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101. Fundamentals of HVAC Building
102. Hvac Design Guide For Tall Commercial

101. Fundamentals of HVAC Building Systems Design, Vol 2
by Jack L. Burton
Paperback: 159 Pages (1998-10-09)
list price: US$49.00 -- used & new: US$233.26
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 0139075933
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan
Editorial Review

Product Description
This practical applications workbook — and its accompanying design software — helps students develop specific HVAC system design habits and methods.It provides three sample problems (and solutions) for each new concept discussed — the first is worked out entirely, the second is a guided practice, and the third is unsolved. An introduction to HVAC, standard design procedures, and application problems are included. ... Read more

102. Hvac Design Guide For Tall Commercial Buildings
by Donald E. Ross
 Paperback: 112 Pages (2004-12-31)
list price: US$59.00 -- used & new: US$107.81
(price subject to change: see help)
Asin: 1931862451
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan

Customer Reviews (1)

4-0 out of 5 stars HVAC Design Guide For Tall Commercial Buildings
Books is full of detailed engineerig data and information but they are "hidden" in big amount of text.
Needs patient to extract core information from the text.
Lack of tables and more complicated examples. ... Read more

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