Schreier Otto Schreier. Born 3 March 1901 in Vienna, Austria Died 2 June 1929 in Hamburg,Germany. Otto Schreier graduated from high school in Vienna in July 1919.
Extractions: Otto Schreier graduated from high school in Vienna in July 1919. He entered the University of Vienna in 1920 to study mathematics. At Vienna he attended lecture courses by Wirtinger Hahn Reidemeister (On the extension of groups ) on 8 November 1923. After receiving his doctorate, Schreier went to Hamburg and worked until his death at the Mathematische Seminar. He was appointed to the post of assistant in the summer 1925 and worked for his habilitation . In fact Schreier gave lecture courses, at the request of the mathematical faculty, before completing his habilitation. This was formally awarded on 1 December 1926 for a thesis entitled Die Untergruppen der freien Gruppe (The subgroups of free groups Schreier was offered a professorship at the University of Rostock in 1928 and decided to accept the position but he preferred to wait until the summer of 1929 before taking up the post. During the beginning of the 1928/29 session Schreier lectured on function theory giving parallel courses in Hamburg and Rostock. However, around Christmas of 1928, an illness which had been steadily worsening prevented him from continuing with his lectures. He died five months later at the age of 28 of a 'general sepsis'. The sulpha drugs discovered a few years later probably would have saved his life and therefore would have greatly changed the development of combinatorial group theory.
Poster Of Schreier Otto Schreier. lived from 1901 to 1929. Schreier worked in combinatorial grouptheory, particularly on subgroups of free groups and on knot groups.
SCHREIBER Erich Bücher SCHREIER Gerhard. Schreier Gerhard und Lothar Welzel. Schreier Helmut. schreier otto E SPERNER. Schreier P Herderich M
Namensregister Zum 11. Band Des ÃBL Translate this page schreier otto, Mathematiker (1901-1929). Schreier (Schreyer) Schulim,Industrieller (1856-1920). Schreier Theodor, Architekt (1873-1943).
Extractions: Das Verzeichnis enth¤lt die Namen: M¼ller Friedrich Josef, Schauspieler, Zauberk¼nstler und Hofbeamter (1768-1834), 243 M¼ller (Anna) Josefa Hortensia, verehel. F¼ger, Schauspielerin (1766-1807), 243 Pauli Hertha, verehel. Behr, sp¤ter Ashton (eigentlich Basch), Schriftstellerin und Schauspielerin (1906-1973), 301 Pauli Wolfgang Ernst, Physiker (1900-1958), 301 Pauli Wolfgang Josef, Mediziner (1869-1955), 300f. Pelzel von Staffalo Henriette, geb. Schrott, Schriftstellerin (1877-1962), 258 Schobloch Anton, Industriebetriebsleiter (1835-1900) Schock P. Joseph (Karl), Lehrer, Sammler und Archivar (1859-1920) Schodel Roz¡lia, S¤ngerin (1811-1854) Schoder (Johann) Joseph, Mediziner und Magnetiseur (1818-1884) Schoderb¶ck (Schotterb¶ck) Margaretha, geb. KlemenÄiÄ, Hebamme und Krankenpflegerin (1887-1919)
Schreier Biography of otto schreier (19011929) otto schreier. Born 3 March 1901 in Vienna, Austria
Extractions: Otto Schreier graduated from high school in Vienna in July 1919. He entered the University of Vienna in 1920 to study mathematics. At Vienna he attended lecture courses by Wirtinger Hahn Reidemeister (On the extension of groups ) on 8 November 1923. After receiving his doctorate, Schreier went to Hamburg and worked until his death at the Mathematische Seminar. He was appointed to the post of assistant in the summer 1925 and worked for his habilitation . In fact Schreier gave lecture courses, at the request of the mathematical faculty, before completing his habilitation. This was formally awarded on 1 December 1926 for a thesis entitled Die Untergruppen der freien Gruppe (The subgroups of free groups Schreier was offered a professorship at the University of Rostock in 1928 and decided to accept the position but he preferred to wait until the summer of 1929 before taking up the post. During the beginning of the 1928/29 session Schreier lectured on function theory giving parallel courses in Hamburg and Rostock. However, around Christmas of 1928, an illness which had been steadily worsening prevented him from continuing with his lectures. He died five months later at the age of 28 of a 'general sepsis'. The sulpha drugs discovered a few years later probably would have saved his life and therefore would have greatly changed the development of combinatorial group theory.
References For Schreier References for the biography of otto schreier York Heidelberg - Berlin, 1982), 91-98. otto schreier (Obituary), Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der
I84374384: August BERTSCH (Abt __-___-1895 - ____) INDEX. 61 otto was at the 1981 Bertsch reunion in Bismark,ND and he remembers Douglasschreier. . Father James schreier Mother JoAnne RAMSEY
Turnverein Maxglan - Chronik Translate this page Mit unserem Oberturnwart otto schreier zog in den 50er Jahren das Leistungsturnenin unseren Verein ein. otto schreier beim Ausheben der Schnitzelgrube.
Extractions: Selten genug begegnen uns Menschen, von denen man Zeit seines Lebens profitiert, Otto Schreier war einer von ihnen. Er hat viele Turnerinnen und Turner durch seinen unermüdlichen Einsatz geprägt. Turnen verstand er nicht nur als Beitrag zur Körperertüchtigung sondern sehr wohl auch als Erziehungsauftrag, dies ist heute notwendiger denn je. Sein Blick war immer nach vorne gerichtet, ohne die Vergangenheit zu verleugnen. Seine mir gegenüber gemachte Aussage "... es gibt keinen Grund, für welche Idee auch immer, in den Krieg zu ziehen..." ist ebenfalls höchst aktuell. Persönlich - Helga möge mir diese Interpretation verzeihen - ertappe ich mich dabei, seinem "...liebe immer etwas..." nachzuleben.
Biography-center - Letter S Mathematicians/Schrodinger.html; schreier, otto;Schreus, Hans
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 930 biographies Sa, Zitkala
Schreier Portrait Portrait of otto schreier otto schreier. JOC/EFR August 2001
Dresden Online® - Who Is Who Translate this page O. otto, Ernst Julius, (Kreuzkantor). P. S. Schmidt, Johann Georg, (Bau und Zimmermeister).schreier, Peter, (Sänger, Tenor). Schubert, Johann Andreas, (Erfinder).
MusicNow Powered By FullAudio Peter schreier/Jon Vickers/Walter Berry. Peter schreier/Theo Adam. Peter Seiffert.Peter Serkin. Philharmonia Chor/otto Klemperer. Philharmonia Chor/Reinhold Schmid.
MusicNow Powered By FullAudio Peter schreier / Jon Vickers / Walter Berry. Peter schreier / Theo Adam. Peter Seiffert. PhilharmoniaChor / otto Klemperer. Philharmonia Chor / Reinhold Schmid.
Februar Translate this page Telefax (05 11) 3 53 66 21-9 E-Mail otto@n-21 eines Rennrades und gleichzeitig zurUnterstützung von Schulen, sagte Achim schreier, Geschäftsführer von n
Extractions: Jubiläum für das Aktionsprogramm n-21: Am Sonntag, 2. März 2003 , wird "n-21: Schulen in Niedersachsen online" 1000 Tage alt. 1000 Tage, in denen vieles an und von Niedersachsens Schulen initiiert wurde, neue Möglichkeiten des Lernens geschaffen wurden, aber auch neue Kooperationen auf Landesebene und vor Ort entstanden sind. Das bisher Erreichte wäre nicht möglich gewesen ohne die enge Zusammenarbeit von Land, Kommunen und Wirtschaft. Zum Jubiläum wird ein Wettbewerb gestartet. "Wir möchten wissen, was sich durch n-21 in den Schulen verändert hat, erläuterte n-21-Geschäftsführer Achim Schreier. Und wir sind dankbar für Kritik und Anregungen, damit wir unsere Arbeit noch besser auf die Bedürfnisse der Schulen abstimmen können." Unter allen, die eine kurze Stellungnahme schicken, verlost n-21 eine Digitalkamera im Wert von 400 Euro.
S Index Mathematical biographiesS index Schouten, Jan (341*). schreier, otto (582*). Schröder, Ernst (174*)
Januar Translate this page Ziele der KGS Wittmund zu unterstützen, so Achim schreier, Geschäftsführern-21. online eV Prinzenstraße 23, 30159 Hannover Kerstin otto Telefon (05 11
Extractions: 5. O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr Frommen. Format: Compact Disc Record Label: Berlin Classics Catalog Number: 0091372 BC Year Released/Recorded: Archiv - 1950 51 Total - 1995 Total Playing Time: Bach - 16.21, Total - 59.36 Comments: Very remarkable historical records. Schemellis Gesangbuch is not well known repertoire. And besides, Peter SCHREIER is very famous, german tenor and conductor. It is very good example for contemporary musicians. His career is very particular. He started as a choirboy (he was given very responsable solo parts). Than, after his voice breaking, he became solo singer - tenor. He took part in many classical music performances. There are not many examples of so brilliant career. Acknowledgements: Thank you to the following for submitting this recording and for your comments: Date First Submitted: Purchasing: Suggested Purchasing Sources
232 Robert King Mass in B Minor. otto Klemperer - Mass in B Minor. Ton Koopman B Minor.J. Martini - Mass in A Minor. Rudolf Mauersberger - Peter schreier - Boy alto
Extractions: About This Site Biography, Portraits and Literature Works by BWV Number Works by Category Works by Key Works by Title Works by Year The Cantatas Project Recordings by Title Recordings by Conductor or Main Performer Recordings by Instrument Recordings by BWV Number Recordings by Record Label Recordings Submitted Recently Web Sites with Bach Information Web Sites with Bach MIDI Files Featured Recordings Suggested Purchasing Sources