2.6. Analytic Topologies
Definition 2.6.1. A framed
topology on A
is called subnormal
if for any object X and any non-isomorphic open embedding v:
V --> (X) of
locales there is a non-initial map t: T --> X such that (t): (T)
® (X)
is disjoint with v.
Example (a) The framed topologies
discussed in ( are subnormal.
(b) All the metric topologies given in [Luo
1995a, Example (2.2.1) - (2.2.3)] may be viewed naturally as subnormal
framed topologies.
Proposition 2.6.2. A framed topology
is subnormal iff any unipotent cover
consisting of open effective subobjects is an open effective cover.
Proof. First suppose
is subnormal. Given a unipotent cover {ui: Ui
--> X} consisting of open effective monos. Let v: V --> (X)
be the join of { (Ui)}.
We have to prove that {ui: Ui --> X}
is an open effective cover, i.e. V = (X).
We prove it by contradiction. Assume that V is a proper sublocale
of (X). Then by
(2.6.1) there is a non-initial map t: T
--> X such that (t): (T)
--> (X) is disjoint
with v. Then t is disjoint with each ui
by (2.5.4.a). But this is impossible as
by assumption {ui} is a unipotent cover. Thus V = (X),
i.e. {ui} is an open effective cover on X.
Conversely, assume the condition is satisfied. Suppose v:
V --> (X) is
a non-isomorphic open embedding of locales, which is a join of open effective
sublocales (vi): (Vi)
--> (X) by (2.5.2.b).
Then {vi} is not unipotent by assumption. So we can find
a non-initial map t: T --> X which is disjoint with each
vi. By (2.5.4.a) (t)
is disjoint with the join v of (vi).
This shows that is subnormal
by definition (2.6.1).
Proposition 2.6.3. (a) A framed topology
is subnormal iff every open sieve is normal.
(b) The open divisor D( )
of a subnormal framed topology
is subnormal.
Proof. (a) First suppose
is subnormal. Consider an open sieve U on an object X, which
is the pullback of an open embedding v: V --> (X)
of locales (i.e., a map s is in U iff (s)
factors through v). To see that U is normal we have to prove
that if t: T --> X is a map dominated by U, then t
is in U, i.e. (t)
factors through v. Assume that this is not the case. Then (t)-1(V)
is a proper open sublocale of (T).
Since is normal we can
find a non-initial map s: S --> T such that (s)
is disjoint with (t)-1(V).
Thus (t°s)
is disjoint with V. Hence ts is disjoint with U. But
this contradicts the fact that t is dominated by U. This
shows that U is normal.
Conversely assume that any open sieve is normal. Suppose v:
V --> (X) is a non-isomorphic
open embedding of locales. The open sieve U determined by V
is a proper normal sieve on X. Thus U is not unipotent. So
we can find a non-initial map t: T --> X which is disjoint
with U. This means in particular that t is disjoint with
an open effective cover of V. Thus (t): (T)
--> (X) is disjoint
with v by (2.5.4.a).
(b) Suppose is subnormal
and u: U --> X is an open effective mono, then u generates
an open effective sieve, which is normal by (a). Thus u is normal.
We now show that a subnormal framed topology is completely determined
by the subnormal divisor of open effective monos.
Proposition 2.6.4. (a) Suppose D
is a subnormal divisor on A. Then the functor D
generated by D is a subnormal framed topology on A.
(b) A subnormal framed topology
is equivalent to the subnormal framed topology D( ).
Proof. (a) We already know from (2.4.2)
that D
is a functor from A to the category of locales and (X)
= 0 iff X is initial; each D-sieve on X
may be viewed naturally as an open sublocale of (X).
Since any D-mono u: U --> X is normal, a map
t: T --> X factors through u iff it is dominated by
u, and the later is equivalent to that (t)
factors through (u).
Also one can show easily that (u): (U)
--> (X) is an
open embedding of locales. Hence u and (u)
is open effective for .
By (2.4.1) any D-sieve is
generated by a set of D-monos U = {ui:
Ui --> X}, thus any open sublocale of (X)
is a join of open effective sublocales. This shows that
is a framed topology, which is subnormal by (2.6.3.a).
(b) Suppose is a subnormal
framed topology. The open divisor D( )
of is subnormal by (2.6.3.b),
and open sieves coincide with D( )-sieves.
We obtain a mapping from (X)
to D( )(X),
which is a natural isomorphism.
Corollary 2.6.5. (a) A subnormal framed
topology is spatial
iff for any non-initial object X the locale (X)
has a point.
(b) If A is locally
atomic then any subnormal framed topology on A
is spatial.
Proof. These follow from (2.4.6)
in view of (2.6.4).
Definition 2.6.6. (a) If A
has pullbacks the framed topology N
generated by the normal divisor N of normal
monos is called the normal
(b) If A is an extensive category the framed
topology E
generated by the extensive divisor E of direct
monos is called the extensive
(c) If A is an analytic category the framed
topology A
generated by the analytic divisor A of analytic
monos is called the analytic
Clearly the normal topology is the finest subnormal framed topology
on a category A with pullbacks. If A
is a coflat disjunctable analytic category (e.g. a topos) then any normal
mono is analytic, thus the normal and analytic topologies are the same
in this case. On the other hand, if A is an
analytic category in which any strong mono is an intersection of direct
monos (e.g. the category of Stone spaces), then analytic category reduces
to extensive topology. Some special cases of extensive topologies have
been studied by several authors (see, for instance, Barr
and Pare [1980] and Diers [1986]).
We will study the main properties of these canonical topologies in Chapter
Definition 2.6.7. Suppose A
is an analytic category.
(a) A divisor is called subanalytic
if it consists of analytic monos.
(b) A framed (or metric) topology on A is
called subanalytic if it is generated
by a subanalytic divisor.
Definition 2.6.8. (a) We say a framed
topology is strict
if the Grothendieck topology T( )
defined by open effective covers is subcanonical (i.e., any representable
presheaf of sets is a sheaf) (see (2.5.7)).
(b) An analytic category is called strict
if its analytic topology is strict.
In practice most of the natural framed topologies are subanalytic. The
general rule is that if a natural analytic category is not strict (i.e.
its analytic topology is not strict), then it carries another natural strict
subanalytic framed topology which is more useful than the analytic topology.
Example (a) The analytic
topologies of the categories of topological spaces, locales, or coherent
spaces are not strict, yet each of these categories carries a natural strict
subanalytic topology defined by the inclusion functor to the category of
(b) The analytic topologies of the categories of Hausdorff
spaces, affine schemes, or Stone spaces are strict.
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