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1. Selected Papers: On the Classification of Varieties and Moduli Spaces by David Mumford | |
![]() | Paperback: 796
list price: US$134.00 -- used & new: US$134.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1441919368 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Mumford is a well-known mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal, the highest honor available in mathematics. Many of these papers are currently unavailable, and the commentaries by Gieseker, Lange, Viehweg and Kempf are being published here for the first time. |
2. Pattern Theory: The Stochastic Analysis of Real-World Signals (Applying Mathematics) by David Mumford, Agnes Desolneux | |
![]() | Hardcover: 375
list price: US$79.00 -- used & new: US$63.19 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1568815794 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
3. Algebraic Geometry I: Complex Projective Varieties (Classics in Mathematics) (v. 1) by David Mumford | |
![]() | Paperback: 186
list price: US$69.95 -- used & new: US$49.10 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 3540586571 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (1)
4. Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein by David Mumford, Caroline Series, David Wright | |
![]() | Hardcover: 416
list price: US$69.00 -- used & new: US$59.49 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0521352533 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Customer Reviews (4)
Indras pearls provides a very well-made introduction to the basics of the theory of discrete groups acting on the complex plane. The whole discussion on the related limit sets had been accomplished in such a hand-by-hand method.
5. Tata Lectures on Theta I (Modern Birkhäuser Classics) (v. 1) by David Mumford | |
![]() | Paperback: 235
list price: US$49.95 -- used & new: US$40.39 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0817645721 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The first of a series of three volumes surveying the theory of theta functions and its significance in the fields of representation theory and algebraic geometry, this volume deals with the basic theory of theta functions in one and several variables, and some of its number theoretic applications. Requiring no background in advanced algebraic geometry, the text serves as a modern introduction to the subject. |
6. Selected Papers: Volume II: On Algebraic Geometry, including Correspondence with Grothendieck by David Mumford | |
![]() | Hardcover: 770
list price: US$99.00 -- used & new: US$96.44 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0387724915 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Mumford is a well-known mathematician and winner of the Fields Medal, the highest honor available in mathematics Many of these papers are currently unavailable, and the correspondence with Grothendieck has never before been published |
7. Abelian Varieties (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) by David Mumford | |
Hardcover: 263
list price: US$30.00 Isbn: 8185931860 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
8. Geometric Invariant Theory (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge) by David Mumford, John Fogarty, Frances Kirwan | |
![]() | Hardcover: 294
list price: US$195.00 -- used & new: US$146.78 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 3540569634 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description “Geometric Invariant Theory” by Mumford/Fogarty (the first edition was published in 1965, a second, enlarged edition appeared in 1982) is the standard reference on applications of invariant theory to the construction of moduli spaces. This third, revised edition has been long awaited for by the mathematical community. It is now appearing in a completely updated and enlarged version with an additional chapter on the moment map by Prof. Frances Kirwan (Oxford) and a fully updated bibliography of work in this area. The book deals firstly with actions of algebraic groups on algebraic varieties, separating orbits by invariants and construction quotient spaces; and secondly with applications of this theory to the construction of moduli spaces. It is a systematic exposition of the geometric aspects of the classical theory of polynomial invariants. |
9. Tata Lectures on Theta II: Jacobian theta functions and differential equations (Modern Birkhäuser Classics) (v. 2) by David Mumford | |
![]() | Paperback: 272
list price: US$49.95 -- used & new: US$39.81 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0817645691 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description The second in a series of three volumes surveying the theory of theta functions, this volume gives emphasis to the special properties of the theta functions associated with compact Riemann surfaces and how they lead to solutions of the Korteweg-de-Vries equations as well as other non-linear differential equations of mathematical physics. This book presents an explicit elementary construction of hyperelliptic Jacobian varieties and is a self-contained introduction to the theory of the Jacobians. It also ties together nineteenth-century discoveries due to Jacobi, Neumann, and Frobenius with recent discoveries of Gelfand, McKean, Moser, John Fay, and others. A definitive body of information and research on the subject of theta functions, this volume will be a useful addition to individual and mathematics research libraries. |
10. Two- and Three-Dimensional Patterns of the Face by Peter W. Hallinan, Gaile Gordon, A. L. Yuille, Peter Giblin, David Mumford | |
![]() | Hardcover: 270
list price: US$65.00 -- used & new: US$15.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 1568810873 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
11. A Brush with Disney : An Artist's Journey, Told through the words and works of Herbert Dickens Ryman | |
![]() | Hardcover: 252
list price: US$65.00 -- used & new: US$65.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0964605961 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description A Brush with Disney is the story in 252 pages of color illustrationsof artist Herbert Ryman's personal journeys around the world andthrough the "world of Walt". Told through the marvelous illustrations of the artist and his ownpersonal notes and thoughts on a 50-year journey, this rarecompilation (many never-before-seen works) is edited by Bruce Gordonand David Mumford, with research by Irene Naoum. Customer Reviews (10)
12. Singular Sets of Minimizers for the Mumford-Shah Functional (Progress in Mathematics) by Guy David | |
![]() | Hardcover: 581
list price: US$169.00 -- used & new: US$5.53 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 376437182X Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description Award-winning monograph of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 2004. This book studies regularity properties of Mumford-Shah minimizers. The Mumford-Shah functional was introduced in the 1980s as a tool for automatic image segmentation, but its study gave rise to many interesting questions of analysis and geometric measure theory. The main object under scrutiny is a free boundary K where the minimizer may have jumps. The book presents an extensive description of the known regularity properties of the singular sets K, and the techniques to get them. Some time is spent on the C^1 regularity theorem (with an essentially unpublished proof in dimension 2), but a good part of the book is devoted to applications of A. Bonnet's monotonicity and blow-up techniques. In particular, global minimizers in the plane are studied in full detail. |
13. Cracktip Is a Global Mumford Shah Minimizer (Asterisque, 274) by Alexis Bonnet, David Guy, Guy David | |
Hardcover: 259
list price: US$66.00 -- used & new: US$66.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 2856291082 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
14. Smooth Compactifications of Locally Symmetric Varieties (Cambridge Mathematical Library) by Avner Ash, David Mumford, Michael Rapoport, Yung-sheng Tai | |
![]() | Paperback: 240
list price: US$50.00 -- used & new: US$41.18 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0521739551 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan |
Editorial Review Product Description |
15. Abelian Varieties by David Mumford | |
Asin: B003EAYNZ6 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
16. Calculus, Single and Multivariable, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual by Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, Daniel E. Flath, Sheldon P. Gordon, Patti Frazer Lock, David O. Lomen, David Lovelock, David Mumford, William G. McCallum, Brad G. Osgood, Andrew Pasquale, Douglas Quinney, Wayne Raskind, Karen Rhea, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman | |
Hardcover: 1376
list price: US$193.90 -- used & new: US$185.41 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471163228 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
17. Education for Transformation: Implications in Lewis Mumford's Ecohumanism by David R. Conrad | |
Hardcover: 230
list price: US$23.95 -- used & new: US$50.00 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0882800302 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (1)
18. Calculus, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual: Single and Multivariable by Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, William G. McCallum, Daniel E. Flath, Patti Frazer Lock, Thomas W. Tucker, David O. Lomen, David Lovelock, David Mumford, Brad G. Osgood, Douglas Quinney, Karen Rhea, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman | |
Hardcover: 1468
-- used & new: US$207.50 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471737569 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
19. Algebraic Geometry I: Complex Projective Varieties by David Mumford | |
Hardcover: 186
list price: US$49.50 Isbn: 0387076034 Average Customer Review: ![]() Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Customer Reviews (1)
Some of the more interesting and well-motivated discussions in the book include:1. The author uses an `analytic' version of the implicit function theorem to show that the Zariski open set of smooth points on an affine variety has the structure of a complex manifold. The Zariski topology has been viewed as somewhat "mysterious" by some beginning students, so this characterization clears this up to some degree. 2. The need for the group of divisors and the resulting Picard group. This is done to make up for the fact that for a smooth variety X, the affine coordinate ring R(X) is not a unique factorization domain (UFD). The author describes this situation as being analogous to the one in algebraic number fields where the UFD property must be weakened to that of decomposing principal ideals into products of prime ideals. The Picard group is then the group of divisors modulo the principal divisors, and then R(X) is a UFD if and only if the Picard group is zero. 3. The discussion on Chow's theorem. The author motivates this famous result by asking to what extent the general theory of complex analytic spaces parallels the theory of algebraic varieties. The difficulty, he explains, is that in algebraic geometry one deals with rational functions, which do not have essential singularities like analytic functions do. The author discusses a case where no essential singularities occur, his example dealing with `analytic' and `*-analytic' subsets of complex n-space. Loosely speaking, analytic sets are essentially zero sets of analytic functions, whereas *-analytic sets can be represented as the union of complex submanifolds. He shows that a set is *-analytic if and only if it is analytic, and from this result follows Chow's theorem, which states that the only complex analytic subsets of n-dimensional projective space are algebraic varieties. Chow's theorem is a generalization of the result in complex variable theory that says that the only meromorphic functions on the extended complex plane are rational functions. 4. A natural question to ask when studying algebraic varieties is whether they have a "size", i.e. a volume or area of some sort. For r-dimensional subvarieties of n-dimensional projective space, the author proves that one can define the 2r-dimensional volume of the variety, and this is accomplished via a Riemannian metric on n-dimensional projective space. This metric only depends on r and the degree of the variety, and is in fact the famous Kahler metric. The author goes on to characterize algebraic varieties as minimal submanifolds of n-dimensional projective space, using the tools of DeRham cohomology. The volume result is then generalized to that of compact oriented submanifolds of n-dimensional projective space, with the first result holding when the submanifold is an algebraic subvariety. 5. The treatment of the Hilbert polynomial. The author motivates this in the context of the calculation of the dimension of the vector space of functions with poles at most a given divisor. He proves an explicit formula for the Hilbert polynomial for r-dimensional subvarieties of n-dimensional projective space. He also shows how the constant term of the Hilbert polynomial is related to the `arithmetic genus' of a projective variety. The arithmetic genus is then shown to be equal to the topological genus for smooth curves, this being the famous Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem in dimension one. His proof of this result is very detailed and actually quite fun to work through and read, as it does not depend on the theory of harmonic forms. 6. For those who are interested in the theory of elliptic curves, the author gives an elementary overview of their properties. ... Read more |
20. Calculus, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual: Multivariable by William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, Daniel E. Flath, Brad G. Osgood, Douglas Quinney, Jeff Tecosky-Feldman, Thomas W. Tucker, Patti Frazer Lock, David Mumford | |
-- used & new: US$120.98 (price subject to change: see help) Asin: 0471946753 Canada | United Kingdom | Germany | France | Japan | |
Editorial Review Product Description |
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