Daito-ryu Hakuho-kai daitoryu Itto-ryu in PA, August 5/6, 2, 1/7/02 103141 am by RobertWolfe, Robert Wolfe. daito-ryu (Hakuho Kai) at the Itten Dojo, http://pub16.ezboard.com/fsamuraibujutsufrm39
Extractions: LA STORIA DEL DAITO-RYU AIKIJUJUTSU IN BREVE Il Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu è un antico stile di jujutsu giapponese, presumibilmente introdotto da Minamoto Yoshimitsu nell'undicesimo secolo; originariamente era solo praticato dai samurai della classe più elevata nella famiglia Takeda del feudo Kai, nel Giappone settentrionale. Signore supremo del feudo Takeda Shingens morì nel 1573, ed il suo parente Takeda Kunitsugu si trasferì nell'Aizu (feudo), dove divenne sorvegliante del feudo stesso. Kunitsugu introdusse il Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu nell'Aizu , dove l'arte segreta del combattimento era insegnata ai signori, alle signore feudali ed ai samurai della classe più alta. SAIGO TANOMO (1829-1905) Ïl sistema feudale cessò dopo la restaurazione Meiji nel 1868. Saigo Tanomo, l'erede del Daito-ryu e Karo, vassallo supremo di Matsudaira Katamori signore dell'Aizu (feudo) disse a Takeda Sogaku " Il tempo della spada affilata é finito. Voglio che tu tramandi alle future generazioni il Daito-ryu. "
Daito-ryu Story THE STORY OF daitoryu AIKIJUJUTSU. Seigo Okamoto adhered to Kodo Horikawa'scall to spread the knowledge of daito-ryu Aikijujutsu. http://space.tin.it/sport/madelle/daito-ryu.htm
Extractions: THE STORY OF DAITO-RYU AIKIJUJUTSU Feudal over-lord Takeda Shingens died in 1573, and his kinsman Takeda Kunitsugu moved to the Aizu fiefdom, where he became Jito overseer of the fief. Kunitsugu introduced Daitoryu Aikijujutsu at the Aizu fiefdom, where the secret fighting art was taught only to the feudal lords and the highest ranking samurais and ladies in waiting. MASTER SAIGO TANOMO (1829-1905) T he feudal system was broken down after 1868 when the Meiji-restoration begun. Saigo Tanomo, the heir to Daito-ryu and Karo supreme vassal of Matsudaira Katamori at that time lord of the Aizu fiefdomu told Takeda Sogaku: "The time of the sharp edge is over. I want you to pass on Daitoryu to the generations to be". Saigo Tanomo gave all the techniques of Daito-ryu to Takeda Sogaku, who, in the beginning of the twentieth century, as the first used the term "Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu" and taught the art of it to many students. MASTER TAKEDA SOGAKU (1859-1943) T T akeda Sogaku was a master of Ono ha itto ryu and Jiki shinkage ryu and in addition to his skills as a sword fighter he carried a license for the bugei ju happan the eighteen types of weapons and Hozoin Sojutsu. Sogaku taught Daito-ryu from the beginning of the twentieth century until his death in 1943.One of his best known students was Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido.
Extractions: This is a fascinating and authoritative look at Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu. It has many B/W photos, and at the end of the book, it also shows a representative sampling of Daito-ryu techniques. I especially enjoyed reading this book because it helps lay to rest some of the myths surrounding one of the earliest Judoka, Shiro Saigo. If I were training in Aikido or Daito-ryu, this book would easily rate 5 stars. Definitely take a look at this one, if you can. Contents An Introduction to Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu .. 9 Modern-day Bokuden ....................... 35 Tokimune Takeda .......................... 41 Yukiyoshi Sagawa ......................... 79 Kodo Horikawa ............................ 89 Takuma Hisa ............................. 107 Keisuke Sato ............................ 137 Katsuyuki Kondo ......................... 153 Seigo Okamoto ........................... 179 Daito-ryu Technical Sampler ............. 190 Appendix: Daito-ryu Organizations ....... 203 Index ................................... 209 From the Back Cover:
Aikido Journal - Videos And Books We look forward to serving you! 39th AllJapan daito-ryu Demo YokomenuchiNishio Aikido Volume 5. daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Katsuyuki Kondo. http://aikinews.com/catalog/relproducts.asp?subc=Daito-ryu
DAITO-RYU AIKIJUJUTSU Translate this page daito-ryu AIKIJUJUTSU. C'est en effet de l'art secret réservé aux dirigeantsde ce clan que sont nées les techniques du daito-ryu. http://www.aikidoquebec.com/DaitoRyu.htm
Extractions: L'histoire du DAITO-RYU, littéralement école du grand Est, est d'abord l'histoire médiévale d'un clan guerrier japonais, le clan Takeda . C'est en effet de l'art secret réservé aux dirigeants de ce clan que sont nées les techniques du DAITO-RYU. Le clan Takeda a inscrit son nom de façon glorieuse dans tous les principaux conflits militaires japonais. Ainsi, l'école DAITO-RYU traça son chemin à travers l'histoire de façon immuable en dépit des révolutions, des guerres, des troubles sociaux et des duels, et ce jusqu'à aujourd'hui. La tradition martiale fait remonter l'origine de l'art jusqu'à un grand chef de guerre japonais, Shinra Saburo Minamoto No Yoshimitsu . Minamoto Yoshimitsu est connu pour avoir été le premier à étudier sur le corps des soldats tués au combat l'effet des coupes de sabre, des frappes et des clés afin de mettre au point ses propres techniques appelées alors AIKI-IN-YO-HO L'AIKI-IN-YO-HO continua à se développer au cours des siècles pour devenir l' OSHIKI-UCHI (traduction littérale : Art de défense de la cour). L'OSHIKI-UCHI était un art martial se pratiquant à mains nues ou avec armes dont le plus célèbre maître fut
100Links - Schede - DAITO-RYU AIKIJUJUTSU Translate this page Sei qui Home » Sport » Arti Marziali » daito-ryu AIKIJUJUTSU. Clicca quiper visitare il sito. Il nostro giudizio Complessivo daito-ryu AIKIJUJUTSU. http://100links.supereva.it/schede/452.html
Extractions: Su 100Links Su superEva Siti italiani Tutte le lingue Altre ricerche Sei qui: Home Sport Indoor Arti Marziali Sito controllato il 09 Gennaio 2003 DAITO-RYU AIKIJUJUTSU Pagina ufficiale della "Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Seishinkai International Association", ovvero l'associazione giapponese creata nel 1992 dopo la morte del soke Tokimune dai suoi più esperti allievi. Questa associazione è l'unica riconosciuta e abilitata all'insegnamento e allo sviluppo dell'Aikijujutsu Daito-Ryu.
Extractions: Ogni persona interessato a studiare la " Mainline " (la linea principale) dell'aikijujutsu può contattarci e prenotare una lezione gratuita nel dojo E' inoltre possibile contattare direttamente l'istruttore Pagina parzialmente in costruzione Webmaster Per maggiori informazioni sul DAITO-RYU visitate il sito ufficiale della nostra scuola: http://www.daito-ryu.com/
Daito-Ryu-sida daitoryu AIKI-JUJUTSU. Kostnaden är inte speciellt hög. Vad är då daito-ryuaiki-jujutsu? och varför tränar vi det? Svaren finns längre fram i texten! http://home.swipnet.se/~w-25481/daito.htm
Extractions: DAITO-RYU AIKI-JUJUTSU Klubben har ett nära samarbete med Takumakai i Japan, vi är den enda klubben i Sverige som är ansluten till Takumakais organisation. Detta samarbete innebär främst att vi får förmånen att träna för Shinichiro Umei sensei . Han gästar oss två gånger per år. Dessa träningsläger är öppna för alla. Kostnaden är inte speciellt hög. Vad är då Daito-ryu aiki-jujutsu och varför tränar vi det? Svaren finns längre fram i texten! Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu För ca fyra hundra år sedan skapdes mängder av "budoskolor", anledningen var att Japan under en mycket lång tid var ett land i krig. För befolkningen var det nödvändigt att lära sig självförsvar för sin egen och sina familjers skull. Syftet var att överleva, inte slåss. Skrivtecknet för bu består av två delar där den övre delen betyder "vapen", och den nedre delen "stopp", tillsammans "stoppa vapnet", med tecknet " do " "vägen" blir helhetstolkningen "Vägen att stoppa vapen". Detta visar att ursprungstanken med budo inte var att lära sig skada varandra, utan att lära sig leva i fred. Daito-ryu är en sk Ko Budo (budo som skapades under den feodala tiden i Japan, 1192-1867).
Aiki Martial Arts Institute: Aikido And Daito-ryu Links Links. Aikido Journal; daitoryu Aiki Jujutsu Home Page; Zebra mats; NihonGoshin Aikido; Bear Wood Products - Custom wooden martial arts weapons. topica, http://www.aikimartialarts.com/links.shtml
Extractions: Aiki Martial Arts Institute is a Public Nonprofit Educational Institution Home About Us Classes Links ... Contact Us Join Aiki News! If you have any questions, please email aikido@aikimartialarts.com or call 410-592-5233 The Aiki Martial Arts Institute is a public, nonprofit educational institution enlisting the enrollment of all students without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disabilities, or sexual orientation.
Sokaku Sokaku's death in Aomori Prefecture in 1943, his third son Takeda Tokimune succeededhim as head of the Takeda family and headmaster (soke) of the daitoryu. http://www.feathertouch.ca/koryukan/sokaku.html
Extractions: Following Sokaku's death in Aomori Prefecture in 1943, his third son Takeda Tokimune succeeded him as head of the Takeda family and headmaster (soke) of the Daito-ryu. Tokimune was born on October 7, 1916 in Shimoyubetsu in Hokkaido. As a boy, his father trained him strictly in swordsmanship and Daito-ryu aiki jujutsu. He often accompanied Sokaku on his travels and acted on his behalf as kyoju dairi (assistant instructor). Following the Second World War he joined the police force as a detective, and after his retirement took a position as a director with a large company called Yamada Fisheries. In 1954 he established the Daitokan dojo in the city of Abashiri on the northern coast of Hokkaido. He retired from Yamada Fisheries in 1976 to devote himself to traveling around Japan teaching Daito-ryu and working to disseminate the tradition. These exhibitions not only demonstrated the high quality of Daito-ryu as a body of unique martial technique, but also suggested the art's importance as a Japanese cultural asset.
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu DaitoryuAikijujutsu is known as the origin of martial art like Aikido.It is learned and practised by many people all over the world. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/amatsu/daito-ryu/e_main.html
Extractions: Daitoryu-Aikijujutsu is known as the origin of martial art like Aikido. It is learned and practised by many people all over the world. However some of the important techniques were not handed down to the successors because the founder of Daitoryu Takeda Sokaku kept superior techniques secret and his only certified successor Hisa Takuma did not teach many people. Now all the skills and techniques are found in the archives of the Asahi newspaper company with photographs and explanations. Here I show you whole story and characteristic techniques of Daitoryu-Aikijujutsu. I am Amatsu Yutaka former vice director of the Asahi and 8 Dan Kyojudairi of Daitoryu-Aikijujutsu given by Hisa Takuma.
Daito-ryu Tecniques Techniques of DaitoryuAikijujutsu. After I promoted to 6 Dan (6 degree),Hisa taught me in one-on-one style. He stressed these 3 points. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/amatsu/daito-ryu/e_tec.html
Daito-ryu Daitôryû Aiki-bujutsu Daitô-ryû Aiki-bujutsu is a form of self-defensethat was developed 900 years ago and transmitted only http://www.taikyokuken.co.jp/english/einfo/infodai.html
[ Planet Jitsu ] The daitoryu Aiki Jujutsu Web Site is your best source for information on daito-ryu,direct from Kondo Katsuyuki, Head of the daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu http://www.planetjitsu.com/links_sub.asp?CatId=118
MISC> Canadian Daito-Ryu Homepage MISC Canadian daitoryu Homepage. Sent Wednesday, May 13, 1998 1133 AM Fromemileg@hotmail.com Greatest page on daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu on the net today! http://scout.wisc.edu/addserv/NH/98-05/98-05-13/0052.html
Daito-ryu Forum - Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Forum Translate this page daito-ryu Forum. Benvenuto in daito-ryu Forum, questa è la tua primavisita. Utenti registrati 125798 (dettagli). Cartelle, Messaggi, http://www.freeforumzone.com/viewforum.aspx?f=887
Daito-do Forum - Forum Per I Praticanti Il Daito-ryu Translate this page visita. Cartelle, Messaggi, Ultimo aggiornamento, Moderatori. daito-ryuforum per i praticanti il daito-ryu, 1, 24/02/2001 15.44, bodj. Nuovi http://www.freeforumzone.com/viewforum.aspx?f=663
Roppokai School Of Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu of daitoryu Aikijujutsu. He founded daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokaiin 1980, the year Kodo sensei died. The first branch outside http://www.roppokai.com/
FightingArts.com - Article Search daitoryu Aikijujutsu. Seeking The Original Path An Interview Withdaito-ryus Okabayashi By Medhat Darwish In this, his first http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/get_articles.php?cat=Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu