Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Home Page Tokyo, Japan. Organization lead by Kondo Katsuyuki, sutdent of Takeda Tokimune.Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryu The Essence of Daitoryu Aiki Jujutsu. In short, Daito-ryu was developed asa way to effectively and efficiently neutralize violence, not cause it. http://www.daito-ryu.org/
Extractions: Home Site Index Information Contact us Essence of Daito-ryu History of Daito-ryu Takeda Sokaku Takeda Tokimune ... FAQ Thank you for visiting! The Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Web Site is your best source for information on Daito-ryu, direct from Kondo Katsuyuki, Head of the Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Headquarters Dojo, and Director of the Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu organization. For the moment the site is in English only, but we are hoping to expand it to include the same historical and biographical material in the original Japanese as well. Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Arts such as sumo, judo, karate, and wrestling, are often called "fighting arts." While it is not our purpose here to argue whether or not this term is appropriate for these budo and sports, we can state definitively that Daito-ryu aiki jujutsu is not at all a "fighting art" in the sense that these others might be considered to be. A look at the history of Daito-ryu shows clearly that it was developed in large part as a means of self-defense, particularly one to be used by warriors while inside the palace. This may be seen in the inclusion and emphasis on oshikiiuchi . In short, Daito-ryu was developed as a way to effectively and efficiently neutralize violence, not cause it. This is in perfect agreement with the Chinese character for the "bu" in budo, one interpretation of which is "to stop halberds." This is why that although we have forms used to demonstrate aikijutsu, there are no competitive matches.
Extractions: Welcome in the official home page of the NIHON DAITO RYU AIKIBUDO DAITO KAI Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu origins can be dated back to 1087, and from then on a member of the Takeda clan has always led the School as it can be seen in the Takeda genealogy. This is a International Association created by Kato Shigemitsu, one of the top students of Takeda Tokimune, 36 th Soke. Choose your language English Italiano
TAKUMAKAI Association was founded by the students of Hisa Takuma (holder of Menkyo Kaiden), and the students Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryuDAITORYU AIKI JUJUTSU TAKUMAKAI. English Japanese. Inquiriesabout this Homepage Umei Shinichiro DE6S-UMI@asahi-net.or.jp. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~DE6S-UMI/
Index DAITORYU AIKI JUJUTSU TAKUMAKAI English Japanese Inquiries about this Homepage Umei Shinichiro DE6S-UMI@asahi-net.or.jp http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1235
Welcome To Goshinkai Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Located in Greenville, SC. Historical information on the evolution of DaitoRyu and information regarding Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryu http://www.goshinkai.com/
Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu And Yamabushi-ryu Jujutsu Offshoot from Daito-ryu instructor Katsumi Yonezawa.Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryudaito ryu, Daitoryu Aikijujutsu, Shihan Miguel Ibarra, Sensei Rene Ibarra, budo,martial arts, Stephen Rittersporn, Jujitsu, Jujutsu, Sensei, Web Design http://members.aol.com/kaiden/
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Seishinkai Nihon Daito-ryu Aikibudo (also see www.daito-ryu.com)Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryuWelcome to home page of Seishinkai International Association of Daitoryuaikijujutsu. You are visitor. Japanese association founded http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1796/
Extractions: International Association of Daito-ryu aikijujutsu. You are visitor Japanese association founded after soke Tokimune 's death from his olds top students. The head office is in Abashiri, Hokkaido; where you can find the honbu dojo. All Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu technics are the only and original technics executed by Clan Aizu's samurai and nowadays faithfully handed down from Takeda's family. Click here for enter Web master: Antonino Certa - Italy.
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai - International Homepage Daitoryu organization of Okamoto SeigoCategory Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryuWelcome to the international homepage for. Daitoryu Aikijujutsu. Roppokai.Copyright by Roppokai Denmark, all rights reserved. This http://www.daitoryu-roppokai.org/
Extractions: W elcome to the international homepage for D aitoryu A ikijujutsu R oppokai Roppokai Denmark all rights reserved. This web site is authorized by Seigo Okamoto soshi Seigo Okamoto soshi and may not be used or altered without explicit permission. Email notice: due to Roppokai policy you can not use email to ask questions. This web site is kindly hosted by CompuSoft A/S
Aiki Heijô Shin Group daito ryu Hakuho Kai dojo in Michigan http://www.izzy.net/~dsharp/Aiki.htm
Extractions: Italia l'associazione notiziario palestre istruttori ... schede dojo La Nihyon Daito Ryu Aikibudo Daito Kai famiglia Takeda alle persone realmente interessate ad accostarsi alla tradizione giapponese. Oggi si percorre la stessa "strada": il responsabile regionale deve, quindi, conoscere personalmente chi vuole essere ammesso come studente nella nostra Scuola. Quindi per l'aspirante studente é molto facile affiliarsi, basta presentarsi presso una palestra dove già si pratica l'aikijujutsu oppure mettersi in contatta con un responsabile regionale. Attenzione! Coloro che dicono d'insegnare Daito-ryu e NON appaiono nel nostro elenco non sono stati ufficialmente autorizzati dalla Scuola Nihon Daito Ryu Aikibudo Daito Kai, che è l'unica vera depositaria di questa nobile e antica arte. Controllate alla pagina "Palestre" l'elenco degli istruttori autorizzati. Per entrare nella Daito Kai in Italia occorre mettersi in contatto in uno dei modi seguenti:
Parker Linekin's Academy Of The Martial Arts Association Studio in San Diego, that teaches a variety of eclectic martial art styles including Kenpo Karate, White Tiger Tai Chi, kickboxing and daito ryu Aiki Jujitsu. Features biography, style details, contact information and products. http://www.parkerlinekin.com/
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Yamabushi Kai Miguel Ibarra, Kaiden Shihan of the daito ryu Aikijujutsu YamabushiKai, received his training under Prof. A. Pereira and Katsumi http://members.aol.com/kaiden/home2.htm
Extractions: Miguel Ibarra, Kaiden Shihan of the Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Yamabushi Kai, received his training under Prof. A. Pereira and Katsumi Yonezawa, Soshi Shihan of Daito Ryu Bokuyokan. He has furthered his studies of Daito Ryu by training under R. Okabayashi and T. Kawabe, both of whom hold the Kyoju Dairi in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. He has also studied Takeda Ryu under H. Nakamura 10th dan Takeda Ryu and R. Maroteaux 7th dan Takeda Ryu.
Extractions: Nihon Daito Ryu Aikibudo Daito Kai che ha il suo centro in Abashiri (Giappone). Tutte le tecniche di Aikijujutsu praticate all'interno dell'associazione sono le sole ed uniche tecniche praticate dai bushi, del Clan Minamoto(1100), poi dal Clan Takeda (1500) e per ultimo (fino al 1868) dal Clan Aizu. Esse sono state tramandate fedelmente fino ai nostri giorni dalla famiglia Takeda. Difatti osservando la cronologia dei registri della Scuola Daito Soke autentico aikijujutsu tramandato dalla famiglia Takeda tramite Kato Shigemitsu Sohi . In particolar modo l'associazione si prefigge di tramandare le tecniche divulgate da Tokimune Takeda, 36° Soke , di organizzare seminari internazionali diretti da Kato Shihan e di rilasciare budopass e diplomi dan solamente originali giapponesi! Organigramma dell'associazione in Italia Delegato per l'Italia: Pino Casale Responsabile per Lombardia: Paolo Campagnari Responsabile per l'Emilia-Romagna: Responsabile per Umbria e Marche: Roberto Bucci Responsabile per l'Abruzzo: Pino Sorbo Responsabile per la Campania: Tommaso Leonetti Responsabile per il Sud Italia (Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria e Sicilia):
Sokaku Takeda And Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Aikido Journal Home Articles Sokaku Takeda and daito ryu Aikijujutsu. SOKAKUTAKEDA AND daito ryu AIKIJUJUTSU by Stanley Pranin Aikido Journal 104. http://www.aikidojournal.com/new/article.asp?ArticleID=25
Index Shiro Saigo line instead of Sokaku Takeda http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/4856/
Daito Ryu See lehekülg on loodud tutvustamaks sõjakunsti, mille nimeks on daito ryu AikiBujutsu. Mis on nende vahe? Vastuseks tsiteeriksin ühte daito ryu õpetajat http://www.geo.ut.ee/oudekki/arts/daito.html
Extractions: See lehekülg on loodud tutvustamaks sõjakunsti, mille nimeks on Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu . Eestlasele on tuttav selle üks vorme, nimelt Aikido. Mis on nende vahe? Vastuseks tsiteeriksin ühte Daito Ryu õpetajat: Kui sa harjutad tehnikat ja sinu partner naeratab, siis on see moodne Aikido. Kui ta karjub, siis on see Daito Ryu.
AIKIHOME Yonezawa Dojo in East Rutherford, New Jersey.Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu Aiki Jutsu daito ryuAIKIHOME Martial Arts, aikijujutsu, daitoryu, aikido, jujutsu, bokuyokan, martialart schools, dojos, Yonezawa Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Bokuyokan, Yonezawa Dojo http://aikihome1.com/
Daito-ryu Aiki-jutsu Daitoryu Aiki-jutsu. Due to the discipline and perseverance of the Ichikawa and Hanmurafamilies the ancient tradition of daito ryu was transmitted unaltered. http://www.martial-way.com/aikijutsu.html
Extractions: Daito-ryu was developed in large part as a means of self-defense, as a way to effectively and efficiently neutralize violence, not cause it. There are no competitive matches in Daito-ryu. One distinctive feature of Daito-ryu is that it has incorporated many of the essential elements and principles of other schools of budo, most notably the Ono-ha Itto-ryu. Daito-ryu goes beyond being a simple means of self-defense, and aims at putting mind and body in balance with the spirit that pervades the universe, developing oneself as a person, and contributing to society. The Daito-Ryu is thought to have been founded in the 12th century by Minamoto (Genji) Yoshimitsu, a descendant of the Emperor Seiwa. Long kept a secret under the Minamoto clan, the art was used by the Emperor's army and private guard. Controlled by Japanese nobility, appointed official martial art of the Shogun's residence by Hoshina Masayuki in the late 1600's, Daito techniques were transmitted from generation to generation. Through the centuries numerous masters of this discipline were important war lords such as Shingen Takeda, undoubtedly the most famous in Japanese culture. The most noble figures in Daito-Ryu history was Minamoto, Takeda (1758-1853) and Tanomo (1860-1943). Due to the discipline and perseverance of the Ichikawa and Hanmura families the ancient tradition of Daito Ryu was transmitted unaltered. Search Chat Forum News
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu daito ryu, 0, 8/15/02 83036 am, Joe Hoffer. Daitoryu Dojos in the New YorkCity area ? daito ryu kodokai info? 1, 7/18/02 121025 am by Daito09, shiga2002. http://pub16.ezboard.com/fsamuraibujutsudaitoryuaikijujutsu