Blaise Pascal At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base August 1662. He was the son of etienne pascal, advocate at the courtof Aids of Clermont, and of Antoinette Bégon. His father, a
Extractions: by Peter Kreeft Blaise Pascal Texts: Blaise Pascal Texts: Pensees Used Books: Blaise Pascal ... Pascal Biography Site maintained by Ireland's Trinity College features a biography of the famous French mathematician. From `A Short Account of the History of Mathematics' (4th edition, 1908) by W. W. Rouse Ball. Excerpt: Among the contemporaries of Descartes none displayed greater natural genius than Pascal, but his mathematical reputation rests more on what he might have done than on what he actually effected, as during a considerable part of his life he deemed it his duty to devote his whole time to religious exercises. Blaise Pascal Elements , a book which Pascal read with avidity and soon mastered.
Saint Etienne Du Mont - Blaise Pascal Translate this page zurück. Saint Étienne du Mont, letzte Pfarrgemeinde Pascals.
Cigo_mar00 pascal - etienne Patrick - GROSS
Extractions: Bulletin d'Information du Club N° 41 - Mars 2000 2CV-Ô-RHIN 76 rue de Cernay 68700 STEINBACH Tel: COMPTE-RENDU DE LA REUNION du 17 mars 2000 à RUELISHEIM La séance débute, comme d'habitude, par un mot de bienvenue prononcé par Jean-Luc. Après débât sur divers sujets, Jean-Luc nous signale qu'il a lu dans le 2 CV Magazine qu'un jeune homme de Wittenheim s'intéressait à tout ce qui touche la 2 CV, il a envoyé une coupure de presse de 1964. Nous rappelons à tous nos Membres qu'il existe des tracts (à distribuer à volonté !!) pour adhérer au Club. Pour en obtenir, il suffit de demander à Jean-Luc KRIEG ou Patrick ETIENNE. Jean-Luc nous signale également qu'il a commandé des 2 CV miniatures "Cochonou" pour agrémenter notre Boutique. Vous pourrez les acheter (à bon prix rassurez-vous !!) lors des sorties mensuelles du Club ou lors des réunions mensuelles du Club (il est bon de le rappeler de temps en temps !!!). AVRIL Dimanche 30.04. Sortie 2 CV O RHIN + VOSGES 2 CV Club - Le Thillot (voir programme joint) MAI Dimanche 21.05. Sortie 2 CV O RHIN à Lapoutroie (Musée des Eaux de Vie)
Cigo_juin00 Translate this page Etaient présents ACKERMANN Sonia - BILL Annick - BILL Eric - BOHRER Christelle- DECKER pascal - etienne Patrick - GINGUENAUD David - GROSS Caroline
Extractions: Bulletin d'Information du Club N° 44 - Juin 2000 2CV-Ô-RHIN 76 rue de Cernay 68700 STEINBACH Tel: COMPTE-RENDU DE LA REUNION du 16 juin 2000 à RUELISHEIM Sortie du 25 juin : il y a un minimum de voitures. Sortie à SELESTAT, aucune réponse de la part des membres du club, donc Jean-Luc n'a pas donné suite ! Sortie "Méchoui", une petite lettre du Président (en colère et fort déçu) suivra dans les pages suivantes. Petit compte-rendu de la Nationale : bonne réussite du Stand Gastronomique. Sortie "Suisse", R.A.S, sauf le temps fort désagréable, par contre, le Président nous a ramené des Tee-shirts, et des 2 CV miniatures. PETIT Etienne propose une vitrine originale avec une vitre de 2 CV. JUILLET ATTENTION, merci de réserver et d'envoyer votre participation, pour le 18 juin au plus tard. 100.- F./personne, enfants moins de 10 ans : gratuits, enfants de 10 à 13 ans : 50.- F. AOUT Dimanche 27.08 Expo à CARSPACH (repas offert) Autres Rencontres, Sorties, Raids un peu plus loin.....voire très loin.... 14 au 16.07.2000
Pascal's Adder - About Pascal etienne pascal was an intelligent man with a wide range of intellectual interests;he was especially devoted to science and mathematics and seems to have been
Extractions: Biography of Pascal Blaise Pascal was born at Clairmont of Auvergne. He was born on June 19, 1623. The name of his mother was Antoinette and she was from the wealthy family of Begon's. She died in 1626. The name of his father was Etienne who was the first president of the court in Clairmont. Etienne was a determined social climber. The France of Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu, the foreign minister, was roched by savage peasant revolts, and loyal officers of the state like Etienne occasionally ware assassinated. Etienne Pascal was an intelligent man with a wide range of intellectual interests; he was especially devoted to science and mathematics and seems to have been a fairly talented mathematician. Blaise Pascal also had three sisters. The older of them died. Gilberte who was born in 1620 and Jacquline who was born in 1625. In 1631 Etienne Pascal with his motherless children moved to Paris, so as to let them have an adequate scientific education. Etienne feared that his son's education in foreign languages might suffer because he was very interested in mathematics and physics. Therefore Etienne told Blaise's friends not to talk about mathematics in front of his son. However Blaise continued to improve his knowledge in those fields of science. Even on the floor of his lonely room, where his father had sent him to get on with his studies of languages, Blaise continued to deal with science and especially with geometry. Blaise espoused Jansenism and in 1654 he entered the Jansenist community at Port Royal, where he led a rigorously ascetic life until his death. To a large degree, Blaise's extreme religiosity was fuelled by agonizingly poor health and a pent-up sexuality - he apparently was a homosexual - and he punished himself for his sins. The Jansenists finally considered heretic. But Blaise stayed loyal to their belief till his death.
Little Blue Light - Blaise Pascal Blaise was born to etienne pascal, a tax judge important, imperious, educatedand religious and his wife, Antoine, a pious and kind woman who suffered
Blaise Pascal Blaise pascal. Bir Fransiz matematikçi, fizikçi ve ayni zamanda teolojistolan Blaise pascal, etienne pascal'in üçüncü çocugu ve tek ogluydu.
Extractions: Blaise Pascal Bir Fransýz matematikçi, fizikçi ve ayný zamanda teolojist olan Blaise Pascal, Etienne Pascal'in üçüncü çocuðu ve tek oðluydu. Daha üç yaþýndayken annesinin ölümü üzerine yetim kalýr.1632 yýlýnda babasý dört çocuðuyla beraber Clermont'u terkederek Paris'e yerleþir. Babasý antiortodox olduðu için onu kendisi yetiþtirmeye karar verir. Kendisi de zamanýnýn iyi matematikçilerinden olan Etienne Pascal, oðlunun 15 yaþýndan önce matematik calýþmamasý gerektiðine karar vererek evini matematik dökümanlarýndan arýndýrýr. Fakat bu küçük Pascal'in sadece matematik merakýný ateþler,12 yaþýnda kendisi geometri çalýþmaya baþlar. O zamanlarda üçgenin iç açýlarýnýn toplamýnýn, iki dik açýnýn toplamýna eþit olduðunu bulur, bunun üzerine babasý teslim-i silah eder ve ona incelemesi için Euclid'in teoremlerini içeren dökümanlarý verir. Yani matematikle ilgisi çocukluk döneminde matematik eðitimi almadan baþlar, sonralarý babasýyla beraber "Academie Parsienne" deki derslere katýlmaya baþlar. 16 yaþýna geldiðinde burada aktif olarak rol alýr ve profesör Girard Desargues in bir numaralý yardýmcýsý ve öðrencisi olur. Bu esnada özellikle konikler üzerinde çalýþarak konu hakkýnda kitapçýk yayýnlar. 1639 yýlýnda da "Pascal'ýn Esrarengiz Altýgeni" yle geometriye katkýda bulunur.
Pascal Translate this page 1662. Le père de pascal (etienne) avait des idées non orthodoxesur l'éducation et décida d'éduquer lui-même son fils. Il
Extractions: décédé à Paris le 19 août 1662. Le père de Pascal (Etienne) avait des idées non orthodoxe sur l'éducation et décida d'éduquer lui-même son fils. Il décida que Pascal n'étudierait pas les mathématiques avant 15 ans et fit disparaître tous les écrits mathématiques de leur maison. Cependant, Pascal eut la curiosité éveillée par cela et commença à étudier par lui-même la géométrie à l'âge de 12 ans. Il découvrit que la somme des angles d'un triangle valait deux droits et quand son père s'en rendit compte, celui-ci lui donna un exemplaire des Eléments d' Euclide A l'âge de 14 ans, Pascal commença à assister aux exposés de Mersenne. Mersenne appartenait à l'ordre des Minimes, et sa cellule à Paris était un lieu de réunion pour Fermat, Pascal, Gassendi, et d'autres. A l'âge de 16 ans, Pascal présenta une simple feuille de papier à une des réunions de Mersenne; il contenait une série de théorèmes de géométrie projective, y compris celui de l'hexagone mystique de Pascal. Pascal inventa la première machine à calculer (1642) pour aider son père. L'appareil, appelé Pascaline, ressemblait aux machines à calculer mécaniques des années 1940.
Index Des Noms Commençant Par P Translate this page Valdonnez, ) PARADIS, Pierre (13 novembre 1737 Ventailhac, St etienne du Valdonnez 15octobre 1758 , Pramollo, ITA) PARNUIT, Louise ( - ) pascal, Abel ( - avant
Philosophers Pierre De Fermat Fermat's correspondence with the Paris mathematicians restarted in 1654 when Blaisepascal, etienne pascal's son, wrote to him to ask for confirmation about
Pascal In correspondence with Fermat he laid the foundation for the theory of probability.Blaise pascal was the third of etienne pascal's children and his only son.
Extractions: Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Blaise Pascal worked on conic sections and produced important theorems in projective geometry. In correspondence with Fermat he laid the foundation for the theory of probability. Blaise Pascal was the third of Etienne Pascal 's children and his only son. Blaise's mother died when he was only three years old. In 1632 the Pascal family, Etienne and his four children, left Clermont and settled in Paris. Blaise Pascal's father had unorthodox educational views and decided to teach his son himself. Etienne Pascal decided that Blaise was not to study mathematics before the age of 15 and all mathematics texts were removed from their house. Blaise however, his curiosity raised by this, started to work on geometry himself at the age of 12. He discovered that the sum of the angles of a triangle are two right angles and, when his father found out, he relented and allowed Blaise a copy of Euclid At the age of 14 Blaise Pascal started to accompany his father to Mersenne 's meetings.
Blaise Pascal Blaise pascal was the third of etienne pascal's children and his onlyson. Blaise's mother died when he was only three years old.
Extractions: Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ... Suche Blaise Pascal (1623 Clermond-Ferrand - 1662, Paris) Blaise Pascal was the third of Etienne Pascal's children and his only son. Blaise's mother died when he was only three years old. In 1632 the Pascal family, Etienne and his four children, left Clermont and settled in Paris. Blaise Pascal's father had unorthodox educational views and decided to teach his son himself. Etienne Pascal decided that Blaise was not to study mathematics before the age of 15 and all mathematics texts were removed from their house. Blaise however, his curiosity raised by this, started to work on geometry himself at the age of 12. He discovered that the sum of the angles of a triangle are two right angles and, when his father found out, he relented and allowed Blaise a copy of Euclid. At the age of 14 Blaise Pascal started to accompany his father to Mersenne 's meetings. Mersenne belonged to the religious order of the Minims, and his cell in Paris was a frequent meeting place for Gassendi, Roberval, Carcavi, Auzout, Mydorge, Mylon, Desargues and others. Soon, certainly by the time he was 15, Blaise came to admire the work of Desargues. At the age of sixteen, Pascal presented a single piece of paper to one of Mersenne 's meetings in June 1639. It contained a number of projective geometry theorems, including Pascal's mystic hexagon.
Pascal Translate this page El Padre de Blaise pascal, etienne pascal, tenía una educaciónortodoxa y decidió educar él mismo a su hijo. Dispuso que su
Extractions: Blaise, sin embargo, sintió curiosidad por todo esto y comenzó a interesarse por la geometría ya a los 12 años. Descubrió por ejemplo que la suma de los ángulos de un triángulo rectángulo corresponden a dos ángulos rectos, y cuando su padre comprobó este interés de Blaise por la matemática revocó su actitud y le regaló un libro de Euclídes. A los 14 años, Pascal se hizo conocido de Mersenne y comenzó a asistir a las reuniones que este último (perteneciente a una orden religiosa de Minims) realizaba junto a otros matemáticos como Fermat, Gassendi y otros. En 1642 Pascal inventó la primera calculadora digital llamada Pascaline (en la figura adjunta), semejante a las calculadoras mecánicas que aparecerían un siglo después. Fomentó estudios de geometría, hodrodinámica e hidrostática, dejando inventos como la jeringa o importantes tratados sobre la presión hidráulica.
Pascal BILLAND Translate this page pascal BILLAND, Maître de Conférences / des principales publications
Personnel Du CREUSET Translate this page fr. pascal BILLAND, Maître de Conférences Détails/Publications Khaled BOUABDALLAH
Biographie De Pascal Translate this page Né à Clermont, en Auvergne le 19 juin 1623, Blaise pascal est le seul fils d'AntoinetteBegon, morte alors qu'il n'a que trois ans, et d'etienne pascal.
Extractions: Accueil Actualités En bref Dossiers ... Archives Histoire des sciences Civilisations Portraits Biographies Sciences en culture Livres Cédéroms Télévision Vidéos ... Expositions Dialogues Forums 6 Chat Notre sélection web Vie des universités Petites annonces Adresses Colloques Vie pratique Pollution Météo Astronomie Unités de mesure ... autres portraits "Un génie". Tel est qualificatif le plus souvent associé au nom de Blaise Pascal. Un génie qui, malgré une mort prématurée et une grande partie de son temps consacré à la religion, a marqué l'histoire de la science, en particulier par sa grande rigueur d'analyse et son sens de l'expérience. Né à Clermont, en Auvergne le 19 juin 1623, Blaise Pascal est le seul fils d'Antoinette Begon, morte alors qu'il n'a que trois ans, et d'Etienne Pascal. Ce père, juriste et mathématicien, prend totalement en charge l'éducation du garçon. Il commence par les lettres, réservant les mathématiques pour un âge plus avancé, mais le jeune Pascal est précoce.
BLAISE PASCAL He was the third of etienne pascal's children and his only son. In 1632 the pascalfamily, etienne and his four children, left Clermont and settled in Paris.
Extractions: Home Background Blaise Pascal Probability Theory Pascal's Triangle Probability Theory Introduction Application of Probability Theory Probability Quotes Glossary ... Gambling on God Pascal's wager 3rd Argument Conclusion Alternative Formulation Decision Theory ... Rationality Objections Many Gods Objection Intellectualist Objection Moral Objection Inappropriate Argument ... Link Homework Problemset 1 Problemset 2 Problemset 2(HTML) Problemset 3 ... Comment Joyce Lam Nga Ching BLAISE PASCAL (1623-1662) Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal is known as one of the co-founders of present day probability theory. He is known by many titles such as geometer, philosopher, mathematician, probabilist, physicist, and inventor. At the age of 14 Blaise Pascal started to accompany his father to Mersenne's meetings. Mersenne belonged to the religious order of the Minims, and his cell in Paris was a frequent meeting place for Gassendi, Roberval, Carcavi, Auzout, Mydorge, Mylon, Desargues and others. Soon, certainly by the time he was 15, Blaise came to admire the work of Desargues. At the age of sixteen, Pascal presented a single piece of paper to one of Mersenne's meetings in June 1639. It contained a number of projective geometry theorems, including Pascal's mystic hexagon.
Academic Bibliography For Van Der Voort, Pascal Schrijnemakers Koen, Van Der Voort pascal, Vansant etienne F.. Characterizationof a TiCl 4 -modified silica surface by means of quantitative surface analysis
Extractions: Go to the STARTSCREEN The author belongs to: Years: Frunza L. Pelgrims J. Leeman H. Van Der Voort P. Vansant E.F. Schoonheydt R.A. Weckhuysen B.M. Incorporation of transition metal ions in Al-phosphate molecular sieves with AST structures. - In: The journal of physical chemistry: B: materials, surfaces, interfaces and biophysical , 105:14(2001), p. 2677-2686 Baltes M. Cassiers K. Van Der Voort P. Weckhuysen B.M. Schoonheydt R.A. Vansant E.F. MCM-48 supported vanadium oxide catalysts, prepared by the molecular designed dispersion of vanadylacetylacetonate: a detailed study of the highly reactive MCM-48 surface and the structure and activity of the deposited Vox. - In: Journal of catalysis , 197(2001), p. 160-171 Benjelloun M. Van Der Voort P. Cool P. Collart O. Vansant E.F. Reproducible synthesis of high quality MCM-48 by extraction and recuperation of the gemini surfactant. - In: Physical chemistry, chemical physics , 3(2001), p. 127-131 Mathieu M. Van Der Voort P. Weckhuysen B.M. Rao R.R.
La Page Cycliste De Naco NO.001-1 Translate this page Eric Zabel (Telekom). pascal Hervé (Festina) à St. etienne (clm) - Peut-êtreavec son fils. pascal Herve (Festina). Mikel Zarrabeitia (ONCE) à St.
Pagina Ciclista De Nana NO.001-1 pascal Herve (Festina) a St. etienne (CRI) con su hijo pascal Herve (Festina). pascalHerve (Festina) a St. etienne (CRI) con su mujer y Neil Stephens