MENABREA, LUIGI FEDERICO menabrea, luigi FEDERICO. century. The poem, as a whole, is tedious;yet its dignified expression of patriotic spirit has won the
Extractions: century. The poem, as a whole, is tedious; yet its dignified expression of patriotic spirit has won the admiration of Spaniards from Cervantes time to our-own. A critical edition of the Laberinto has been issued by R. FoulchéDelbosc (Mficon, 1904). See B. Haendcke, Siudien zur Geschichle der spanischen- Plaslik (Strassburg, 1900). tary service which they had hitherto enjoyed. Throughout his term of office he was supported by the finance minister Count Cambray Digny, who forced through parliament the grist tax proposed by Quintino Sella, though in an altered form from the earlier proposal. After a series of changes in the cabinet, and many crises, Menabrea resigned in December 1869 on the election of a new chamber in which he did not command a majority. He was made marquis of Valdora in 1875. His successor in the premiership, Giovanni Lanza, in order to remove him from his influential position as aide-de-camp to the king, sent him to London as ambassador, where he remained until in 1882 he replaced General Cialdini at the Paris Embassy. Ten years later he withdrew from public life, and died at Saint Capin on the 24th of May 1896. July 1692.
Menabrea Portrait luigi F menabrea. JOC/EFR August 2001
Index.htm menabrea, luigi F. (1842/1843). Sketch of the analytical engine invented by CharlesBabbage, Esq. (AA Lovelace, Trans.). Scientific Memoirs, 3, 666731.
Bibliografia manoscritti e rari). menabrea, luigi Federico. Discours sur la loi du percement des Alpes prononcé à la Chambre des
Extractions: Peyrot , Ada. Le Valli di Susa e del Sangone : vedute e piante, feste e cerimonie dal XIII al XIX secolo : bibliografia, iconografia, repertorio degli artisti / Ada Peyrot ; con la collaborazione di Alfredo Gilibert ; introduzione di Massimo Mila. - Torino : Tipografia torinese, 1986. - 2 v. ; 32 cm. - (Il Piemonte nei secoli)
Extractions: Table 5 - Milan Map - Mappa di Milano Carlyle Brera Hotel Table 14 Hotel Ariosto Table 17 ... Ricerca rapida di vie a Milano Streets contained in this map - Vie presenti in questa mappa Abba, Giuseppe Cesare via - Table 4 - D3-D4 Table 5 - A3-A4 Abbazia, via - Table 5 - D4 Airolo, via - Table 5 - C3-C4 Ala, via - Table 5 - C4 Albertario, Davide, via - Table 5 - D4 Allegri, Gino, largo - Table 5 - C3 Arbe, via - Table 5 - C5-D4-D5 Artigianelli, via degli - Table 5 - B4 Asmara, via - Table 5 - C4 Baccelli, Guido, via - Table 5 - A1 Bassi, Paolo, via - Table 5 - B5 Belgirate, via - Table 5 - D5 Table 15 - A1 Belinzaghi, Giulio, via - Table 5 - B5 Benefattori dell'Ospedale, via - Table 5 - B2-B3 Bernina, via - Table 5 - A5 Table 14 - A1 Bersezio, Vittorio, via - Table 5 - D5 Bianchi d'Espinosa, Luigi, via - Table 5 - C1 Biraghi, Luigi, via - Table 5 - C4 Bisi Albini, Sofia, via privata - Table 5 - C5-D4 Bissolati, Leonida, via - Table 5 - D4 Bitonto, via privata - Table 5 - C5 Bitti, Romolo, via - Table 5 - D3 Bizzoni, Achille, via - Table 5 - D5 Bovio, Giovanni, via - Table 5 - A3-A4 Bracco, Roberto, via -
Il Regno D'Italia - I Protagonisti (da Lanza A Zanardelli) Translate this page luigi menabrea - (Ritorna al Menù) Nato a Chambéry nel 1808 e morto nel1896 a Saint-Cassin-Chambéry, generale, uomo politico e scienziato.
Extractions: Nato a Venezia nel 1841 e morto a Roma nel 1927, giurista, economista e uomo politico. Professore di diritto costituzionale a Padova (1866/95), scrisse importanti opere come "Linchiesta industriale e i trattati di commercio". Esponente della Destra storica militò nel raggruppamento di Democrazia liberale, venendo eletto deputato dal 1871. Studioso di problemi finanziari, fu ripetutamente ministro del tesoro (1891/92; 1896/98; 1902/05; 1906) e ministro dellagricoltura e dellindustria e commercio (1909/10). Presidente del Consiglio (marzo 1910/marzo 1911), nel 1917/18 ricoprì la carica di alto commissario per i profughi. Nel 1921 fu nominato senatore. Nato a S. Maria Capua Vetere e morto nel 1932 a Roma, anarchico. Formatosi alla scuola di Bakunin e Cafiero, nel 1872 aderì allInternazionale Socialista, subendo per la sua attività vari processi e anche il carcere. Divenuto uno dei capi riconosciuti del movimento anarchico italiano, divulgò le sue idee con vari scritti e particolarmente con la rivista "La questione sociale", che pubblicò a Firenze dal 1883 al 1884. Costretto allesilio, tornò in Italia in occasione dei moti di Lunigiana e di Sicilia (1894) e di quelli di Milano (1898). Condannato al confino, fuggì prima in Spagna, poi negli USA e in Inghilterra; tornato in Italia nel 1913, fondò il giornale "La Volontà".
Classics In The History Of Psychology -- Menabrea (1842) luigi Menabreathen an obscure military engineer, but later to become a generalin Garibaldi's army and prime minister of Italypublished an account of
Extractions: Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. By L. F. M ENABREA, of Turin, Officer of the Military Engineers. Originally published in French in 1842 in the , No. 82 Translation orignally published in 1843 in the Scientific Memoirs Classics Editor's note: The following document has a rather complicated publication history. In August of 1840 Charles Babbage gave a series of lecturs on his Analytical Engine in Turin. Luigi Menabreathen an obscure military engineer, but later to become a general in Garibaldi's army and prime minister of Italypublished an account of Babbage's lectures in French in the in October of 1842. In early 1843 this article was translated into English by Augusta Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace, who then added extensive "Notes" written in close collaboration with Babbage. The translation and Notes were published in Richard Taylor's Scientific Memoirs in October 1843, and were preceded by a short account of Babbage's exploits written by Taylor himself (viz., the initial portion of the document in square brackets and signed "Editor"). Lovelace left the translation anonymous (as was customary at the time) but signed the Notes "A.A.L." so that readers would know that they were written by the same person as future works of hers to be identified in the same way. As it turned out, however, she would publish no other scholarly work. Since its original publication, the article and Notes have been republished several times, with various "corrections" and changes. The complete piece was republished by H.P. Babbage in 1889 as part of a collection entitled
Italia - Governo - I Governi Italiani Dall'Unità Al 1947 Translate this page Urbano Rattazzi. 10 aprile 1867. luigi Federico menabrea. 27 ottobre 1868. luigiFederico menabrea. 15 gennaio 1868. luigi Federico menabrea. 13 maggio 1869.
Extractions: Presidente del Consiglio Data di entrata in carica Camillo Benso Cavour 23 marzo 1861 Bettino Ricasoli 12 giugno 1861 Urbano Rattazzi 13 marzo 1862 Luigi Carlo Farini 18 dicembre 1862 Marco Minghetti 24 marzo 1863 Alfonso Ferrero La Marmora 28 settembre 1864 Alfonso Ferrero La Marmora 31 dicembre 1865 Bettino Ricasoli 20 giugno 1866 Urbano Rattazzi 10 aprile 1867 Luigi Federico Menabrea 27 ottobre 1868 Luigi Federico Menabrea 15 gennaio 1868 Luigi Federico Menabrea 13 maggio 1869 Giovanni Lanza 14 dicembre 1869 Marco Minghetti 10 luglio 1873 Agostino Depretis 25 marzo 1876 Agostino Depretis 26 dicembre 1877 Benedetto Cairoli 24 marzo 1878 Agostino Depretis 19 dicembre 1878 Benedetto Cairoli 14 luglio 1879 Benedetto Cairoli 25 novembre 1879 Agostino Depretis 29 maggio 1881 Agostino Depretis 25 maggio 1883 Agostino Depretis 30 marzo 1884 Agostino Depretis 29 giugno 1885 Agostino Depretis 14 aprile 1887 Francesco Crispi 29 luglio 1887 Francesco Crispi 19 marzo 1889 16 febbraio 1891 Giovanni Giolitti 15 maggio 1892 Francesco Crispi 15 dicembre 1893 Francesco Crispi 14 giugno 1894 10 marzo 1896 11 luglio 1896 14 dicembre 1897 1 giugno 1898 Luigi Girolamo Pelloux 29 giugno 1898 Luigi Girolamo Pelloux 14 maggio 1899 Giuseppe Saracco 24 giugno 1900 Giuseppe Zanardelli 15 febbraio 1901 Giovanni Giolitti 13 novembre 1903 Tommaso Tittoni 16 marzo 1905 Alessandro Fortis 28 marzo 1905 Alessandro Fortis 24 dicembre 1905 Giorgio Sidney Sonnino 18 febbraio 1906 Giovanni Giolitti 29 maggio 1906 Giorgio Sidney Sonnino 11 dicembre 1909 Luigi Luzzati 31 marzo 1910 Giovanni Giolitti
MENAGERIE menabrea, luigi FEDERICO, Marquis of Valdora (1809 1896), Italian generaland statesman, was born at Chambéry on the 4th of September 1809.
Extractions: century. The poem, as a whole, is tedious; yet its dignified expression of patriotic spirit has won the admiration of Spaniards from Cervantes time to our-own. A critical edition of the Laberinto has been issued by R. FoulchéDelbosc (Mficon, 1904). See B. Haendcke, Siudien zur Geschichle der spanischen- Plaslik (Strassburg, 1900). tary service which they had hitherto enjoyed. Throughout his term of office he was supported by the finance minister Count Cambray Digny, who forced through parliament the grist tax proposed by Quintino Sella, though in an altered form from the earlier proposal. After a series of changes in the cabinet, and many crises, Menabrea resigned in December 1869 on the election of a new chamber in which he did not command a majority. He was made marquis of Valdora in 1875. His successor in the premiership, Giovanni Lanza, in order to remove him from his influential position as aide-de-camp to the king, sent him to London as ambassador, where he remained until in 1882 he replaced General Cialdini at the Paris Embassy. Ten years later he withdrew from public life, and died at Saint Capin on the 24th of May 1896. July 1692.
Christopher Greens Page For Accessing Classics In The History menabrea, luigi F. (1843). Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by CharlesBabbage, Esq. (AA Lovelace, Trans.). Scientific Memoirs, 3, 666 .
Atti '96 Translate this page Scribner's Sons, pp. 559-73. 703 Cfr. BA Boley, menabrea, luigi Federico,ibidem, IX, pp. 267 s. 704 Cfr. G. Ferraris, Ricerche
Extractions: Arcangelo Rossi GALILEO FERRARIS E LO SVILUPPO DELLA CULTURA POLITECNICA IN ITALIA A FINE '800 TRA TECNOLOGIA E FISICA MATEMATICA discusse il tentativo di trasmissione a distanza dell'energia meccanica mediante fili e carrucole messo in atto dall'ingegnere alsaziano citato da T. Kuhn come uno degli autori della scoperta simultanea del principio di conservazione dell'energia . In un certo senso il rigoroso studio teorico, matematico faceva aggio sulla destrezza applicativa, anche se il merito di Ferraris fu, a differenza che nel caso di A. Pacinotti di qualche anno prima, scavalcato dal Gramme nel riconoscimento dell'invenzione della dinamo Cfr. G. Ferraris, Opere, Milano, Hoepli, 1902-4, vol. III, pp. 1-72. Cfr. T. S. Kuhn, Energy Conservation as an Example of Simultaneous Discovery, in H. Guerlac (ed.), Critical Problems in the History of Science, Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1959, p. 31. Cfr. R. Ferola, Codazza, Giovanni, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 26, Roma 1982, pp. 568-70. Cfr. G. Ferraris, Di una dimostrazione del principio di Helmholtz sulla tempera dei suoni..., in Opere cit., vol I, pp. 81-90.
Biography-center - Letter M m/memling/biograph.html; menabrea, luigi;Mendeléev, Dmitri www
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 749 biographies
Charles Babbage (1791-1871) html at McMaster Gutenberg text. Babbage. Reflections on the Decline of Sciencein England, and on Some of Its Causes. menabrea, luigi Federico.
Extractions: Charles Babbage was an astonishingly original and innovative thinker in Victorian Britain. Many innovations and important contributions are attributed to him including his idea for machines to perform mathematical calculations (his Calculating Engines) and the far more ambitious Analytical Engines which were flexible punch-card controlled general calculaters, he produced a Table of logarithms of the natural numbers from 1 to 108000 which was a standard reference from 1827 through the end of the century. Babbage pioneered many other technical innovations as well as developing mathematical code breaking. Babbage's Analytical Engine designs are particularly impressive today as they contained many similar elements to modern digital computers. For example, Babbage's engines 'punched card control; separate store and mill; a set of internal registers (the table axes); fast multiplier/divider; a range of peripherals; even array processing' (Hyman). The Science Museum assembled Babbage's Calculating Engine number 2 according to his original designs in 1991. To witness the whirl and thudding stamp of this machine is a thrilling experience.
OPE-MAT - Historique Translate this page Mostowski, Andrzej Oresme, Nicole d' Meissel, Ernst Moufang, Ruth Ortega, Juan deMellin, Hjalmar Mouton, Gabriel Osgood, William menabrea, luigi Muir, Thomas
Extractions: Abel , Niels Akhiezer , Naum Anthemius of Tralles Abraham bar Hiyya al'Battani , Abu Allah Antiphon the Sophist Abraham, Max al'Biruni , Abu Arrayhan Apollonius of Perga Abu Kamil Shuja al'Haitam , Abu Ali Appell , Paul Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani al'Kashi , Ghiyath Arago , Francois Ackermann , Wilhelm al'Khwarizmi , Abu Arbogast , Louis Adams , John Couch Albert of Saxony Arbuthnot , John Adelard of Bath Albert , Abraham Archimedes of Syracuse Adler , August Alberti , Leone Battista Archytas of Tarentum Adrain , Robert Albertus Magnus, Saint Argand , Jean Aepinus , Franz Alcuin of York Aristaeus the Elder Agnesi , Maria Alekandrov , Pavel Aristarchus of Samos Ahmed ibn Yusuf Alexander , James Aristotle Ahmes Arnauld , Antoine Aida Yasuaki Amsler , Jacob Aronhold , Siegfried Aiken , Howard Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Artin , Emil Airy , George Anderson , Oskar Aryabhata the Elder Aitken , Alexander Angeli , Stefano degli Atwood , George Ajima , Chokuyen Anstice , Robert Richard Avicenna , Abu Ali Babbage , Charles Betti , Enrico Bossut , Charles Bachet Beurling , Arne Bouguer , Pierre Bachmann , Paul Boulliau , Ismael Bacon , Roger Bhaskara Bouquet , Jean Backus , John Bianchi , Luigi Bour , Edmond Baer , Reinhold Bieberbach , Ludwig Bourgainville , Louis Baire Billy , Jacques de Boutroux , Pierre Baker , Henry Binet , Jacques Bowditch , Nathaniel Ball , W W Rouse Biot , Jean-Baptiste Bowen , Rufus Balmer , Johann Birkhoff , George Boyle , Robert Banach , Stefan Bjerknes, Carl
Menabrea L Translate this page giorni. Il generale luigi Federico menabrea ci svelerà i retroscenadi questo armistizio che ha lasciato lamaro in bocca a molti.
Extractions: Papi Duchi Re Zar Imperatori Scienziati Musicisti ... email Cerca il tuo personaggio: Testi di Giuseppe Campanaro per il programma GR Storia di Radio Blu Sat 2000 site developped by BARB Larmistizio firmato tra Italia e Austria ieri a Cormons entra in vigore oggi a mezzogiorno e durerà fino al 9 settembre, ma può essere prorogabile, salvo preavviso di 10 giorni. Il generale Luigi Federico Menabrea ci svelerà i retroscena di questo armistizio che ha lasciato lamaro in bocca a molti. Generale, perché allimprovviso, è stata dichiarata la tregua tra lItalia e lAustria? PASQ Va precisato subito che questo armistizio non lo ha voluto né il re, né Ricasoli, né Cialdini e tantomeno Garibaldi. Ma lItalia non poteva fare altro, dopo che Bismarck, una volta raggiunto il suo scopo, ha concluso un armistizio con lAustria, senza né il consenso, né la partecipazione dellItalia, che non poteva certo da sola sostenere lo scontro con lAustria, dopo le sconfitte subite. BARB E da chi è stato firmato larmistizio?
Italy Translate this page Urbano Rattazzi (2. Mal), 11.04.1867-20.10.1867. Federico luigi Conte menabrea (1809-1896),27.10.1867-19.11.1869. Giovanni Lanza (1815-1882), 12.12.1869-23.06.1873.
Extractions: Italien Vittorio Emanuele II. (1820-1878) Umberto I. (1844-1900) Vittorio Emanuele III. (1869-1947) Umberto II. (1904-1983) Enrico da Nicola (1877-1959) Luigi Einaudi (1874-1961) Giovanni Gronchi (1887-1978) Antonio Segni (1891-1972) Giuseppe Saragat (1898-1988) Giovanni Leone (1908-2001) Sandro Pertini (1896-1990) Francesco Cossiga (1928) Oscar Luigi Scalfaro (1918) Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1920) (Premierminister) Conte Camillo Benso de Cavour (1810-1861) Urbano Rattazzi (1810-1873) Luigi Carlo Farini (1812-1866) Marco Minghetti (1829-1914) Urbano Rattazzi (2. Mal) Federico Luigi Conte Menabrea (1809-1896) Giovanni Lanza (1815-1882) Marco Minghetti (2. Mal) Agostino Depretis (1813-1887) Agostino Depretis (2. Mal) Agostino Depretis (3. Mal) Francesco Crispi (1819-1901) Giovanni Giolitti (1842-1928) Francesco Crispi (2. Mal) Luigi Pelloux (1839-1924) Giuseppe Saracco (1821-1907) Giuseppe Zanardelli (1826-1903) Giovanni Giolitti (2. Mal) Alessandro Fortis (1842-1909) Baron Sidney Sonnino (1847-1922) Giovanni Giolitti (3. Mal)
Menabrea Leone, Les Alpes Historiques. Première étude. Translate this page Leone menabrea (Bassens, Chambéry, 1804-1857) fu pubblicista e fratellodel più noto matematico e fisico luigi Federico. Perret
Extractions: This paper is an abridgement of "Charles Babbage, the Analytical Engine, and the Possibility of a 19th-Century Cognitive Science." In C.D. Green, T. Teo The Transformation of Psychology (pp. 133-152). Washington D.C. American Psychological Association Press. Abstract Charles Babbage (1791-1871) began work on a mechanical computer that he dubbed the Analytical Engine in the mid-1830s. The machine was to constitute a dramatic improvement on his earlier Difference Engine, which he had originally conceived primarily as a way of automating the process of computing and printing accurate mathematical tables. Almost from the beginning, however, people around Babbage described his inventions in ways that suggest they believed the machines to be endowed with, or at least to closely model, authentic mental powers. Even today, one regularly sees the Analytical Engine cited as an early attempt at computational cognitive science. Babbage himself, however, seems to have steadfastly refrained from making public claims regarding the putative mentality of his machines.
LANZI, LUIGI He maintained a resolute opposition to the financial policy of menabrea, who resigned LANZI,luigi (17321810), Italian archaeologist, was born ifl 1732 and
Extractions: See Notizie degli Scavi, pass/rn. (T. As.) See Enrico Tavallini, La Vita ed j lempi di Giovanni Lanza (2 vols., Turin and Naples, 1887). LANZAROTE, an island in the Atlantic Ocean, forming part of the Spanish archipelago of the Canary Islands (q.v.). Pop. (1q00) 27,546; area, 326 sq. m. Lanzarote, the most easterly of the Canaries, has a length of 31 m. and a breadth varying from 5 to to m. It is naked and mountainous, bearing everywhere marks of its volcanic origin. Montana Blanca, the highest point (2000 ft.), is cultivated to the summit. In 1730 the appearance of half the island was altered by a volcanic outburst. A violent earthquake preceded the catastrophe, by which nine villages were destroyed. In 2825 another volcanic eruption took place accompanied by earthquakes, and two hills were thrown up. The port of Naos on the south-east of the island affords safe anchorage. It is protected by two forts. A short distance inland is the town of Arrecife (pop. 3082). The climate is hot and dry. There is only a single spring of fresh water on the island, and that in a position difficult of access. From the total failure of water the inhabitants were once compelled to abandon the island. Dromedaries are used as beasts of burden. Teguise (pop. 3786), on the north-west coast, is the residence of the local authorities. A strait about 6 m. in width separates Lanzarote from Fuerteventura. Graciosa, a small uninhabited island, is divided from the north-eastern extremity of Lanzarote by a channel I m. in width, which affords a capacious and safe harbour for large ships; but basaltic cliffs, 1500 ft. high, prevent intercourse with the inhabited part of Lanzarote. A few persons reside on the little island Allegranza, a mass of lava and cinders ejected at various times from a now extinct volcano, the crater of which has still a well-defined edge.