http://www.princeton.edu/~finelib/jan01bks.html | |
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