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1. Sport And Exercise Psychology Health Sports Psychology Comprehensive listing of health and sports psychology information and professional http://spot.colorado.edu/~collinsj | |
2. Psychological Science On The Net!!! Psychology Topics/Sports - Health Sports Psychology Comprehensive listing of health and sports psychologyinformation and professional resources online.(Added 1999-10-26 Hits 5 http://www.psychologicalscience.net/Psychology_Topics/Sports_-_Health/ |
3. Health And Sports Psychology Web Directory. Top / Science / Social Sciences / Psychology / Health andSports Psychology The Relationship between Stress and Performance http://www.reference.com/Dir/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Health_and_Sport | |
4. Counseling Psychology Information Psychology Links Main Page. health and sports psychology. Health Psychology. http://www.counselingpsychology.net/psylinks/health.html | |
5. Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Health_and_Sports URL http//www.pitt.edu/~tawst14/healthpsy.htm Health Sports Psychology Comprehensivelisting of health and sports psychology information and professional http://www.science-and-research.com/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Health_an | |
6. The Optimal Performance Institute Nutrition, sports psychology, natural health, naturopathy and health club management. http://www.opi.edu | |
7. WebGuest - Open Directory : Science : Social Sciences : Psychology : Health And Top Science Social Sciences psychology health and sports (32). Biofeedback@(61); Motivational Products and Services@ (1). See also http://directory.webguest.com/index.cgi/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Healt | |
8. Health Education I For The Mind And Body Offering manuals on sports psychology and stress mangement and a cassette tape on relaxation and focusing techniques. With product and ordering information. http://www.apthealth.com/ | |
9. Psychological Science On The Net!!! Psychology Topics/Sports - psychology (AAASP) provides information about Intervention/Performance Enhancement,health psychology, and Social psychology within the context of sports. http://www.psychologicalscience.net/Psychology_Topics/Sports_-_Health/Sports_Psy |
10. Health Courses on community health and sports studies, nursing and midwifery, occupational therapy, psychotherapy, applied psychology and physiotherapy. http://www.aut.ac.nz/faculties/health/ | |
11. Risktaking.co.uk - Why Take Risks? The Psychology Of Risk Taking An introduction to the psychology of risktaking behavior, focusing upon the personality profiles associated with high-risk sports and health-risk behaviors. http://www.risktaking.co.uk/ | |
12. Human Kinetics Home Page A publisher of numerous sports and recreation resources including books and videos.Category Business Publishing and Printing Nonfiction sports...... health Fitness Instructor's Handbook4th Edition Edward of Sport Exercise psychology-3rdEdition 2nd Edition American College of sports Medicine Interactive http://www.humankinetics.com/ | |
13. NZ Army New Zealand Army recruitment site, recruiting officers and soldiers for a range of jobs and careers including SAS, firefighting, police, teacher, education, telecommunications, chef, hospitality, psychology, health care, medical and sports coaching. http://challenge.army.mil.nz | |
14. Sports Psychology 2. health sports psychology Comprehensive listing of health andsports psychology information and professional resources online. http://www.health-nexus.com/sports_psychology1.htm | |
15. OBIRIN UNIVERSITY Offers B.A. degrees in English, Chinese, languages and information studies, psychology, health and sports science, arts and culture, economics, international studies, business, as well as advanced degrees in international studies. In Machida City. http://www.obirin.ac.jp/index-e.html | |
16. Sports Psychology 11-20 Search healthNexus for Match ALL words. sports psychology. 11. Mind Plus Muscle- sports psychology and mental training programs. 12. http://www.health-nexus.com/sports_psychology_11-201.htm | |
17. Sports Psychology You are here Home health and Life Sciences sports sports psychology,Login. InfoTree logo, QuickLinks . http://infotree.library.ohiou.edu/bysubject/health-and-life-sciences/sports/spor | |
18. Psychwatch - Sport Psychology Page Sport psychology Journals ACSM's health and Fitness Journal; Insight a new onlinesport psychology journal. British Journal of sports Medicine; Journal of http://www.psychwatch.com/sport_psychology.htm |
19. Health And Sports In Science > Social Sciences > Psychology The Cyclotherapist Cycling Performance Enhancement, and sports psychology. Amonthly column on cycling performance topics. Division of health psychology. http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Health_and_Spo | |
20. Health And Sports Website Results :: Linkspider UK on critical and qualitative approaches to health psychology. The Cyclotherapist The Cyclotherapist - Cycling Performance Enhancement, and sports psychology. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Science/SocialSciences/Psychology/HealthandSports/ | |
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