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Introduction from the book
== THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE AT 1-877-453-3711.
Here's the introduction:
This is a book about recreational slowpitch softball. It is written by two passionate, enthusiastic softball players for the benefit of other passionate, enthusiastic softball players. Simply put, we want to share all that we know about this great game to help others play closer to the limits of their potentials, which will help them have more fun and enjoyment.
In 2001, more than 20 million players enjoyed recreational slowpitch softball in the United States. From Bangor to Burbank, you'd be hard-pressed to find a community that doesn't have some sort of league activity. From the high profile, multi-field complexes to the semi-dormant elementary school ballfields, the softball community is large and vibrant.
Despite this great level of interest in recreational slowpitch softball, the pool of formal instruction is surprisingly shallow. Other sports, in particular golf, tennis, running, and weight training, are flooded with "how to" books and magazines, yet the softball shelves at bookstores and newsstands are surprisingly bare. Instruction for fastpitch and overviews for beginners don't do much to address the needs of 20 million recreational slowpitch softball players who want to improve their level of play.
Even baseball books can be frustrating. Aren't you tired of mentally translating "baseball" to "softball" or "ball" every time you read it? Frankly, hitting a 90 mile-per-hour pitch in four-tenths of a second is significantly different than waiting for a high arcing pitch to float through the strike zone. Some theories are obviously the same, but there are notable differences.
Recreational slowpitch softball players should not have to mix-and-match bits and pieces of instruction from baseball, golf and tennis to play their own sport. Serious Slowpitch Softball attempts to fill what we believe is an obvious and expansive void: to provide instruction and advice for people who already play recreational slowpitch softball, but want to play it better.
Serious Slowpitch Softball, through a series of essay-style chapters, presents different perspectives and suggestions to help you "improve your game." We hope the points that seem obvious to you serve as useful reminders. We also hope the points you disagree with are outweighed by the other material where you say to yourself, "Of course! Why didn't I think of that!" If the scales tip in that direction, (and we believe they will), this book will be a valuable asset.
Serious Slowpitch Softball does not describe how to field a grounder. It does, however, offer tips and direction to refine and improve the skills you already have, especially those concerning batting, training, and the mental aspects of the game. Coaching and playing each defensive position also receive focused attention.
So here it is. Two softball maniacs draining their brains and spilling their guts, offering practical, straightforward, modern, player-tested tips for the recreational slowpitch softball players who want to "take it up a notch." You know how to play already. We're here to help you play better, and Improve Your Game.
Jim Ramsey
Gene Smith
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