Biographies - Zabala To Zymierski zaremba, stanislaw (18631842) Polish mathematician, author, educator, journalist- Poland 2542. zaremba, Piotr (1910- ) Polish politician - Poland 2675.
Extractions: ZABALA, Bruno Mauricio de (1682-1736) Spanish officer, colonial administrator - Uruguay 541; 1171 ZABOLOTNY, Danilo Kirilovich (1866-1929) Russian physician, microbiologist, author - Russia 3190 ZACCARIA, Anthony see ANTHONY Zaccaria Saint - ZACHARIAS ( - ) Father of Saint. JOHN Baptist - Burundi C228; C233a; CB35; CB40a Grenada 679 Italy 823 Nicaragua 954 ZACUTO, Abraham (1452-1515) Spanish astronomer - Sierra Leone 910 ZAFRULLAH KHAN, Chandri Muhammed (1893- ) Pakistani lawyer, author, journalist - Honduras C312 ZAG - Irish children's Cartoon character - IRE1996A23 ZAGALO, Mario ( - ) Sportsman, soccer player - Central Africa 307; 374 ZAGHLUL PASHA, Saad (1860?-1927) Egyptian statesman, lawyer, prime minister - Egypt 1040 ZAHARIAS, Mildred Didrikson (1914-1956) American sportswoman. Born June 26, 1914 in Port Arthur, Texas, she was an outstanding female athlete, especially in track and golf . She won two gold medals, 1932 Olympics and won the US Women's Open three times. She died September 27, 1956 in Galveston, Texas. - Dominican Republic C99; CB3; CB18; United States USA1981I22.1 ZAHARIEV, Vassil
90 Years Of The Reproducing Karnel Hilbert Space 1. stanislaw zaremba, L'équation biharmonique et une class remarquable de functionsfondamentales harmoniques, Bulletin International de l'Acadmie des
Extractions: Financial Support ... Main page The conference is to commemorate the 90th anniversary of introducing the reproducing kernel property in two papers published in 1907 and 1909. The aim is to gather people who work in areas to which RKHS pertains like function theory, differential equations, operator theory or probability, so to mention some of them (even so abstract domain as operator algebras is not free of it: the famous GNS construction can be viewed as an application of this property). The conference is organised by Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (Zaremba was a professor of the university!) and it falls in with the celebration of the 600 anniversary of refunding the university.
ÐÏ à¡± á > þÿ 2 For an account on zaremba's scientific life and his Mathematics with some historicalbackground see Andrzej Pelczar, stanislaw zaremba (100 th anniversary of
Extractions: 90 Years of the Reproducing Kernel Property: History Meets Contemporary Research At the beginning of the 20th century two important papers appeared in Mathematics and the reproducing kernel property wa s born in Kraków. Its father was Stanis³aw Zaremba , professor at the Jagiellonian University. Stanis³aw Zaremba (1863-1942) graduated as an engineer in St. Petersburg and went on to study mathematics in Paris, receiving there his Ph.D. His thesis Sur un probleme concernant létat calorifique dun corps homogene indefini offered a solution to a problem posed by the Paris Academy of Sciences. Among Zarembas pupils was Tadeusz Wa¿ewski (1896-1972), Zarembas successor, who created the Kraków School of Dif ferential Equations , as called by specialists in the field. Zarembas education determined his scientific interest: widely understood mathematical analysis (traditionally the strength of Cracovian Mathematics) including the theory of partial differential equations, especially those of mathematical physics as well as distinctive applications, in particular in physics. In this context the 1907 paper, still within the theory of partial differential equations, states for the first time what is nowadays called the reproducing kernel property ; the other paper, the 1909 one, is rather orientated towards numerical applications
ISTG Vol 5 - Castel Bianco Franz 884 ZAMRL Hermine 885 zaremba Jan 886 zaremba Janina 887 zaremba Krystyna888 zaremba Maria 889 ZAWADZKA stanislawa 890 ZAWADZKI stanislaw 891 ZAWADZKI
Extractions: This passenger list contains individuals and families that migrated to Australia after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, etc. Most passengers are World War II refugees or displaced persons. Columns represent*: Sequence number, surname, forename Tom Stiglmayer , and quote the ship name and Look-up Reference Number. If the requested passenger belongs to a family unit I will also send you the details for all the members of the family. Tom Stiglmayer's Homepage Donated and Transcribed by Tom Stiglmayer for the
Images Of Mathematicians On Postage Stamps Highquality scans of postage stamps from around the world picturing famous mathematicians.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories zaremba, stanislaw. Issued by Poland on Nov. 23, 1982, part of a series Mathematicians zaremba.jpg. Other Mathematics Stamps (in Order of Issue Date).
Extractions: Images of Mathematicians on Postage Stamps RECENT CHANGES: On March 15, a Spanish stamp depicting Archimedes was added, a stamp issued by the Netherlands depicting De Witt was added, a 1961 stamp issued by the Soviet Union depicting workers studying mathematics was added, a 1978 Finnish stamp commemorating the Internation Congress of Mathematicians was added, and bernoulli.jpg, imk.jpg, lagrange.jpg, leibniz1.jpg, leibniz2.jpg, luxembourg2000.jpg, nunes.jpg, and huygens1.jpg were replaced with better scans. Thanks to Bert Jagers for these images. Also on March 15, workers2.jpg, newton46.jpg, newton47.jpg, huygens3.jpg, descartes8.jpg, and descartes9.jpg were added. Thanks to Brigitte Vallee for these images. ABEL, Niels Henrik. Issued by Norway on April 6, 1929, upon the death centenary abel1.jpg abel2.jpg abel3.jpg abel4.jpg ; issued by Norway on June 5, 2002, on the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth abel5.jpg abel6.jpg ; a coin issued by Norway in 2002 on the 200th anniversary of his birth abel7.jpg
Pin016a zaremba. 1949, 1949, ZZ.1.5j. 3, Correspondence of Natalia and Zygmunt zarembawith Irena and stanislaw Vincez. 1947, 1967, ZZ.6.4. 4, Correspondence
Extractions: Folder No. Title Old No. Private Papers Personal papers, notebooks, calendars, membership certificates. The certificate of membership in the Council of National Unity for Zygmunt Zaremba (Smreczynski). ZZ.2.2 Fragments of correspondence and undated letters to Zygmunt Zaremba. ZZ.1.5j Correspondence of Natalia and Zygmunt Zaremba with Irena and Stanislaw Vincez. ZZ.6.4 Correspondence of Natalia Zaremba with private persons and papers concerning her journalistic activities. ZZ.6.5 Letters from Zygmunt Zaremba to his wife - copies. ZZ.6.5a Political Papers Political Correspondence Correspondence (1940-1946). Correspondence from Warsaw to London. Polish Socialist Party - PPS WRN (underground) in Warsaw and PPS Foreign Committee in exile. Copies. ZZ.3.3 Correspondence (1940-1946). Polish Socialist Party - PPS WRN (underground) in Warsaw and PPS Foreign Committee in exile. Copies. ZZ.3.1a
Report2002 our zaremba collection and in return we received microfilms from their archives.),a CD Guide to PIASA Archives (500+ pages) prepared by stanislaw Flis.
Extractions: The 9/11 event and the subsequent anthrax scare did have a negative effect on us but did not crush our spirit. After a few days, the Institute reopened and resumed its normal operations. My Deputy Janina Kedron, and her staff members deserve a great deal of credit for not letting the tragedy to deter PIASA's activities. Plaudits should also be given to Ms. Marlena Koter, who was scheduled to arrive in New York on September 30, 2001 and assume the position of "Visiting Archivist". She could have delayed her coming or even decide not to come. But she is courageous and came ; she deserves our thanks and appreciation. There were, however, many people in the metropolitan area who were more hesitant and avoided coming into New York City for several months. Financial Concerns Administration/Housekeeping In spit of our limited resources, we have been able to make needed capital improvements and repairs in the amount of over $60,000 in the past few years. Those renovations were made primarily to the exterior of our townhouse although they included replacement of the entire air conditioning/heating sysstem. Now it will be necessary to focus more on the interior of the building especially repainting all five floors. Before we proceed we will have to get estimates and then find the necessary funds.
PolishRoots - Database Brykczynski stanislaw, wl. dóbr, Lwów. Buynowski Tytus, c. k. notaryusz, Pilzno.Chomyszyn Grzegorz ks. dr. gr. kat. Biskup, stanislawów. Cieleckizaremba Artur,wl.
Extractions: Songs Postcards Museums Databases ... US States Galician Provincial Council Representatives This list identifies representatives to the Galician Diet for 1907. The Galician Diet was established in 1861 with 150 seats which was raised to 161 seats in 1901. Deputies were elected on a curia system which allotted a specific number of deputies from 4 social strata (great landowners, chambers of commerce, cities and small towns + communes). Also after 1875 they had ex officio members ( in the case of Galicia 7 bishops, 2 university rectors and after 1900 the president of the Polish Academy of Sciences and rector of the polytechnic in Lwow). The Diet had limited authority - concerned with local agriculture and industry, hygiene, elementary and secondary schools. Name Credentials Locale Abramowicz Dawid JE. wl. dóbr
The General Langfitt Story - Appendix 1 - Passenger List USCINSKI, Janusz. WENC, Stefania Edmund stanislaw. WILCZEK, Aleksandra Tadeusz Barbara.WISNIEWSKA, Olga Zofia. ZAREBSKI, Zenon. zaremba, Jozef Stefania. RUSINEK, Leokadia.
Extractions: Information about special visa arrangements for Middle East citizens. To advise the department about a person working or living illegally in Australia, please contact a compliance office The department operates a national telephone inquiry line on , for the cost of a local call anywhere in Australia. Overseas, please contact your nearest Australian diplomatic office Home Immigration Research Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants ... International Research Koja, Uganda
[IYP] Glosowanie zaremba Krzysztof 51.Zdrojewski Bogdan 52. Zmijan stanislaw Poslowie z klubu/kolaSamoobrona glosujacy Przeciw 1. Aszkielowicz Mieczyslaw 2. Beger
Extractions: Date Prev ][Date Next][ Thread Prev ][Thread Next][ Date Index Thread Index * IYP-L - EZ ListServ Miroslawa Wiechowskiego * Administrator: * Ustawianie opcji uzytkownika: Prev by Date: [IYP] Re: ZIEMIA!!!!!! Prev by thread: [IYP] Re: ZIEMIA!!!!!! Index(es): Date Thread
Homepage Of Stanislaw Ciesielski na ten temat M.zaremba, Próba legitymizacji wladzy komunistycznej w latach 19441947poprzez odwolanie sie do tresci narodowych, w Polska 1944/45-1989
Extractions: , ale tak¿e przez nawi±zanie do wcze¶niejszej formy pañstwa, komuni¶ci odwo³ali siê do konstytucji z 1921 r. Manifest PKWN stwierdza³: "Krajowa Rada Narodowa i Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego dzia³aj± na podstawie konstytucji z 17 marca 1921 roku, jedynie obowi±zuj±cej konstytucji legalnej, uchwalonej prawnie" . Ustawodawstwo KRN wielokrotnie przy tym popada³o w sprzeczno¶æ z konstytucj± marcow± i jej zasadami tak istotnymi, jak zasada zwierzchnictwa narodu czy podzia³u w³adzy pañstwowej. Odwo³anie do konstytucji marcowej umo¿liwia³o natomiast przechodzenie do porz±dku nad kwesti± norm konstytucji kwietniowej, a zw³aszcza uprawnieñ instytucji przez ni± ustanowionych. Komuni¶ci i ich sojusznicy-satelici, uznawszy ( w Manife¶cie PKWN) konstytucjê z 1935 r. za nielegalnie narzucon±, a wiêc "bezprawn±", nadto "faszystowsk±" w swej tre¶ci, z proklamacji tej czynili donios³± przes³ankê odmawiania prezydentowi Rzeczypospolitej, rz±dowi polskiemu oraz jego agendom prawa do wykonywania w³adzy in 1979 ZAKS, ABRAHAM joint paper in 1990 ZAKS, SHMUEL joint paper in 1988 ZALCSTEIN,YECHEZKEL 3 joint papers, first in 1987 zaremba, stanislaw KRYSTYN joint
Extractions: This page is quoted from Jerry Grossman, see link below. It may be outdated, please go to his page for the current information. Erdos0, Version 1999, February 4, 1999 This is a list of the 492 co-authors of Paul Erdos. Please send corrections and comments to . The Erdos Number Project Web site can be found at the following URL:
Catégorie Personnages Célèbres Translate this page 482646, 5 zl, 1982, Mathematicien Polonais stanislaw zaremba, sans timbre, 2,482646, 5 zl, 1982, Mathematicien Polonais stanislaw zaremba, avec timbre neuf,2,5,
Category Famous People 482646, 5 zl, 1982, Polish Mathematicians stanislaw zaremba, without stamp,2, 482646, 5 zl, 1982, Polish Mathematicians stanislaw zaremba, with mint stamp,2,5,
Extractions: TO ORDER 50 gr Polish Dramatists Wojciech BOGUSLAWSKI without stamp 50 gr Polish Dramatists Wojciech BOGUSLAWSKI with mint stamp 1 zl Polish Dramatists Aleksander FREDRO without stamp 1 zl Polish Dramatists Aleksander FREDRO with mint stamp 1 zl 50 gr Polish Dramatists Juliusz SLOWACKI without stamp 1 zl 50 gr Polish Dramatists Juliusz SLOWACKI with mint stamp 2 zl Polish Dramatists Adam MICKIEWICZ without stamp
The Sypniewski Family-The Sypniewski Family (West Prussian) Jan married Stefania from Janraczewski coat of arms zaremba. stanislaw Sypniewski(Maksymilian11) died in 1871. Wanda Sypniewski (Maksymilian-11).
Extractions: Translated by Andrzej Straszewicz By the end of the 15th century, we locate the Sypniewski family in western Prussia: Arnold Sypniewski lived on the estate called Koscieszynie. Dobieslaw Sypniewski had two estates. One was called Dodrznie, and the other was called Smielchowie. Marcin Sypniewski lived on an estate called Dziewierznie, in the district of Zloczowski. Jacob Sypniewski lived on the estate called Sypniewo. Jacob Sypniewski's family is the subject of the following chart GENERATION ONE Jakob Sypniewski Nalecz GENERATION TWO Wojciech Sypniewski (Jakob-1) married Chrybska(i) in 1513. Her clan was Prawdzic GENERATION THREE Jakob Sypniewski Brochwicz . Jacob moved from Prussia to Greater Poland (near Poznan). In 1571, near the feast day of St. Bartholomew, the Apostle, Jacob's sons, Stefan (no issue) and Stanislaw, contracted land on the estates of Wielki (large) and Male (small) GENERATION FOUR The National Archives in Poznan shows that Stanislaw Sypniewski (Jakob-3, Wojciech-2, Jakob-1)left his estate of Wiry to a married couple: Jan Stzempinski and his wife Anna, from the house of Urbanowki, of the clan
POLES & POLISH AMERICANS IN AMERICAN UNIONS John Wojczyszyn; M. Wozny; J. Wozniewski; Stephen Wrobel; stanislaw Wroblewski;John Zarczynski +; Waclaw Zarzecki; J. Zgrabik; John A. zaremba; T. Zator
Extractions: D. 1875, Felix Lemkie became not only the "first labor union man elected to public office in America" but also the first Polish American official in Detroit. E. In the 1880s, Anton Paryski Aestablished forty lodges for the old Knights of Labor in communities containing large Polish populations. Later, in Toledo, Antoni A. Paryski proudly advertised from the beginning of the publication of his Ameryka in 1889 that it was a A workingman's newspaper.
Extractions: Historie Weltrekorde Gewichtheben 13 Herren Damen 100kg - Zweikampf Gewicht Weltrekordinhaber Jahr Ort des Weltrekordes Wladimir Kononow - SOV Berlin Anatoli Koslow - SOV Wolgograd Anatoli Koslow - SOV Rostow Anatoli Koslow - SOV Rostow Igor Nikitin - SOV Moskau Sergej Arakelow - SOV Kiew Dawid Rigert - SOV Las Vegas Wiktor Kononow - SOV Dubna Adam Saidullajew - SOV Lemberg Dawid Rigert - SOV Varna Dawid Rigert - SOV oroschilowgrad Igor Nikitin - SOV Moskau Adam Saidullajew - SOV Frunse Dawid Rigert - SOV Moskau Wiktor Sots - SOV Nowosibirsk Adam Saidullajew - SOV Lemberg Ota Zaremba - TCH Sturovo Ota Zaremba - TCH Sturovo Juri Sacharewitsch - SOV Donezk Juri Sacharewitsch - SOV Donezk Juri Sacharewitsch - SOV Dnjepropetrowsk Juri Sacharewitsch - SOV Dnjepropetrowsk Juri Sacharewitsch - SOV Odessa 105kg - Reißen (neu ab 01.01.1998) Gewicht Weltrekordinhaber Datum Ort des Weltrekordes Weltstandard xxxxx Wladimir Smortschkow - RUS Antalya 105kg - Stoßen (neu ab 01.01.1998) Gewicht Weltrekordinhaber Datum Ort des Weltrekordes Weltstandard xxxxx 105kg - Zweikampf (neu ab 01.01.1998) Gewicht Weltrekordinhaber Datum Ort des Weltrekordes Weltstandard xxxxx +105kg (neu an 01.01.1998)
Gewichtheben - Deutsche Meisterschaften (Herren - Teil 2) Translate this page 1980, Ota zaremba - TCH, Igor Nikitin - URS, Alberto Blanco - CUB. 1994,Sergej Syrtsow - RUS, Wiktor Tregubow - RUS, stanislaw Rybaltschenko - UKR.
Extractions: Historie Gewichtheben - Weltmeisterschaften (1. Schwergewicht) Mehrkampf Jahr Weltmeister Platz 2 Platz 3 Anatoli Koslow - URS Helmut Losch - GDR Michel Broillet - FRA David Rigert - URS Sergej Arakelow - URS Manfred Funke - GDR Pawel Sirchin - URS Janos Solyomvari - HUN Alberto Blanco - CUB Ota Zaremba - TCH Igor Nikitin - URS Alberto Blanco - CUB Wiktor Sots - URS Bruno Matykiewicz - TCH Weselin Osikowski - BUL Wiktor Sots - URS Juri Sacharewitsch - URS Bruno Matykiewicz - TCH Pawel Kusnetzow - URS Alexander Popow - URS Andrzej Komar - POL Rolf Milser - FRG Vasile Groapa - ROM Pekka Niemi - FIN Sandor Szanyi - HUN Pawel Kusnetzow - URS Nicu Vlad - ROM Nicu Vlad - ROM Boris Seregin - URS Sandor Szanyi - HUN Pawel Kusnetzow - URS Nicu Vlad - ROM Sandor Szanyi - HUN Petar Stefanow - BUL Nicu Vlad - ROM Pawel Kusnetzow - URS Nicu Vlad - ROM Igor Sadykow - URS Sergej Kopytow - URS Igor Sadykow - URS Iwalin Raitschew - BUL Francis Tournefier - FRA Wiktor Tregubow - RUS Sergej Syrtsow - RUS Igor Sadykow - GER Sergej Syrtsow - RUS Wiktor Tregubow - RUS Stanislaw Rybaltschenko - UKR Akakios Kakiaschwili - GRE
NFH : Recherche : Literaturdatenbank Translate this page Yahil , Leni. Young , James E. Zabierowski , stanislaw. Zaika , Siegfried. zaremba, Marcin. Zarusky , Jürgen. Zaun , Harald. Zayas , Alfred de. Zeidler , Manfred.