History Of Astronomy: Persons (M) mydorge, claude (15851647) Biographical data and references; Short biographyand references (MacTutor Hist. Math.). Wolfgang R. Dick. Created 16 Jan 1995. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_m.html
History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons Müller, Johann or Johannes see Regiomontanus (14361476). Münster, Sebastian(1488-1552); Mutis, José Celestino (1732-1808); mydorge, claude (1585-1647) N. http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html
Extractions: Aaronson, Marc (1950-1987) Abbadie, Antoine Thompson d' (1810-1897) Abbe, Cleveland (1838-1916) Abbe, Ernst (1840-1905) Abbon de Fleury [Abbo of Fleury; Albo; Albon Floriacensis] (c. 945-1004) Abbot, Charles Greeley (1872-1973) Abbott, Francis (1799-1883) Abbott, Francis (jnr) (1834-1903) Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) Abell, George Ogden (1927 - 1983) Abetti, Antonio (1846-1928) Abetti, Giorgio (1882-1982) Abiosi, Jean-Baptiste (14th-15th c.) Ablufarabius: see al-Farabi, Mohammed (ca. 870-950) Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie (1843-1920) Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi [Abraham Ben Chaja [Chija]; Abraham Judaeus] (ca. 1070-1136(?)) Abraham Ben Dior [Ben David, Harischon; Josophat Ben Levi] (12th c.) Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra: see Ezra, Abraham ben Meir ibn (1092-1167) Abraham Zachut (15th c.) Abu Abdallah al-Battani (868-929): see al-Battani
Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Mostowski (Andrey), Polonais (1913-1975). mydorge (claude), Français (1585-1647).Neper (John Napier, baron de Merchiston), Ecossais (1550-1617). http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm
Extractions: Classi Autori TecaLibri autori titoli copertine AA.VV. , , , La Bibliothèque oulipienne [4 voll.] [copertine] Adami , Francesco, , Anagrammi e giochi di parole Albani , Paolo, , Forse Queneau Aragona , Raffaele, , Le vertigini del labirinto Arnot , Michel, , What's gnu? Augarde , Tony, , The Oxford Guide to Word Games Bachet , , , Problèmes plaisant et delectables qui se font par le nombres Bartezzaghi , Stefano, 1962, Lezioni di enigmistica Beccaria , Gian Luigi, , Dizionario di linguistica Belpoliti , Marco, , Nodi Bendazzi , Anacleto, , Bazzecole andanti Blavier , André, , Les fous littéraíres Bosio , Franco, , Il libro dei rebus Boys , Charles Vernon, , Le bolle di sapone e le forze che le modellano Brugnolo , Stefano, , Ricettario di scrittura creativa Brunet , Gustave (Philomneste Junior), , Les fous littéraires Bryant , Mark, , Dictionary of riddle Burger , Dionys, , Sphereland Caillois , Roger, , I giochi e gli uomini Campagnoli , Ruggero, , Oulipiana
TecaLibri: Indice Degli Autori Di: Matematica Measure and Integration; mydorge , claude, , Récréations mathématiques;Nagel , Ernest, , La prova di Gödel; Neugebauer , Otto, , A http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/Classi/M/Matematica_B_0001.htm
Extractions: Classi Autori TecaLibri autori titoli copertine Aarts , E.H.L., , Local Search in Combinatorial Optimisation Abel , Niels Henrik, 1802-1829, Oeuvres complètes de N.H. Abel, mathématicien Adams , C., , The Knot Book Agnesi , Maria Gaetana, 1718-1799, Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana [2 voll.] Albers , Donald J., , Mathematical People Aleksandrov , A.D., , Mathematics: its Content, Methods and Meaning Amaldi , Edoardo, 1908-1989, La vita e l'opera di Ettore Majorana (1906-1938) Anzoletti , L., , Maria Gaetana Agnesi Archimede , , -287212, Sulle spirali Arnol'd , Vladimir, , Mathematics Tomorrow Atiyah , Michael, , Fields Medallists' Lectures Bachet , , , Problèmes plaisant et delectables qui se font par le nombres Bak , Per, , How Nature Works. The Science of Self-Organized Complexity Baltzer , R., , Die Elemente der Mathematik Barr , Stephen, , Experiments in Topology Barrow , John D., 1952, [copertine] Bartley , William Warren III, , Lewis Carroll's Symbotic Logic
Brian M. O'Connell - Links William R. Grove Otto von Guericke James Hamilton claude Hardy Sidney Lanier GottfriedWilhelm von Leibniz Asutosh Mookerjee claude mydorge Benjamin Silliman http://www.cs.ccsu.edu/~boconnel/lawyers.htm
M Index 445*) Mouton, Gabriel (147) Muhaqqiqi, Nasir (1912) Muir, Thomas (267*) Müller(Regiomontanus) (341*) Mumford, David (617*) mydorge, claude (255) Mytropolshy http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/M.html
1500_1599 Index 15841637) Vernier (1584-1667) Saint-Vincent (1585-1647) mydorge (1586-1652 La Faille(1597-1636) Gellibrand (1598-1647) Cavalieri (1598-1678) Hardy, claude. http://math.ichb.ro/History/Indexes/1500_1599.html
Juegos Matemáticos En La Enseñanza Translate this page La obra de van Etten fue modelo para sus continuadores claude mydorge(1630), en Francia, y Daniel Schwenter, en Alemania. Este http://www.mat.ucm.es/deptos/am/guzman/juemat/juemat.htm
Extractions: La combinatoria interviene en muchos acertijos sobre edades, medidas, en el famoso juego de los 15, en el problema de las ocho reinas,... , en particular el grupo de Klein, es una herramienta importante para analizar ciertos juegos con fichas en un tablero en los que se "come al saltar al modo de las damas. La probabilidad
M Index 445*) Mouton, Gabriel (147) Muhaqqiqi, Nasir (1912) Muir, Thomas (267) Müller(Regiomontanus) (341*) Mumford, David (617*) mydorge, claude (255) Mytropolshy http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/M.html
Histoire Du Livre à L'enssib Translate this page rubriques (éléments de géométrie, sphère, architecture, etc.), qui croiséeavec la bibliothèque de travail de claude mydorge, autre mathématicien http://histoire.enssib.fr/6archives/Colloques_journees/Peregrinations_du_livre/C
Extractions: Cividale del Friuli, Auditorium S. Maria di Corte La deuxième session de ce séminaire, organisée en collaboration avec le département des sciences historiques et documentaires de luniversité dUdine, a été consacrée aux pérégrinations dun genre particulier, le livre scientifique et juridique. La biblioteca di Galileo e dei galileiani M. Torrini
Matematiske Portrett Translate this page Bernt Holmboe. Blaise Pascal. Carl Friedrich Gauss. Carl Jacobi. Charles Babbage.claude mydorge. Diofantus. Emmy Noether. Euklid. Evariste Galois. Galileo Galilei. http://www.matematikk.org/artikkel/biografi/
Catalogue PontaMousson, 1699. See also claude mydorge. EVELYN, JOHN, FRS Memoirs illustrativeof thc Life and Writings of, edited by William Bray, FSA 2 vols. 4to. http://www.history.rochester.edu/steam/dircks/catalogue.html
Addenda PontaMousson, 1629. Sce also claude mydorge. EVELYN, JOHN, li'.RS Memoirs illustrativeof thc Life and Writings of, edited by NVilliam Bray, FSA 2 vols. 4to. http://www.history.rochester.edu/steam/dircks/HIS111addenda.html
Extractions: No. 5. Cipher writing. At page 398, reference is made to a Cipher letter, engraved in " The Life," at page 180. It was written by the Marquis, as now appears, at Dublin, thc 29th of September, 1645. The author having made out the character, is able to supply the following Key, or alphabet. Curiously enough it is the document given at page 139, so that Carte must have obtained a deciphered copy as well. But the words, " the King of the assent," should be " the King of his assent." The words, " towards your Execllency" (in the 10th line) are not in the original. Also the words, " And my intention was ever to acquaint your honour herewith," should be " and mine intent was ever to acquaint you herewith." There is no signature to the original, but the written direction shows it was from the Earl of Glamorgan. We have now authentic proof of the construction and character of at least one Cipher method of writing adopted by the Marquis, eighteen years prior to the publication of the " Century." No. 53.
Extractions: Urbain Grandier (1590-1634) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Pierre Dupuy (1582-1651) Jacques Dupuy (1591-1656) Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) Claude Mydorge (1585-1647) Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) Claude Saumaise (1588-1653) Pierre Desnoyers (1606-1693) Prince Leopold of Tuscany (1617-1675) Nicolaas Heinsius (1620-1681) Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) Henri Justel (1620-1693) Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695) Johann Albrecht Portner (1628-1687) Stanislas Lubienietzki (1623-1675) Ernest Rautenstein (1622-1666)
Extractions: A Philolaus (1639), was circulating around Europe in the wake of Galileo's recent condemnation. So much for Boulliau's personal history and convictions. M ore formally, Boulliau betrayed a number of his assumptions about astronomy in his first book on astronomy, the Philolaus (1639). Here Boulliau made it clear that he was a confirmed Copernican, that Ptolemy was entirely unacceptable and the Tychonic model was unpersuasive if not principle contradictory. Boulliau's positive arguments, in brief, were based on simplicity and symmetry, at bottom, they were geometrical, optical, and aesthetic.
René Descartes (1596-1650) Translate this page mirabilis. Il retourne en France au printemps 1622. A Paris, il rencontrele mathématicien claude mydorge et Marin Mersenne. De http://gallica.bnf.fr/themes/PhiXVII8.htm
Extractions: "Le commencement de l'hiver m'arrêta en un quartier où, ne trouvant aucune conversation qui me divertît, et n'ayant par bonheur aucuns soins ni passions qui me troublassent, je demeurai seul dans un poële où j'avais tout loisir de m'entretenir de mes pensées".
[La] Vie De M. Descartes [Document électronique] / [par Adrien Baillet] Translate this page Il s' appelloit claude, et il étoit fils de Jean mydorge Seigneur De La Maillardeconseiller au parlement, l' un des meilleurs juges de la grand-chambre, et http://gallica.bnf.fr/Fonds_Frantext/T0087384.htm
Fireworks Collection his Bibliography of firework books discussing a genre of books known as mathematicalrecreations. With this edition, attributed to claude mydorge (15851647 http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/University_Library/libs/hay/focus/fireworks/
Eltoti Translate this page claude mydorge. Fue modelo para sus continuadores claude mydorge (1.630),en Francia, y el alemán Daniel Schwenter, en Alemania. http://eltoti.eresmas.com/index6.html
Extractions: Como muestra, este suculento "TheVanishingLeprechaun" extraido del libro "Paradojas" de Martin Gardner, basado en una idea original de Sam Loyd titulada "Get off the Earth" . Si recortas por los tres rectangulos marcados, y sitúas la pieza superior izquierda donde la pieza superior derecha y viceversa de los 15 duendes pasamos a tener sólo 14. ¿dónde ha ido el decimoquinto duende? El famoso problema del Caballero de Meré, consiste en saber cómo deben ser las apuestas de dos jugadores que, habiendo de alcanzar n puntos con sus dados, uno ha obtenido p y el otro q puntos en una primera jugada. Antoine Gobaud, Caballero de Meré se lo propuso a Pascal (1.623-1.662). De la correspondencia entre éste y