Max Noether Max Noether. Born 24 Sept 1844 Welcome page Max Noether was one of theleaders of nineteenth century algebraic geometry. Although himself
Extractions: Died: 13 Dec 1921 in Erlangen, Germany Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous ( Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Max Noether was one of the leaders of nineteenth century algebraic geometry. Although himself a very distinguished mathematician, his daughter Emmy Noether was to bring greater innovation to mathematics than did her father. Max Noether suffered an attack of polio when he was 14 years old and it left him with a handicap for the rest of his life. He attended the University of Heidelberg from 1865 and obtained a doctorate from there in 1868. After this he lectured at Heidelberg and moved from Heidelberg to a chair at Erlangen where he remained for the rest of his life. Max Noether was one of the leaders of nineteenth century algebraic geometry. He was influenced by Abel Riemann Cayley and Cremona . Following Cremona , Max Noether studied the invariant properties of an algebraic variety under the action of birational transformations. In 1873 he proved an important result on the intersection of two algebraic curves. Nine years later, in 1882, his daughter
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MAX NOETHER Max Noether (18441921) algebraic geometer. Max Noether was born in Mannheimto a family long engaged in a wholesale hardware business.
Extractions: algebraic geometer Max Noether was born in Mannheim to a family long engaged in a wholesale hardware business. At the age of fourteen, he was stricken by polio, but be completed the Gymnasium curriculum through home-study, and on his own, he began studying higher mathematics. He entered the University of Heidelberg in 1865 and received the Ph.D. degree there three years later. After serving on the faculty at Heidelberg for several years, he joined the faculty at the University of Erlangen and was an ordinarius (i.e., full professor) there from 1888 to 1919. In 1880 Max Noether married Ida Amalia Kaufmann. Their daughter Emmy Amalia Noether was born in 1882. Max Noether is remembered as one of the founders of algebraic geometry. To some extent, Emmy Noether extended some of her father's work, and in this connection, Hermann Weyl wrote, Noether's residual theorem was...fitted by Emmy into her general theory of ideals in arbitrary rings. This scientific kinship of father and daughter÷who became in a certain sense his successor in algebra, but stands beside him independent in her fundamental attitude and in her problems÷is something extremely beautiful and gratifying. The father was÷such is the impression I gather from his papers and even more from the many obituary biographies he wrote for the Mathematische Annalen ÷a very intelligent, warm-hearted man of many-sided interests and sterling education.
MAX NOETHER Max Noether (18441921) Max Noether was born in Mannheim to a family long engaged in a wholesale hardware business.
Extractions: algebraic geometer Max Noether was born in Mannheim to a family long engaged in a wholesale hardware business. At the age of fourteen, he was stricken by polio, but be completed the Gymnasium curriculum through home-study, and on his own, he began studying higher mathematics. He entered the University of Heidelberg in 1865 and received the Ph.D. degree there three years later. After serving on the faculty at Heidelberg for several years, he joined the faculty at the University of Erlangen and was an ordinarius (i.e., full professor) there from 1888 to 1919. In 1880 Max Noether married Ida Amalia Kaufmann. Their daughter Emmy Amalia Noether was born in 1882. Max Noether is remembered as one of the founders of algebraic geometry. To some extent, Emmy Noether extended some of her father's work, and in this connection, Hermann Weyl wrote, Noether's residual theorem was...fitted by Emmy into her general theory of ideals in arbitrary rings. This scientific kinship of father and daughter÷who became in a certain sense his successor in algebra, but stands beside him independent in her fundamental attitude and in her problems÷is something extremely beautiful and gratifying. The father was÷such is the impression I gather from his papers and even more from the many obituary biographies he wrote for the Mathematische Annalen ÷a very intelligent, warm-hearted man of many-sided interests and sterling education.
Extractions: ChronoMath A-B C-E F-J K-M ... Nombres amicaux (+programmation) Nombre complexe Nombre rationnel Nombres constructibles voir aussi : Nombres de Bernoulli Nombres de Catalan Nombres de Clifford Nombre d'Euler (nombre e) Nombres d'Euler Nombres de Cayley Nombres de Lucas Nombres de Renard (+programmation) Nombre d'or Nombre e Nombre p ... Nombres parfaits voir aussi Pythagore Nicomaque Euler Nombres parfaits (+programmation) Nombres parfaits pairs Nombre premier Nombres premiers (recherche de-) (+programmation) Nombres premiers jumeaux (+programmation) Nombres premiers jumeaux (constante des-) Nombres premiers de Sophie Germain (+programmation) , Nombres premiers sexy (+programmation) Nombres pseudo-premiers nombres ZigZag Nonius (Nunes) Non standard (analyse-) ... Octonions (parfois appelés octaves Ombilic O rdinateurs programmation arrondis Basic Tableur ... JavaScript (d'un point) Ordre (relation d'-) Ordre Ordre Oresme ... (base, repère)
Mathematiker Mit Nn Translate this page Noether Emmy (1882 - 1935, Erlangen). noether max (1844 - 1921, Mannheim).A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. zurück.
Publimath : Liste Mots-Clés N niveau taxonomique ; Noether Emmy ; noether max ; noeud; noeud
Noether'un Biyografisi Yahudi bir aileden gelen Amalie Emmy noether, max ve da noether'lerin ilk çocuu olarak Almanya'da Bavyera'nn
Extractions: Yirminci yüzyýlýn baþlarýnda, eskiden olduðu gibi kadýnlarýn üniversitelerde okumalarýna iyi gözle bakýlmýyordu. Bir kadýnýn üniversiteye devam etmesi ve orada okumasý oldukça yadýrganan bir olaydý. Ondokuzuncu yüzyýldan beri bu önyargý devam ediyordu. Tüm bu engellemelere, zorluklara ve üniversite çevresinin önyargýlarýna karþýn, zeki Noether üniversiteyi bitirdi. 1907 yýlýnda da matematikte ünlü bir çalýþmayla doktorasýný tamamladý. Noether'ü en çok beðenen ve çalýþmalarýný taktir eden matematikçilerden binsi de Hilbert'ti. Ona üniversitelerde iþ bulmak için çalýþýyordu. Hilbert'in tüm uðraþýlarýna karþýn Emmy'ye üniversitelerde profesör olarak bir iþ bulamadý ve iþ verilmedi. Zamanýn üniversiteleri bayanlara karþý oldukça tutucuydu. Hilbert, Noether'ne iþ verilmesi için çok uðraþtý. Yine zamanýn yöneticileri 1922 yýlýnda Emmy'nin Götingen'de ücretsiz ders vermesi koþuluyla þeref profesörlüðü vermeye razý oldular ve Götingen'e þeref profesörü olarak atadýlar. Bu da Emmy için fazla bir iyilik deðildi. Noether için felaketler bununla da bitmedi. 1930 yýlýndan sonra Almanya'da büyük ölçüde Yahudi katliamlarý, sürgünleri ve kamplarý yapýlýyordu. Doðuþtan Yahudi olan Emmy Noether'nün baþýna daha çok felaketler gelecekti. Noether ve Yahudi arkadaþlarý 1933 yýlýnda Götingen Üniversitesinden atýldýlar. Bu, Emmy ve arkadaþlarý için bir yýkým oldu. Bu sýrada Amerika Birleþik Devletleri Emmy'yi büyük bir memnuniyetle ülkesine davet etti ve bundan çok sevinç duyacaklarýný bildirdiler. Noether, 1933 yýlýnda Amerika'ya gitti. Yaþamýnýn son iki yýlýný Bryn Mawr College'inde ve Princeton Üniversitesinde dersler vererek geçirdi. Daha çok çalýþmalar yapabilecek bir yaþtayken, 1935 yýlýnda Amerika'da öldü.
Noether_Max max noether. max noether suffered an attack of polio when he was 14 yearsold and it left him with a handicap for the rest of his life.
Extractions: Max Noether suffered an attack of polio when he was 14 years old and it left him with a handicap for the rest of his life. He attended the University of Heidelberg from 1865 and obtained a doctorate from there in 1868. After this he lectured at Heidelberg and moved from Heidelberg to a chair at Erlangen where he remained for the rest of his life. Max Noether was one of the leaders of nineteenth century algebraic geometry . He was influenced by Abel Riemann Cayley and Cremona . Following Cremona , Max Noether studied the invariant properties of an algebraic variety under the action of birational transformations. In 1873 he proved an important result on the intersection of two algebraic curves. Nine years later, in 1882, his daughter Emmy Noether was born. Emmy became interested in many similar topics to her father and generalised some of his theorems. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (4 books/articles) A Poster of Max Noether Mathematicians born in the same country Other Web sites Evansville
Noether_Max Biography of max noether (18441921) max noether. Born 24 Sept 1844 in Mannheim, Baden, Germany
Extractions: Max Noether suffered an attack of polio when he was 14 years old and it left him with a handicap for the rest of his life. He attended the University of Heidelberg from 1865 and obtained a doctorate from there in 1868. After this he lectured at Heidelberg and moved from Heidelberg to a chair at Erlangen where he remained for the rest of his life. Max Noether was one of the leaders of nineteenth century algebraic geometry . He was influenced by Abel Riemann Cayley and Cremona . Following Cremona , Max Noether studied the invariant properties of an algebraic variety under the action of birational transformations. In 1873 he proved an important result on the intersection of two algebraic curves. Nine years later, in 1882, his daughter Emmy Noether was born. Emmy became interested in many similar topics to her father and generalised some of his theorems. Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (4 books/articles) A Poster of Max Noether Mathematicians born in the same country Other Web sites Evansville
Poster Of Noether_Max max noether was one of the leaders of nineteenth century algebraic geometry.
Noether, Max noether, max (18441921). German mathematician who contributed to the developmentof algebraic geometry and the theory of algebraic functions.
Extractions: In 1873 he published his one outstanding result, the theorem concerning algebraic curves which contains the 'Noether conditions'. Given two algebraic curves, (x,y) = and (x,y) = 0, which intersect at a finite number of isolated points, the equation of an algebraic curve that passes through all the points of intersection may be expressed as:
Max Noether Habilitation in Heidelberg noether, max (24.9.1844 13.12.1921) Mathematiker-Lexikon / Herbert Meschkowski Studium und Promotion (1868) in Heidelberg . Professor in Erlangen.
Mathematicians Nagell, Trygve Napier, John, 8th Laird of Merchiston Newcomb,Simon Newton, Isaac noether, Emmy (Amalie) noether, max.
Noether_Max Portrait Portrait of max noether max noether. JOC/EFR August 2001
Mathematiker Im Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon / Max Noether Translate this page Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon / Dagmar Drüll. - Heidelberg Bd. 2. 1803-1932.- 1986, S. 194. noether, max. 1870-1875 Phil. Fak. Mathematik. *, 24. Sept.
Max Noether Translate this page noether, max (24.9.1844 - 13.12.1921). Lexika (Printausgaben) WWW-InformationenPrint-Biographien Werk Bibliographien Lexika. 15. (1996), S. 703. noether, max.
Emmy Noether Amalie Emmy noether, geboren am 23.3.1882 in Erlangen, gestorben am 14.4.1935 in Princton, war das erste Kind von max und Ida noether. max noether war MathematikProfessor mit dem Spezialgebiet "Algebraische Geometrie".
EMMY NOETHER, MENTORS & COLLEAGUES Emmy noether's early development as a mathematician was shaped in partby her father, max noether, and his colleague, Paul Gordan.
Extractions: This photograph shows a few of Emmy Noether's colleagues and acquaintences, all but one identified in Brewer and Smith's book, Emmy Noether: A Tribute to Her Life and Work Emmy Noether's early development as a mathematician was shaped in part by her father, Max Noether, and his colleague, Paul Gordan. Both were professors of mathematics at the University of Erlangen. Ernst Fischer at Erlangen influenced her away from Gordan's constructivisit style, dominated by forms and formulas, toward Hilbert's more axiomatic and abstract style, characterized by existence proofs. In 1915, Noether accepted an invitation from Hilbert and Klein to move to Göttingen, the "Mecca of Mathematics." There she became a world-class algebraist who attracted students and younger colleagues who themselves became leading mathematicians. Emmy Noether (1882-1935) mathematician
Max Noether (Nöther) Translate this page noether (Nöther) max allemand, 1844-1921 max Nöther est le pèred'Emmy. Il enseigna à Heidelberg et fut un spécialiste, voire