Bimaristans In The Islamic World sinan followed this advice. Also according to what ibn alQifti mentioned al Moktaderasked sinan bin thabit to build a Bimaristan and give it his name.
Extractions: The word Bimaristan - which is of Persian origin - has the same meaning of hospital as Bimar ) in Persian means disease and ( stan ) is location or place, i.e. location or place of disease Although it was known that the Prophet Mohamed (may peace be upon him) was the first to order the establishment of small mobile military Bimaristan , and Rofaidah was the first female nurse to look after wounded Muslims followers in her mobile military tent Noushirawy in his new book on Islamic Bimaristans in the Middle Ages mentioned that the first proper Bimaristan built in Islam was in Damascus, by al- Waleed bin Abdel Malek and built in 86 Hijri (707 A.D.) . The aim of its building was treating patients and the care of affected chronic patients (as lepers and blind people... etc. The leprosy patients were treated freely and given money. In the Bimaristan there
Liste Provisoire DicoMeca (F-M) Translate this page 1375, BE, 215. ibn QURRA, thabit, 826 - 901, BE, 216. ibn SINA (AVICENNE),Al-Husayn ibn Abdallah, 980 - 1037, BE, 217. ibn sinan, Ibrahim, 908 - 946,BE, 218.
Extractions: FALKNER CdE FANNO CdE FENCHEL [JC] FICK Adolf-Eugen [PAB] FLAMANT [PP] FLAMMARION Nicolas Camille [BE] F FLETTNER Anton [PAB] FOUCAULT [PP] FOURIER Joseph [PP] FOURNEYRON [PAB] FRANCIS James [PAB] FRENET [PP] FRESNEL Augustin Jean [PP] FREYSSINET [PP] FRIEDRICHS Kurt Otto [PP] FRONTIN Sextus Julius Frontinus [PAB] FROUDE William [PAB] FULLER Pudley Dean [JF] FULTON Robert [PAB] GALILEE (dit) Galileo Galilei [BE] GALLE Johann Gottfried CdE GAUSS Carl Friedrich [PP] GAUTHEY Emiland Marie [PP] GAY-LUSSAC Louis-Joseph [JC] GEIRINGER CdE GERMAIN Sophie [PP] GIBBS John Willard [JC] GLAUERT Hermann [PAB] GOLDENVEIZER CdE GOLDSTEIN Sydney CdE GOODMAN John [JF] GRASHOF Franz [PP] GREEN George [PP] GRIFFITH A. A. [PP] GULDIN Paul [PP] Ludwig Karl Friedrich [JF] HABASH AL-HASIB [BE] HAGEN Gotthilf [PAB] HALL CdE HALLEY Edmond [BE] HAMILTON William Rowen [PP] HARDY William Bate [JF] HARTMAN CdE HELE SHAW [AM] HELMHOLTZ (von) Hermann [PP] HENCKY Heinrich [JC] HENDERSON Thomas [BE] HERACLIDES de PONTUS ca. 387 AC - 312 AC [BE] HERON d'ALEXANDRIE ca. 10 - ca. 75
Extractions: Women Suhayb Ar-Rumi About twenty years before the start of the Prophet's mission, that is about the middle of the sixth century CE, an Arab named Sinan ibn Malik governed the city of al-Uballah on behalf of the Persian emperor. The city, which is now part of Basrah, lay on t he banks of the Euphrates River. Sinan lived in a luxurious palace on the banks of the river. He had several children and was particularly fond of one of them who was then barely five years old. His name was Suhayb. He was blond and fair-complexioned. H e was active and alert and gave much pleasure to his father. One day Suhayb's mother took him and some members of her household to a village called ath-Thani for a picnic. What was to be a relaxing and enjoyable day turned out to be a terrifying experience that was to change the course of young Suhayb's life forev er. That day, the village of ath-Thani was attacked, by a raiding party of Byzantine soldiers. The guards accompanying the picnic party were overwhelmed and killed. Ali possessions were seized and a large number of persons were taken prisoner. Among these w as Suhayb ibn Sinan. Suhayb was taken to one of the slave markets of the Byzantine Empire, the capital of which was Constantinople, there to be sold. Thereafter he passed from the hands of one slave master to another. His fate was no different from thousands of other slaves w ho filled the houses, the palaces and castles of Byzantine rulers and aristocrats.
Astonishing Facts Script 18 the scientific team of the great Muslim mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakirat thabit left his legacy with sons Ibrahim and sinan, grandsons thabit
Extractions: by Asim Ali (Sohaib Saeed narrating) In this segment we shall cover some Muslim scientists who were the oil in the Scientific candle and were responsible for keeping the Candle alight during the European dark ages. The second segment will detail some mathematical miracles in the Quran. Years before the scientific breakthroughs of the European renaissance, Muslim scientists were responsible for many scientific breakthroughs whilst the Europeans were in turmoil, going through civil wars and plagues. During the 6 th to the 15 th century Muslim scientists had their heyday with many scientists at the forefront. What we have to realise is that the inspirations behind these great mens work were the Quran and the religion of Islam. Rather than being against science and investigation as religions are often painted as being, Islam encourages the use of our God-given faculties to appreciate the workings of His creation. The scientists became great scientists after becoming great Muslims as most of the Muslim scholars mentioned learned the Quran before learning science. They were scholars in the theology as well as the natural sciences and mathematics. Lets begin our journey through history.
List Of Electronic Texts Available At LETRS: Al-Hadith Database ibn Rifa'ah Title ABU DAWUD No.2236 Author Rafi' ibn sinan Title ABU 1324 AuthorRuwaybah Title ABU DAWUD No.0036 Author Ruwayfi' ibn thabit Title ABU
List Of Electronic Texts Available At LETRS: Al-Hadith Database ABU DAWUD No.2293 Author Furay'ah, daughter of Malik ibn sinan Title AL Ghalibibn Abjar Title ABU DAWUD No.0297 Author Grandfather of Adi ibn thabit ?
Ibn Taymiyya's Ideas Part 3 Of 3 min akadhib alqussas (The warning of the elect against the lies of story-tellers),and ibn al-Jawzi relates in Al-muntazam that thabit ibn sinan mentions in
Extractions: ON THE ANTHROPOMORPHISM OF "SALAFIS" The Sources of Ibn Taymiyya's Ideas (part 3 of 3) `Abd Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 290): He wrote a book which he named Kitab al-sunna , but whose stand in relation to the Sunna and anthropomorphism can be judged by the following excerpts: p. 5: "Is istiwa other than by sitting (julus)?" p. 35: "He saw Him on a chair of gold carried by four angels: one in the form of a man, another in the form of a lion, another in that of a bull, and another in that of an eagle, in a green garden, outside of which there was a golden dais." This seems taken verbatim from the Bible, Book of Revelation (4:2-7): "There was someone on the Throne... from it issued lightning, voices, and thunder... in its midst and around it stood four angels... the first was like a lion, the second like a young bull, the third has the face of a man, and the fourth is like an eagle in flight." Kawthari appropriately calls this "the grossest idol-worship ( al-wathaniyya al-kharqa' ) to which they ("Salafis") are calling the Umma today." p. 64: "Allah spoke to Musa with His lips" (mushafahatan), that is: upper lip against lower lip.
Harran'lý Bir Bilim Hanedaný: Sabit Bin Kurra Ve Ailesi tamamen koparak tarih ve edebiyat ile ugrastiklarini oysa sinan'in tarafinin Noteson thabit ibn Qurra and his rule for amicable numbers, Historia
Extractions: Taner Bilgiç (1001 Gece Masallarý, Sultan Þahriyar ile kardeþinin hikayesinden) Ýslâmda Hârun Reþid'in halifeliði ile baþlayan dönem batýda en çok 1001 Gece Masallarý ile bilinir. Oysa bu dönem sadece edebiyat ve müzikte deðil bilimde de Ýslâmýn dünya kültürüne eþsiz katkýlarýnýn gerçekleþtiði bir dönemdir. Abbasi halifeleri kendileri geometri, astronomi ve matematikle ilgilendikleri gibi bilim adamlarýný himaye etmiþler ve Yunan, Ýbraný, Süryavý, ve Sanskrit dillerinden önemli eserlerin Arapça'ya çevrilmesine de ön ayak olmuþlardýr. Özellikle halife Me'mun zamanýnda Baðdat'da kurulan ``Hikmet Evi''nde (Dar-ûl Hikme) bilim adamlarý himaye edilmiþ ve zamanýn en deðerli bilim adamlarýnýn yetiþeceði bir ortam hazýrlanmýþtýr. Müslüman alimlerin bilimlere katkýlarý Bilim Tarihi kitaplarýnda yerini aldý ( Taton 1963 ). Bu yazýda, Harran'lý Sabit bin Kurra'yý merkez alarak oðullarýnýn kendisini izlemesi ile ortaya çýkan Harran'lý ve Sabiî ``bilim hanedaný''nýn üzerinde duracaðým. Bir aile geleneði olarak bilimle uðraþan bu insanlar Sabiî kökenlerinden kaynaklanan ``sorgulayan akýl''larý sayesinde dünya bilimine önemli katkýlarda bulunmuþlardýr. Ayrýca, müslümanlar arasýndaki azýnlýk konumlarý nedeniyle týp ile uðraþarak kendilerini bir ``itibar þemsiyesi'' altýnda gizlemeyi de baþarmýþlardýr. Sabit bin Kurra ile baþlayan bu Sabiî bilim hanedanýný tarih içinde izlemek hem Ýslâmýn dünya bilimlerine eþsiz katkýlarýnýn olduðu bir döneme ýþýk tutuyor hem de hemen ardýndan gelen çöküþ konusunda ipuçlarý veriyor.
YAYASAN MENDAKI West Jabir ibn Haiyan, alKindi, al-Khawarizmi, al-Fargani, al-Razi, thabit ibnQurra, al-Battani, Hunain ibn Ishaq, al-Farabi, Ibrahim ibn sinan, al-Masudi
Chapter 85 ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad ibn alHassan from Muhammad ibn sinan fromTalha ibn Isa from al-Hassan ibn Mahbub from Umar ibn thabit from Jabir
Extractions: The case of those who would claim to be the Imam but is not qualified, the case of those who would reject all or some of the Imams and the case of those who argue in support of one who is not a qualified Imam H 958, Ch. 85, h 1 Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from Muhammad ibn Sinan from abu Salam from Sawra ibn kulayb who has said the following. "I asked abu Jafar (a.s.) about the words of Allah, the Most Majestic, the Most gracious, On the Day of Judgment you will see the faces of those who had invented falsehood against God blackened. . . ." (39:60). The Imam (a.s.) said, "It refers to whose who claim to be the Imam but in fact, is not the Imam." I then asked, "Even if he would of the descendants of Ali (a.s.)?" He said, "Even if he would of the descendants of Ali (a.s.),." I then asked, "Even if he would of the sons of Ali ibn abu Talib (a.s.) ?" He said, "even if he would be." H 959, Ch. 85, h 2
ASTRONOMER Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Jabir ibn sinan alBattani al-Harrani was born around 858AD thabit ibn Qurra ibn Marwan al-Sabi al-Harrani was born in the year 836
Extractions: AND THE MOON, WE HAVE MEASURED FOR IT MANSIONS (TO TRAVERSE) TILL IT RETURNS LIKE THE OLD DRIED CURVED DATE STALK. (SURAT YA SIN) MUSLIM ASTRONOMERS Abu Abdallah Muhammad Ibn Jabir Ibn Sinan al-Battani al-Harrani was born around 858 A.D. in Harran. Battani was a famous astronomer, mathematician and astro- loger. He has been held as one of the greatest astronomists of Islam. He is responsible for a number of important discoveries in astronomy,His well-known estimates. Abul Wafa Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Ismail al-Buzjani was born in Buzjan, Nishapur in 940 A.D. Apart from being a mathematician, Abul Wafa also contributed to astronomy . In this field he discussed different movernents of the moon, and discovered 'variation'. He was also one of the last Arabic translators and commentators of Greek works.
AlShindagah Online thabit ibn Qurrahs grandson, Ibrahim ibn sinan (908946), was involvedin the study of geometry and particularly in tangents to circles.
Extractions: take with the subject. Yet, ironically, maths is all around us. One way or another, almost every aspect of our modern civilization is based on calculations. Be it in architecture, astronomy, medicine, hi-tech development and the Internet, or mere payment in the local store, we make use of mathematical reckoning throughout our lives. And, are we lucky to live in this advanced age, taking for granted all
AMUCHMA NEWSLETTER #8 (9/7/1992) the following contributions * Atik, Y The algebraical epistle of sinan ibn alFath 196)* Hadfi, H. The book of data (al-Mafrudhat) of thabit ibn Qurra (in
Extractions: TABLE OF CONTENTS NEWSLETTER #8 Note of the Chairman Objectives of AMUCHMA Meetings Current Research Interests Notes and queries ... back to AMUCHMA ONLINE NOTE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Secretary of the A.M.U. Commission on the History of Mathematics in Africa (AMUCHMA), Prof. Ahmed Djebbar , has been appointed on 19.7.1992 Minister of National Education of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria. On behalf of AMUCHMA, I would like to congratulate Prof. Djebbar and wish him success in his new and very responsible position. Paulus Gerdes Chairman AMUCHMA 2. MEETINGS 2.1 Third Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians The 3rd Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians was held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre, Nairobi (Kenya), August 20-28, 1991. The following were contributed papers concerning the history of mathematics in Africa: * Gerdes, P.: On the History of Mathematics in Subsaharan Africa, an overview of recent research; * Ismael, A.: On the origin of the concepts of 'even' and 'odd' in Macua culture (Northern Mozambique);
AMU CHMA NEWSLETTER #5 (5/25/1990) as well as on the contribution of lesser known researchers like sinan ibn alFath thoseof an-Nayrizi (10th C.), al- Jawhari (10th C.), thabit ibn Qurra (d.901
Extractions: Members: Hilda Lea (Botswana), George Njock (Cameroon), Maassouma Kazim (Egypt), Salimata Doumbia (Ivory Coast), J.Mutio (Kenya), Mohamed Aballagh (Morocco), Lawrence Shirley (USA), Abdoulaye Kane (Senegal), Geoffrey Mmari (Tanzania), Mohamed Souissi (Tunisia), Venie Timkumanya (Uganda), Claudia Zaslavsky (USA) TABLE OF CONTENTS NEWSLETTER #5 Objectives of AMUCHMA Meetings 2.1 Papers presented at recent meetings Current research interests Suggestions for further research 4.1 Hypatia of Alexandria (c.370-415 a.d.) Education Have you read? Notes and queries Anouncements ... back to AMUCHMA ONLINE 2. MEETINGS 2.1 PAPERS PRESENTED AT RECENT MEETINGS * At the 2nd East African Symposium on Current Research Trends in Mathematics, Computer Science and Mathematics Education (Arusha, Tanzania, September 11-16, 1989), a paper by Paulus Gerdes "On Mathematical Elements in the Tchokwe 'Sona' Tradition" (Cf. : 5, AMUCHMA
Key Index Humaydi 32. hypocrites 9. I. Ibrahim ibn sinan 68. ibn Babuwayh 1, 30, 36. ibnHanbal 32, 48, 55. Y. Yeats, YB 5, 73. Z. Zaid ibn thabit 29, 48. zakat 19. Articles/kasim ahmed/ind
Extractions: INDEX A Abduh, Muhammad: 3, 11, 17, 78, 115, 123. Abraham: 20, 21, 22, 38, 70, 88. Abu Bakr: 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 48. Abu Kamil: 68. Abu Huraira: 48. Abdul Karim ibn Abu al-Awja: 34. abrogation theory: 87. Abu Daud: 1, 30, 36, 69. Abu Hanifa: 40. Adam: 38, 70. adultery: 14, 56, 59, 60. agnosticism: 73. Ahmad Amin: 34. Ahlul-Hadith: 9, 12, 86. Ahlul-Quran: 47. Aisha; 53. al-Farabi: 68. al-Ghazali: 10. al-Kulaini: 1, 30, 36. allegorical verses: 20, 78. al-Mas`udi: 68. al-Murtada: 1, 30, 36. al-Nasa`i: 1, 30, 36, 69. al-Tabari: 68. al-Risala Ali Abi Talib: 1, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 42. another book: 27, 41. anti-reason: 63. anti- taqlid movement: 74. apostasy: 58. Arab: 20, 40. Arabic science: 11. ascension: 83. atom, splitting of: 79. atheism: 73. authoritarianism: 8. Azami, M. M.: 21, 34. B Bacon, Roger: 11, Bakrite: 33, 39. Battle of the Allies: 22 Bennabi, Malik: 2, Bible: 23, 53. Briffault, Robert: 11. Bucaille, Maurice: 61. Bukhari: 1, 30, 36, 42, 46, 52, 69. C Camus, Albert: 5. Catholic Church: 7. Christian: 2, 7, 71. Christianity: 72. Code 19: 79.
How To Remove Depression And Worries ( Suhaib ibn sinan alRomi related that Allah's Messenger (SAAS) said Anas ibn Malikand Zaid ibn thabit (radhiyAllahu anhum) related that the Prophet (SAAS) said
Extractions: Home Knowledge Purification of the Soul How to Remove Depression and Worries Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee hafidhahullaah Introduction Mankind comes across many afflictions and trials, sometimes in overwhelming sequences. Removing the darkness of these worries, distresses, depression and grief is a very important matter to which Islaam gives serious attention... Indeed the greatest darkness to envelope mankind and surely his greatest affliction is disbelief in Allah and to associate partners with Him in any form (kufr and shirk). Allah is the Protector of those who have faith He will lead them from the depths of darkness into light. . As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are the devils: from light they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the fire, to dwell therein (for ever). AL-BAQARAH 2.257 Whereby Allah guides him who seeks His good pleasure to paths of peace and safety. He brings them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guides them unto a straight path. AL-MAAIDAH 5.016
La Mujer Política Translate this page de ibn Sa'd se encuentra recogida la biografía de Umm sinan, que decía día de Uhud,las mujeres se encontraban en la fortaleza de Hassan ibn thabit cuando unÃtica.htm
Extractions: «Dijo ella: ¡Consejo de nobles! Dadme un dictamen sobre mi caso, no tomaré ninguna decisión hasta que os pronunciéis. Dijeron: Nosotros tenemos fuerza y también un ejército poderoso, pero tuya es la decisión, mira pues lo que vas a ordenar. Dijo: Cuando los reyes invaden una ciudad la devastan y humillan hasta a sus habitantes más poderosos. Así es como actúan. Voy a enviarles un regalo y esperaré lo que traigan de vuelta los mensajeros». Vemos que poseía claramente mejor juicio y discernimiento que sus consejeros. En primer lugar, acuerda enviar un presente a Suleyman para probarle y averiguar de este modo si es un rey mundano o un Profeta; lo que ilustra sobre su manera de enjuiciar y su sabiduría en tales asuntos. Más tarde, cuando visita a Suleyman y se encuentra delante de su propio
7.Battle Of Uhud Malik ibn sinan, very upset, licked away the blood from his face. Zayd ibn thabit(may Allah be pleased with him) said, 'On the day of Uhud, the Messenger
Muslim Science thabit ibn Qurrah, his grandson Ibrahim ibn sinan (909946), Abu Sahl al-Kuhi(dc 995), and Alhazen solved problems involving the pure geometry of conic
Extractions: One of its languages became the universal language of much of the world, the bridge between the peoples of a hundred lands. Its armies were made up of people of many nationalities, and its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known. The reach of this civilizations commerce extended from Latin America to China, and everywhere in between.
The Murder Of Sallam to him 'Abdullah b.`Atik; Mas`ud b. sinan; `Abdullah b Hassan b. thabit mentioningthe killing of Ka`b and Sallam on B. Qurayza; The Killing of Sallam ibn Abu'l
Extractions: When the fight at the trench and the affair of the B. Qurayza were over, the matter of Sallam b. Abu'l-Huqayq known as Abu Rafi` came up in connexion with those who had collected the mixed tribes together against the apostle. Now Aus had killed Ka`b b. al-Ashraf before Uhud because of his enmity towards the apostle and because he instigated men against him, so Khazraj asked and obtained the apostle's permission to kill Sallam who was in Khaybar. Muhammad b. Muslim b. Shihab al-Zuhri from `Abdullah b. Ka`b b. Malik told me: One of the things which God did for His apostle was that these two tribes of the Ansar, Aus and Khazraj, competed the one with the other like two stallions: if Aus did anything to the apostle's advantage Khazraj would say, "They shall not have this superiority over us in the apostle's eyes and in Islam" and they would not rest until they could do something similar. If Khazraj did anything Aus would say the same. When Aus had killed Ka'b for his enmity towards the apostle, Khazraj used these words and asked themselves what man was as hostile to the apostle as Ka'b? And then they remembered Sallam, who was in Khaybar and asked and obtained the apostle's permission to kill him. We went out. Now `Abdullah b.`Atik had poor sight, and fell from the ladder and sprained his arm (729) severely, so we carried him until we brought him to one of their water channels and went into it. The people lit lamps and went in search of us in all directions until, despairing of finding us, they returned to their master and gathered round him as he was dying. We asked each other how we could know that the enemy of God was dead, and one of us volunteered to go and see; so off he went and mingled with the people. He said, "I found his wife and some Jews gathered round him. She had a lamp in her hand and was peering into his face and saying to them 'By God, I certainly heard the voice of `Abdullah b.`Atik. Then I decided I must be wrong and thought, "How can Ibn`Atik be in this country?"' Then she turned towards him, looking into his face, and said, 'By the God of the Jews he is dead!' Never have I heard sweeter words than those."