Extractions: Last Updated: 2002, December 12 This is one of a set of subject pages in the Scholarly Societies Project , which facilitates access to websites of scholarly societies across the world. A set of guidelines is used in determining whether to include resources. Links to websites of scholarly societies in are given below. The URL-Stability Index for this collection of sites is 41.0/62 = . The URL-stability index for each site below is given graphically in the left-hand column as the URL-stability rank for that site. URL Stability Rank Society Name Abbrev. African Studies Association ASA
Extractions: September 2003 (exact date to be advised) Click here to see a picture of the group at the 2002 annual conference held at the SWP, Berlin Objectives Secretariat Board Members ... EINIRAS Database Network (EDN) EINIRAS's Objectives The European Information Network o n International Relati ons and Area Studies (EINIRAS) is an association of European research institutions dealing with information and documentation on international relations in research and political practice. The long-term objective of EINIRAS is to establish a common European database on international relations and area studies. The short-term objectives include the expansion of practical cooperation, and the exchange of information, bibliographical data and publications. EINIRAS holds an annual conference at the place of one of the member institutes and working meetings of the Task Groups. For more detailed information about the aims and objectives of EINIRAS see also the constitution Secretariat Mrs. Anna Borrull
School Of Languages And Area Studies Welcome to the School of Languages and area studies web site. Hereyou'll find indepth information on all of our courses as well http://www.hum.port.ac.uk/slas/main.htm
Extractions: School Welcome Who We Are Contact Us The Student Experience ... Our Graduates Courses Undergraduate Postgraduate Postgraduate (Research) English as an International Language ... Admissions Centre Research Centre for European Studies Research [CESR] Help Order a Prospectus Work and Study Abroad Site Search Residence Abroad and Employability Intranet The Year Abroad Subject Web Sites Unit Descriptions Student Handbook ... The Vocabulary Acquisition and Development Project Welcome to the School of Languages and Area Studies web site. Here you'll find in-depth information on all of our courses as well as links to useful language and study resources. To find out more about the school and how we can help you please read on. GO
The FAST Area Studies Program The FAST area studies Program at the University of Tampere examines the languagesand cultures of the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and Finland. http://www.uta.fi/FAST/fast.html
Extractions: Search the FAST Website! Courses and Schedules United States Studies British and Irish Studies ... Lookup Tools Glossary Center The FAST F oundations in A rea S tudies for T ranslators ) Area Studies Program is a minor degree option for translators, philologists, language teachers, social scientists, media specialists and others who need a foundation of intercultural area studies focusing on the national cultures of the United States United Kingdom and Ireland , and Finland in its English language context. The FAST curriculum is based on an examination and comparison of the language(s) and literature(s) of the United States and United Kingdom as the cornerstones of world English, the socioeconomic, cultural, political and educational institutions by which the U.S. and U.K. are known, and the media structures and technologies through which their peoples convey information worldwide in the English language. FAST courses have a rich history, having formed the core of the first international student curriculum at
Extractions: Ami Montessori Center, Kalamazoo Michigan USA The Diether H. Haenicke Institute for International and Area Studies The Diether H. Haenicke Institute for International and Area Studies, established by the Board of Trustees in 1998, works to promote globalization and internationalization of the academic domain of Western Michigan University. Specific activities and responsibilities are:
World Religions And Cultures Area Studies World Religions and Cultures. area studies. North America. Latin America, Russia NIS. East Asia. home page world religions area studies intro to culture . http://wrc.lingnet.org/areastd.htm
International And Area Studies CURRICULUM IN INTERNATIONAL AND area studies University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill. NEW COURSES FALL 2002. http://www.unc.edu/depts/ints/
Harvard Libraries: Arts And Humanities:Area Studies Look up a citation in Citation Linker using Harvard SFX. Arts and HumanitiesAreaStudies. Records retrieved 98. Electronic resources http://lib.harvard.edu/e-resources/subject/arts_and_humanities_area_studies.html
Extractions: All Subjects Arts and Humanities General Archives and Manuscripts Area Studies Arts and Architecture Biography Classics History History of Science Language and Literature Music Philosophy and Religion General and Reference Biography General Reference News Science and Technology General Agriculture Astronomy Biology Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Environmental Science Geology History of Science Materials Sciences Mathematics Medicine Meteorology Nutrition Oceanography Physics Technology Social Sciences General Anthropology and Geography Archives and Manuscripts Area Studies Biography Business and Management Economics Education Environmental Studies Government History Law Political Science Psychology Sociology Select a Type (or browse types All Types All but E-journals Dictionaries and encyclopedias Directories and guides Electronic journal collections Electronic journals Electronic texts Indexes to journal articles, etc. Library catalogs Library web sites Newsmedia Statistics Other Look up a citation in Citation Linker using Harvard SFX.
Harvard Libraries: Social Sciences:Area Studies Social Sciencesarea studies. Records retrieved 113. F, I, Journal ofEuropean area studies (2000) Full text from 2000 (more info ). F, I, http://lib.harvard.edu/e-resources/subject/social_sciences_area_studies.html
Extractions: All Subjects Arts and Humanities General Archives and Manuscripts Area Studies Arts and Architecture Biography Classics History History of Science Language and Literature Music Philosophy and Religion General and Reference Biography General Reference News Science and Technology General Agriculture Astronomy Biology Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Environmental Science Geology History of Science Materials Sciences Mathematics Medicine Meteorology Nutrition Oceanography Physics Technology Social Sciences General Anthropology and Geography Archives and Manuscripts Area Studies Biography Business and Management Economics Education Environmental Studies Government History Law Political Science Psychology Sociology Select a Type (or browse types All Types All but E-journals Dictionaries and encyclopedias Directories and guides Electronic journal collections Electronic journals Electronic texts Indexes to journal articles, etc. Library catalogs Library web sites Newsmedia Statistics Other Look up a citation in Citation Linker using Harvard SFX.
George A. Smathers Libraries: Dept. Of Special And Area Studies Collections The George A. Smathers Libraries' Department of Special and area studies Collections includes three Category Reference Libraries Special Collections Welcome to the Department of Special and area studies Collections.The George A. Smathers Libraries' Department of Special and Area http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/spec/default.htm
Extractions: Special and Area Studies Collections The George A. Smathers Libraries' Department of Special and Area Studies Collections includes three area studies collections, the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica, and the Special Collections of the University of Florida. The Area Studies Collections are the Latin American Collection , housed on the fourth floor of Smathers Library; the Africana and the Asian Studies collections, which are integrated with the general collections in Library West. The Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica , located in the Education Library. The Special Collections include the Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature , the Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts , the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History , the Manuscript Collection , the Rare Book Collection , and University Archives . Special Collections are accessed through the Special Collections Research Room on the second floor of Smathers Library. Because these materials do not circulate, patrons must use them in the Research Room. We encourage patrons to call, write, or e-mail in advance of their visit. Special Collections are generously supported by the Howe Society
Carnegie Endowment Library - Area Studies Links Guide to Experts, News, Library Links, area studies Sites on the Web Africa, Americas,Asia, Central Eurasia, Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Middle East. See also http://www.ceip.org/files/news/library/libarea.htm
Extractions: Digital Repository Explore the Repository: Browse by Subject About the Archive Help Register to: Deposit Papers Subscribe The CIAS Digital Repository is a component of the CIAS Electronic Publications Program, a joint effort of , the University of California Press , and eScholarship , an initiative of the California Digital Library . We are compliant with the Open Archives initiative
Area Studies Units of area studies The Office of International Studies and Programshas established four new area studies in 2002. These units http://www.internationalstudies.ilstu.edu/areastudy/
Extractions: The Office of International Studies and Programs has established four new Area Studies in 2002. These units are intended to increase scholarly activity and research in their areas of the world, establish study abroad programs for ISU students, recruit international students, and provide a secondary support to international students from the regions. Unit for African Studies Unit for Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies Other Training Programs The Office of International Studies and Programs offers a wide range of training programs for international visitors from all over the world. Resources 2002 Asian Studies Columbia University Press NAFSA publications Intercultural Press, Inc.
Latin American Area Studies Program Latin American area studies. Students majoring in Latin American area studies aloneare required to take 30 credits from the area and language courses listed. http://www.soc.qc.edu/laas/
Extractions: Latin American Area Studies Administrative Committee Chair and Undergraduate Adviser: George Priestley Office: Kissena Hall 310, 520-7334 This major is designed to provide a detailed knowledge of the development, institutions, language and customs of Latin America. It is intended for two categories of students. Those who intend after graduation to go into careers such as inter-America relations, commerce, banking, or journalism will ordinarily take the Latin American Area Studies concentration. Those intending to go on to do graduate work should choose a joint major, combining Latin American area studies with economics, Romance languages, history, anthropology, political science, or education. Prospective majors should consult with the chair or undergraduate adviser. The courses listed below are offered as a means of acquainting the student with the physical environment of the area, its people, their languages and literature, contributions to civilization,educational and scientific institutions, arts and music, economic and political problems, history and relations with one another and with other states. All courses are conducted in English, except those dealing with languages and literature. Area Courses Anthropology 205, 206, 243, 397
St Antony's College, Oxford area studies Centres. African Studies Centre. JCR, Contacts at St Antony's,Antonians worldwide, Conferences at St Antony's, area studies Centres. http://www.sant.ox.ac.uk/areastudies/
Extractions: African Studies Centre Asian Studies Centre Brazilian Studies Centre European Studies Centre ... Russian and East European Centre Each centre, or institute, within the College holds either weekly seminars or short conferences throughout the academic year. In a typical term there may be as many as fifteen seminar series, of eight seminars each, taking place in the College. The seminars/conferences attract leading scholars from Britain and overseas and provide the focus for the stimulating intellectual life for which St Antony's is internationally known.
Die SWP - ** Projekte ** - EINIRAS - Translate this page European Information Network International Relations and area studies( EINIRAS ). Kurzbeschreibung Initiative für ein zukünftiges http://www.swp-berlin.org/projekte/einiras.html
Extractions: Beschreibung Mitglieder Kurzbeschreibung: Initiative für ein zukünftiges, arbeitsteiliges und integriertes Fachinformationssystem europäischer Forschungsinstitute für Internationaler Politik, erarbeitet in Form von Teilprojekten durch mehrere Arbeitsgruppen europäischer Forschungsinstitute: Einheitliche dokumentarische Werkzeuge (Mehrsprachiger Thesaurus, Regional- und Sachklassifikation, Regeln für Eigennamen, Kategorienschema), ein Regelwerk für den Aufbau von Literatur- und Faktendatenbanken, Modelle für technische Infrastruktur sowie für die Betriebsorganisation. Zweck: Erweiterung und Vertiefung des Angebot an fachlich umfassender und inhaltlich differenzierter Fachinformation für die politische Praxis, Forschung und Lehre, Medien, Wirtschaft und Öffentlichkeit zu kostenmäßig günstigen Rahmenbedingungen. Nutzung der Fachkompetenz europäischer Institute zu gegenseitigem Nutzen. Bessere Berücksichtigung europäischer Forschungsergebnisse auf dem internationalen Fachinformationsmarkt. Sicherung der internationalen Konkurrenzfähigkeit europäischer Fachinformationskapazitäten. Projekte: EINIRAS: Beschreibung
ICIS Area Studies And International Programs area studies and International Programs. The Institute coordinates areastudies and international programs at Emory, connecting these http://www.emory.edu/COLLEGE/ICIS/studies/
Extractions: About the Institute Institute Programs Funding Opportunities Announcements ... ICIS The Institute coordinates area studies and international programs at Emory, connecting these programs to each other and to other academic units within the College and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. The Institute offers its own initiatives and works closely with faculty in these programs, as well as with faculty in other academic units, to sponsor conferences, lectures, symposia and seminars that further learning about specific regions of the world. Institute of African Studies Asian Studies Program Department of Middle Eastern Studies Emory College Emory University
Area Studies area studies, Other areafocused courses are also available throughoutthe academic year. ASIA/PACIFIC STUDIES PROGRAM (Web site). http://www.cwu.edu/~intlprog/area.html
Extractions: CWU offers Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish language courses. Students studying a language are encouraged to have international experience in order to learn more about the cultural context of the language. Regular degree programs are offered in French, German and Spanish, and students can complete an individualized studies major in Chinese, Japanese or Russian, which may include studying at least one year in China, Japan or Russia. Students can internationalize their undergraduate major by completing a minor in Asia/Pacific Studies and/or Latin American Studies. These programs of study are interdisciplinary and incorporate courses in anthropology, art, economics, geography, history, languages, philosophy and political science. Other area-focused courses are also available throughout the academic year.