OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Panini Pólya, George Rey Pastor, Julio Papin, Denis Poncelet, Jean-Victor Reye,Theodor Pappus of Alexandria Poretsky, Platon reyneau, charles Pars, Leopold http://www.gci.ulaval.ca/PIIP/math-app/Historique/mat.htm
Extractions: Abel , Niels Akhiezer , Naum Anthemius of Tralles Abraham bar Hiyya al'Battani , Abu Allah Antiphon the Sophist Abraham, Max al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan Apollonius of Perga Abu Kamil Shuja al'Haitam , Abu Ali Appell , Paul Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani al'Kashi , Ghiyath Arago , Francois Ackermann , Wilhelm al'Khwarizmi , Abu Arbogast , Louis Adams , John Couch Albert of Saxony Arbuthnot , John Adelard of Bath Albert , Abraham Archimedes of Syracuse Adler , August Alberti , Leone Battista Archytas of Tarentum Adrain , Robert Albertus Magnus, Saint Argand , Jean Aepinus , Franz Alcuin of York Aristaeus the Elder Agnesi , Maria Alekandrov , Pavel Aristarchus of Samos Ahmed ibn Yusuf Alexander , James Aristotle Ahmes Arnauld , Antoine Aida Yasuaki Amsler , Jacob Aronhold , Siegfried Aiken , Howard Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Artin , Emil Airy , George Anderson , Oskar Aryabhata the Elder Aitken , Alexander Angeli , Stefano degli Atwood , George Ajima , Chokuyen Anstice , Robert Richard Avicenna , Abu Ali Babbage , Charles Betti , Enrico Bossut , Charles Bachet Beurling , Arne Bouguer , Pierre Bachmann , Paul Boulliau , Ismael Bacon , Roger Bhaskara Bouquet , Jean Backus , John Bianchi , Luigi Bour , Edmond Baer , Reinhold Bieberbach , Ludwig Bourgainville , Louis Baire Billy , Jacques de Boutroux , Pierre Baker , Henry Binet , Jacques Bowditch , Nathaniel Ball , W W Rouse Biot , Jean-Baptiste Bowen , Rufus Balmer , Johann Birkhoff , George Boyle , Robert Banach , Stefan Bjerknes, Carl
Charles Drew Pre-Medical Society Drew, charles Richard Britannica Online. http//www.eb.com180/cgibin/g?DocF=micro/177/98.htmlPainting by Betsey Graves reyneau (1884-1964) Back Home http://www.amherst.edu/~premedg/cdrew.html
Extractions: Drew was educated at Amherst College (graduated 1926), McGill University, Montreal (1933), and Columbia University (1940). While earning his doctorate at Columbia in the late 1930s, he conducted research into the properties and preservation of blood plasma. He soon developed efficient ways to process and store large quantities of blood plasma in "blood banks." As the leading authority in the field, he organized and directed the blood-plasma programs of the United States and Great Britain in the early years of World War II, while also agitating the authorities to stop excluding the blood of blacks from plasma-supply networks. Drew resigned his official posts in 1942 after the armed forces ruled that the blood of blacks would be accepted but would have to be stored separately from that of whites. He then became a surgeon and professor of medicine at Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D.C., and Howard University (1942-50). He was fatally injured in an automobile accident in 1950.
American Red Cross -- History Timeline Portrait of Dr. charles Drew by Betsy Graves reyneau (1943/44). Thisportrait of Dr. charles Drew by Betsy Graves reyneau (l884l964 http://www.redcross.org/museum/aaexhibit/drew.html
Extractions: Activities for Kids History Gift Shop This portrait of Dr. Charles Drew by Betsy Graves Reyneau (l884-l964) was sponsored by the Harmon Foundation, a New York organization devoted to the support and promotion of African Americans. The Harmon Foundation commissioned a collection of portraits representing the most outstanding African Americans for an exhibition that traveled nationally from l944 to 1954. The Charles Drew portrait was included in this landmark show, which was recreated in a special exhibition "Breaking Racial Barriers: African Americans in the Harmon Foundation Collection," organized by the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution. American Red Cross Museum Collection
Extractions: 6. Scientific Disciplines: Natural Philosophy; Mathematics; Subordinate Disciplines: Dialecticae partitiones sive institutiones (Paris, 1543), Aristotelicae animadversiones , (Paris, 1543), Oratio de studies (Paris, 1547) Arithmeticae libri duo (Paris, 1555), Scholae grammaticae (Paris, 1559) and Proemium reformandae Parisiensis Academiae (Paris, 1562). Ramus and Ramism became associated with 'method.' His opposition to blind belief in authority and his support in the belief that the right thinking would be confirmed by the physical world makes Ramus a unique forerunner of both Bacon's empiricism and Descartes' rationalism. He turned to astronomy late in his career. He urged a return to the observational astronomy of the Babylonians and Egyptians in an attempt to determine the nonhypothetical, directly observable regularity of the heavens. Later, Kepler would claim to have met Ramus' demands.
The Desmond And Mary MacCarthy Papers - Writings IV, by charles L. Graves Fall of Asquith, by ES Montague Froom A hymn by Ursula(Lock) Vaughan Williams The Hound of Heaven, by Betsy Graves reyneau The Last http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/guides/maccarthy/maccarthy3.html
Extractions: I.Writings by Desmond MacCarthy (Boxes 7-13, folder 13). Writings are filed under the following alphabetically-arranged subjects assigned by Desmond. (See Vertical File for a detailed listing of individual works under each subject.) Types of writings include: dramatic criticism, book reviews, and other articles for newspapers and magazines; talks and lectures; radio broadcasts; short stories and books. Box 7 Box 8 Box 9 Box 10 ... Box 14
Vertical File Ratner To Robertson Reuber, Helen Malin; Reyburn, John E. reyneau, Betsy Graves; Reyner, Loren; Reynolds,CA; Reynolds, charles; Reynolds, charles Alexander; Reynolds, Helen Elizabeth; http://www.kshs.org/genealogists/individuals/vertical/vertfileRatnertoRobertson.
Extractions: Robertson, Dr. Ritchie Ratner, Payne - cont. from reel MF 279 Ratner, Mrs. Payne H. Rayburn, Otto Rayl, Mrs. Minnie Raymer, Lester W. Raymond, Grace Russell Raymond, Mrs. John E. Read, Bernadine Read, Nell Osborn Reade, Mrs. Minnie Reader, Elizabeth Reader, Samuel Ready, Wendall Reagan, James W. Ream, Dwight T. Ream, Theodore J. Ream, Vinnie (Mrs. Hoxie) Reardon, Dennis J. Rearick, J. M. Redinger, David H. Redinger, Ruby Redmon, Ed Reece, Norine C. Reed, Anna Reed, B.F. Reed, Chester B. Reed, Clyde M. Reed, Mrs. Clyde M. Reed, Clyde Jr. Reed, Mrs. Ella B. Reed, Fred Reed, George W. Reed, George W.Jr. Reed, Gervals F. Reed, Howard H. Reed, John Thomas Reed, Lillie W. Reed, Mrs. Mary A. Reed, Nell Quinlan Donnelly SEE Donnelly, Nell Reed, William H. Reeder, Benjamin Reeder, Frank Reeder, Jim Reeder, Nellie M. Reeder, William Augustus Rees, Ed H. Rees, George Rees, Gilbert Rees, Rollin R. Reese, Mrs. Elizabeth Reese, Frank Sr. Reese, Roy C. Reeve, Juliet Reeves, Albert Benton Regan, Joseph R.
I69009: Rhoda BURT (____ - ____) HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6WIN95 (Jan 18 2000) on 04/29/02 055100 AM MountainStandard Time. reyneau MOORE. 52064 - . charles WOODCOCK. 76355 http://howellresearch.com/d0044/g0000025.html
Quételet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques (1796-1874) Translate this page ¶¶ »»» Voir Lalande, Tables, 1840. ¶¶¶ » Voir Lalande, Tablesde logarithmes, Etendues , 1829. reyneau, P. charles René (1656/8-1728). http://www.maths.univ-rennes1.fr/~escofier/inventaire/progQR.html
Extractions: Lambert Adolphe Jacques (1796-1874) Rabuel , Claude B. S. H. M. Brest R3686 Ramelli , Agostino (1531-1600) B. S. H. M. Brest R194 Ravenel du Bois Teilleul Ms 200- premier cahier, VII-308 p., 3 pl. Ms 201- second cahier, VIII-316 p. Ms 195- premier cahier, V-187p. Ms 196- second cahier, III-187 p. Raymond-Roux B. M. Rennes 54237 (5336) Recueil B. M. Rennes 2435, Ms. 393 (anc. 147) B. M. Rennes 29179 C. P. R. Rennes B. S. H. M. Brest R2834 Regiomontanus Regnault B. M. Rennes 82948 (4290) B. M. Morlaix 41604 1 : 32-[8]-329-[3]-33 p. 2 : [4]-392-32 p. 3 : [6]-358-36 p. B. M. Morlaix 32637. Tome 2 seul. B. M. Rennes 83214 (4385) Reynaud B. M. Rennes 57755 (11 pl. manq.) Reyneau P. 1 : XXIV-486 p. 2 : XXVIII p., pages 487-914 p., 5 pl. B. S. H. M. Brest R3726 et 3727 B. M. Rennes 17133 (5296) 1 : 486 p., 5 pl. B. S. H. M. Brest R3705 et R3706 B. S. H. M. Brest R3728 B. M. Rennes 17185 (5237) B. S. H. M. Brest R3712 Rheticus Georg Joachim von Lauchen (1514-1576) Riccati , Vincent (1707-1775) B. S. H. M. Brest R3614 et R3615
D'Alembert, Diderot Und Die Enzyklopädie Translate this page Studium in mathematischer Richtung unternommen zu haben, ab 1739 Kommentare übermathematische Arbeiten, wie die des Abbé charles reyneau, und erste eigene http://www.geocities.com/tillbergner/dde.html
Extractions: Die Jean Le Rond dAlembert war der uneheliche Sohn einer bekannten adjoint en astronomie Vor allem dem Erfolg des Ein Jahr nach Erscheinen des derselben. In dieser rein literarischen Institution brachte er, der selbst seine eigentlichen Interessen eher auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik sah, bis zum Amt des , in das er 1772 berufen wurde. , vor allem des , wurde ihm jedoch ungeteilte Anerkennung zuteil. Der Lebensweg des zweiten Herausgebers der eben auch den Titel A Medicinal Dictionary: Including Physic, Surgery, Anatomy, Chemistry, and Botany ... , wie Rousseau, dHolbach und Voltaire, kennen. Les bijoux indiscrets Lettre sur les aveugles Der Lettre sur les aveugles kennzeichnet den Wechsel Diderots von der noch in den Lettre Lettre de cachet wurde Diderot im Juli 1749 verhaftet und in das Verlies des Schlosses von Vincennes gebracht. Aufgrund des Einflusses seiner Verleger und seiner Mitarbeiter bei der zu dieser Zeit bereits begonnenen konnte er allerdings schon bald eine Erleichterung der Haftbedingungen und nach einigen Monaten auch seine Entlassung erreichen. Auch der
Algèbre Selon D'Alembert Translate this page Père charles René reyneau (1656-1728), membre de la congrégation de l'Oratoire,professeur de philosophie, il se tourne vers les mathématiques qu'il http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/Anx3/analyse_dd.html
Extractions: ANALYSE EQUATION ANALYSE (Logique). analyse analyse et alors que, plus loin, il les distingue clairement : ce sera la nouvelle analyse et Pappus Euclide , en ses Apollonius de Sectione Rationis et dans ses Coniques ; Aristaeus, de Locis solidis et Eratosthenes de Mediis proportionalibus ALGEBRE Les principaux auteurs sur l'analyse des infinis, sont : Bernoulli Euler Maclaurin etc. Voyez CALCUL INTEGRAL.
Historisches Rätsel, Ausgabe 5/1998 [janko.at] Translate this page Französisch übersetzt. Davor hatte es nur zwei Lehrwerke zu diesemThema gegeben Eines von L'Hospital und eines von charles reyneau. http://www.janko.at/Raetsel/PiuZ/1998.05.a.htm
Extractions: (von Andreas Loos) "Ich hatte mich auf die bei solchen Anlässen übliche Konversation mit diesem Mädchen eingestellt. Graf Belloni [...] wollte daraus jedoch ein `öffentliches Ereignis' machen. Er wandte sich an das Mädchen mit einer eleganten lateinischen Ansprache, die von jedermann gehört werden konn te, worauf sie ihm flüssig antwortete..." Besagter Graf Belloni - ein Bekannter des Italienreisenden Charles de Brosses, aus dessen Feder die obigen Zeilen stammen - führte anschließend mit dem dem 2ljärigen "Wunderkind" eine gelehrte "Disputation". Die junge Frau war, wie heute ver mutet wird, eingeübt: Ihr stolzer Vater, ein Textilienkaufmann, hatte sie mit Privatlehrern zu einem Wunderkind herangezogen. Sie hatte zu den verschiedensten philosophischen und natur wissenschaftlichen Themen ihrer Zeit lateinische Sätze parat, die sie bei passender Gelegenheit fließend vortrug. Zum Beispiel, um mit jenem Grafen Belloni in feiner Gesellschaft "über die Entstehung der Quellen und die Ursachen der Ebbe und Flut" zu parlieren. Oder um mit dem Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel über die Ursache der Planetenbewegung und die Natur der Farben" zu diskutieren. Sogar vor dem ältesten Sohn August des Starken führte das "Wunderkind" ihr Wissen vor, und ihr Vater sorgte mit größtem Eifer für weitere Gelegenheiten.
Past Exhibitions Of 2001 two mirrors); Henry Inmans copy of a portrait by charles Bird King and finallyScientist George Washington Carvers 1942 portrait by Betsy Graves reyneau. http://www.speedmuseum.org/past_exhibitions_2001.html
Extractions: Gift of John and Mary Greenebaum Greenberg coined the term Post-Painterly Abstraction to describe a way of painting that adopted the holistic all-overness of Jackson PollockÕs work and combined it with the non-painterly styles of Color-Field painters like Barnett Newmann and Mark Rothko. By spraying, throwing, and floating paint onto canvas, or using unusual tools such as brooms and rakes, the artists of this new tendency took the ideas of their Abstract Expressionist predecessors and transformed them into a concentration upon the formal interests of painting. Privileging flatness of surface and concentrating upon areas of pure color, they presented the painting as a material thing, a discrete visual event. Imagine is an opportunity to examine large-scale paintings from the SpeedÕs collection that address the history of Post-Painterly Abstraction and to consider the breadth of ideas that these artists have contributed to contemporary art. Featuring works by Helen Frankenthaler, Jules Olitski, Edwin Ruda, and Friedel Dzubas, the exhibition has also been augmented with paintings from private collections by James Adley and Larry Poons.
Spotlight Biography: Classical Music And Opera Historians agree that charles Ives was one of America's most brilliant, if enigmatic BetsyGraves reyneau (18881964) Oil on canvas, 1955, T/NPG.67.76.03 http://educate.si.edu/spotlight/music.html
Extractions: Classical Music and Opera Here we highlight two of America's greatest musicians: composer Charles Edward Ives and singer Marian Anderson. These artists forged new musical paths and set high standards of excellence both in their work and in their personal lives. Charles Edward Ives (1874-1954) Clara E. Sipprell (1885-1975) Bequest of Phyllis Fenner Historians agree that Charles Ives was one of America's most brilliant, if enigmatic, musical minds. Even those who question the artistic value of his work recognize his status as the first distinctly American composer of classical music. Up to the end of the nineteenth century, European forms and composers dominated the American concert hall. Ives was the first to combine classical forms with America's own cultural richness, beginning a tradition then carried on by composers such as Aaron Copland and George Gershwin. However, during much of Ives's own lifetime, his music was disparaged as an oddity by the few who knew of it. Truly, Ives's unconventional musical sensibilities were ahead of their time. More information about early musical instruments can be found by visiting the National Museum of American History Ives's father, a Connecticut gentleman and military bandmaster, taught him to find the inspiration for his compositions in everyday surroundings and occurrences. Also expressed in his music was a strong love of his country, a resistance to blind tradition, and a sometimes caustic wit. Ives showed considerable musical talent from a young age and was especially good at improvising on the keyboard. As a teenager, he composed pieces for his father's band and served as the organist for a local church. At Yale University, Ives put all his energy into music, nearly failing every other subject. Under the tutelage of composer Horatio Parker and others, Ives composed his first symphony and string quartet as well as numerous smaller pieces. After college Ives worked in the insurance business and composed music in his spare time.
Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/vt/orleans/coventry/bios/w6230001.txt p.298 Jennie Ruhamma Wright daug of charles Wright and Mary E. (Potter) Wright b DF)Mexico m (l) Earl Allor m (2) Harry Sonneland 2. Wright reyneau Farnsworth b http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/vt/orleans/coventry/bios/w6230001.txt
Extractions: l866Wright - Coventry, VT - USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. File contributed and transcribed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Farns10th@aol.com (Farns10th) on 5/26/98 WRIGHT The following information is from the Farnsworth Memorial II: p.37 Prescott Wright m. l784 Hannah Gilson b. l784 at Pepperell MA daug of Eleazor Gilson, Jr. and Sybil (Lakin) Gilson (Sybil was the daug of James Lakin and Elizabeth (Williams) Lakin. p.38 Mary Wright b. l766 m. l790 Abraham Shattuck b. l759 at Pepperell son of Jeremiah Shattuck, Jr.and Lydia (Lakin) Shattuck (Lydia was his cousin) p.39 Eunice Wright m. Ephraim Woods b. l77l at Hollis NH She was his 2d wife (his lst was Dorcas Jewell) p.44 Sybil Wright, wid of Levi Shattuck m. (2) Nathan Blood b. l763 son of Abigail (Farnsworth) Blood and Deacon David Blood, who was the son of John Blood and Joanna (Nutting) Blood. p.59 Solomon Wright m. l792 Tryphena Farnsworth b. l792 at Jericho Vt. daug of Benjamim Farnsworth and Rebecca (Wilson)Farns- worth, of Jericho, Vt. p.ll8 Anna Wright m. l972 Raymond Cormier, Jr. (son of Joseph Cormier and Jeanne (Legere) Cormier of Westford Vt. p.l40 Alanson George Wright son of Charles E. Wright and Ruth (Cook) Wright m. l889 Alice Polly Farnsworth b. l868 of Fairfax, Vt. daug of Perry Jones Farnsworth and Mary Irene Doud. l. Grace H. Wright b. l889 m. l9l3 Edson Augustus Doud. 2. Elizabeth A. Wright b. l89l d. l894 3. Ethel A. Wright b. l894 m. l9l5 Carlton E. McNeil of Charlotte Vt. (note: both died Oct l7, l9l8 of flu) 4. Marion A. Wright b. l896 m. l9l7 Volney A. Avery 5. Ruth M. Wright b. l905 d. l966 m. l930 Calvin Lamont b. Brookline MA d. l95l p.l46 Robert Walter Wright b. l924 at Springfield Vt m. l952 Esther I. Farnsworth b. l936 daug of Addison Adams Farns- worth and his 2d wife, Gladys (Bateman) of Springfield,VT p.244 Rebecca Wright of Charlestown MA m. l844 John Farnsworth Jr. b. l790, son of John Farnsworth and Nancy (Baker) of Groton, MA p.279 Their child l. John b. l8l5 m. l839 Mary J. Osgood John endowed Farnsworth Hall to Vermont Academy at Saxton River. p.298 Jennie Ruhamma Wright daug of Charles Wright and Mary E. (Potter) Wright b. l868 at Chicago IL. m. l898 at Mexico City Mexico, William Seymour Farnsworth b. l856 at Topeka Kansas son of Hiram Farnsworth and Harriet (Stoddard) Farns- worth (she of New London, Conn). Hiram Farnsworth formerly of Boston MA > New London, Conn., was appointed Indian Agent for Kansas by Pres. Abraham Lincoln. p.320 Jennie Ruhamma Wright and William Seymour Farnsworth had: l. Wilma Jeannette b. l899 at Mexico (DF) Mexico m (l) Earl Allor m (2) Harry Sonneland 2. Wright Reyneau Farnsworth b. l907 m. l930 at Urbanana Illinois, Verla Audree Hill b. Adair Illinois, daug of Edward E. Hill and Ola Abigail (Lacey) Hill. p.378 Elinor Fanny Wright m. Harry S. Farnsworth b. l863 at Eaton, Quebec, Canada son of Thomas Farnsworth and Mary Ann French of Eaton, P.Q. p.429 Zophar Wright b. l805 m. l8ll Merinda Shedd b. l8ll daug. of John Shedd and Lydia (Farnsworth) Shedd of Washington, NH p.44l Joseph Wright m. l825 Nancy Farnsworth b. l800, daug of John Farnsworth and Priscilla (Dickenson) Farnsworth of Shirley, MA p.454 Tryphena Wright of Newport, NH m. Moses Davis b. l807 of Washington NH son of Ephraim Davis of Hartland, VT p.46l Selah Goodrich Wright b. l8l6 at Pompey NY m. l846 Emeline Farnsworth b. l822 daug of Royal Farnsworth and Rebecca (Hemenway) Farnsworth of Boston, MA They moved to Oberlin Ohio. p.499 Lists their children: l. Charlotte Wright b. l847 d. l85l 2. Charles Goodrich Wright b. l850 d. l85l 3. Anna Jane Wright (twin to Charles) b. l850 4. Charlotte Wright 2d b. l852 5. Myra Wright b. l854 6. Lucy E. Wright b. l857 at Lake Winnepeg, Maine m. l880 Mills Whittlesey b. l852 at New Preston, Conn. 7. Carrie E.Wright b. l860 at Camden Ohio. 8. Alice A. Wright b. l865 at Oberlin, Ohio d.
Combattants R Translate this page Regnier, Louis charles de (officer) (1758 Saint-Gervais (85) - executed in 1794Noirmoutier (85)). reyneau, Michel Jean (officer) (from Beaupreau (49)). http://familiariss.ifrance.com/familiariss/combatRanglais.htm
Extractions: Your ancestor during the Vendée insurrection Rabjeau, Louis (cutter of stone- noncommisioned officer ) (1757 Saint-Florent-le-Vieil (49) - 1840 Saint-Florent-le-Vieil (49)) Ragueneau, Maurice (sacristan - office r) (killed in 1793 Chanzeaux (49)) Rangot, Jacques de ( officer ) (from La Gaubretière (85) - executed in 1794 Cholet (49)) Rechignevoisin, Rose Pulcheire de (1776 La Châtaigneraie (85) - 1847 Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny (37)) Regnier, Louis Charles de ( officer ) (1758 Saint-Gervais (85) - executed in 1794 Noirmoutier (85)) Regrenil, Louise ( fighter ) (1764 Sainte-Florence (85) - 1846 Sainte-Florence (85)) Remaud, Pierre François (priest) (1756 Chavagnes (85) - 1830) Renou, Louis ( officer ) (1766 Loudun (86) - 1836 à Loudun (86)) Renoul, Honoré Aymé (doctor - officer ) (1766 Drain (44) - 1844 Le Loroux (44)) Retailleau, Pierre ( far mer - officer ) (from Torfou (49)) Reyneau, Michel Jean ( officer ) (from Beaupreau (49)) Rezeau, Pierre ( officer ) (1775 Chauché (85) - (1813 Saint-Denis-la-Chevasse (85)) Richard, Louis (cow trader -
Nouveautés 1 Translate this page Regnier, Louis charles de (officier) (1758 à Saint-Gervais (85) - exécuté àNoirmoutier (85) en 1794). reyneau, Michel Jean (officier) (de Beaupreau (49)). http://familiariss.ifrance.com/familiariss/combatr.htm
Extractions: Etude Familiaris Nos bases Chouans >Chouans R Vos ancêtres ont-ils combattu dans les guerres de l'Ouest (1792-1832) ? R Rabjeau, Louis (tailleur de pierre - sous-officier ) (1757 à Saint-Florent-le-Vieil (49) - 1840 à Saint-Florent-le-Vieil (49)) Ragueneau, Maurice (sacristain - officier ) (tué à Chanzeaux (49) en 1794) Rangot, Jacques de ( officier ) (de La Gaubretière (85) - Exécuté à Cholet (49) en 1794) Rechignevoisin, Rose Pulcheire de (1776 à La Chataigneraie (85) - 1847 Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny (37)) Regnier, Louis Charles de ( officier ) (1758 à Saint-Gervais (85) - exécuté à Noirmoutier (85) en 1794) Regrenil, Louise ( combattante ) (1764 à Sainte-Florence (85) - 1846 à Sainte-Florence (85)) Remaud, Pierre François ( prêtre ) (1756 à Chavagnes (85) - 1830) Renou, Louis ( officier ) (1766 à Loudun (86) - 1836 à Loudun (86)) Renoul, Honoré Aymé (médecin - officier ) (1766 à Drain (44) - 1844 au Loroux (44)) Retailleau, Pierre (paysan - officier ) (de Torfou ( Reyneau, Michel Jean ( officier ) (de Beaupreau (49)) Rezeau, Pierre (
AFRICAN-AMERICAN ART HISTORY 107 The Diverse search for professional status charles Ethan Porter/Edward MitchellBannister Aframs to the movement Winold Reiss, Betsy Graves reyneau, Carl Van http://fog.ccsf.org/~rholbert/afram.html
Extractions: THE COURSE SCHEDULE This course will cover the history of African American art through a survey that extends from West African art through American art history. A survey of African tribal art practices and spiritual practices through the art produced before the slave trade. A survey of African-American art from the earliest crafts produced by slaves and paintings produced by free African-Americans, through the colonial, the Civil War period, Reconstruction and the "Great Migration", the Harlem Renaissance, W.P.A., Civil Rights, Protest art, and the contemporary directions. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE AND TWO: WILLETT BOOK The purpose and design of the course. Initial handouts, outlines, and schedule, book list, explanations. Africa as a background to African American art. What is Art? Form and Content. Explanation of two and three dimensions. The three-dimensional processes. AFRICAN ART AFRICAN ART CHAPTER THREE: WILLETT BOOK Background of African art and the overall geography of the continent. The Green Sahara, Tassili Region, Tibesti Region and Chad. Ancient Civilizations: The Nok, The Ife. The first Art of Rock carvings and cave painting. West Africa: Geographical description. The green belt region. Ivory coast, gold coast. Central Africa: Geographical descriptions.
Extractions: Tennessee State Museum Portrait Gallery at the Tennessee State Museum Nashville, TN 615-741-2692 or toll-free at 800-407-4324 http://www.tnmuseum.org/ A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery A premier art exhibition featuring more than 70 paintings from the collection of the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery will be on view at the Tennessee State Museum through July 1, 2001 in an exhibition titled, A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery. The exhibition includes works by some of the most important portrait painters that America has produced, artists of such skill and talent that they were chosen to depict the most important figures of their day. The portraits in A Brush with History reflect the range of the National Portrait Gallery's collection from Charles Willson Peale 's 1769 likeness of Maryland publisher Anne Green, one of America's first woman publishers, to Andy Warhol 's 1984 pop art portrait of singer Michael Jackson. (right: Mary Cassatt , by Edgar Degas, Oil on canvas, circa 1880-1884, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation and the Regents' Major Acquisitions Fund, Smithsonian Institution)
North Carolina Museum Of History (left Henry Inman (18011846), after charles Bird King to know I posed for it. Scientist George Washington Carver's 1942 portrait by Betsy Graves reyneau. http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/2aa/2aa458.htm
Extractions: North Carolina Museum of History Raleigh, NC http://www.ncmuseumofhistory.org/ A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery P ortraits have always spoken to our human desire to know each other. Before photography was invented in 1839, painted portraits, and engravings based on them, were one of the few ways to record likenesses of the nation's heroes and one's friends and family. Today, figurative painting remains as vital and expressive as portraits from any period. Seventy-five paintings representing more than 250 years of American portraiture will be on view in the exhibition A Brush with History: Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh. The collection of paintings from the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery highlights distinguished Americans who have shaped the history and culture of our country. The exhibit will run from January 27 to April 8, 2001. Early American Portraiture From the Colonial era through the 1820s, portraiture was the most widely practiced genre of American art, and it continued to be a significant form through the 19th century. The demand for likenesses was incessant, and portraiture was often the primary source of income for artists. Artists frequently made portraits of famous people to attract interest and potential patrons. In 1834
Composer Index Thomas Linley (the younger) Franz Liszt Henry charles Litolff William Regis FranzReizenstein Ottorino Respighi Julius Reubke Gacien reyneau Stephen Reynolds http://www.hyperion-records.co.uk/composer_index.asp
Extractions: Listed below are all composers represented in the Hyperion catalogue. A B C D ... Z Composers on this side of the index have complete discs devoted to their works or share a disc with another composer. We have individual catalogue pages for these composers that can be accessed from the links. Composers on this side appear only in multi-composer collections. We have a Collections Composers Index listing these collections. Select the links below to access the alphabetical sections of that index. Collections Composers - A Carl Friedrich Abel