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61. Nanopage Malcolm Brown's Nanopage ongoing research in the structure and synthesis of nanostructures and high resolution transmission electron microscopy and specialized light microscopy. http://www.botany.utexas.edu/facstaff/facpages/mbrown/nanopage/ | |
62. Croatian Society For Electron Microscopy first congress of croatian society for electron microscopy. Announcing the the1 st Congress of CSEM, to be held May 13 th 16 th 1999 in Zagreb, Croatia. http://public.srce.hr/csem/ | |
63. EM.html The electron microscopy and Xray Diffraction facility offers services to the academic and industry communities and informs about facilities, services and hourly user fee rates. http://www.physics.bc.edu/EMXRD/index.html | |
64. CSC Visualization Group electron microscopy Tomography (EMT) of DNADepleted Human (HeLa)Cell-Line Chromosome. The information shown here was presented http://www.csc.fi/jpr/emt/movies/chromosome.html | |
65. Food Microstructure And Microorganisms Current history of food structure studies in North America with links to structures of foods, foodborne microorganisms, electron microscopy techniques used in food science, and contributions by guest food microscopists. http://anka.livstek.lth.se:2080/foodmi.htm | |
66. The 3D-EM Home Page 3Dimensional electron microscopy. This page collects information about forCell Biology, Protein Society). 3D electron microscopy Labs. http://3dem.sdsc.edu/ | |
67. Bloomsbury Centre For Structural Biology - Homepage News, events, vacancies, downloads from group established in 1998 combining bioinformatics, crystallography, electron microscopy, and NMR, for research on gene and protein structure, expression and function relationships. http://www.bcsb.lon.ac.uk/ | |
68. Electron Microscopy Of Food And Microorganisms Examples of colorenhanced micrographs of food and bacteria using electron microscopy. http://anka.livstek.lth.se:2080/microscopy/foods&bact.htm |
69. SCANDEM - The Nordic Microscopy Society http://www.scandem.lu.se/ | |
70. ProSciTech Instruments + Supplies For Microscopy & Science: Online - Is Best But Offers a range of accessories used in both light and electron microscopy. http://www.proscitech.com.au/ | |
71. X-ray Diffraction Services (XRD) - H&M Analytical Services, Inc. Offers Xray diffraction services and electron microscopy studies, with expert witness and litigation support from Allentown, NJ. http://www.h-and-m-analytical.com/ | |
72. GilderGrids.co.uk Manufacture an extensive range of high quality specimen support grids for use in transmission electron microscopy. All types are held in stock for same or next day despatch. http://www.gildergrids.co.uk/ | |
73. Electron Microscopy electron microscopy. Return to the histotechnology menu. The following grayscaleelectron micrographic images are available file sizes average 100 to 160k http://medlib.med.utah.edu/WebPath/HISTHTML/EM/EM.html | |
74. Dr. R. S. Daniel HomePage Biology and electron microscopy expertise. Based in California. http://www.csupomona.edu/~rsdaniel/ | |
75. ANL Microscopy And Microanalysis WWW Server From Ants to Atoms A Virtual Laboratory. Plasma Cleaning Technology forContamination Mitigation in Analytical electron microscopy. Maps to ANL. http://www.amc.anl.gov/ | |
76. Dept. Of Pharmaceutical Technology, EM Laboratory The Laboratory for electron microscopy is a central facility of the Pharmaceutical Technology Department. It is specialised to support all internal projects and also interacts with related projects of other university departments or partners. http://www.uni-jena.de/~b7drma |
77. UNB ELECTRON MICROSCOPY UNIT electron microscopy UNIT. UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK,.CANADA. Fax 506453-3583. Mail electron microscopy Unit, UNB. Bag Service 45111. http://www.unb.ca/emunit/ | |
78. VERY EARLY MICROSCOPY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS VERY EARLY electron microscopy IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS, THEUNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. A PERSONAL RECOLLECTION. John HL Watson. http://www.physics.utoronto.ca/~interact/microsco/microscopy.htm | |
79. Rowaco Vacuum & Electron Microscopy For Scandinavia Scandinavian retailer for vacuum and electron microscopy equipment. http://www.rowaco.com/ | |
80. Slovene Society Of Electron Microscopy (SDEM) News Statues Executive Cuncil Address Membership Aplication Forms RegularMembers Sustaning Memebrs Link to Others EMS Companies of Interest http://www2.arnes.si/~sgszmera1/sems.html | |
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