Nick Schulte A couple of European mathematicians, Francois Viete and christoff rudolff, had useda little of decimal fractions but didnt understand their full impact.
Extractions: Math 111 Class Presentation The Hindu-Arabic Place Value System The Hindu-Arabic place value system is our number system. The name is because of its origins in India and its delivery to the West by the Arabs. Historians dont know the actual origins of the digits 1 through 9, the idea of place value, and the use of 0, but have pieced things together the best that they could. The Babylonians had a place value system of based 60. This was used by the Greeks for their astronomical calculations, but did not influence how they wrote their numbers in other situations. The Chinese from early times had a multiplicative system of base ten, with symbols representing each power of ten. The Brahmi system of writing in India originated in third-century BCE, with the symbols for the first nine numbers being the origin to our symbols for 1 through 9. They also had symbols for ten through ninety. Larger numbers were represented by combining the symbol for 100 or 1000 with a symbol of a smaller number, much like the Chinese system. It seems that the Indians dropped the symbols higher than nine around the year 600, and began using the symbols 1 through 9 in our familiar system to write larger numbers.
Extractions: Verlag Traugott Bautz Bestellmöglichkeiten des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Zur Hauptseite des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Bibliographische Angaben für das Zitieren ... NEU: Unser E-News Service Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten! Band XVI (1999) Spalten 1468-1472 Autor: Daniel Heinz Werke: Von der Christförmigen, rechtgegründeten Lehre Doktor Martin Luthers, o. O., o. J. (neu herausgegeben bei O. Clemen, op. cit.); Antwort . . . auf Doktor Thoman Murnars murnarrische Phantasie, Wittenberg 1523; Ein Rechenbüchlin vom End Christ. Apocalypsis in Apocalypsin, Wittenberg 1532 (anonym, aber zweifellos von S.); Arithmetica Integra, Nürnberg 1544; Deutsche Arithmetica, Nürnberg 1545; Rechenbuch von der welschen und deutschen Practick, Nürnberg 1546; Die Coß Christoffs Rudolffs mit schönen Exempeln der Coß ... gebessert und sehr gemehrt, Königsberg 1553; Eine sehr wunderbarliche Wortrechnung samt einer mercklichen Erklärung etlicher Zahlen Daniels und der Offenbarung, Königsberg 1553; Zwei Briefe M. S.s an Flacius (1554/1555), in: ARG 16, 1919, 247-251. Lit.:
Lesson Six Radicals The word radical comes from a Latin word radix, meaning root. A Germanmathematician named christoff rudolff who first used it in 1525 invented it.
Mathist Answer christoff rudolff. Actually, he didnt invent the square root, the ideaexisted for quite some time, but he was the first one to use this notation .
Extractions: When you look at this page it looks like all these guys were born and then mysteriously died a few days later. Is this some type of uncontrollable disease? No, it's the result of crushing 6,000 years into 365 days. January first begins with the year 4,000 BC and the year ends with 2,000 AD. This year features the birthdays of selected mathematicians throughout history with scaled dates to match this Math History Calendar. On the first day of March at 7:12 pm, Creteans sailed from the island of Crete to mainland Greece. Nineteen days later the ancient Egyptians succeeded in creating a calendar. Had they not done this, I could be basing this whole thing on shooting stars or asteroids instead of a calendar. On March 26 at 2:24 am, the Khufu pyramid was completed. Talk about late night shifts, those workers must have been worn out! Each block weighs about 2 tons! That is half the weight of an adult male Asian elephant. The workers were able to make a pyramid that was 450 feet tall with a 756 foot long square base. It is not only amazing that they were able to keep the base square, but that they managed to pull all of the heavy stones up 450 feet. Another interesting thing is that they used a ratio of 11 to 14 while building the pyramids. How did they manage this with the small amount of technology they had? Maybe it was...ALIENS!!!
Mathematical Symbols His pupil christoff rudolff, the writer of the first text book on algebrain the German language (printed in1525) employs these symbols.
Palatine List England 1709 rudolff, JOHN; SCHAEFFER W,2 SONS; WENIG, PETER -W, 1 DAU; WENTZEN, PETER; WERNER, christoff-W, 1 DAU
Dragon 1732 Bosller Christian (O) Hofman Hans Jacob Schörck Hans rudolff Illig Jacob Has UlrichBeer Johan Nicklaus Müller Johann Jacob Beyerle christoff Beser Christian
Extractions: USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA The following lists have been published in Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808 by Ralph B. Strassburger and William J Hinke (Norristown Pennsylvania German Society, 1934; reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co. and Picton Press). There are three sets of passenger lists: The "A" lists are the Captains' Lists of passengers being imported (these are usually the most inaccurate of the three); The "B" lists are the Oaths of Allegiance to the King; the "C" lists are Oaths of Abjuration from the Pope. An individual being transported may be found on one or all of the three lists. [List 26 A] A True List of all the Passengers on board the Dragon, Commander Charles Hargrave, from Rotterdam. [Qualified Sepr. 30th 1732.]
History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians A list of all of the important mathematicians working in a given century.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories William Buckley (dc 1550); christoff rudolff (c. 1500c. 1545) *SB *MT*W; Niccolò Fontana of Brescia (Tartaglia) (c. 1500-1557) *MT *W;
Extractions: Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan 1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT Baudhayana (c. 700) Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT Apastamba (c. 600) Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520) Katyayana (c. 500) Nabu-rimanni (c. 490) Kidinu (c. 480) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB Meton (c. 430) *SB
INDEX Translate this page Ilse Maria ( - ) Johann Hinrich ( - ) Johann Michael ( - ) rudolff Windmueller(1642 Cordt ( - ) Cordt Hinrich ( - ) Friedrich Christian christoff (1773-1776
Renessansen Selv om desimaltall var på vei inn i matematikken gjennom arbeidene til FrancoisViete (15401603) og christoff rudolff (1500?- 1549?), var de ikke akseptert
Extractions: Renessansen Simon Stevin og desimaltallene Simon Stevin levde fra1548 til 1620. Han ble født i Brugge i Belgia som på den tiden var under spansk styre. Siden Stevin var en fremragende ingeniør, fikk han en rekke viktige oppgaver i frigjøringskampen mot spanjolene, og han utviklet en rekke matematiske metoder til hjelp i krigføringen. I perioden 1571- 1581 reiste han rundt i Europa, Norge inkludert.. På denne tiden var Europa splittet i et stort antall kongedømmer og fyrstedømmer. De fleste av dem hadde sine egne valutaer, og kursene mellom dem varierte slik de gjør i dag. Kursen ble som vanlig oppgitt som brøk. Underenhetene av de forskjellige valutaer , slik som øre og kroner behøvde ikke alltid være en tidel eller en hundredel av den store enheten. For eksempel svarte en Gulden til 20 Shilling og en Shilling til 12 Heller. Omregning fra en valuta til en annen krevde dermed gode kunnskaper i brøkregning. Hvis også vareenheten var gitt som en brøk, for eksempel tre firedels tønne korn, var det nokså kompliserte brøkregningsstykker som skulle utføres før en kunne finne prisen på en vare. Stevin som var mye på reise i Europa forsto hvordan bruken av desimaltallene kunne lette slike beregninger enormt. Desimaltall hadde vært i bruk av arabere og kinesere lenge før Stevins tid, men de hadde ikke vært i bruk i Europa i middelalderen eller renessansen. Bøker i aritmetikk som ble skrevet i Europa fra det 13. til det 16. århundre hadde riktignok tatt for seg det hindu-arabiske posisjonssystemet, men hadde bare brukt det på hele tall. Hvis det var bruk for desimaler ble de skrevet som brøk. Et av de viktigste bidragene til Simon Stevin var å innføre hensiktsmessige notasjoner for desimaltallene for på den måten å sette fart i innføringen v dem. Selv om desimaltall var på vei inn i matematikken gjennom arbeidene til Francois Viete (1540-1603) og Christoff Rudolff (1500?- 1549?), var de ikke akseptert i samfunnet generelt.
Kurzinfo Nr.3 christoff FRITZ (?) aus Geismar. Gerbershausen;34 (?) J. T 07.08.1673 Schmidt, Bertholdt (V. rudolff aus Tirol
Extractions: Zurück zur Übersicht 1 Neue Bücher etc Für Genealogen mit Internet-Anschluß sei auf das Zentralverzeichnis antiquarischer Bücher hingewiesen. In dem regelmäßig aktualisierten Verzeichnis werden von Antiquariaten aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet ältere Bücher angeboten, unter anderem auch über das Eichsfeld. Die Internet-Adresse ist: Andreas Stützer 2 Zufallsfunde Eichsfelder in Duisburger Pfarrgemeinden Trauungen STEINBERG, Carl Ignaz aus Duisburg-Karlstr. oo PFÜTZENREUTER, Maria Philippine aus Worbis EMMLING, Theodor, Maurer aus Gieboldehausen oo RAABE, Dorothea aus Hausen, Kr. Worbis. Trauzeugen: Carl Döring, Franz Eiker HARTMANN, Bernard oo PFÜTZENREUTER, Josepha aus Niederorschel; entlassen nach Niederorschel, Pfarrer Kaufholz CONRADI, Leopold aus Kreutzebra, wohnhaft Dellplatz 18 oo DRÜMPER, Caroline aus Kreutzebra; entlassen nach Kreutzebra Todesfälle KEMMLING, Dorothea, geb. Raabe aus Hausen (Kr. Worbis) + 02.04.1925 (Lähmung), begr. 06.04.1925
Cossic - :: All About Cossic rudolff. Biography of christoff rudolff (14991545) http//
Extractions: Note: In one place this list is referred to as May 6, 1709 and in another place May 3, 1709. ajberry This list is the first of four lists of Palatines compiled up to June 16, 1709 by Reverend John Tribbeko and Reverend George Andrew Rupterti. The four lists include only the first 6,000 of the Germans to arrive in that year. The lists which contain information on the age and occupation of the head of the family, numbers and age of the members of the family and religion, may be found in the Public Record Office, C. O. 388/76, 56 ii, 64, and 68-70. They have been published without change in the New York Genealogical and Biographical Records (New York, 1909 and 1910), XL, 49-54, 93-100, 160-167, 241-248; XLI, 10-19. They are also published in L. D. MacWethy
Extractions: Rajcowie, czyli mówi±c wspó³cze¶nie radni, G³ównego Miasta wybierani byli przez Radê spo¶ród obywateli miejskich. Rada G³ównego Miasta by³a naczelnym organem w³adzy w Gdañsku, co zwa¿ywszy na potêgê gospodarcz± i polityczn± Gdañska oraz szerok± autonomiê miasta, zw³aszcza po 1454 r., oznacza³o ¿e mia³a znaczny wp³yw na politykê Prus Królewskich, a w niektórych sytuacjach (wojna trzynastoletnia, wojna domowa z Batorym, potop szwedzki, wojna sukcesyjna polska) tak¿e Polski i Europy.
Extractions: MALE DDouble LLetter Names FEMALE DDouble LLetter Names] [ Surf By Category View all All baby names on the web site, including all Surf By Category baby names, are analysed using the English alphabet. These free first name analyses paragraphs are NOT applicable to names spelled using a language that has a different alphabetical order, or additional symbols. The extent to which English has been a part of your life determines the degree of influence of the spelling of your name using the English alphabet. If you have any questions, please call our head office at 1-604-263-9551 for further information and assistance. 'Abd-al-Ghaffar 'Abdual-Ghaffar Abdel-Jaffar Abdual-Ghaffar ... Zulkifflee MALE DDouble LLetter Names FEMALE DDouble LLetter Names] [ Surf By Category View all Analyze another name Extended analysis Comments? Add my name!
Extractions: In summarzing the mathematical achievements of the sixteenth century, We can say that symbolic algebra was well started, computation with the Hindu-Ariabic numerals became standardized, decimal fractions were developed, the cubic and quartic equations were solved and the theory of equations generally advanced, negative numbers were becoming accepted trigonometry was perfected and systematized, and some excellent tables were computed. The stage was set for the remarkable strides of the next century.
Stadtarchiv Duderstadt: Urkunden Neue Folge (Rep 2) Translate this page Regest Der Rat zu Duderstadt (rudolff Sothe, Bürgermeister, Valentin Kersten,Philips Sothe, christoff Gawler, Baltasar von Hagen, Niclaus Bonsack, Bastian
TLW's 1520s (1520-1529) Timeline The Mennonite church is founded in Zurich. christoff rudolff (14991545)introduces the radical sign for square roots in mathematics.
Extractions: The year of Europe's introduction to Protestantism Martin Luther (1483-1546) publishes 24 bestselling works all in one year, including the 'big three' pamphlets Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Of the Liberty of the Christian , and On the Babylonian Captivity of the Christian Church (Oct. 26) - they quickly get distributed all over Europe, and the shit soon hits the fan among his loving Catholic brethren. Ferdinand Magellan discovers the Magellan Strait between South America and Tierra del Fuego. Fun in the sun of Mexico - NOT, or How 500 white men conquered millions of red men who suffered from auto-reverse racism: Displeased at Cortes' resistance to his authority as governor of Cuba, Diego Velazquez sends an expedition under Panfilo de Narvaez from Havana in Mar., landing at San Juan d'Ulda on Apr. 23, and capturing Cempoala; Cortes leaves the island city of Tenochtitlan in May under the protection of Pedro de Alvarado and 200 men, then defeats Narvaez on May 26 and takes him prisoner at Vera Cruz, persuading Narvaez' men to join him; Cortes then returns to Tenochtitlan in June, but this time the Aztecs are in full revolt and ready for him, and he and is driven out on June 30
The Previous History Of Mathematical Notations Where from comes the symbol of the radicals ? This symbol is due tothe German christoff rudolff in 1525, in the work dieCoss. It