WIEM: Najmniejszego Dzia³ania Zasada Powiazania. Optycznomechaniczna analogia, Lagrange Joseph Louis,maupertuis pierre Louis Moreau de, Wariacyjne zasady, wiecej ». description (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl N http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00d12a.html
Extractions: poka¿ powi±zane Najmniejszego dzia³ania zasada , w mechanice teoretycznej podstawowa zasada wariacyjna , sformu³owana po raz pierwszy przez P.L.M. de Maupertuis (1747) jako analogia zasady Fermata . Zgodnie z ni± rzeczywiste ruchy cia³ charakteryzuj± siê najmniejszymi warto¶ciami dzia³ania . Pó¼niej ¶ci¶le zasadê najmniejszego dzia³ania formu³owali i udowadniali J.L. de Lagrange i W.R. Hamilton Hamiltona zasada Powi±zania Optyczno-mechaniczna analogia Lagrange Joseph Louis Maupertuis Pierre Louis Moreau de Wariacyjne zasady ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra
Physics Documentation: Maupertuis pierre Louis Moureau de maupertuis. back to Index Related Nobody Born 28 Sep1698 in St.Malo, Britanny, France Died 27 Jul 1759 in Basel, Switzerland. http://mit.fnal.gov/~paus/phys/pierre-louis-moreau-de-maupertuis.html
Extractions: Died: 27 Jul 1759 in Basel, Switzerland French mathematician and natural philosopher. FRom 1731 paid member of the Academy of Sciencees of France, in 1746 he became the first president of the prussian Academie Royale des Science et Belles Lettres , newly founded by Frederick the Great in Berlin who called many important scientists to the academy, notably Leonard Euler. In 1756, seriously ill, Maupertuis returned first to France but then joined his friend Johannes II Bernoulli in Basel where he died in 1759. Along with Voltaire, Maupertuis was a supported of Newton's theory of gravitation which he had come to know while visiting London in 1728, and fought against Descartes' ether whirls. Of decisive importance for the development of mechanics washis principle of least action, formulated in 1747, although his own formulation was still somewhat vague (the principle was formulated in precise form by Euler and Lagrange). A widely noticed dispute of the priority started by the Swiss mathematician Samuel Koenig who attibuted the principle to Leibniz, was eventually decided in favor of Maupertuis. This dispute alienated Maupertuis from the Prussian Academy and contributed much to his bad state of health. Edited by Christoph Paus today.
Millennium - Episode 8: Lapland - Additional Resources maupertuis, pierre de. Internet Biography of pierre de maupertuis http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/maupertuis.html; http://www.turnerlearning.com/cnn/millennium/ep8/e8s1_ar.html
Hecht Hartmut Pierre Louis Moreau De Maupertuis Translate this page Hecht Hartmut pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis. Titel pierre Louis Moreaude maupertuis Autor Hecht Hartmut. Rubrik1 Rubrik2 Fachbücher http://www.mega-buecher.de/Hecht-Hartmut-Pierre-Louis-Moreau-3870618434.html
Biography.com Maundeville / Maundevylle, Maupassant, (Henri René Albert) Guy de, 1850 1893.maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de, 1698 1759. Mauriac, François, 1885 1970. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=M&num=550
Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. **Mathématiciens Translate this page NÉ, A, PARIS (1661-1704) LIOUVILLE (JOSEPH) NÉ, A, SAINT-OMER (1809-1882) maupertuis(pierre LOUIS MOREAU de ) NÉ, A, SAINT-MALO (1698-1759) MERAY (CHARLES http://www.mots-croisiste.com/19.html
Extractions: Index général aéroport affluents Centrale nucléaire et hydroélectriques Chefs-Lieux Collines de Rome Communes Compositeurs Constellations Cyclades Déesses Dieux Divinités Écrivains Fleuves Côtier FLeuves des enfers Fleuves Historiens Homme d'état Homme Politiques Lacs Massifs Mathématiciens Noms Peintres Poètes Ports et Ports Fluviaux Rivières Sculteurs Théologiens Torrents Villes MATHEMATICIENS MATHEMATICIENS, ALLEMANDS. ARTIN (EMIL) NÉ, A, VIENNE (1898-1962)
Extractions: Commentaries and Links about the Sept. 11 attacks and the War on Terror. Navigator is always looking for talented writers. Read our writer guidelines and send a submission. The Immoral Equivalences of Elian's Enemies. Have Americans lost the ability to distinguish between a life under freedom and a life under oppression? Patrick Stephens examines how the debate over sending Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba suggests that many have. The New Deal's War against Economic Recovery. The New Deal "was not just a matter of staving off hunger," wrote Arthur Schlesinger in The Age of Roosevelt: The Coming of The New Deal. "It was a matter of seeing whether a representative democracy could conquer economic collapse." Schlesinger went on to say that, "The only hope lay in governmental leadership of a power and will which representative institutions seemed impotent to produce." This view tends to be typical of most New Deal historians who routinely rank Franklin Roosevelt as one of America's best presidents. Not least among his accomplishments, they say, was rescuing America from the depression done through massive government spending programs. In this exclusive Navigator interview, historian Gary Dean Best discusses his book
CousinsGenWeb 50 : Les Données De JONQUEUR Gérard Translate this page PALLIX, maupertuis, Beauficel CLEMENT pierre-Yves Beauficel HENRI ChristianBrouains CLEMENT pierre-Yves Brouains HENRI Christian Chérencé-le-Roussel http://smette.free.fr/manchegenweb/cousins50/fc50_jonqueur.htm
Portraitgraphiken Translate this page von Link, Heinrich Friedrich Linné, Karl von Lohmann, Karl M- Liste Marggraf,Andreas Sigismund maupertuis, pierre- Louis Moreau de Melanchton (eigentl. http://www.bbaw.de/archivbbaw/archivbestaende/abtsammlungen/portraitgraphiken.ht
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA Mathematics, Biographies Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de Related Category: Mathematics, Biographies Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de [py r lw m p Pronunciation Key Discours sur la figure des astres (1732) and Discours sur la parallaxe de la lune (1741), he wrote a work setting forth a mechanistic view of the universe, Essai de cosmologie (1750), and several biological studies. Quarrels, particularly with Samuel Koenig and Voltaire (who satirized him in several writings, especially Diatribe du Docteur Akakia ), and illness complicated his later years. Content on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. We accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site. We encourage you to verify any critical information with the relevant authorities. Home Contact Us
Famous People Translate this page Maclaurin Colin Mach Ernst Marconi Guglielmo Markov Andrei maupertuis pierre MaxwellJames Mayer Goeppert Meer Simon Meitner Lise Mercator Gerardus Michelson http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/list_mno.html
Extractions: Bibliographie Norden In dieser Bibliographie sind die wichtigsten Titel der einzelnen Dissertationsprojekte aufgeführt. Sie ist in Quellen und Sekundärliteratur unterteilt. Hinter jedem Eintrag steht der Name der Doktorandin / des Doktoranden, aus deren / dessen Projekt der Titel stammt. Quellen 2000, S. 135-499. (Fraesdorff) Adolf Nicklass von Steinkallenfels, Reise in Schweden und Lieffland, hg. v. Carl Velten, in: Der Norden 21, 5 (1944). (Taetz) Ariosto, Ludovico, Tutte le Opere, hg. v. Cesare Segre, III: Satire, Mailand 1984. (Boccignone) Ariosto, Ludovico, Orlando furioso e Cinque canti, hg. v. Remo Cesarani e Sergio Zatti, 2 Bde., Turin 1997. (Boccignone) Ariosto, Orazio, LAlfeo, hg. v. Giuseppe Venturini (Deputazione Provinciale Ferrarese di Storia Patria), Ferrara 1982. (Boccignone) Ayrmann, Hans Moritz, Resor i Sverige och Finland 1668-1671, hg. v. Kurt Schreinert, in: Rig 33, 4 (1950), S. 133-148. (Taetz) Balzac, Honoré de, Séraphîta, in: La Comédie humaine, Bd. XI, Paris (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade) 1980. (Soetbeer) Bilberg, Johannes
Charles LaCondamine & Peru And Pierre Maupertuis Themes Arts SciPhilately Instruments and Measurement CharlesLaCondamine Peru and pierre maupertuis. Used with permission http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Arts/scistamp/meas/05.html
Extractions: A joint issue of France and Finland commemorates simultaneous 1736 French expeditions to the equator in South America and the polar regions of Lapland to determine the shape of the earth, generally acknowledged to be spherical. Charles LaCondamine (1701-1774) in Peru and Pierre Maupertuis (1698-1759) in Lapland surveyed the curvature of the meridians and found that the earth was somewhat flattened at the pole, and more curved at the equator, giving it the shape of an oblate spheroid. This confirmed Newton's theory put forth in the Principia that the centrifugal force of the rotating earth caused it to be distended at the equator, where the speed of rotation was greatest, and flattened at the poles, where the speed was zero - as indicated on the Finnish stamp. Anders Celsius (1701-1744), the Swedish astronomer, was also a member of the northern expedition. He was the inventor of the centigrade thermometer, which divides the range in temperature between the freezing and boiling points of water into 100 degrees. These divisions are now called degrees Celsius.
Maupertuis Translate this page fatigues de la moisson, 3000 personnes se réunissent à maupertuis pour écouter PierreCartault, Jean Nivet, Bonnet (de la Bissière), Jacques Frapier (des http://eric.gautier.chez.tiscali.fr/maupertuis.htm
Extractions: Maupertuis Les cultes interdits les protestants se réunissent en assemblées clandestines. Le 21 juillet 1697, malgré les fatigues de la moisson, 3000 personnes se réunissent à Maupertuis pour écouter les prédicants : Samuel Potet, sergier et Marie Robin, dite La Robine, bergère Jugement rendu en 1715 sur les assemblées illicites Mr de Richebourg intendant Contre : Pierre Cartault, Jean Nivet, Bonnet (de la Bissière), Jacques Frapier (des Ombrailles de Celles), Pierre Gadault, Jacques Guéry, Pierre Béguier (demeurant dans la paroisse de Lezay), Jean Berthelot (Fombedoire Sepvret), Jean Regnault (paroisse de Prailles), Pierre Caillon, accusés d'être prédicateurs de la Religion Prétendue Réformée (RPR). Pierre Cartault, Jean Nivet, Daniel Bonnet, Jacques Guéry, Pierre Caillon convaincus d'avoir fait les prédicants et prêché dans les assemblées pour réparation de quoi, les avons condamnés aux galères à perpétuité en qualité de forçat sur les galères. Contumaces Jacques Frappier, Pierre Béguier
Maupertuis (1698-1759) : Un Précurseur Translate this page Parmi tous les hommes illustres nés à Saint-Malo, pierre-Louis Moreaude maupertuis nest sans doute pas le plus connu. Pourtant http://www.reseau.presse.fr/reseau/f0155004.htm
Extractions: Louis Figuier, 1882. Homme daction efficace, bon organisateur, on reconnaît en lui un voyageur intrépide, un observateur méticuleux et un penseur libre de préjugés. Apprécié dans les " salons " pour ses talents de vulgarisateur, il ne dédaigne pas la polémique. Mais, il reste fidèle en amitié et fier de son terroir, Saint-Malo, " où nous nous faisons tant dhonneur dêtre nés " comme il lécrit dans une dédicace de ses uvres à un ami denfance. à Paris. Après un bref séjour en Hollande (1717), il devient, à vingt ans, capitaine de cavalerie aux Mousquetaires Gris . Consacrant son temps libre aux mathématiques, il fréquente les cafés à la mode comme le " Gradot" et le " Procope ". Bientôt, il décide dabandonner la vie militaire pour se consacrer à la science. À lâge de 25 ans, son intelligence brillante lui ouvre les portes de lAcadémie des Sciences dont il deviendra pensionnaire quelques années plus tard. Il publie divers travaux de mécanique et dastronomie mais aussi des " observations et expériences "
Untitled1 Translate this page Malvoisine, FG 589. Manget, JL 645. Martin, CF 450. maupertuis, pierre LouisMoreaude 396, 397. Méchain, pierre-François-André 444, 449. Meyer, Jacob 388. http://homepage.iprolink.ch/~moi/regaukt23.htm
Extractions: Adam, Jean-Victor 489, 501, 502 Amrein, Kaspar Konstantin 430 Apianus, Petrus 378 Aristarch von Samos 456 Asselineau 492 Aubry, Charles 490, 491 Audiganne, Armand 478 Auger, D. 509 Aurach, Joseph Christian Auracher von 455 Auzout, Adrien 395 Bachofen 459, 460, 461 Bacler d'Albe, Louis Albert Ghislain 447 Balfour, Robert 382 Barillon, F. G. 551 Barnard, G. 494 Barrot, Odilon 552 Bassentin, Jacques 385 Bauernfeind, Carl Max von 470 Bavier, Simon 631 Beccaria, Giovanni Battista 418 Beckh, A. 636 Bel, Pierre 428, 663 Benedicti, Hieronymus 617 Bennewitz, Petrus 378 Bienewitz, Petrus 378 Binet 593 Bion, Nicolas 391, 407 Bodenehr, G. 614 Bole, M. 552 Bonne, Rigobert 422, 432 Bors, Johann Jakob 530 Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe 412, 416 Bouguer, Pierre 403 Bradel 434 Bressanini 459, 460, 461 Brion 627 Buache, Phil. 658 Camus 396 Cassini de Thury, Jacques-Dominique 398 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico 389, 395 Cassini, Jacques 393, 395