Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard lebte von 1592 bis 1635. Er erfand die erste "Rechenmaschiene" im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1623). Die Rechenmaschine des Tübingers konnte automatisch addieren, subtrahieren, multiplizieren und dividieren. http://www.fh-niederrhein.de/~rehork/ge_info/geschichte6.htm
Extractions: Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard lebte von 1592 bis 1635. Er erfand die erste "Rechenmaschiene" im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (1623). Die Rechenmaschine des Tübingers konnte automatisch addieren, subtrahieren, multiplizieren und dividieren. In einem Brief an Kepler zeichnete er seine Maschine. Die Maschine arbeitete mit Zahnrädern. Zu jeder Dezimalstelle der Additionseinrichtung dieser Rechenmaschine gehörte ein Rad mit zehn Zähnen, das Zählrad. Auf dem Umfang dieser Zählräder (A , A , A , ...) standen die Ziffern 0-9. Jeder Zahn entsprach also einer Ziffer. Auf der Achse jedes Zählrades saß ein weiteres Rad mit nur einem Zahn, das Übertragsrad. Dieses Rad war für den Übertrag auf die nächste Zehnerstufe (Zehnerpotenz) zuständig. Der Übertragszahn (Ü , ...) drehte über ein weiteres Rad (B , B , B ,...) das nächste Zählrad. Das Funktionsprinzip (s. Abb. links): Die Schickardsche Rechenmaschine hätte damals für die astronomischen Berechnungen ein gutes Werkzeug sein können. Man konnte mit ihr addieren, subtrahieren und - im oberen Teil - multiplizieren und dividieren. Leider arbeitete die Maschine niemals zuverlässig. Die Anforderungen an die Genauigkeit überstiegen die damaligen feinmechanischen Möglichkeiten. Ein Nachbau der Rechenmaschine von Wilhelm Schickard made by Blazej Lebek (15.5.2000)
Schickard Wilhelm Schickard. Born 22 April 1592 in Wilhelm Schickard was educatedat the University of Tübingen. After receiving his first degree http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Schickard.html
Extractions: Wilhelm Schickard His research was broad and included astronomy, mathematics and surveying. He invented many machines like one to calculate astronomical dates and one for Hebrew grammar. He also made significant advances in mapmaking, showing how to produce maps which were far more accurate than those which were currently available. Long before Pascal and Leibniz , Schickard invented a calculating machine in 1623 which was used by Kepler . He wrote to Kepler suggesting a mechanical means to calculate ephemerides. Schickard corresponded with many scientists including Boulliau Gassendi and Kepler Among his other skills, Schickard was renowned as an engraver both in wood and in copperplate. Schickard died of the plague either on the day given above or, possibly, one day earlier. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson List of References (5 books/articles) A Poster of Wilhelm Schickard Mathematicians born in the same country Other references in MacTutor Chronology: 1600 to 1625 Other Web sites The Galileo Project
Poster Of Schickard Wilhelm Schickard. lived from 1592 to 1635. Wilhelm Schickard inventeda calculating machine long before Pascal. He worked on http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Posters2/Schickard.html
Wilhelm Schickard Wilhelm Schickard. 15921635. However, that distinction actually belongsto Wilhelm Schickard, a university professor and Lutheran minister. http://www.cs.cuw.edu/museum/Schickard.html
Extractions: It is widely believed that the first mechanical calculating device was created by the French mathematician Blaise Pascal in 1642. However, that distinction actually belongs to Wilhelm Schickard, a university professor and Lutheran minister. Schickard was born on April 22nd, 1592 in Herrenberg, Germany. Little is known about his early life. He attended the University of Tübingen, earning a B.A. in 1609 and M.A. in 1611. In 1613, he became a Lutheran minister, serving several towns around Tübingen. He served in this capacity until 1619, when he was appointed Professor of Hebrew at the University of Tübingen. He taught Biblical languages until 1631, when he became Professor of Astronomy. In 1623, Schickard built a mechanical device which could perform mathematical operations. In a letter to Johannes Kepler, written on September 20, 1623, Schickard described his machine as follows: What you have done by calculation I have just tried to do by way of mechanics. I have conceived a machine consisting of eleven complete and six incomplete sprocket wheels; it calculates instantaneously and automatically from given numbers, as it adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. You would enjoy to see how the machine accumulates and transports spontaneously a ten or a hundred to the left and, vice-versa, how it does the opposite if it is subtracting ... Unfortunately, the only two original copies of Schickard's machine were lost, one in a fire and one after his death from plague in 1635. However, in the 1950s, scholars who were collecting the works of Kepler found, tucked into a book, Schickard's original drawings of his device. This made it possible for Professor Bruno Baron von Freytag Loringhoff of the University of Tübingen to reconstruct Schickard's calculator.
Schickard mainsite. Wilhelm schickard wilhelm Schickard wurde am 22. April 1592in Herrenberg geboren Er starb am 23. Oktober 1635 in Tübingen http://www.gss.tue.bw.schule.de/lebensdaten.html
U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations 1 Schick Gottlieb 1776 1812 Weldon 1976 1 Schickaneder Emanuel 1751 1812 SeeSchikaneder Emanuel 1751 1812 1 schickard wilhelm 1592 1635 Weldon 1978 1 http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/dSchickard, Wilhelm, 1592-1635./dschickard w
Extractions: AUTHOR TITLE SUBJECT MEDICAL SUBJECT WORD KEYWORD CALL NO Brescia University College Library Business Library Education Library Huron University College Library Music Library Law Library The D. B. Weldon Library Information and Media Studies Int'l Centre for Olympic Studies Electronic Resources Journals View Entire Collection Mark Nearby SUBJECTS are: Year Entries Schiavone Ca 1500 1563 See Schiavone Andrea Ca 1500 1563
Schickard Translate this page schickard wilhelm. 1592 in Herrenberg geboren. 1623 erfand eine mechanischeRechenmaschine, die bereits Addition und Subtraktion konnte. http://www.kae.be/abteilungen_unterricht/informatik/computerchronik/cc_personen/
S Translate this page schickard wilhelm. 1592-1635. Créateur de la première machine à calculer.Schneider Michel. Président d'Inforsid. AH No 02. Schoenauer Marc. http://www.asti.asso.fr/pages/dicoport/AHDicnps.htm
Extractions: AH No (actu) Sassoon Jacques Sauret Jacques AH No (actu) Saussure Ferdinand de (1957-1913). Le fondateur de la linguistique moderne. Son Sauteur Bernard avec Desaintquentin Jean-Marie : . Masson 1991. Une nouvelle donne pour l'informatique Savoy Jacques . Computext. PSI 1987. Avec hyper-livre SCF . (Historique). La SCF Scharl Arno Evolutionary web development Springer 2000.
Schickard, Wilhelm Catalog of the Scientific Community. schickard, wilhelm. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Catalog/Files/schickrd.html
Extractions: Schickard, Wilhelm Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: Herrenberg, Germany, 22 Apr 1592 Died: Tübingen, 23 Oct 1635 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Unknown No information on financial status. 3. Nationality Birth: Herrenberg, Germany Career: Tübingen, Germany Death: Tübingen, Germany 4. Education Schooling: Tübingen, M.A. University of Tübingen. He received a B.A. (1609), and an M.A. (1611). He continued studying theology and oriental languages until 1613. 5. Religion Affiliation: Lutheran 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Astronomy, Mathematics, Cartography 7. Means of Support Primary: Academia Secondary: Church Life 1613-19, he acted as deacon or pastor in several towns around Tübingen (e.g., in 1614 he was deacon at Nürtingen). 1619, professor of Hebrew, University of Tübingen. 1631, professor of astronomy, University of Tübingen. 8. Patronage Type: Unknown Patronage is not mentioned in any of the sources, but it seems possible that Mästlin, who was Schickard's teacher and precursor in the chair of astronomy, had a hand in Schickard's academic appointments. In any event, there was no academic appointment without patronage. 9. Technological Involvement
Wilhelm Schickard biography of wilhelm schickard wilhelm schickard. April 22, 1592, Herrenberg, Württemberg (Germany) http://www.thocp.net/biographies/schickard_wilhelm.html
Extractions: "What you have done by calculation I have just tried to do by way of mechanics. I have conceived a machine consisting of eleven complete and six incomplete sprocket wheels; it calculates instantaneously and automatically from given numbers, as it adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides. You would enjoy to see how the machine accumulates and transports spontaneously a ten or a hundred to the left and, vice-versa, how it does the opposite if it is subtracting ... " aaa are the buttons of the vertical cylinders with the digits of the multiplication table, which can be displayed at will in the windows provided for the slides bbb . The dials ddd are attached to internal toothed wheels, each one having ten teeth geared in such a way that, if the wheel of the right makes ten turns, the wheel on its left makes only one turn; and if the first wheel on the right side makes one hundred turns, the third wheel on the left makes one turn, and so on. All the wheels rotate in the same direction making it necessary the use of another wheel of the same size geared permanently to the wheel at its left, but not with the one at its right, which requires a special attention during its construction. The digits marked in each wheel are displayed in the openings
A Java3D-Visualisation Of The Schickard Calculator Java 3DSimulation of the schickard Calculator from 1623 The schickard Calculator is the first known mechanical calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide. It was invented by the German professor wilhelm schickard in 1623, but remained unknown for 300 years. http://www.gris.uni-tuebingen.de/projects/schickard
Schickard Biography of wilhelm schickard (15921635) wilhelm schickard. Born 22 April 1592 in Herrenberg (near Tübingen), Württemberg (now Germany) http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Schickard.html
Extractions: Wilhelm Schickard His research was broad and included astronomy, mathematics and surveying. He invented many machines like one to calculate astronomical dates and one for Hebrew grammar. He also made significant advances in mapmaking, showing how to produce maps which were far more accurate than those which were currently available. Long before Pascal and Leibniz , Schickard invented a calculating machine in 1623 which was used by Kepler . He wrote to Kepler suggesting a mechanical means to calculate ephemerides. Schickard corresponded with many scientists including Boulliau Gassendi and Kepler Among his other skills, Schickard was renowned as an engraver both in wood and in copperplate. Schickard died of the plague either on the day given above or, possibly, one day earlier. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson List of References (5 books/articles) A Poster of Wilhelm Schickard Mathematicians born in the same country Other references in MacTutor Chronology: 1600 to 1625 Other Web sites The Galileo Project
Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut: Semestertermine Translate this page Eberhard Karls Univeristät, Tübingen. wilhelm-schickard-Institut. UniversitätTübingen bekanntgemacht. Info @ wilhelm-schickard-Institut. http://www.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/studium/semestertermine.html
Extractions: Institut Studium Termine Semestertermine Informationen Studienberatung Fachschaft Rechnernetz ... Index Vorlesungsbeginn 14. Oktober 2002 Vorlesungsende 15. Februar 2003 Vorlesungsfrei 1. November 2002 (Allerheiligen) Weihnachtsferien 24. Dezember 2002 - 6. Januar 2003 (einschliesslich) 1. Juni 2002 - 30. Juni 2002 Alle Angaben sind aus dem gedruckten Vorlesungsverzeichnis und unverbindlich. Vorlesungsbeginn 28. April 2003 Vorlesungsende 26. Juli 2003 Vorlesungsfrei 1. Mai 2003 (Tag der Arbeit) 29. Mai 2003 (Himmelfahrt) 9. Juni 2003 (Pfingstmontag) 10. Juni 2003 (Pfingstdienstag) 19. Juni 2003 (Fronleichnam) 15. Januar 2003 - 15. Februar 2003 Alle Angaben sind aus dem gedruckten Vorlesungsverzeichnis und unverbindlich. Die verbindlichen Termine werden in den bekanntgemacht. Info @ Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut
Wilhelm Schickard Translate this page Wer war wilhelm schickard? wilhelm schickard Biografie. wilhelm schickardwurde am 22. April 1592 in Herrenberg geboren. Er besuchte http://www-ti.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/deutsch/schickard/
Extractions: Links Neben den kirchlichen Pflichten beschäftigte er sich intensiv mit alten Sprachen, Astronomie und Mathematik. Im Jahr 1617 begann eine lange währende Freundschaft mit dem zwanzig Jahre älteren, in Linz lehrenden Johannes Kepler. Dieser lobte Schickards sowohl wissenschaftliche als auch praktische Fähigkeiten und nannte ihn einen "Beidhändigen Philosoph". Der württembergische Herzog Friedrich setzte sich 1619 für eine Professur Schickards an der Universität Tübingen für Hebräisch ein. Im Jahr 1631 wurde ihm auch die Professur für Mathematik (Astronomie) übertragen. In dieser Zeit erbrachte er spektakuläre technische und wissenschaftliche Leistungen. Er erdachte Modelle, die er in detaillierten Schriften und Skizzen festhielt. Von ihm stammen Betrachtungen zur hebräischen Grammatik ebenso wie Kartographische Landesaufnahmen zur Vermessung Württembergs. Er konstruierte neben dem Handplanetarium auch die Rechenstäbchen und die berühmte "Rechenuhr".
Lehrstuhl Technische Informatik, Universität Tübingen, Deutschland Translate this page Kontakt Mitarbeiter Forschungs - Projekte Publikationen Studium und Lehre Studienarbeiten,Diplomarbeiten, Jobs Interne Seiten Wer war wilhelm schickard? http://www-ti.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/
Berufsschule Translate this page wilhelm-schickard. wilhelm schickard wurde 1592 in Herrenberg geboren. wilhelmschickard starb 2 Tage vor seinem Sohn im Oktober 1635. http://www.wss.tue.bw.schule.de/wschickard.html