Archbishop William Laud Archbishop william LAUD 15731645. Ordained as a priest in 1601, Laud rose throughthe Church principally through the patronage of Richard neile, Bishop of
Extractions: @import url(../_css/civwar02.css); Home Timelines Biography Military ... Links Archbishop of Canterbury whose attempts to bring uniformity of worship and the "beauty of holiness" into the Anglican liturgy precipitated the slide into Civil War. Born at Reading, Berkshire, the son of a prosperous clothier, he attended Reading School, then St John's College, Oxford. Ordained as a priest in 1601, Laud rose through the Church principally through the patronage of Richard Neile, Bishop of Rochester. In 1617 he accompanied King James I on a visit to Scotland as one his chaplains. He was appointed Bishop of St David's in 1621 and became chaplain to George Villiers, Marquis (later Duke) of Buckingham the following year. Laud's career flourished on the accession of King Charles I in 1625. He officiated at Charles' coronation in place of Archbishop Williams, the Dean of Westminster, who had fallen from favour. Appointed to the Privy Council in April 1626, made Bishop of Bath and Wells, then Bishop of London in 1628, Laud became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1633. In addition to his Church preferments, he became increasingly powerful in affairs of state. He held several important offices close to the King and used his influence to secure preferments for his friends. Sir Francis Windebank was appointed Secretary of State in 1632, and William Juxon, Bishop of London, was appointed Lord High Treasurer in 1636. Laud's theology was influenced by the teachings of Jacob Arminius (1560-1609), a Dutch theologian who emphasised free will over predestination and an acceptance of ordered and uniform practices of worship. The association was so close that the terms "Arminianism" and "Laudianism" are interchangeable. Although Laud's love of ceremony and harmonious liturgy - the "beauty of holiness" - was shared by King Charles, it was hated by
William Golding "Kärbeste Jumal" Pisarad hakkasid voolama ja ta keha raputasid nuuksed. Esimest korda siin saarelandis ta neile nüüd alla. Ägedad, meeletud ahastusekrambid raputasid teda.
Extractions: Raamat "Kärbeste jumal" räägib grupi inglise poiste elust, kes on sattunud lennuõnnetuse läbi asustamata saarele. Seiklusjutu pingelisusele on teoses lisatud ka filosoofiline sügavus. Lugu püüab näidata inimsoo veres pesitsevat vaenulikkust ja tapjaiha, mis võib teatud äärmuslikes tingimustes ilmneda juba lapsepõlves. Suuremad tülid pealiku ja Jack'i vahel tekkisid aga saarel elava "koletise" avastamise käigus. Koletist tegelikult muidugi ei olnud, kuid poiste hirm pimeduse saabudes aitas kergesti tekkida pettepiltidel. Jack tahtis hirmsat elukat rünnata ja oli valmis riskima, ta tembeldas pealiku argpüksiks. Ralph aga üritas kasutada mõistust ja ei tormanud pea ees kõigega võitlema. Lahkheli tulemusena lahkus küttide pealik poiste juures ja moodustas oma suguharu, millega ühinesid üksteise järel peaaegu kõik vanemad poisid. Suguharu tegeles peamiselt küttimisega. Samuti tantsisid ja laulsid nad jahiretkedest. Olulised olid suured söömapeod. Kamba liikmed kandsid sõjamaalingut ja pidid olema Ralph'ile ustavate poiste vastu. Peagi tekkis kohutav vaen kahe kamba vahel. Jack'ile alluvad poisid tapsid sõjamängude käigus väikese Simon'i ja ei kohkunud edaspidi tagasi inimese tapmise ees. Ralph'ile olid ustavaks jäänud vaid kaksikud Sam ja Eric ning Põssa. Nad olid jõuetud neljakesi lõket pidevalt põlemas hoidma ja otsustasid selle prillide abil süüdata igal hommikul uuesti. Öösel aga tulid vastassuguharu liikmed nende lõkkest põlevaid puid varastama ja märkasid, et tuld polegi. Nad röövisid Põssa prillid. LONG J. LONG 242 FRANCISCO A RUIZ F. RUIZ 308 WH THAXTON E. BALDRIDGE 447 JOHN NBARNHILL J. BURNHILL 84 WD THOMPSON W. THOMPSON 367 william neile W. neile 279
Extractions: SONS of UNION VETERANS of the CIVIL WAR Commodore Joel Abbot, Camp No. 21 SURNAMES BEGINNING WITH - OAK TO O'NE The data on these pages is provided by the Commodore Joel Abbot, Camp No. 21, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War as a public service. All data is public domain and may be copied free of charge. The data has been extracted from the National Park Service, Civil War Soldiers and Sailors Database and is used on these pages with permission. The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is not responsible for any errors in the information. If you find an error, please contact us at Commodore Joel Abbot, Camp No. 21 . We will place a note next to the name indicating the error. Some names are listed multiple times under alternate spellings. We intend to leave the multiple spellings in the database. These alternate spellings may assist in finding your ancestor. - ROSTER - Last Name First Name Regiment Company Rank In Rank Out Oakes Charles B.
Page Title Henry Burton, Puritan divine, and william Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury; also thePuritans william Prynne and John Bastwick, and Richard neile, Archbishop of
Extractions: During the reign of Charles Ist (1625-1649) one man held sway over the Church of England. That man was William Laud (1573-1645), the Archbishop of Canterbury. Shortly after Charles's succession, Laud presented him with a list in which he divided the flock of Anglican ministers into sheep and goats - the sheep marked "O" (for orthodox) and the goats marked "P" (for Puritan). This began a feud that was to lead to many mutilations of Puritans and culminate in the beheading of Laud himself once the Puritans began to establish their power. Henry Burton (1578-1648) was one of the Puritan divines whose fate was intimately bound up with Laud's. On April 23rd, 1625, shortly after Charles I's accession to the throne, Burton wrote to the king complaining that both Laud and Richard Neile (1562-1640), Archbishop of York, harboured Catholic sympathies. This threw him out of favour with all concerned, and was the first step in a chain of events which led to Burton's imprisonment, together with William Prynne (1600-1669) and John Bastwick (1593-1654). All three men were condemned in 1636 to have their ears chopped off and be imprisoned for life, together with sundry fines and other penalties. Prynne's ears were only partially lopped, but he suffered the additional indignity of being branded on the cheeks with the letters "S.L." ("seditious libeller"), which Prynne later redefined as standing for "stigmata Laudis", and when sentence was pronounced on Burton Laud gave the court his thanks.
Page Title his family) NALSON, John (chronicler of King Charles I, qv) neile, Richard, Archbishopof who testified to the Popish Plot, 1678) PENN, william (Quaker founder
LAUD, William Translate this page LAUD, william, 7.10. 1608 wurde er Kaplan des Bischofs von Rochester, Richard neile,der ein Vierteljahrhundert später, als L. den Erzstuhl von Canterbury
Extractions: Verlag Traugott Bautz Bestellmöglichkeiten des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Zur Hauptseite des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Abkürzungsverzeichnis des Biographisch-Bibliographischen Kirchenlexikons Bibliographische Angaben für das Zitieren ... NEU: Unser E-News Service Wir informieren Sie regelmäßig über Neuigkeiten und Änderungen per E-Mail. Helfen Sie uns, das BBKL aktuell zu halten! Band IV (1992) Spalten 1238-1239 Autor: Günther Lottes Werke: The Works. 7 Bde. Oxford 1847, 1849 (Reprint Hildesheim 1977). Lit.: William E. Collins, Hg., Archbishop Laud Commemoration 1895. Lectures on Archbishop Laud with a Bibliography of Laudian Literature and the Laudian Exhibition Catalogue. London 1895 (Reprint New York 1969); - J. Sears McGee, William Laud and the outward face of religion, in: Richard De Molen, Hg., Leaders of the Reformation. Selingrove, Penns. 1984, 318-344; - Charles Carlton, Archbishop William Laud. London, New York 1987; - Nicholas Tyacke, The Anti-Calvinists. The Rise of English Arminianism c. 1590-1640. Oxford 1987; - Andrew Foster, Church policies of the 1630s, in: Richard Cust, A. Hughes, Hrsgg., Conflict in Early Stuart England. 1989, 193-223. Günther Lottes
GENUKI: Archbishops And Bishops Of Great Britain. Laud, 1621, James Ussher, 1624. Richard neile, 1632, william Laud,1628, John Howson, 1628, Theophilus Field, 1627. Charles I, 1625, williamLaud,
Extractions: OF THE UNITED KINGDOM KINGS OF ARCHBISHOPS OF ARCHBISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF BISHOPS OF ENGLAND CANTERBURY YORK LONDON DURHAM ST. DAVID'S ARMAGH See founded before A.D. 200 See founded before A.D. 200 See founded before A.D. 200 [Missionary College founded at Iona by St. Columba from Ireland 565] Persecution of the British Church under the Emperor, Diocletian. Martyrdom of St Alban, A.D. 304. St. Columba died at Iona, 597 Bishops of York, London, and Caerleon-on-Usk, at the council of Arles, A.D. 314 Eborius Restitutus British Bishops present at the Councils of Sardica, 347, and of Ariminum, 360 St. Patrick St Ninian settled at Whithorn, in Wigtonshire, cir. A.D. 400 Consecrated in Gaul St. German and Gallican Bishops combated Pelagianism in Britain 429 and 447. "Alleluia" Victory, 430 St. Benen St. Jarlath Cormac St. Mungo, driven from Glasgow, founded St. Asaph, cir. 550 Dubtach I. Aihill I.
LAUD, WILLIAM LAUD, william (15731645), English, archbishop, only son of william Laud, a clothier inNorthamptonshire, and in 1608 he became chaplain to Bishop neile, who in
Extractions: cathedral. In 1617 he went with the king to Scotland, and aroused hostility by wearing the surplice. In 1621 he became bishop of St Davids, when he resigned the presidentship of St Johns. He was far less great as a ruler in the state, showing as a judge a tyrannical spirit both in the star chamber and highcommission court, threatening Felton, the assassin of Buckingham, with the rack, and showing special activity in procuring a cruel sentence in the former court against Alexander Leighton in June 1630 and against Henry Sherfield in 1634. His power was greatly increased after his return from Scotland, whither h bad accompanied the king, by his promotion to the archbishopri
Adj. Gen. 5th Reg. Cav. Co. C Vernon, Mo. Private, neile, william AD, Modina, Mo, Aug. 12, '61, Aug. 12, '61,Promoted Sergeant January 1, 1863. Private, Nordyke, MT, Modina, Mo, Aug. 12, '61,Aug.
Extractions: Extracted from Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas, Vol. 1. - 1861-1865. Leavenworth, Kansas: Bulletin Co-operative Printing Company, Chicago. 1867. Return to Volume 1 Index. p. 316-313 Rank Surname Given Residence Enlistment Muster Remarks Captain Gibson Garret Decatur, Iowa Aug. 12, '61 Resigned May 25, 1863 Captain McCarty Joseph Topeka April 18, '64 Mustered out Sept. 7, 1864, Leavenworth, Kan. First Lieutenant Summers James H. Decatur, Iowa Aug. 12, '61 Promoted Major September 10, 1861 First Lieutenant Bridges Charles G. Decatur, Iowa Sept. 10, '61 Resigned April 8, 1862 First Lieutenant Sanders Jeremiah Leon, Iowa April 8, '62 Resigned April -, 1864; wounded in action May 25, 1863, Pope's plantation, near Helena, Ark. Second Lieutenant Bridges Charles G. Decatur, Iowa Aug. 12, '61 Promoted 1st Lieutenant September 10, 1861 Second Lieutenant Cox Oliver H. P. Modina, Mo Sept. 10, '61 Resigned July 14, 1862 Second Lieutenant Dailey David D. Leon, Iowa Dec. 31, '62 Mustered out December 18, 1863 First Sergeant Beck Charles W.
Trustees, Staff Etc - King William's College Register, 1905 18641886. Heaton, Rev. william, MA V. of Ditton Priors, 1886. R. of Morville,1893. 1904. Mneile, JD, BA., Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. 1904.
NEILE, RICHARD When at Rochester he appointed william Laud as his chaplain and gave him severalvaluable neile sat regularly in the courts of starchamber and high commission
Extractions: NEILE, RICHARD (1562-1640), English divine, was educated at Westminster school and at St John's College, Cambridge. His first important preferment was as dean of Westminster (1605); afterwards he held successively the bishoprics of Rochester (1608), Lichfield (1610), Lincoln (1614), Durham (1617) and Winchester (1628), and the archbishopric of York (1631). When at Rochester he appointed William Laud as his chaplain and gave him several valuable preferments. His political activity while bishop of Durham was rewarded with a privy councillorship in 1627. Neile sat regularly in the courts of star-chamber and high commission. His correspondence with Laud and with Sir Dudley Carleton and Sir Francis Winde-bank (Charles I.'s secretaries of state) are valuable sources for the history of the time. NEILSON, ADELAIDE (1846-1880), English actress, whose real name was Elizabeth Ann -Brown, was born in'Leeds, the daughter of an actress, and her childhood and early youth were massed in poverty and menial work. In 1865 she appeared in Marga'te as Julia in The Hunchback, a character with which her name was long to be associated. For the next few years she played at several London and provincial theatres in various parts, including Rosalind, Arny Robsart and Rebecca (mlvanhoe), Beatrice, Viola and Isabella (in Measure for Measure). In 1872 she visited America, where her beauty and talent made her a great favourite, and she returned year after year. She died on the 15th of August 1880. Miss Neilson was married to Philip Henry Lee, but was divorced in 1877.
The Bishops, Priors And Deans Of Durham Robert Stitchill (126074), william James (1606-17), Michael Ramsey (1952-56). Robertof Holy Island (1274-83), Richard neile (1617-27), Maurice Harland (1956-66).
Extractions: The following is a list of all seventy Bishops of Durham. Those that were Prince Bishops are shown in red. Aldhun (995-1018) Walter Skirlaw (1388-1406) Edward Chandler (1730-50) Eadmund (1021-41) Thomas Langley (1406-37) Joseph Butler (1750-52) Eadred (1041-42) Robert Neville (1437-57) Richard Trevor (1752-71) Aethelric (1042-56) Laurence Booth (1457-76) John Egerton (1771-87) Aethelwin (1056-71) William Dudley (1476-83) Thomas Thurlow (1787-91) Walcher (1071-80) John Sherwood (1484-94) Shute Barrington (1791-1826) William of St Carileph (1081-96) Richard Fox (1494-1501) William Van Mildert (1826-36) Rannulf Flambard (1099-1129) William Senhouse (1502-5) Edward Maltby (1836-56) Geoffrey Rufus (1133-40) Christopher Bainbridge (1507-8) Charles Longley (1856-60) William of St Barbara (1143-53) Thomas Ruthall (1509-23) Henry Villiers (1860-61) Hugh Pudsey (1153-95) Thomas Wolsey (1523-29) Charles Baring (1861-79) Philip of Poitou (1195-1208) Cuthbert Tunstal (1530-59) Joseph Lightfoot (1879-89) Richard Marsh (1217-26) James Pilkington (1561-76) Brooke Westcott (1890-1901) Richard le Poor (1229-37) Richard Barnes (1577-87) Handley Moule (1901-20) Nicholas Farnham (1241-49) Matthew Hutton (1589-95) Herbert Henson (1920-39) Walter Kirkham (1249) Tobias Matthew (1595-1606) Alwyn Wllliams (1939-52) Robert Stitchill (1260-74) William James (1606-17) Michael Ramsey (1952-56) Robert of Holy Island (1274-83) Richard Neile (1617-27) Maurice Harland (1956-66) Antony Beck (1284-1310)
Raamatukoi Raamatupood -- Kes On Kes William Shakespeare'i Teostes Hamish Johnson ja Peter Quenell Kes on kes william Shakespeare'i teostes Käesolevväljaanne toetub neile kolmekümne üheksale näidendile, mis ta selle aja
ROY, WILLIAM ROY, william (17261790), a famous British surveyor, military draughtsman, antiquary, c. Mr Boyle, Mr Bruce, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul neile, Dr Wilkins
Extractions: comparatively a state of repose, disturbed to some extent during the Covenanting troubles and, to a much slighter degree. by the Jacobite rebellions. BIOLIOGrtAPHY.Sir George Douglas, Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles (Edinburgh, 1899); W. S. Crockett, The Scott Country (Edinburgh, 1902); Alexander Jeffrey, The History and Antiquities of Roxburghshire (4 vols., Edinburgh, 185764). See F. S. Drake, The Town of Roxbury, its Memorable Persons and Places (Boston, 1878 and 1905). i This school was founded, primarily through the influence of the Rev. John Eliot, by inhabitants of Roxbury. In 1672 Thomas Bell, one of the original founders, bequeathed to the school all his Roxbury lands. In 1789 the school was incorporated. Copley medal of the Royal Society. Roys measurements (not fully utilized till 1787, when the Paris and Greenwich observatories were properly connected) form the basis of the topographical survey of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent and Sussex. He was finishing an account of this work for the Phil. Trans. when he died on the 1st of July 1790. Roys principal book-publication is the Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain (1793). See also notices of him and contributions from him in the records of the War Office and the Royal Engineers, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, vols. lxvii., lxxv., lxxvii., lxxx., lxxxv., and in the Gentlemans Magazine, vols. lv., Ix. He is whimsically denounced by Jonathan Oldbuck of Monkbarns in Scotts Antiquary.
The Immanuel Prophecy, By William Brooks 86. Alan Hugh M'neile, The Gospel According to St. Matthew, by RVG Tasker,(Grand Rapids william B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1961), 36. 87.
Extractions: The Immanuel Prophecy, by William Brooks Return to Homepage Table of Contents Introduction Abstract Chapter 3: The Incarnation of Jesus Christ Old Testament Context And Meaning ... End of the document Introduction Table of Contents Greetings, Thank you for your interest in the information I have gathered concerning the Immanuel prophecy. This introduction will give you a checklist of what to expect. Thesis Abstract This part contains the Abstract of my entire thesis so that the chapter you receive can be put into the entire context of what I was trying to prove with my thesis. It also contains acknowledgments and a list of abbreviations. The main part of this document is chapter three of my thesis. It examines the use of Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:23. Isaiah 7:1-13 This part contains the information which sets the OT context of the Immanuel prophecy. Isaiah 7:14-17 This part is an examination of the Immanuel prophecy. Matthew 1:23 This part is an examination of the Immanuel prophecy in its NT context. Endnotes This part contains the endnotes to the entire third chapter. Bibliography This part contains the entire bibliography I used for my thesis.
Entries N. NAPIER, John (15501617), logarithms. NAYLER, James (1617?-1660), Quaker. neile,william (1637-1670), mathematician NEVILLE, Henry. (1620-1694). Republican.
THE HOLLINGSWORTH REGISTER, VOLUME I., NUMBER 3. Shane mcEnnally, william Woods, Henry Seegerson. Cornan, Killcom, Owen mcDowne.Henry O'neile. John Deale, Occomon(?), George Fletcher, Thomas Dale, Rothrumgrany.
Extractions: This file Transcribed by Bonnie Hollingsworth THE HOLLINGSWORTH REGISTER, VOLUME I., NUMBER 3. OCTOBER, 1965 Sego Itragh Knockrour Ballytrew Henry Woods Shane McGinn ffrancis Hobbs George Davison James Hewitt Thomas Lockart Sego Otragh Ruchan Thomas mcKnobb Ballonemeny John Martin Cristopher Anderson Monisully John Matchett Symon Hewett Steeven Matchett Henry McGinn Dromadd Thomas Hodson William Willsy Murtagh o'Connellan Samuel Hutchison Shane mcEnnally William Woods Henry Seegerson Cornan Killcom Owen mcDowne Henry O'Neile John Deale Occomon(?) George Fletcher Thomas Dale Rothrumgrany Roger Webb Drumlaughlin Lisnesky Henry O'Neile Tawnaghmore Hugh O'Corrigan James O'Brallaghan John Lambert William Jones James Armstrong Annaghhew Alteturke John Wise John Garnan Thomas Jones Manus O'Gribbin Neale O'Dowan Pattr O'Brallaghan Hugh McFalone Buckomra Tullaghmore Tyrenescobe Rinurgan Robert Willson John Dick Pattr McCree Thomas Calvert Artt McCree Drumnescally Duncannon Donnell McCree Kenigo Henry McCree William Mastin Donagh O'Farrell Pattr Carr McCree John Wicklow Aghully oge McCoghully Bryan O'Raverty James Bradshaw Cormock McShane Corrishannagh Redmond O'Hanlon Thomas Turner Callowe McShane Bryan McCree William Hodson Edmond O'Farrell Neale O'Mellan Tullegardin Tyrmirry Aghecorkry Mullyloghernagh William Archer Pattr o'Carr Nicholas Tipplary James McInkilly Callowe McKeane Anaghhow Pattr McInkilly Owen McKeane Greenagh Bryan O'Berie John Tomson Hugh McInkilly Buckonnell Lawrence Hobbs William Gaston Edward Taylor Killany Capt Robert ffaulkworth (2) James Mortown