Delegati Italiani Del V Programma Quadro Translate this page di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale Via corrado segre, 60 I-00146 Roma Tel.+39-06-5517.3285 Fax +39-06-5593.732 E-mail Prof.
Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Segner (Johann Andreas von), Allemand (1704-1777). segre (corrado),Italien (1863-1924). Seidel (Philipp Ludwig von), Allemand (1821-1896).
INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Per La Scienza E Tecnologia Dei M Translate this page Ulderico, segre, Netscape 4.0, Explorer 5.0 or higher (800x600res.), Last update Tue 28 Jan 2003 163421 corrado Bacchiocchi, incmweb e Reggio Emilia&submit
Editoria Translate this page Vol. II, Pagg. 456, (655-X), 39,60. Vol. III, Pagg. 460, (785-8), 39,60.corrado segre. Opere. 4 volumi Vol. I, Pagg. 458 con ritratto, (564-2), 33,90.Vol. II,
Extractions: Da circa 45 anni, l'U.M.I. cura la pubblicazione di Opere dei Grandi Matematici Italiani (Opere complete e Selecta). La pubblicazione vien decisa da parte della Commissione Scientifica dell'U.M.I., sentito il parere di una commissione da esso all'uopo costituita. La distribuzione delle opere viene effettuata dalle Edizioni Cremonese - Borgo S.Croce 17 - 50122 Firenze, tel. 055/2476371, c.c.p. 13631502. Ai Sigg. Soci dell'UMI sconto del 20% - Ai Sigg. Abbonati al Bollettino dell'UMI sconto del 10%. Opere 2 volumi Vol. I e II Pagg. 760 Edizione nazionale in 11 volumi Vol. I, parte I. Teoria dei gruppi finiti e delle equazioni algebriche. Teorie dei numeri. Ricerche sui gruppi discontinui infiniti e sulle forme aritmetiche Pagg. 628 Vol. I, parte II. Curve ellittiche normali. Ricerche sui gruppi finiti continui di trasformazioni. Equazioni alle derivate parziali Pagg. 284 Vol. II. Pagg. 338 Vol. III. Sistemi tripli ortogonali Pagg. 860 (493-X) Vol. IV. parte I. Deformazioni delle quadriche. Teorie delle trasformazioni delle superfici
Abstracts In 1889 in his article {\it Reserches g\'en\'erales sur les courbes et les surfacesr\'egl\'ees alg\'ebriques}, corrado segre introduced for the first time the
Extractions: The third part gives a different method to define the transfers and to gain the formula, but now for a three-sheeted covering with a smooth ramification divisor and a rank one vectorbundle. Brion, M. Equivariant Chow groups and applications. In my lectures at the conference ``Intersection Theory'' in Bologna, I plan to give an introduction to equivariant intersection theory. This theory has been initiated recently by D. Edidin and W. Graham; they used it to construct a ring structure of Chow groups of certain moduli spaces, and also to obtain an algebraic proof of Bott's residue formula. After exposing Edidin and Graham's work, I plan to present a precise version of the localization theorem for equivariant intersection theory, and also a description of equivariant Chow groups in terms of invariant cycles. As applications, I will describe the structure of rational Chow rings of homogeneous spaces and their compactifications (continuing work of C. De Concini and C. Procesi), and I will give criteria for smoothness or rational smoothness of Schubert varieties, generalizing work of S. Kumar.
CNR GNDCI - U.O. Università 1997 Translate this page Prof. Guido CALENDA. III Università di Roma Dipartimento Scienze Ingegneria Civile.Via corrado segre, 60. 00100 ROMA. Telefono 06-55175003 - Fax 06-593732.
Extractions: UNITA' OPERATIVA N. 1.5 Prof. Giampaolo di SILVIO Istituto di Idraulica "G. Poleni" - Facolta' di Ingegneria Via Loredan, 20 35131 PADOVA Telefono 049-8275424 - Fax 049/8275446 TEMA: Rischio di alluvione legato a colate detritiche e sovralluvionamento. COLLABORATORI: D'ALPAOS Luigi, FIORILLO Gaetano, LANZONI Stefano, PEVIANI Massimo, GREGORETTI Carlo, ISNENGHI Enrico, MARION Andrea UNITA' OPERATIVA N. 1.7 Prof. Eugenio LAZZARI Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio Via Universita', 40 09124 CAGLIARI Telefono 070-6755950 - Fax 070-6755310 TEMA: Criteri di gestione e verifica del dimensionamento di sistemi idrici in presenza di periodi eccezionali di magra COLLABORATORI: CAO Carlo, PIGA CARBONI Enrico, SECHI Giovanni Maria, ZUDDAS Paola, SABA Andrea UNITA' OPERATIVA N. 1.8 Prof. Renzo ROSSO Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica, Ambientale e del Rilevamento P.zza L. Da Vinci, 32 20133 MILANO Telefono 02-23996200- Fax 02-23996298 TEMA: Tecniche geomorfoclimatiche di previsione del rischio idrologico. COLLABORATORI: GIACOMELLI Andrea, DE MICHELE Carlo, RULLI Maria Cristina, KOTTEGODA Nathabandu T.
Severi - Germantown Academy Mathematica Biographies After studying with corrado segre at the university, I became ascinated by geometry.Thanks to corrado's supervision, I obtained my doctorate in 1900.
Extractions: December 8, 1961 Volume 271828 The Heavenly Review Gatekeeper: Welcome to the gates of heaven, Francesco Severi. In order for you to be let through these pearly gates it is necessary for you to tell us the positive contributions you made to Earth during your lifespan of April 13, 1879 until today. Maybe you should start by telling us the hardships you overcame in order to make yourself a notable mathematician. Francesco Severi: Contributions? Hardship? Well, I guess you can consider my financial situation at Turin University a struggle. I had very little money while attending there and had to tutor privately in order to make enough to live. This hardship came about because my father died when I was only nine years old and none of my wealthy relatives helped me fund my education. G: Did you always want to attend Turin University to become a mathematician? FS : No, originally I wanted to become an engineer. After studying with Corrado Segre at the university, I became ascinated by geometry. Thanks to Corrado's supervision, I obtained my doctorate in 1900. G: And your thesis was . . .?
Congressi E Seminari Translate this page segre. Maria Weber Il mondo nel 2000 cinque punti di vista. 22 marzo 2001 StefanoSilvestri Sergio Romano L'America e le armi di domani. 3 maggio 2001 corrado
Extractions: Quarto Ciclo di Incontri a cura di Sergio Romano Muovendo da questa constatazione, il Centro per gli Studi di Politica Estera e Opinione Pubblica, d'intesa con il Comune di Milano e con la collaborazione dell' Eni , dell' Assolombarda e dell' ISPI - Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale , ha deciso di promuovere un ciclo di incontri su argomenti di attualità politica internazionale considerati in una più ampia prospettiva storica, affidandone l'organizzazione a Sergio Romano , già ambasciatore a Mosca ed ora uno dei maggiori commentatori italiani di politica internazionale. Ciascun incontro consiste in una conversazione della durata di circa 45 minuti alla quale segue un dibattito con la partecipazione del pubblico. Alessandro Colombo e Giovanni Scirocco Visto il successo dei primi tre cicli, svoltisi nel 1997, nel 1998 e nel 1999, si è deciso di continuare l'iniziativa anche nel 2000, conservando la medesima cadenza mensile. Noti commentatori si alterneranno anche questa volta nell'illustrare i temi via via individuati.
Center For Jewish-Italian Genealogy In Milano, Italy (I-tal-ya') Prize Writer Giulio Joel Racah Physicist Ugo Fano- Physicist Hans Lewy- MathematicianVito Volterra- Mathematician corrado segre- Mathematician Carlo Rosselli
Enriques with Castelnuovo. Again he spent a year studying before moving again,this time to Turin where he worked with corrado segre. As
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Federigo Enriques 's family moved from Livorno to Pisa where Federigo was educated. He entered the University of Pisa, also studying at the Scuola Normale in Pisa and he was awarded his degree in 1891. He was fortunate to have been taught by Betti in Pisa. In 1892 Enriques asked Castelnuovo , who was in Rome, for advice on which direction his research should take. He took Castelnuovo 's advice and worked on algebraic surfaces, sometimes collaborating with Castelnuovo After his degree, Enriques continued to study at Pisa for a year before moving to Rome to work with Castelnuovo . Again he spent a year studying before moving again, this time to Turin where he worked with Corrado Segre . As well as Betti and Corrado Segre , Enriques had been taught by Dini Bianchi and Volterra Enriques was appointed to the University of Bologna where he taught projective geometry and descriptive geometry. Appointed a professor at Bologna in 1896 he remained there until 1923 when he accepted the chair of higher geometry at the University of Rome. While the Fascist regime was in power Enriques felt that he could not work with them and he retired from teaching from 1938 until 1944.
Extractions: b D.I.T.S., University of Rome "La Sapienza", Via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Rome, Italy Received 23 February 1999; received in revised form 5 October 1999; accepted 13 October 1999 In this paper a theoretical and experimental analysis of sloshing in 2D and 3D free-surface configurations is performed. In particular, the case of a tank rotating around a horizontal axis has been considered. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and inviscid. A fully nonlinear mathematical model is defined by applying the variational method to the sloshing. The damping of gravity waves has been accounted by introducing a suitable dissipation function from which generalized dissipative forces are derived. A modal decomposition is then adopted for the unknowns and a dynamical system is derived to describe the evolution of the physical system. An experimental technique has been applied to select the leading modes , whose evolution characterizes the physical process, i.e. captures the most of the kinetic energy of the process. A very good agreement between experimental and numerical results confirms the validity of the methodological approach followed.
University Of Liverpool Archives: Papers Of W.H. And G.C.Young D140/1928 Papers and correspondence on specific subjects, 1898-1954. D140/19/1-5Notes on lectures by Professor corrado segre, Turin, 1898-1899.
Extractions: and Grace Chisholm Young William Henry Young Publications: Fundamental Theorems of the Differential Calculus , 1910; nearly 200 mathematical papers, as well as articles on educational and academic topics; jointly with his wife, Theory of Sets of Points First Book of Geometry , 1905 (translated into German as Der Kleine Geometer , 1908, also Italian, Swedish (1920), and Magyar (1925). Grace Chisholm Young Born 1868, married 1896. Educated at Girton College, Cambridge, also Oxford (1892); Doctorate from Gottingen 1895 (first woman allowed a degree in Prussia). Studied medicine at Gottingen and Geneva. Publications: for joint books with her husband see above; articles in Nature ; poems; mathematical and astronomical papers. The Young papers have been listed in the categories into which they had been sorted before their deposit in the University Archives in 1976. This organisation was preserved as adding a valuable extra dimension to the archive since it was the work of successive persons with detailed knowledge of the family and mathematical background. One of these organisers of the archive was the eldest daughter, Dr Cecily Tanner, who wrote a note explaining the background thus: "Both William Henry and Grace Chisholm Young had as their first love an interest in history and this included family history. William Henry Young particularly hoped that as it did for him, their own life and the upbringing of their children, as far as preserved letters might show, would give the next generation a conscious sense of their background in their own careers. Other papers were systematically destroyed because each successive home was to be a temporary one, and last no more than seven years at the outside, until in the later 1920s the idea of a return to England for permanent family residence was abandoned.
Bichara Translate this page Una caratterizzazione grafica della varietà di corrado segre in PG(5,q), incollaborazione con L. Berardi, Rend. Mat. Appl., (VII)9(1989)265-278.
Le Università Translate this page GIURISPRUDENZA. Preside Letizia Vacca. Presidenza via corrado segre 2 - 00146Roma tel. 06 55176311. segreteria studenti via Ostiense 175 - 00154 Roma tel.
D'Ovidio He had two famous assistants, Peano (188083) and corrado segre (1883-84). D'Ovidioand corrado segre built an important school of geometry at Turin.'Ovidio.htm
Extractions: Died: 21 March 1933 in Turin, Italy Enrico D'Ovidio studied in Naples, southwest of his home town of Campobasso, where he prepared to enter the School of Bridges and Roads. He studied there for a time and attended lectures by Battaglini and Fergola whose influence made D'Ovidio become interested in an academic career. Already at this time D'Ovidio was beginning original research in mathematics although he had not taken a standard university course. He wrote some short articles on determinants and conics and these were published in the early volumes of Battaglini 's new journal Giornale di Matematiche which was founded in 1863. D'Ovidio began school teaching but was granted an honorary degree in mathematics by the University of Naples despite never having taken a degree course. He sat no written examination papers for this degree since it was felt that he had already proved his mathematical abilities. In 1869 D'Ovidio published a geometry text for schools and then, in 1872, Beltrami persuaded him to enter the competition for the Chair of Algebra and Analytic Geometry at the University of Turin. D'Ovidio was reluctant to leave the Naples area of Italy where he was close to his family but he decided to enter the competition and he was offered the post.
Ethan Frome Translate this page tecnici e con dislivelli abbastanza accentuati ei bravissimi corrado Arduini, Roberto Pagliarie, nellelite femminile, none Pandora segre, Corinne Somenzi e
Extractions: PUBBLICATO il 21 Novembre 1999 a Luino (VA) Commenti tecnici ..... e non 24 OTTOBRE '99 by M. Elena Volantino/ comunicato gara Sul volantino di gara non posso esprimere commenti: non lho visto. Il Comunicato era esauriente. J Segnaletica Sufficientemente buona J Ritrovo Adeguati gli spazi coperti anche se, causa il maltempo, sovraffollati. Scomodo (scomodissimo per noi date le stampelle di Stefano) il parcheggio lontano. Scarsi i servizi igienici: uno solo e con sciacquone dalla ricarica ultra-lenta J Segreteria Efficiente JJJ Ristoro JJ Partenza J Arrivo L Premiazioni Ricche: dai CD ai salumi ai capi dabbigliamento. JJJ Varie Buono il dettaglio nella descrizione dei punti. LL Percorsi Coraggiosa lidea di tratti lunghi che probabilmente voleva privilegiare la scelta di rotta e la lettura di carta; ma le proposte alternative non sempre cerano e chi riusciva a leggere la carta sotto il diluvio con sbavature dinchiostro rosso e in un sacchetto troppo grande e floscio? Banali, ossia solo da correre alcune sequenze finali per categorie maggiori: 182/181-200 di HA, H35, H17-18 JJ Percorsi giovanili Piuttosto difficili alcuni tratti: in particolare 148-157 per lH12, 146-160 per lH13-14.
Maandoverzicht Aanwinsten LB Translate this page Auteur segre Cesare 1928-. Titel Testi nella storia guida alla letteraturaitaliana Cesare segre, Clelia Martignoni. Auteur Alvaro corrado.
BUR - Bollettino Università & Ricerca Translate this page Martedì 14 novembre 2000 alle ore 16,45 nell'aula RB di via corrado segre 2,Anna Maria Crispino (Società italiana delle Letterate) e Rosanna De Longis
Extractions: Prosegue il ciclo di incontri organizzato dagli studenti della Facoltà di Architettura, dal titolo "I labirinti della Metropoli". A partecipare a questi seminari, che termineranno alla fine del mese di novembre, saranno invitati personaggi del mondo storico-antropologico, dell'arte e dell'architettura. Lunedì 13 novembre 2000 alle ore 18, presso l'aula Ersoch, via Aldo Manuzio 72, "Architetture di superficie". Interverranno il Preside della Facoltà di Architettura, Francesco Cellini, e Alessandro Anselmi.