Untitled GI Taylor was a grandson of George boole and alicia stott was his aunt. He attendedschool in Hampstead, and there he began to find his love of science. http://indykfi.atomki.hu/kisfiz/MT/taylor_g.htm
Extractions: http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Taylor_Geoffrey.html Geoffrey Ingram Taylor Born: 7 March 1886 in St John's Wood, London, England Died: 27 June 1975 in Cambridge, England G I Taylor was a grandson of George Boole and Alicia Stott was his aunt. He attended school in Hampstead, and there he began to find his love of science. At the age of 11 he attended a series of children's Christmas lectures on The principles of the electric telegraph and these made a strong impression on him. He was introduced to William Thomson at one of these lectures and Lord Kelvin told him he had been friendly with Geoffrey Taylor's grandfather George Boole. In 1899 Taylor went to University College School and in 1905 he won a scholarship to study at Trinity College, Cambridge. There he read mathematics, attending lectures by Whitehead, Whittaker and Hardy. After taking part I of the mathematics tripos he moved towards physics taking part II of the physics tripos. He then won a scholarship to undertake research at Trinity College. One of his first pieces of research was a theoretical study of shock waves where he extended work by Thomson. This work won him a Smith's Prize. In 1910 he was elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College. The following year he was appointed to a meteorology post and his work on turbulence in the atmosphere led to his publication
Women In Mathematics-Women In CS-History Of Mathematics She wrote many books about science. Name some of them. alicia boole stott (18601940)She was a daughter of the famous mathematician, George boole. http://www.montana.edu/4teachers/instcomp/hunts/math/WomeninMath/Women2.html
Extractions: Mathematics Many people are unaware of the important contributions women have made in the fields of mathematics and computer science. Take this Internet quiz to learn more about famous women in these fields. You can select one of these websites and use the information you find there to answer as many questions as you can at once, or you can click on the name at the beginning of the question to jump to a website with information about the individual.
Math 192 Burge, Lucas, Carl Friedrich Gauss, 9Oct. Hennessey, Sean, George boole, 9-Oct.McQuigg, Ben, alicia boole stott, 9-Oct. Hay, Shelley, Ellen Amanda Hayes, 16-Oct. http://www.math.colostate.edu/~estep/education/192/main192.html
Extractions: October 21, 4:10-5:00 in 117 Skiles Class Presentations and Reports Beattle, Chuck G. Salmon 9-Oct Brazie, Kimberly Louise Schmir Hay 9-Oct Burge, Lucas Carl Friedrich Gauss 9-Oct Hennessey, Sean George Boole 9-Oct McQuigg, Ben Alicia Boole Stott 9-Oct Hay, Shelley Ellen Amanda Hayes 16-Oct Newell, Mark Euler 16-Oct Oliver, Chris William Hamilton 16-Oct Olson, James
Famous Mathematicians With An S Translate this page Stevin Matthew Stewart Keith Stewartson Thomas Jan Stieltjes Michael Stifel JamesStirling George Gabriel Stokes Marshall Stone alicia boole stott Dirk Struik http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_S.htm
B Index 442*) Bolzano, Bernhard (790*) Bombelli, Rafael (202) Bombieri, Enrico (801*) Bonferroni,Carlo (262) Bonnet, Pierre (368) boole, alicia (stott) (340*) boole http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/B.htm
Www.scottlan.edu/lriddle/women/stott.htm Similar pages stottAlicia boole stott. Born June 8, 1860, Cork, Ireland. Died Dec 17, 1940, EnglandAlicia boole was the third daughter of the great mathematician, George boole. http://www.scottlan.edu/lriddle/women/stott.htm
Extractions: Contents: Introduction ix Maria Gaetana Agnesi Andrea Bertozzi Lenore Blum Sylvia Bozeman Marjorie Lee Browne Leone Burton Fan King Chung Ingrid Daubechies Emilie de Breteuil du Chatelet Etta Zuber Falconer Joan Feigenbaum Elizabeth Fennema Herta Taussig Freitag Sophie Germain Evelyn Boyd Granville Mary Gray Gloria Conyers Hewitt Grace Brewster Murray Hopper Rhonda Hughes Joan Hutchinson Hypatia Nancy Kopell Sofya Korvin-Krukovskaya Kovalevskaya Christine Ladd-Franklin Anneli Lax Gilah Chaya Vanderhoek Leder Emma Trotskaya Lehmer Ada Augusta Byron Lovelace Vivienne Malone-Mayes Dusa Waddington McDuff Marie-Louise Michelsohn Cathleen Synge Morawetz Emmy Noether Karen Parshall Bernadette Perrin-Riou Harriet Pollatsek Cheryl Praeger Mina Spiegel Rees Ida Rhodes Julia Bowman Robinson Judith Roitman Mary Ellen Rudin Mary Beth Ruskai Cora Sadosky Alice Turner Schafer Doris Wood Schattschneider Charlotte Angas Scott Marjorie Wikler Senechal Lesley Milman Sibner Mary Fairfax Frieg Somerville Pauline Sperry Alicia Boole Stott Olga Taussky-Todd Jean Taylor Chuu-Lian Terng Karen Uhlenbeck Marion Walter Sylvia Young Wiegand Grace Chisholm Young Appendix I: Dates of Birth........................283
The Engines Of Our Ingenuity Episodes 850 To 899 882 Smiles' Self Help No. 881 Circular Dials No. 880 alicia BooleStott No. 879 Babbage and Tennyson No. 878 Educated Pigs No. http://www.uh.edu/engines/850-99.htm
Cosmic Baseball Players (1981-2002) Grady, Jr. Stiles. Grady Stiles Jr. Stinkbug. Stirner. Bob Stone. alicia BooleStott. Paul Strand. Stratola. Stratos. Stratton. Straus. Erwin Straus. NathanStraus. http://www.cosmicbaseball.com/cosmicplayers.html
Extractions: Alphabetical by Last Name .406 (Ted Williams 1946 Batting Avg.) 1.4142135 (Square Root of Two) 11.001 (Pi In Binary Notation) 112358 (Fibonacci Number) 12 (Number of Months per Year) 12-Headed Men of Mars (1964) 1215 (Date Magna Carta signed) 162 (Games in MLB season) 1911 Wright Model B 1923 Model T Ford 1926 Dodge 1929 Chevy 1929 Ford 1929 Ruxtan 1936 Dusenberg 1936 Ford Phaeton 1937 Terraplane 1938 Studebaker 1939 Mercury 1947 Chrysler 1951 Studebaker 1953 Chevrolet Corvette 1955 Ford Thunderbird 1958 Ford Edsel 1963 Avanti Studebaker 1967 Ford 1968 Plymouth roadrunner 1977 AMC Pacer 1977 Dodge Hornet 1986 Duryea 2.718218285 (Euler's Number) 23 (Standard TCP/IP Telnet Port Number) 26 (Letters in the English Alphabet) 3.14 (Pi) 3.45 (Dock Ellis' Career ERA) 311 (Police Radio Code for Indecent Exposure) 36,526 (Serial Value for 1/1/2000) 36,892 (Serial Value for 1/1/2001) 52 (Cards in a playing deck) 60 (Seconds per minute/minutes per hour) A Movie BenMeir Aaron George Abbott Abel Abraham Bill Abruzzi Absolutely Free (1967) Mumia Abu-Jamal Henry Abyngdon Chiuna Achebe Edward Goodrich Acheson Adam Carolyn Adams Douglas Adams John Adams John Q. Adams
Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 Hertha Ayrton, Ida Metcalf. Charlotte Angas Scott, Charlotte Barnum. AliciaBoole stott, Ruth Gentry. Winifred Edgerton Merrill, Leona May Peirce. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/oame/gtech2000x3a.html
Extractions: Girls and Science 2000 Throughout history, rare women became mathematicians. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646-1684) Emilie du Chatelet (1706-1749 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) Sophie Germain (1776-1831) Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780-1872) We begin to see progress influence of women's movement. Nineteenth Century Ada Byron Lovelace Florence Nightingale Mary Everest Boole Susan Jane Cunningham Elizaveta Fedorovna Litvinova Christine Ladd- Franklin Sofia Kovalevskaya Ellen Amanda Hayes Hertha Ayrton Ida Metcalf Charlotte Angas Scott Charlotte Barnum Alicia Boole Stott Ruth Gentry Winifred Edgerton Merrill Leona May Peirce Helen Abbot Merrill Clara Eliza Smith Clara Latimer Bacon Annie MacKinnon Fitch Grace Chisholm Young Isabel Maddison Mary Frances Winston Newson Emilie Norton Martin Agnes Baxter Virginia Ragsdale Louise Duffield Cummings Lao Genevra Simons Roxana Hayward Vivian Elizabeth Dickerman Anna Irwin Young Suzan Rose Benedict Charlotte Elvira Pengra Grace M. Bareis
Matematikos Istorija Scott (18581931). 1860-1869 Charlotte Barnum(1860-1934); AliciaBoole stott (1860-1940); Ruth Gentry (1862-1917); Winifred Edgerton http://www.emokykla.lt/mokymas/intermok/projektai/matematika/istorija.html
Extractions: Senovës matematikos istorija http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/index.html Ðioje svetainëje sukaupta daugybë medþiagos matematikos istorijos klausimais. Svetainæ sukûrë Ðkotijos Ðv. Andrëjaus universiteto Matematikos ir statistikos mokykla. Tekstai paraðyti aiðkia, graþia anglø kalba, todël gali bûti panaudoti integruojant matematikos pamokas su anglø kalba. Patraukliai ir ádomiai apraðyta daugiau kaip 1000 matematikø, pateikiami jø portretai, trumpai pristatomi esminiai darbai. Yra ávairiø ádomybiø, pavyzdþiui, prie kiekvieno mokslininko spragtelëjus pateiktà nuorodà rodoma jo gimimo diena. Matematikø biografijos pateiktos sugrupuotos pagal abëcëlæ ir pagal gyvenimo metus. Manau, kad matematikø biografijø iðsamus ir vaizdus pateikimas yra vertingiausia ðios svetainës dalis. Ir ypaè ádomu, kad kiekvienam matematikui pateikiamas þemëlapis, kuriame nurodomos jo ir kitø þymiø matematikø gimimo vietos. Pateiktas nemaþas garsiø istoriniø temø skyrius (apie 40 temø). Èia galima rasti medþiagos viktorinoms, olimpiadoms, arba norint paávairinti kai kuriø temø pamokas, pavyzdþiui, kalbant apie trigonomerines funkcijas ar skaièiaus
Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (P) The word POLYTOPE (for a four dimensional convex solid) was introduced by AliciaBoole stott (18601940), according to the University of St. Andrews website. http://mail.mcjh.kl.edu.tw/~chenkwn/mathword/p.html
Extractions: Last revision: July 31, 1999 p-ADIC INTEGER was coined by Kurt Hensel (1861-1941) (Katz, page 824). PAIRWISE. An early use of this term is in Chowla, S.; Erdoes, Pal; Straus, E.G. On the maximal number of pairwise orthogonal latin squares of a given order, Canadian J. Math. 12, 204-208 (1960). PANGEOMETRY is the term Nicholas Lobachevsky (1796-1856) gave to his non-Euclidea geometry (Schwartzman, p. 157). PARABOLA was probably coined by Apollonius, who, according to Pappus, had terms for all three conic sections. Michael N. Fried says there are two known occasions where Archimedes used the terms "parabola" and "ellipse," but that "these are, most likely, later interpolations rather than Archimedes own terminology." Parabola is dated 1579 in MWCD10. PARABOLIC GEOMETRY. See hyperbolic geometry. PARACOMPACT. The term and the concept are due to J. Dieudonné (1906-1992), who introduced them in Une généralisation des espaces compacts , J. Math. Pures Appl., 23 (1944) pp. 65-76. A topological space X X is a Hausdorff space, and (ii) every open cover of
Extractions: Women http://www.teleport.com/~megaines/women.html http://www.nwhp.org/ http://www.teleport.com/~megaines/women.html http://www.wic.org/misc/history.htm bios BIOGRAPHIES/LIFE STORIES http://www.myhero.com/home.asp http://educate.si.edu/spotlight/start.html http://members.home.net/klanxner/lives/ http://lcweb2.loc.gov/wpaintro/wpahome.html http://www.xmission.com/~drudy/mtman/mmarch.html http://www.voicenet.com/~srussell/Biography.html http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/B/index.htm Mathematicians Sites School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews, Scotland
Extractions: Mr. Gaston's Math Homepage The project is complete! Click here to view the student works! This semester, the Algebra Classes will be presenting an in class project detailing the history of a particular mathematician from history. This will include an in class presentation as well as a written paper on the subject. These are the requirements students must meet for a satisfactory grade: Please read one of the biographies of a male or female mathematician from the following lists. Write a short summary. Create a poster, with at least 2 visual aids and attach your summary for display in class. Please include the following information in your summary: Mathematician's Name. Picture from biography file. Date of Birth and Current Age/or Date of Death. Geographical Location. Important contributions to Math. What you found most interesting about this person. At least two (2) sources must be cited in a bibliography page. Summaries should be at approximately three to four pages long (double-spaced, New Times Roman font, size 12). You are welcome to get additional information from the library if necessary. Here are the mathematicians students may choose from: The 100 most cross-referenced, with the most cross-referenced first. The number of other biographies in which each mathematician is cross-referenced is given in brackets) This list is from
Really Great Math Thing Some of the Greatest Women in Mathematics. http://kara.brown.students.noctrl.edu/moremathinfo.html
Extractions: Theano Hypatia Maria Gaetana Agnesi Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler ... Karen E. Smith Part of the reason I chose Women in Mathematics is to please the feminist in me. The other reason is that so much focus is given to what men have accomplished that little thought is given to the women. I suppose that is feminist as well. The background on this choice really comes down to personal reasons. I am a female going into a field that has predominantly been male-oriented since the beginning. Today, things are beginning to change as I see more women in my classes here at North Central and I am finding encouragement all around me. To know what I am getting into, I decided to look into the past at my sisters in the field of Mathematics. The ones chosen are just a few of over 100 women recorded at Women Mathematicians . Included here on my page is a chart of the women found at The Women Mathematicians web page. I encourage you to check it out. Learn with me the importance these women played in the progression of math as we know it today. There is not too much information on Theano, alive during the 5th century B.C., and most of it could be speculation. She is apparently the wife of Pythagoras, and at his death, she and her two daughters took over the Pythagorean School. Throughout her life, she acquired a knowledge of mathematics and "wrote treatises on mathematics, physics, medicine, and child psychology." (3) It is thought that she also did work with the "Golden Mean," and this may have been her most important work.