History 430AD tsu ch'ung chi was born in Fanyang, China in 430 AD. He was an astronomer, engineer and mathematician. In astronomy, he recommended a new calendar that he made in 463. http://www.oxy.edu/~jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/430AD.html
Extractions: Contributions from Charles and Fili Tsu Ch'ung Chi was born in Fan-yang, China in 430 AD. He was an astronomer, engineer and mathematician. In astronomy, he recommended a new calendar that he made in 463. He also found an accurate time of the solstice by measuring the length of the Sun's shadow at noon around the time of the solstice. In mathematics he found a rational approximation 355/113 = 3.14159265 to pi (3.1415927 ). This is correct for six decimal places. Not much is known about his approximation because his book, written by his son is now lost. Tsu Ch'ung Chi and his father found the formula for the volume of a sphere by carrying out Liu Hui's suggestion. Author : Charles DeBoer References:
Extractions: Der auf der Briefmarke abgedruckte Mittelwert ist also eine korrekte Rundung auf 8 Nachkommastellen. Wegen 355/113 = 3.14159292035... ist der von Tsu angegebene Bruch auf 6 Nachkommastellen korrekt. Und heute? Im September 1999 berechnete der Japaner Takahashi Kanada 206.158.430.000 Nachkommastellen mit einem Computer (klar!), und das Wettrennen wird sicherlich noch weitergehen.
Tsu tsu ch'ung chi. a remarkable result on which it would be nice to have moredetails but tsu ch'ung chi's book, written with his son, is lost. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Tsu.html
Extractions: Tsu was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. He gave the rational approximation to p which is correct to 6 decimal places. He also proved that p a remarkable result on which it would be nice to have more details but Tsu Ch'ung Chi's book, written with his son, is lost. Tsu's astronomical achievements include the making of a new calendar in 463 which never came into use. Tsu also determined the precise time of the solstice by measuring the length of the Sun's shadow at noon on days near the solstice to reduce errors caused by the fact that it is very difficult to determine the exact time of the solstice. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (3 books/articles) A Poster of Tsu Mathematicians born in the same country Cross-references to History Topics Pi through the ages
Tsu tsu ch'ung chi. Born 430 in Fanyang (now Hopeh), China http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Tsu.html
Extractions: Tsu was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. He gave the rational approximation to p which is correct to 6 decimal places. He also proved that p a remarkable result on which it would be nice to have more details but Tsu Ch'ung Chi's book, written with his son, is lost. Tsu's astronomical achievements include the making of a new calendar in 463 which never came into use. Tsu also determined the precise time of the solstice by measuring the length of the Sun's shadow at noon on days near the solstice to reduce errors caused by the fact that it is very difficult to determine the exact time of the solstice. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (3 books/articles) A Poster of Tsu Mathematicians born in the same country Cross-references to History Topics Pi through the ages
Malaspina.com - Tsu Ch'ung Chi (430-501) Research bibliography, books and links to 1 000 other interdisciplinary entries compiled by Russell McNeil. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~MCNEIL/tsu.htm
Malaspina.com - Tsu Ch'ung Chi (430-501) Launch Previous Entry in New Window Malaspina Science Database Launch NextEntry in New Window tsu ch'ung chi (430501) MacTutor, St. Andrews. http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/tsu.htm
Poster Of Tsu tsu ch'ung chi lived from 430 to 501 Tsu was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. He introduced the approximation 355/113 to which is correct to 6 decimal places. Find out more at http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Posters2/Tsu.html
MA 2108's Home Page tsu ch'ung chi ×æ³åÖ®(430501). Links to Calculus at Other Universities;Calculus II at the University of Pennsylvania. Calculus at Harvard, http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~matwujie/Spring02/
Extractions: MA 2108, Spring 2002 Text Books: William R. Parzynski and Philip W. Zipse, Introduction to mathematical analysis , International Edition 1987, McGraw-Hill Book Company Press. G. B. Thomas, Jr. and Ross L. Finney, Calculus and analytic geometry , 9th Edition, International Student Edition, Addison-Wesley Longman Inc. Press, 1996. M. Braun, Differential equations and their applications, 3rd Edition, Applied Mathematical Sciences V. 15, Springer-Verlag, 1986. Course Outline Lecture Notes Supplement to Section 3.9 Supplement to Section 3.10 Everybody must attend all lectures and should arrive on time. In case you missed the class due to sick, then you should submit your MC to me. If you missed some classes without sufficient reasons, you might get negative credit to your grade from the course. Group 1: Tuesday 11-12, S13 0501
- Great Books - tsu ch'ung chi (430501), Tsu was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer.He tsu ch'ung chi's book, written with his son, is lost. Tsu's http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_1144.asp
Extractions: Tsu was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. He gave the rational approximation 355/113 to which is correct to 6 decimals. Tsu Ch'ung Chi's book, written with his son, is lost. Tsu's astronomical achievements include the making of a new calendar in 463 which never came into use. Tsu also determined the precise time of the solstice by measuring the length of the Sun's shadow at noon on days near the solstice to reduce errors caused by the fact that it is very difficult to determine the exact time of the solstice. [Adapted from MacTutor Browse
Mathcards.com - Mathematician Trading Cards tsu ch'ung chi. The images and biographical content for the "Math Cards" on this site are used with permission from the http://www.mathcards.com/
Extractions: Euler Laplace Cauchy Descartes Archimedes Leibniz Khayyam Liouville Lorentz Minkowski Mobius Pythagoras Ramanujan Riemann Tsu Khwarizmi Hopital Bernoulli Fibonacci Fourier Godel Picard Stokes Sturm Taylor Agnesi Cavalieri Stevin Gauss Lagrange Lobachevsky Galois Seki Cardano Weierstrass Jacobi Eisenstein Hamilton Hilbert Euclid Hendrik Antoon Lorentz The images and biographical content for the "Math Cards" on this site are used with permission from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive of the University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland. Special thanks to Edmund Robertson , Head of the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences at the University of St Andrews, and one of the developers of the History of Mathematics Archive
- Great Books - Trotula of Salerno (c. 1097), Medieval Science 118. tsu ch'ung chi (430-501), MedievalScience 119. Vesalius, Andreas (1514-1564), Renaissance Science 120. http://www.malaspina.com/site/results_c9_page2.htm
Extractions: Mathematics in China Primary sources are Mikami's The Development of Mathematics in China and Japan and Li Yan and Du Shiran's Chinese Mathematics, a Concise History . See the bibliography below. Numerical notation, arithmetical computations, counting rods Traditional decimal notation one symbol for each of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000, and 10000. Ex. 2034 would be written with symbols for 2,1000,3,10,4, meaning 2 times 1000 plus 3 times 10 plus 4. Goes back to origins of Chinese writing. Calculations performed using small bamboo counting rods. The positions of the rods gave a decimal place-value system, also written for long-term records. digit was a space. Arranged left to right like Arabic numerals. Back to 400 B.C.E. or earlier. Addition: the counting rods for the two numbers placed down, one number above the other. The digits added (merged) left to right with carries where needed. Subtraction similar.
EUCLID tsu ch'ung chi c.430 c.501 Chinese Mathematician tsu ch'ung chi,mathematician and astronomer, who calculated the value of pi http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/persons3_n2/tsu.html
INDEX 5 sojo Tocqueville L Tojo P Tolstoy * Toramana Torricelli S Toulouse * Lautrec A Trajan* Tribonian * Truman P Tsai-lung Tshu-hi tsu ch'ung chi * Tudor, Mary W http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/History_n2/index_n2/index5.html
Untitled Ptolemaios (asi 150 nl) odhadl císlo pí hodnotou 3.1416, tsu ch'ung chi(430 501) hodnotou 355/113, al'Khwarizmi (asi 800) hodnotou 3.1416. http://natura.baf.cz/natura/2001/7/20010705.html
Extractions: zpracovali: Jiøí Svrek, Roman Barto Typografické poznámky k matematickým vztahùm jsou uvedeny na konci tohoto textu. 4. Historie èísla p Ve Starém zákonì v Bibli lze nalézt zmínky, napøíklad pøi popisu velkého chrámu krále alamouna postaveného kolem roku 850 pø.n.l, z nich vyplývá, e èíslo p bylo odhadováno èíslem 3. Egypané a obyvatelé Mezopotámie odhadovali èíslo p hodnotou 25/8 a (10). Na obranu alamounových øemeslníkù je tøeba uvést, e pøi stavbì chrámu byly pouívány velké kvádry kamene, pøi jejich usazování na místo nebyla nutná velká pøesnost. Skuteènost, e pomìr délky krunice k jejímu polomìru je konstantní, byla známa velmi dlouho. První odhady èísla p byly získány mìøením, jako v pøípadì "biblické" hodnoty 3. V egyptském papyru, který objevil A. Henry Rhind je odhad èísla p dán èíslem 4.(8/9) První teoretický výpoèet èísla pí pochází od Archiméda ze Syrakus (287 - 212 pø.n.l.). Archimédes získal odhad p Archimédes vìdìl, e èíslo pí není rovno 22/7 a netvrdil, e objevil pøesnou hodnotu. Jeho nejlepím odhadem je 3.1418, jeho chyba je asi 0.0002. Archimédes pro odhad èísla p pouil metodu vepsaných a opsaných mnohoúhelníkù krunici s jednotkovým polomìrem. Nalezl vztahy pro odhad èísla pí pomocí obvodù tìchto mnohoúhelníkù a nalezl iteraèní vztahy mezi obvody n-úhelníkù a (n+1)-úhelníkù.
Chinese Astronomers Tsu Ch'ungChi tsu ch'ung chi (430-501) was a Chinese mathematicianand astronomer. In astronomy, he arrived at the precise time http://www.chinapage.com/astronomy/astronomer.html
Extractions: Zhang Heng (78-139) was a Chinese astronomer, geographer, and mathematician. He constructed a celestial globe, believing that the world was round, "The sky is like a hen's egg, and is as round as a crossbow pellet; the Earth is like the yolk of the egg, lying alone at the centre. The sky is large and the Earth small." He also created a primitive, but very fanciful seismograph . His approximation of pi was the square root of 10. A Chinese astronomer and Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty, Zhang Sui (683-727), was the first to describe proper stellar motion, or the apparent motion of stars across the plane of the sky relative to more distant stars. In Western astronomy, Edmond Halley is credited with this discovery in 1718 for some stars from Ptolemy's catalogue.
Chinese Astronomers Cui Zhongji Tsu Ch'ungChi Cui Zhongji tsu ch'ung chi (430-501)was a Chinese mathematician and astronomer. In astronomy, he http://www.chinapage.org/astronomy/astronomer.html
Extractions: Zhang Heng (78-139) was a Chinese astronomer, geographer, and mathematician. He constructed a celestial globe, believing that the world was round, "The sky is like a hen's egg, and is as round as a crossbow pellet; the Earth is like the yolk of the egg, lying alone at the centre. The sky is large and the Earth small." He also created a primitive, but very fanciful seismograph . His approximation of pi was the square root of 10. A Chinese astronomer and Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty, Zhang Sui (683-727), was the first to describe proper stellar motion, or the apparent motion of stars across the plane of the sky relative to more distant stars. In Western astronomy, Edmond Halley is credited with this discovery in 1718 for some stars from Ptolemy's catalogue.
Extractions: HISTORY The earliest values of pi including the 'Biblical' value of 3, were almost certainly found by measurement. In the Egyptian Rhind Papyrus, which is dated about 1650 BC, there is good evidence for 4(8/9) = 3.16 as a value for The first theoretical calculation seems to have been carried out by Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC). He obtained the approximation 223/71 < 22/7. Before giving an indication of his proof, notice that very considerable sophistication involved in the use of inequalities here. Archimedes knew, what so many people to this day do not, that does not equal 22/7, and made no claim to have discovered the exact value. If we take his best estimate as the average of his two bounds we obtain 3.1418, an error of about 0.0002. People went on calculating after Archimedes: Ptolemy (c. 150 AD) 3.1416
Home/Giáo D?c-Ðào T?o/Góc HSSV/Tin H?c/ tsu ch'ung chi. Sinh 430 ? Trung Qu?c. M?t 501. tsu ch'ung chi dã tìmra k?t qu? p = b?ng cách nào thì không m?t ai bi?t du?c. http://www.hssv.vnn.vn/citd/cacsodara/nam2001/T1_2001/TR20_23.html
Asian Links - China, Japan, Korea, & India Ancient Mathematicians China's tsu ch'ung chi. India Caves of Ajanta and Ellora- They constitute one of the most beautiful expressions of the art of the http://killeenroos.com/link/asia.htm
Extractions: Art of China HomePage/Zodiac Art - many articles on Batik (intor to how to etc..), tie dying from India, facial make up in chinese operas. Products from Good Orient Ancient Contacts Between India And Greece @ The Aryan Pages Art - Cinese by dynasties Beijing - maps, Forbidden City very complete Biomedicine - History of -includes both Asian and Indian sites Boxer Rebellion China - China Special - CNN very interactive has timeline, maps, games, rulers, Quotes of Mao, 1800s in China - "The Open Door" great actual photographs plus text 50the Anniversay - predictions for the future Art of War - Sun Tzu's Ancient Chinese Dynasties - Zhou art - Five dynasties during feudal period Astrology Boxer Rebellion Calendar Classical Art ... Calligraphy - thinkquest very detailed about how to write, the shape of the letters, how to make numbers