Editorial Review Product Description Do you ever dream of racing? If you have the desire to drive in wheel-to-wheel road racing events, but do not know how to make this sport a reality, this book is a must-read. "Go Ahead - Take the Wheel" describes the process for you to easily get off the sidelines and begin participating in motorsports from autocrossing, high performance driving events, time trials, to wheel-to-wheel club racing. Have you ever wondered exactly how much it will cost to participate in these various forms of racing? This book actually lays it all out with actual costs, what's needed versus items that would be "nice to have", and various budgets. In this book you will learn how to: Race on your budget - from economy to extravagant; maximize "seat time" - get the most racing for your buck (including free track time!); modify your car to produce the greatest amount of gains; overcome the most common obstacles; gain racing experience before you have a racecar; build your own racecar on a realistic budget; become a front-running driver. Not only is this book extremely informative, it's also fun to read. So stop watching & start racing! ... Read more Customer Reviews (18)
Solid and practical "how to" advice for someone interested in getting involved in motorsport
This book fits a very practical need for the motorsports enthusiast who wants to get involved in motorsport with their own car, and needs to learn and understand what it involves in terms of money and preparation.Most books in this niche space address "how" to drive.This book addresses how to prepare to get your car and yourself in a position where you "can" drive.For the uninitiated that can be initimidating enough to keep them from even trying.Mr. Gran's book takes all of that away as an excuse to not give it a try, and in an infectiously enthusiastic and joyful exhuberance shared openly by someone who has learned a lot, and generously shares it.There isn't another book at this time that serves this purpose exclusively, or any part of another book that does it as well.Knowing what you will be getting into and how to measure it will allow the reader to make an informed decision on whether this is something they can responsibly embrace on their budget.While the book helps prepare to engage in wheel to wheel racing programs with proper event sanctioning sponsors, much of it is equally applicable to the growing number of HPDE and time attack drivers, who can benefit from Mr. Gran's insights and advice.
Very Informative.
I hope to put this to good use. Really opens your eyes to things as far as not spending money on things you can't or are not allowed to need.
Liked it.
Liked it overall. Good section on safety tells racing no worse than parachuting, hang gliding, and sky diving. Convinced me that I might be better with an arrive-and-drive deal rather than prepping my own car. If you like prepping your own he tells you what is important
Invaluable - great introduction, will save you a fortune of money!
Dave's book is great. I read it when I started getting into motor sports this season, and it was a fantastic guide into getting one's feet wet at autocrosses, then move on to performance driving schools, and I will use it to move on into club racing.
I met Dave at a driving school where he was my instructor; he is a great guy, experienced and very supportive, interested in sharingwhat he knows to help a newbie get on the track.
What's important is how this book saves you a fortune. Dave tells you what you need and don't need to get started: every beginner, including myself, would probably first spend a ton of money on car performance and racing-related items, maybe even a fast car. Not only is much of that unnecessary, much of it may even not be allowed in sanctioned competitive events. The book tells you what forms of racing and classes there are and what you need to do to compete. It is also a good starting point with web links etc. to get further information.
There is just a ton of advice from someone who went through every stage of club racing himself and knows first-hand what issues will come up if you choose to race, on and off the track. It's even funny!
If you want to get started with racing, or are even just pondering the idea, this book will be the best few dollars you ever spent.
Got to read this one
This is one of those books with a literal title and a book that I cannot refrain from recommending strongly. If you have any interest in auto racing (and, really, who shouldn't?) this is the book you want to read first, no matter what kind of race cars you daydream of. With a direct language, a captivating prose and a hearty, contagious enthusiasm, Dave Gran details all the steps basically anyone can take to be able to start a racing adventure and to begin to enjoy the thrills of speed and automotive competition on a budget most people will be able to afford. Although it may appear to be impossibility to most (it certainly did seem impossible to me until very recently), Dave's point is in fact correct: yes you can - get into your own race car! The book is chockfull of useful, current and detailed practical advice which I have found to be accurate. I only wish I had read it a few years back.
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