IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biography Michelangelo RICCI Michelangelo RICCI. Rome 1619 1682 Ricci was a student of BenedettoCastelli in Rome, where he played an important role among those
Extractions: Rome 1619 - 1682 Ricci was a student of Benedetto Castelli in Rome, where he played an important role among those who were followers of the Galilean School in the Eternal City. He was created cardinal in 1681. He kept up a regular correspondence with, firstly, Torricelli , and later also with Viviani , and Leopoldo de' Medici . He repeatedly intervened to avoid having the ecclesiastical authorities censor the activities of the representatives of the newest scientific ideas. He was an able mathematician, as is shown by his only published work, Geometrica exercitatio (published in Rome, 1666) and also by his frequent exchange of letters with Torricelli. Next Previous Index Home Page Catalogue ... Italiano
Ricci Michelangelo Ricci. Born 30 Michelangelo Ricci was a friend of Torricelli;in fact both were taught by Benedetti Castelli. He studied
Extractions: Michelangelo Ricci was a friend of Torricelli ; in fact both were taught by Benedetti Castelli. He studied theology and law in Rome and at this time he became friends with . It is clear that Sluze Torricelli and Ricci had a considerable influence on each other in the mathematics which they studied. Ricci made his career in the Church. His income came from the Church, certainly from 1650 he received such funds, but perhaps surprisingly he was never ordained. Ricci served the Pope in several different roles before being made a cardinal by Pope Innocent XI in 1681. Ricci's main work was Exercitatio geometrica, De maximis et minimis (1666) which was later reprinted as an appendix to Nicolaus Mercator 's Logarithmo-technia (1668). It only consisted of 19 pages, remarkable that his high reputation rests solely on such a short publication. In this work Ricci finds the maximum of x m a x n and the tangents to y m kx n . The methods are early examples of induction. He also studied spirals (1644), generalised cycloids (1674) and states explicitly that finding tangents and finding areas are inverse operations (1668).
ActingNews - Sale - Listini Translate this page aprile 2002. gioved¬ 04, phone booth (ii), schumacher joel. luned¬17, le citta' invisibili, ricci michelangelo. agosto 2002. venerd
Extractions: Prossimamente in sala aprile 2002 gioved¬ 04 phone booth (ii) schumacher joel luned¬ 17 le citta' invisibili ricci michelangelo agosto 2002 venerd¬ 23 american psycho 2 - all american girl febbraio 2003 venerd¬ 21 joe somebody pasquin john venerd¬ 28 invincible (iii) herzog werner aprile 2003 luned¬ 17 the core amiel jon marzo 2003 venerd¬ 21 intacto fresnadillo juan carlos venerd¬ 21 red siren megaton olivier marzo 2002 venerd¬ 21 the truth about charlie demme jonathan marzo 2003 venerd¬ 28 piovono mucche vendruscolo luca venerd¬ 28 ilaria alpi: il piu' crudele dei giorni vicentini orgnani ferdinando venerd¬ 28 pesci combattenti di biasio daniele venerd¬ 28 pesci combattenti d'ambrosio andrea (ii) marzo 2002 venerd¬ 28
Biography Simone Forti Molly Davies and Sage Cowell Willem de Ridder video artists Ulli Siggand Joan Logue Meme Perlini Mario ricci michelangelo Antonioni (Zabriskie
Extractions: the making of a contemporary music maker Democratic, irreverent and traditionally experimental, Curran travels in a computerized covered wagon between the Golden Gate and the Tiber River, and makes music for every occasion with any sounding phenomena a volatile mix of lyricism and chaos, structure and indeterminacy, fog horns, fiddles and fiddle heads. He is dedicated to the restoration of dignity to the profession of making non-commercial music as part of a personal search for future social, political and spiritual forms. Curran's music-making embraces all the contradictions (composed/improvised, tonal/atonal, maximal/minimal...) in a serene dialectical encounter. His nearly 100 works feature taped/sampled natural sounds, piano, synthesizers, computers, violin, percussion, shofar, ship horns, accordion and chorus. Whether in the intimate form of his well-known solo performances, or pure chamber music, experimental radio works or large-scale site-specific sound environments and installations, all forge a very personal language from all the languages through dedicated research and recombinant invention.
Ricci, Michelangelo Catalog of the Scientific Community. ricci, michelangelo. Note the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue
Extractions: Ricci, Michelangelo Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions. 1. Dates Born: Rome, 30 Jan. 1619 Died: Rome, 12 May 1682 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: Unknown All that is said is that Prospero Ricci came originally from Como. It is said that the family lived in modest circumstances but made every sacrifice to educate the children. I take this at face value; the family was poor. 3. Nationality Birth: Italian Career: Italian Death: Italian 4. Education Schooling: No University I am puzzled. The information about the family, and the further information that Ricci studied theology and canon law because he had to have a career to support himself both imply university study and a degree. Nevertheless no university and no degree has been mentioned. It is said that he was a student of Castelli in mathematics. Hoffmann says that he was Torricelli's student. 5. Religion Affiliation: Catholic Although he was never ordained, he served the papacy and was made a çardinal by the pope in 1681.
La Biografia Di Michelangelo Ricci La vita e l'opera di michelangelo ricci michelangelo ricci (16191682). Allievo di Benedetto Castelli (1578-1643) a Roma, fu un fondamentale punto di
Extractions: Michelangelo Ricci Allievo di Benedetto Castelli (1578-1643) a Roma, fu un fondamentale punto di riferimento romano per le vicende della Scuola Galileiana. Fu nominato Cardinale nel 1681. Intrattenne intensi rapporti prima con Torricelli (1608-1647), successivamente con Viviani e Leopoldo de' Medici Geometrica exercitatio esperimento barometrico , spiegando il ruolo della pressione dell'aria quale causa della sospensione del mercurio nel tubo.
Extractions: i solidi parabolici e iperbolici segati da due piani paralleli, un'interpretazione del problema della cosiddetta superficie degli anelli, e una rilevante dissertazione filosofica e teologica sul vuoto. Torricelli, da parte sua, indirizzò proprio a Ricci le due lettere dell'11 e 28 giugno 1644, nelle quali descriveva il famoso esperimento barometrico che aveva dimostrato l'esistenza in natura del vuoto e la pesantezza dell'aria. Ricci fu uno dei primi ad accogliere a Roma Marin Mersenne, passato in Italia per conoscere dotti e scienziati e per diffondere le opere di Descartes. Fra i suoi numerosi interessi figurano anche quelli di ottica, centrati particolarmente sullo studio e la fabbricazione di lenti di ingrandimento. Studiò anche la dinamica dei gravi seguendo, insieme a Giovanni Battista Baliani, il dibattito che le opere di Galileo avevano suscitato tanto in Francia quanto in Italia. Dopo la morte di Torricelli e la scomparsa di Bonaventura Cavalieri, molti sollecitarono Ricci a rivedere e ordinare i numerosi autografi che il matematico faentino aveva lasciato, in vista di una loro edizione completa. Ma egli declinò l'invito, condannando buona parte delle speculazioni torricelliane a un lunghissimo letargo. Dopo la prelatura rinunziò a coltivare la matematica e a ogni altro genere di interesse scientifico. Morì a Roma il 12 maggio del 1682.
R Index Rham, Georges de (741*) Rheticus, Georg Joachim (1559) Riccati, Jacopo (202*) Riccati,Vincenzo (247*) ricci, Matteo (635*) ricci, michelangelo (234) ricci
Ricci Biography of michelangelo ricci (16191682) michelangelo ricci. Born 30 Jan 1619 in Rome, Italy
Extractions: Michelangelo Ricci was a friend of Torricelli ; in fact both were taught by Benedetti Castelli. He studied theology and law in Rome and at this time he became friends with . It is clear that Sluze Torricelli and Ricci had a considerable influence on each other in the mathematics which they studied. Ricci made his career in the Church. His income came from the Church, certainly from 1650 he received such funds, but perhaps surprisingly he was never ordained. Ricci served the Pope in several different roles before being made a cardinal by Pope Innocent XI in 1681. Ricci's main work was Exercitatio geometrica, De maximis et minimis (1666) which was later reprinted as an appendix to Nicolaus Mercator 's Logarithmo-technia (1668). It only consisted of 19 pages, remarkable that his high reputation rests solely on such a short publication. In this work Ricci finds the maximum of x m a x n and the tangents to y m kx n . The methods are early examples of induction. He also studied spirals (1644), generalised cycloids (1674) and states explicitly that finding tangents and finding areas are inverse operations (1668).
Evangelista Torricelli Letter to michelangelo ricci concerning the Barometer
Extractions: Collected Works Vol. III (1919) [from William Francis Magie, A Source Book in Physics (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1935) (translator?)] To Michelangelo Ricci in Rome. Florence, June 11, 1644 Most Illustrious Sir and Most Learned Patron: We have made many vessels of glass like those shown as A and B and with tubes two cubits long. These were filled with quicksilver , the open end was closed with the finger, and they were then inverted in a vessel where there was quicksilver C ; then we saw that an empty space was formed and that nothing happened in the vessel where this space was formed; the tube between A and D remained always full to the height of a cubit and a quarter and an inch over. To show that the vessel was entirely empty, we filled the bowl with pure water up to D and then, raising the tube little by little, we saw that, when the opening of the tube reached the water, the quicksilver fell out of the tube and the water rushed with great violence up to the mark E . It is often said in explanation of the fact that the vessel AE stands empty and the quicksilver, although heavy, is sustained in the tube
References For Ricci References for the biography of michelangelo ricci References for michelangelo ricci. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990).
Extractions: A Agostini, Massimi e minimi nella corrispondenza di E Torricelli con M Ricci, Atti del IV Congresso dell'Unione maematica italiana (Rome, 1953), 629-632. J E Hofmann, ber die 'Exercitatio geometrica' des M A Ricci, Centaurus L Tenca, Relazioni fra Vincenzio Viviani e Michel Angelo Ricci, Ist. Lombardo Sci. Lett. Rend. Cl. Sci. Mat. Nat. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
IMSS - Catalogo Multimediale - Biografia Michelangelo RICCI Translate this page michelangelo ricci. Roma 1619 - 1682 Allievo di Benedetto Castelli aRoma, ebbe una funzione notevole come punto di riferimento romano
Extractions: Roma 1619 - 1682 Allievo di Benedetto Castelli a Roma, ebbe una funzione notevole come punto di riferimento romano per le vicende della Scuola Galileiana. Fu nominato Cardinale nel 1681. Tenne rapporti intensi con Torricelli , prima, e Viviani e Leopoldo de' Medici Geometrica exercitatio (Roma 1666) e l'intenso scambio epistolare con Torricelli. Avanti Indietro Indice Home Page Catalogo ... English
Carta A Michelangelo Ricci Translate this page Carta a michelangelo ricci (Imagen de la carta original). A michelangelo riccien Roma. Florencia, Junio 11, 1644. Ilustrísimo y más reverendo Sr.
Extractions: Allievo di Benedetto Castelli a Roma, ebbe una funzione notevole come punto di riferimento romano per le vicende della Scuola Galileiana. Fu nominato Cardinale nel 1681. Intrattenne intensi rapporti con Torricelli, prima, e Viviani e Leopoldo de' Medici successivamente, partecipando anche attivamente, seppure per via epistolare, all'attività dell'Accademia del Cimento. Intervenne ripetutamente per scongiurare i minacciati interventi censori delle autorità ecclesiastiche nei confronti di rappresentanti delle nuove idee scientifiche. Fu fine matematico, come mostrano l'unica opera che pubblicò, la Geometrica exercitatio Esercitazione geometrica , Roma 1666) e l'intenso scambio epistolare con Torricelli. Ricci ebbe un ruolo rilevante nel dibattito teorico e sperimentale che precedette e accompagnò la scoperta torricelliana della pressione dell'aria. Oltre a aver partecipato ad alcune prove sperimentali compiute a Roma da Gasparo Berti, egli è il destinatario degli unici due documenti (le lettere dell'11 e del 28 giugno 1644) in cui Torricelli descrive il suo esperimento barometrico, spiegando il ruolo della pressione dell'aria quale causa della sospensione del mercurio nel tubo.
El Barmetro De Torricelli michelangelo ricci, página de Carmen Giunta de Química Clásica;
Extractions: CURSO: ME43A - TERMOTECNIA Autores: Emilio Cuevas y Carolina Vera Objetivos Evangelista Torricelli Historia Carta a Michelangelo Ricci ... Referencias Objetivos Volver al Inicio Referencias Enciclopedia Monitor. Editorial Salvat. W. E. Middleton, "The History of the Barometer", Editorial The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore Vacuum History and Tecnology, McAllister Technical Services Evangelista Torricelli, Institute and Museum of the History and Science of Florence, Italy Volver al Inicio Comentarios y sugerencias a Emilio Cuevas y Carolina Vera
R Index ricci, Matteo (635*). ricci, michelangelo (234). ricciCurbastro, Georgorio (1335*)
Michelangelo Ricci 2 Translate this page REQUIEM Web-Fotogalerie S. Francesco a Ripa /michelangelo ricci 2.
Michelangelo Ricci 1 Translate this page REQUIEM Web-Fotogalerie S. Francesco a Ripa /michelangelo ricci 1.
Biography-center - Letter R Mathematicians/ricci_Matteo.html; ricci, michelangelo;ricci, Marco
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