Claude Shannon's Master's Thesis 1938 AD claude shannon's master's Thesis. In fact it was not until 1938 that claudeE. shannon published an article based on his master's thesis at MIT.
Extractions: Claude Shannon's master's Thesis Around the 1850s, the British mathematician George Boole was busily inventing a new form of mathematics, in which he represented logical expressions in a mathematical form now known as Boolean Algebra a Unfortunately, with the exception of students of philosophy and symbolic logic, Boolean Algebra was destined to remain largely unknown and unused for the better part of a century. In fact it was not until 1938 that Claude E. Shannon published an article based on his master's thesis at MIT. (Shannon's thesis has since been described as: "Possibly the most important master's thesis of the twentieth century." In his paper, which was widely circulated, Shannon showed how Boole's concepts of TRUE and FALSE could be used to represent the functions of switches in electronic circuits. It is difficult to convey just how important this concept was; suffice it to say that Shannon had provided electronics engineers with the mathematical tool they needed to design digital electronic circuits, and these techniques remain the cornerstone of digital electronic design to this day. a Apropos of nothing at all, Shannon is also credited with the invention of the rocket-powered Frisbee, and is famous for riding down the corridors at Bell Laboratories on a unicycle while simultaneously juggling four balls.
Register At Similar pages 7 claude shannon's mathematical model of communication (1949) Warren Weaver's three. 7 claude shannon's mathematical model of communication(1949). Dafydd Gibbon Sat May 18 211428 MET DST 1996.
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Technomanifestos: Claude Shannon that environment. Norbert Wiener, claude shannon. Central RecentChanges The Network, Edit Revisions Talk? unknown user. a
Shannon, Claude shannon, claude amerikansk matematiker (19162001). shannon grundlade 1948 informationsteorinmed sin skrift A Mathematical Theory of Communication., Claude
Extractions: amerikansk matematiker (1916-2001). Shannon grundlade 1948 informationsteorin med sin skrift A Mathematical Theory of Communication . I den skriften lade han den matematiska grunden för förståelsen av tele-, radio- och datakommunikation. Han besvarade frågan om vad som krävs för att man ska kunna sända ett meddelande från avsändare till mottagare utan att förlora information och hur mycket information som kan sändas per tidsenhet. Man kan också säga att han matematiskt beskrev hur man skiljer signalen från bruset. 1949 tillämpade han samma principer på kryptering i "Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems". Claude Shannon blev doktor i matematik vid [ MIT 1941 och anställdes 1941 vid Bell Labs , där han stannade till 1972. Han blev professor vid [ MIT 1956 och blev emeritus 1978.
Michigan Greats - Claude E. Shannon MICHIGAN GREATS. claude E. shannon. by Lee Katterman Office of the VicePresident for Research. Note claude shannon died on Feb. 24, 2001.
Extractions: Office of the Vice President for Research Note: Claude Shannon died on Feb. 24, 2001 It's been said that this University of Michigan alumnus has long deserved a Nobel Prize for his work. But Claude Shannon, who graduated from the UM in 1936, has not been so honored because his research contributions in the field of " information theory " do not fit neatly into one of the six Nobel categories. What makes the oversight more glaring is the important foundation Shannon built for the computerized society we live in today. In " A Mathematical Theory of Communication ," published in 1948, Shannon laid out a simple, precise, mathematical description for communication that played a key role in the development of the telephone system, the internet and even the CD player used to play recorded music. Shannon's model of the communication process and how information can be measured and transmitted efficiently and accurately remain important today even as the technology become more sophisticated. "Few other works of this century have had a greater impact on science and engineering" are the words University of Southern California professor Irving Reed used to describe Shannon's contributions at a recent forum on information theory.
Claude Elwood Shannon Translate this page claude Elwood shannon. Questa pagina richiede Javascript. Data, Evento.30 Apr 1916, Nasce a Petoskey, Michigan (USA), 1936, Si laurea
Extractions: ScriviLogo('../') HomeBio('') Questa pagina richiede Javascript Data Evento 30 Apr 1916 Nasce a Petoskey, Michigan (USA) Si laurea (bachelor's degree) in Matematica e Ingegneria elettrica alla University of Michigan. Ottiene il master's degree al MIT con una tesi sull'algebra di Boole; lavora con il fisico Vannevar Bush, ricordato oggi come l'inventore dell'ipertesto, alle prime macchine calcolatrici. Entra alla Bell Telephones come ricercatore di Matematica Pubblica "A Mathematical Theory of Communication", un testo fondamentale per la teoria dell'Informazione. Pubblica "Communication theory of secret systems" nel quale definisce i fondamenti teorici della crittologia e le caratteristiche del cifrario perfetto Ottiene la National Medal of Science 27 Feb 2001 Muore a Medford, Mass dopo una lunga lotta con il morbo di Altzheimer. ScriviCoda('../', 'C', '')
Claude Shannon shannon, claude Elwood (1916 ). shannon, claude Elwood (1916- ). Mathematicianand pioneer of communication theory, born in Gaylord, MI.
Extractions: Mathematician and pioneer of communication theory, born in Gaylord, MI. He studied at Michigan and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in 1938 published a seminal paper on the application of symbolic logic to relay circuits, which helped transform circuit design from an art into a science. He worked at Bell Telephone Labs (1941-72) in the area of information theory, and wrote The Mathematical Theory of Communication (1949) with Warren Weaver. See also Gregory Bateson 's work in this context. Back to the physical sciences page. : News : Death Of Claude Shannon Death of claude shannon. It is an historical irony that claude Elwood shannon'sname is as unknown to the general public as Alan Turing's is famous.
EE Times - Comms Pioneer Claude Shannon Dead At 84 Comms pioneer claude shannon dead at 84 claude shannon, whose work laid thefoundation for modern computing and communications technology, died Feb.
Extractions: Archives Shannon was one of the first researchers to understand the value of using Boolean logic to develop binary computer languages. He also described the "Shannon limit," which set practical limits on bit rates that can be sent over analog twisted-pair phone lines. Shannon was honored less than six months ago by the IEEE, which dedicated a statue in his honor in Gaylord, Mich., where he grew up. Shannon was born in Petoskey, Mich. in 1916. He received a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and mathematics from the University of Michigan, and went on to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to receive a master's and Ph.D. While at MIT, he worked under Vannevar Bush, and suggested that the binary logic of nineteenth-century mathematician George Boole be applied to early work on computers.
World Juggling Day - [Claude Shannon Dedication] Home. World Juggling Day 2001 dedicated to claude shannon. The linksAmazing story of claude shannon. claude shannon collected papers.
Extractions: Claude Shannon The IJA dedicated World Juggling Day 2001 to the memory of Claude Shannon (1916-2001), an incredible scientist and a pioneer in the physics of juggling. In addition to breaking ground in many very important non-juggling scientific areas, Shannon turned his intellect to the topics of juggling equations relating time and quantity, and to mechanical juggling creations. His renown brought popular attention to the fun and science of juggling. To read more about Claude Shannon and to see pictures of this genius and some of his juggling devices, follow these links: Amazing story of Claude Shannon Claude Shannon: collected papers A personal tribute to Claude Shannon, from a juggler who knew him
Extractions: Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver Foreword by Richard E. Blahut and Bruce Hajek Few books have had as lasting an impact or played as important a role in our modern world as The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Claude Shannon's major precept, that all communication is essentially digital, is now so commonplace among the modern digitalia that many wonder why Shannon needed to state such an obvious axiom. Long regarded as a classic, The Mathematical Theory of Communication appears here in a special fiftieth anniversary edition. "Before this there was no universal way of measuring the complexity of messages or the capabilities of circuits to transmit them. Shannon gave us a mathematical way . . . invaluable . . . to scientists and engineers the world over." Scientific American CLAUDE E. SHANNON , retired from his position as research mathematician at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, was Donner Professor of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1958 to 1978. WARREN WEAVER , now deceased, had a distinguished career in academic, government, and foundation work.
Extractions: Shannon, Claude E. Index Literatur-Index Die Hyper-Bibliothek Mathematische Grundlagen der Informationstheorie A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuit, Trans. Amerik.Inst. Engeneers, 1938 Suppl. 713-723 von Kittler, Friedrich / Berz, Peter / Hauptmann, David (Hrsg.): Ein/ Aus. Ausgewählte Schriften zur Kommunikations- und Nachrichtentheorie. Mit Übers. u. graf. Darst. 737 g. 334 S. 2000. Brinkmann, B., Gebunden SFr. 79.70, Bestell-Nr. 8205270, ISBN 3-922660-68-1 Peter Berz / Hans-Christian v. Herrmann: Claude E. Shannon: Eine Maschine, die Labyrinthe löst Information hat keine Bedeutung. Als C.Shannon 1948 seine Informationstheorie veröffentlichte, hat sein Co-Autor W.Weaver diese Problematik vollständig ausgedrückt. Er schrieb, dass nicht nur sein Telefonapparat ein Transmitter von Signalen sei, sondern auch sein Sprechapparat: "Im mündlichen Gespräch ist das Gehirn die Informationsquelle, der Stimm-Mechanismus, der die Schallwellen, die durch die Luft (Kanal) übermittelt werden, produziert, ist der Transmitter. (...) Wenn ich mit Ihnen spreche, ist mein Hirn die Informationsquelle, mein vokales System der Transmitter" (Shannon/Weaver:98f). W.Weaver schreibt: Das Wort ,Information wird, in unserer Theorie, in einem spezifischen Sinn verwendet, der nicht mit der üblichen Verwendung des Wortes verwechselt werden darf. (...) Zwei Nachrichten, von welchen die eine wirklich bedeutungsvoll und die andere purer nonsense ist, können, was ihren Informationsgehalt betrifft, unter dem verwendeten Gesichtspunkt, exakt äquivalent sein. Es ist zweifellos diese Tatsache, die Shannon meint, wenn er sagt, dass ,der semantische Aspekt der Kommunikation für den technischen Aspekt irrelevant ist (Shannon:99).