Olympics 2002 - CBS.SportsLine.com Full story. Related Links , Jay Hakkinen Q A. , biathlon overview. FEATURES.Olympic Highlights Enjoy all the thrills, spills and chills from Salt Lake City! http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/2002/biathlon/
About Cross Country Skiing And Nordic Ski Sports - Ski Jumping, Biathlon, Skijor Information for beginner nordic skiers to competitive racers, covering XC skiing for fitness, training with roller skiing, classical and skating (freestyle) ski techniques, ski jumping, biathlon and skijoring. http://skiing.about.com/cs/nordicskiing/
ÐÎ Áåëòåëåêîì The Organizing Committee of the IV World Championship in summer biathlon cordiallyinvites you to the Championship, which will take place on September 2226 http://biathlon.org.by/
Extractions: ÐÎ Áåëòåëåêîì ðàñøèðÿåò ñïåêòð òåëåêîììóíèêàöèîííûõ óñëóã, îðèåíòèðîâàííûõ íà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ è îðãàíèçàöèè Áåëàðóñè. Íîâàÿ óñëóãà íàçûâàåòñÿ "Çåëåíûé íîìåð" (çàïàäíûé àíàëîã Freephone) è îòíîñèòñÿ ê êàòåãîðèè ñïðàâî÷íî-èíôîðìàöèîííûõ ñëóæá. ÐÎ Áåëòåëåêîì ðàñøèðÿåò ñïåêòð òåëåêîììóíèêàöèîííûõ óñëóã, îðèåíòèðîâàííûõ íà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ è îðãàíèçàöèè Áåëàðóñè. Íîâàÿ óñëóãà íàçûâàåòñÿ "Çåëåíûé íîìåð" (çàïàäíûé àíàëîã Freephone) è îòíîñèòñÿ ê êàòåãîðèè ñïðàâî÷íî-èíôîðìàöèîííûõ ñëóæá.
Home Page Part of the New Jersey biathlon series, a 3race series which includes two King of the Hill Off-Road biathlons. This annual 5 km trail run, 10 km mountain bike race features registration information, results archive, photo gallery, and links. http://www.oddman135.com/
Extractions: 2003 Registration Info and Forms... Odd Man 2002 Results... Pictures of the course... Because we finish fifth a lot! The whole idea here is to do something off beat, fun, and to try to get away from the over-structured, flat, fast courses and races that we all see so much of. Don't plan on setting a PR on this course; the only thing you can truly plan on is getting very wet and very dirty! This year's race will once again be held at the YMCA Camp Ockanickon in Medford on Saturday, March 29, 2003 , so join us this year for another great race! Go to Results to see how things stacked up in last year's 2002 race. The 1.3.5 concept came from a wacky thought that we could carry this "let's have fun" concept from the planning and set up of the course layout all the way through the post-race awards. Proceeds from the race will benefit YMCA Camp Ockanickon and other charities. If you like the race, and it is as much fun as last year, we will be producing more "Odd Man" races. For this race, please remember that the race field is limited to 150 competitors, so register right now!
Biathlon World Championships 2003 Located in Russia. News, history, press release, calendar, photos, and links. Information, program, Category Sports MultiSports biathlon disciplines. For the first time in the whole history of biathlon thebiathlon World Championships will take place in Russia 2003. http://www.biathlon.ru/eng/menu.shtml
Herbert Stempfer/EDV-Beratung Der Sportclub informiert ¼ber die Vereinsgeschichte und die Arbeit in den einzelnen Sektionen Kombination, Langlauf, Alpin, biathlon, Faustball und Tischtennis. http://www.hoehnhart.at/sch/
Www.multiracing.de Neben MTB wird auch Triathlon, Duathlon, Sommerbiathlon, Laufen und Inline-Skating angeboten. Viele Bilder und Berichte von Wettk¤mpfen und Trainingslagern. http://www.multiracing.de/
Extractions: Team Multiracing aus Rosenheim stellt sich vor: Hier unsere Disziplinen: Mountainbiken, Mountainbikemarathon, MTB Crosscountry, MTB Bergzeitfahren, MTB Downhill, MTB Dualslalom, Mountainbike Biathlon Triathlon, sogar auf Ironman Distanz Duathlon, Cross Duathlon Laufen, Halbmarathon, Marathon, Berglauf, Crosslauf Sommerbiathlon mit Luftgewehr Inlineskaten, Halbmarathon, Marathon, 4-Roller und 5-Roller, Skatekurse Schwimmen Gemeinsames Training in der Region Rosenheim Multitest GmbH Rosenheim Firma Inteca Rosenheim Autohaus Unterberger in Rosenheim Freds Bike Shop in Brannenburg Rotis - Roseheimer Technischer Industrie Service
NEWS On Www.biathlonworld.com Offizielle Seiten des Weltverbandes mit News, Athleten, Adressen, Terminen, Ergebnissen und LiveInfos von internationalen Wettk¤mpfen. Seiten teilweise in englischer Sprache. http://cms.biathlonworld.com/
Skidskytte DalaJärna IK biathlon are one of many sport in Dala-Järna IK. Take a look aroundour sites .. 0281-10120. biathlon Links . Swedish biathlon Union. http://www.djik.nu/Skidskytte/Biathlon.htm
Extractions: Dala-Järna IK Biathlon are one of many sport in Dala-Järna IK. Take a look around our sites......... Dala-Järna IK 100 year 2002 This is a site for our foreigner Biathlon friends. Results Links More Biathlon pages We cooperates with Dala-Järna IK:s Biathlon team 2001-2002 What about Dala-Järna IK Biathlon club? We have 5 seniors 4 juniors and a large number of young boys and girls who are in training every week. Dala-Järna is a small village in the middle of Sweden 300 km from Stockholm and 300 km - Oslo. We have 100 km to Falun which is the biggest town in our territory. We have are own shooting range with 25 shootingplaces and a 5km asphalted road for rollerskiing. Dala-Järna Biathlon Stadium are one of the best Biathlon Stadiums in Sweden. We have snow generally from december to mars. Mattias Nilsson best Swedish in Khanty Mansiysk the first day Ole Einar Björndalen 1
Homepage Des SC Gosheim Der Club pr¤sentiert seine Angebote, die vom Leistungssport in den Bereichen alpin, nordisch und biathlon, ¼ber Breitensport in Form von Kindertraining und Skigymnastik, Skiausfahrten bis hin zu Wanderungen, MountainbikeTouren, Jedermanns-Biahtlon und vielem mehr reichen. Mit Veranstaltungskalender, G¤stebuch und vielen Bildern. http://scgosheim.de/
Extractions: Weltcup-Gesamtsiegerin Martina Glagow aus Mittenwald hat der deutschen Damenstaffel bei den Biathlon-Weltmeisterschaften in Khanty Mansijsk Bronze hinter Russland und der Ukraine beschert. Simone als Startläuferin musste auf Grund der wechseldene Winde zweimal in die Strafrunde und übergab als Neunte an Uschi Disl. Kathi Wilhelm und Uschi Disl erging es am Schießstand aber nicht besser und beide mußten noch eine Strafrunde mehr laufen als Simone. Martina Glagow blieb als einzige ohne Extra-Schleife und legte damit den Grundstein für die Aufholjagd. Erst kurz vor dem Ziel konnte Martina durch Ihre Spurtstärke die Weissrussin Zubrilowa noch überholen.
Washingtonpost.com: Biathlon biathlon. Itsuo Inouye/AP. I'm world class. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. .Norway Finishes 12 in Storm-Delayed 10K biathlon Itsuo Inouye/AP. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/olympics1998/sport/biathlon
Extractions: Competing in a sport that is, at best, on the fringe in the United States, Ntala Skinner and Stacey Wooley routinely trounce the competition at home. When they go up against the better-financed programs abroad, however, the situation changes radically . "I'm still improving," Wooley says. "I can be in the top 10. I'm world class. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."
. . . . . Minnesota Biathlon . . . . . Minnesota biathlon trains athletes in the sport of biathlon, the olympicsport combining crosscountry skiing and rifle marksmanship. http://www.minnesotabiathlon.com/
Extractions: Seven youth biathletes are on a two-week competition trip to Norway. They just finished competing at the Norwegian Junior National Championships in Dombas. Having arrived only two days before, the group was still a bit jet-lagged, but there were some results to be proud of. Standouts were Kelsy Bouchard of Ft Kent, ME finishing 6th in both the Sprint and Pursuit in the "Younger Junior" category (age 16-17), and Sonne Nordgren , finishing 7th in the Pursuit (age 18-20). Complete results for the Norwegian Junior Nationals can be found at http://www.dombaas-il.no/skiskyting/.
Skiclub Am Bachtel Der Schwerpunkt des Vereins liegt auf Langlauf, Nordische Kmbination und biathlon und bietet die aktuellen Resultate, Wettkampfkalender und Portr¤ts der Aktiven. In der UserArea gibt es auerdem ein G¤stebuch und eine Materialb¶rse. http://www.skiclub-bachtel.ch/
9?25? The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.alpha-net.ne.jp/users2/biathlon/
Kati1 Mit Informationen zum Club, zu Kati Wilhelm und dem biathlon. http://www.katiwilhelm-fanclub.de/
Biathlon: Sensationeller Sieg Für Alexander Wolf - Sport - SPIEGEL ONLINE Translate this page Alle Artikel. biathlon Sensationeller Sieg für Alexander Wolf Der Oberhofer AlexanderWolf hat für den ersten Saisonsieg der deutschen Biathleten gesorgt. http://www.spiegel.de/sport/sonst/0,1518,234363,00.html
Sport Im VfL Bad Berleburg - Aktiv Und Bärenstark Sportverein stellt sich vor und informiert ¼ber die angebotenen Sportarten, wie Ballett, Tanzen, Turnen und Leichtathletik sowie Fuball, Handball und Schwimmen, Taekwon-do, Tischtennis, biathlon und Volleyball. http://www.vfl-bad-berleburg.de/
Syracuse Biathlon Club2 Picture, Shoot the target to enter!!! This Site Tracked by WebTrendsLive. http://www.syracusebiathlon.com/