2. Ideals
Let C be a category.
If (r1 , r2): Y --> X
is a pair of parallel arrows then we say that r = (r1,
r2) is a 2-arrow
in C; the common domain (resp. codomain) of r1
and r2 is called the domain
(resp. codomain) of r. A 2-arrow
r = (r1, r2) is uniform
if r1 = r2. Any ordinary arrow t:
Y --> X (also called a 1-arrow)
determines a uniform arrow (t, t): Y --> X .
It is obvious how to define the compositions of 2-arrows:
If r = (r1, r2): Y -->
X and s = (s1, s2): Z
--> Y are two 2-arrows we define rs to be the 2-arrow
rs = (r1s1, r2s2):
Z --> X.
With these 2-arrows we obtain a new category C2
having the same objects as C. The original category is naturally
a subcategory of this new category if we identify each 1-arrow t
with the uniform arrow (t, t).
A 2-arrow with X as codomain is called a 2-element
of X. Denote by 1X
the set of 2-elements of X.
Any arrow f: Y --> X determines a map 1Y
--> 1X sending each
2-element r of Y to the 2-element fr
of X. We simply write f for this map.
Denote by 0X (or simply
0) the set of uniform 2-elements
of X. Note that 0X
is non-empty because it contains the uniform 2-element (1X,
1X). If f: Y --> X is an arrow then
the subset f-1(0) is called
the 2-kernel of f, denoted by
Definition 2.1. (a) A set of 2-elements
of X is called a 2-kernel if
it is the 2-kernel of some arrow t: X --> Z.
(b) A set a of 2-elements of X is called a 2-ideal
(or simply ideal ) of X if it
is an intersection of some 2-kernels.
Denote by I(X) the set of ideals of X.
Remark 2.2. (a) A set a of 2-elements
of X is an ideal if and only if there is a collection {hi:
X --> Zi} of arrows such that
a = iker(hi)
= {r 1X
| hir1 = hir2 for all i}.
(b) An ideal of X is a sieve on X as an object in C2.
The collection of ideals is closed under intersection in 1X.
Thus I(X) is a complete lattice with
= . Any set T of
2-elements of X generates an ideal (T) of X, which
is the intersection of all the ideals (or 2-kernels) containing
T. An ideal of an object X is called a 2-principal
ideal if it is generated by a 2-element of X.
Remark 2.3. (a) Any ideal is an intersection
of 2-kernels.
(b) Any ideal is a join of 2-principals.
(c) Suppose any pair of parallel arrows has a coequalizer. Then any
2-principal is a 2-kernel. Thus any ideal is a join of 2-kernels.
(d) Suppose any arrow has a kernel pair. Then any 2-kernel is
a 2-principal ideal. Thus any ideal is an intersection of 2-principles.
(e) If finite limits and finite colimits exist, then the set of 2-kernels
and that of 2-principals are identical.
Example 2.3.1. (a) 0
is the smallest ideal of X.
(b) The set 1X is the
largest ideal of X (take an empty {hi}), called
the unit ideal of X.
(c) An ideal a of X is called proper
if a
1X .
Remark 2.4. Suppose f: Y
--> X is an arrow.
(a) If g: X --> Z is any arrow, then
= f-1(g-1(0X))
= f-1(ker(g)).
It follows that if a is a 2-kernel of X, then f-1(a)
is a 2-kernel of Y. Since any ideal a of X
is an intersection of 2-kernels ai, we
f-1(a) = f-1(Ç
ai) = Ç
Thus f-1(a) is an ideal. We obtain a mapping I(X)
--> I(Y) sending each ideal a of X to the
ideal f-1(a) of Y, denoted also by f-1.
Clearly f-1: I(X) -->
I(Y) preserves intersections (i.e. meets) of ideals.
(b) If S is any set of 2-elements of X, the image
f(S) generates an ideal of Y, denoted by (f(S)).
We obtain a mapping f*: I(Y)
--> I(X) sending each ideal a of Y to the
ideal f*(a) = (f(a)).
(c) Since f* is the left adjoint of f-1,
it preserves joins. Thus if {ai} is a set of ideals
of X and
ai is the ideal generated by
ai, then f*(
ai) =
Remark 2.5. Suppose f: Y -->
X is an arrow and S is a set of 2-elements of Y.
Denote by (S) and (f(S)) the ideals generated by S
and f(S) respectively. Then f*((S))
= (f((S))) = (f(S)).
Remark 2.6. Suppose f: X --> Y
is an arrow. Then
(a) f*(0) = 0.
(b) f-1(1) = (1).
(c) f*(1) = 0
if and only if f-1(0)
= 1, i.e. ker(f) = 1.
(d) If a is a proper ideal of X then there is an arrow
f: X --> Z such that f*(a)
= 0 and f*(1)
0 (thus 0
Remark 2.7. The following are equivalent
for an arrow f: Y --> X:
(a) f is a monomorphism.
(b) ker(f) = 0.
(c) f: 1Y -->
1X is injective.
(d) f is a monomorphism in the category C2.
Next we shows that the notion of unitary arrow introduced in (1.3)
can also be defined in terms of ideals (note that here by null
or unitary we always mean right
null and right
Proposition 2.8. (a) An arrow t:
X --> T is null if and only if t*(1)
= 0 (i.e. ker(t) = 1).
(b) An object Z is null if and only if Z has only one
ideal (i.e. 0 = 1
is the only ideal).
(c) An arrow f: Y --> X is unitary if and
only if f*(1) = 1.
(d) An object X is unitary if and only if the codomain of any
arrow t: X --> T with t*(1)
= 0 is terminal.
Proof. (a) t is null if and only if t(1X)
0, i.e. t*(1)
= 0, or equivalently, ker(t)
= 1.
(b) Z is null if and only if any 2-element of Z
is uniform, i.e. 0 = 1.
(c) We have f*(1)
= 1 if and if there is no arrow t:
X --> Z such that t*(f*(1)
= 0 and t*(1)
0 by (2.6.d). By (a)
this is equivalent to that there is no arrow t: X -->
Z such that tf is null but t is not null, i.e. f
is unitary.
(d) follow from (a) and the definition of a unitary object. n
Remark 2.9. (a) If f: Y
--> X is not unitary then there is an arrow g: X
--> Z such that Z is not null and (gf)*(1)
= 0 (this follows from (2.6.d)
and (2.8.c)).
(b) It follows from (a) that a category is unitary if and only if f*(1)
0 for any arrow f: X
--> Z with Z non-terminal.
Proposition 2.10. An object is simple
if and only if it is unitary with exactly two ideals.
Proof. (a) Note that the condition (1.11.a)
in the definition of a simple object is equivalent to that 0
1 for X. If X is simple
then these two ideals are the only 2-kernels of X. Since
any ideal is an intersection of 2-kernels, these are the only ideals
of X. Also X is unitary by (1.13).
Conversely assume X is unitary with exactly two ideals. Then
(1.11.a) holds as mentioned above. If
f: X --> T is an arrow to a non-terminal object
T, then f is not null, thus ker(f) = 0,
which means that f is monomorphic. n
Corollary 2.11. An object in a unitary
category is simple if and only if it has exactly two ideals. n
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