MALVASIA malus, etienne louis (17751812), French physicist, was born at Parison the 23rd of June 1775. He entered the military engineering
Extractions: MALVACEAE, in botany, an order of Dicotyledons belonging to the series Columniferae, to which belong also the orders Tili aceae (containing Tilia, the lime-tree), Bombaceae (containing Adansonia, the baobab), Sterculiaceae (containing Theobroma, cocoa, and Cob, cola-nut). It contains 39 genera with about 300 species, and occurs in all regions except the coldest, the number of species increasing as we approach the tropics. It is represented in Britain by three genera: Malva, mallow; Althaea, marsh-mallow; and Lavatera, tree-mallow. The plants are herbs, as in the British mallows, or, in the warmer parts of the earth, shrubs or trees. The leaves are alternate and often palmately lobed or divided; the stipules generally fall early. The leaves and young shoots often bear stellate hairs and the tissues contain mucilage-sacs. The regular, hermaphrodite, often showy flowers are borne in the leaf-axils, solitary or in fasicles, or form more ,n-..~ or less complicated cymose 14~~ ~~f arrangements. An epicalyx (see
July 2002 21 Jean Picard, 22 Reinhold Baer, 23 etienne louis malus, 24 Christine MaryHamill, 25 Johann Benedict Listing, 26 Kurt Mahler, 27 Johann Bernoulli.
Cancer: Ruler Of Nurturing Fitting, then, that a Cancerian, the French engineer etienne louis malus (b. June23, 1775), would become the first scientist to describe the polarization of
Extractions: Ruler of Nurturing by Ted PanDeva Zagar Note: The author uses Sol and Luna instead of generic terms like "sun" and "moon" when referring to the two most important spheres in our solar system. Folk remedies, herbs, foods, micronutrients, and other substances and therapies are included as information and not as replacements for the diagnoses, advice, and treatments provided by competent wellness professionals. Sol, the star binding together our planetary family, marks summer's approach by ascending ever higher into the skies hovering above Earth's northern hemisphere. By the 21st day of June, this "luminous cloud" of Ezekiel reaches its lofty throne, reigning for but a day (albeit the longest of the year!) at this heavenly apex. Because light and warmth are so necessary for the development and maintenance of life, the summer solstice marks the beginning of the season known to overflow with a symphony of colors, a rainbow of sounds, and a joyous dance performed by an endless variety of plants and animals. Appropriately, this day also launches the zodiacal sign of Cancer (June 21-July 22), ruler of motherhood and the nurturing which accompanies the child-bearing capacity. This is the month honoring the home, the homemaker, and the family.
Métrologie, Instruments De Mesures Translate this page Le procédé en est dû au physicien etienne-louis malus (1775-1812),et c'est William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828) qui l'a rendu pratique.
Extractions: dans les établissements publics Métrologie Mesure Goniomètre de Wollaston Appliquer la réflexion des images à la mesure des angles que font entre elles les faces des prismes, des cristaux naturels ou artificiels, tel est le principe de cet instrument. Le procédé en est dû au physicien Etienne-Louis Malus (1775-1812), et c'est William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828) qui l'a rendu pratique. Sur un lourd statif est fixé verticalement un disque divisé qui porte un vernier, commandant, par une tige qui traverse le disque, une petite palette sur laquelle on fixe, avec un peu de cire ou de pâte à modeler, le cristal à examiner. On choisit à la visée un point de repère (par exemple le bord de la table sur laquelle on a posé l'instrument), puis par jeu de superpositions d'images, que l'on obtient en tournant le vernier tout en regardant à travers le cristal, on détermine, grâce aux graduations du disque, les angles du cristal. On distingue deux sortes de goniomètres: les goniomètres d'application (goniomètre d'Haüy, rapporteur sur lequel sont adaptées deux alidades, goniomètre de Brongniart) et les goniomètres à réflexion, applicables surtout aux cristaux très petits à faces brillantes. Le goniomètre de Wollaston appartient à cette dernière classe. D'autres manipluations permettent de déterminer l'indice de réfraction du cristal examiné.
Optics 6 etiennelouis malus (1775-1812) was another graduate of the colePolytechnique. He rose to the rank of colonel in Napoleons
Extractions: ....Optics Highlights VI Wave Optics T Laplace, Fourier and Poisson th Century, the unsuccessful attempts of Fizeau and then of Michelson and Morley to measure the drag of the ether on light waves led to Einstein Thomas Young (1773-1829), as his epitaph in Westminster Abbey states, was "a man alike eminent in almost every department of human learning." As a medical student he discovered the way the eye lens changes shape in order to focus and the cause of astigmatism. Proficient in many languages, he later made the first nearly correct translation of the Rosetta Stone. His diverse scientific accomplishments included contributions to the theory of elasticity. Influenced by Eulers arguments, he attempted to prove the wave nature of light, discovered interference and published numerous papers arguing in favor of the wave theory during the first decade of the 19 th century. A savage anonymous review of his work in 1803 in the
Oilfield Glossary: Term 'birefringence' physician Erasmus Bartholin (1625 to 1698) in crystals in 1669, the phenomenon wasnot fully understood until French physicist etiennelouis malus (1775 to 1812
POLAROS PILLANTAS AZ EGRE TELJES NAPFOGYATKOZASKOR majd 1690ben a holland Christian Huygens (1629-1695) a kalcit által kettosenmegtört fény polárosságát, 1808-ban pedig etienne louis malus (1775-1812
Extractions: Zoologisches Institut, Universitöt Zürich A teljes napfogyatkozás okozta hirtelen elsötétedés a történelmi idõkben mindig megrémisztette az embereket; pokoli démonokat, félelmes sárkányokat gyanúsítottak a Nap elrablásával. A teljes napfogyatkozás valóban furcsa jelenség a laikusoknak: a speciális megvilágításnak köszönhetõen az égbolt megszokott kinézete hirtelen megváltozik annak polarizációjával együtt. Az utóbbit az emberi szem nem érzékeli; de a tudósok elõtt majd két évszázada ismer t . Az elõzmények 1809-ig vezetnek vissza, amikor Arago felfedezte az égboltfény sarkítottságát (polárosságát), és nem sokkal késõbb megfigyelt az égen egy polarizálatlan pontot, melyet ma Arago-féle neutrális pontnak hívunk. Egy neutrális pontban a p polari zációfok értéke nulla, s tõle távolodva
Optics And Photonics Clusters | A Brief History 1807 etienne louis malus discovers that polarization is discovered by meansother than double refraction. He later extends his observations
Extractions: Home The breakthrough into what is today known as photonics came after the Second World War, initially with the invention of the transistor and the development of the semi-conductor industry. The modern photonics industry began in earnest in 1960, with the invention of the laser, followed in the late 1970's by the perfection of optical fibers as an effective means of transmitting information using these intense laser beams. During the 1960's and 1970's, these technologies remained in the research and development phases. In the next two decades, however, they moved from the laboratory into the diffusion and application phases. Until just recently, photonics was still in its infancy and much of the developmental and applications activity remained contained within large firms having predominantly other interests. Eventually - as new technologies coalesced and possibilities for products emerged - specialized divisions devoted to photonics began to form within large firms. The subsequent development of "technological paradigms" launched substantial market opportunities. Typically, independent firms then also started to appear through spin-off activity as employees left the larger, more traditional firms to form their own companies, and entrepreneurial individuals left universities and research centers to set up their own businesses, often in the same region.
Histoire De L'Optique 5/7 Translate this page 1809, etienne malus donne la loi de malus qui prédit l'intensité de la lumière 1892,Henri-louis Le Châtelier construit le premier pyromètre optique.
Extractions: William Wollaston observe des lignes noires dans le spectre du soleil. Francois Arago montre l'existence de la tache claire de Poisson. Hermann Helmholtz propose que le soleil induit des contractions du champ gravitationnel. Thomas Henderson, Friedrich Struve, et Friedrich Bessel mesurent les parallaxes stellaires. J.W. Draper invente la photographie astronomique et produit de images de la lune. Lord Rayleigh explique le ciel bleu et les couchers de soleil. Henry Draper invente la photographie spectrale en astronomie et produit une photographie spectrale de Vega. Thomas Edison homologue une lampe incandescente avec filament de carbone.
Fotoforum - Fotografie Und Projektion Translate this page Dann gelang etienne louis malus in Paris eine entscheidende Beobachtung Licht,welches einmal an einem durchsichtigen Medium (zB Glas, Wasser) reflektiert
City Court Of New Orleans #2251-2500 Aury, louis. 2308. malus. Aury. 2309. 2366. Dubourg, PF Ayme, F. Miellet, louis.2367. Marigny, Constance. Dupres, Francois. 2368. Lafitte, etienne Marc. Duffourg,JP.
History Of Optics 1808, etienne louis malus (France).As a result of observing light reflected fromthe windows of the Palais Luxembourg in Paris through a calcite crystal as it
Extractions: ~300 BC Euclid (Alexandria) In his Optica he noted that light travels in straight lines and described the law of reflection. He believed that vision involves rays going from the eyes to the object seen and he studied the relationship between the apparent sizes of objects and the angles that they subtend at the eye Probably 100 BC and 150 AD Hero (also known as Heron) of Alexandria. In his Catoptrica , Hero showed by a geometrical method that the actual path taken by a ray of light reflected from a plane mirror is shorter than any other reflected path that might be drawn between the source and point of observation. ~140 AD Claudius Ptolemy (Alexandria). In a twelfth-century latin translation from the arabic that is assigned to Ptolemy, a study of refraction, including atmospheric refraction, was described. It was suggested that the angle of refraction is proportional to the angle of incidence Ibn-al-Haitham ( also known as Alhazen) (b. Basra). In his investigations, he used spherical and parabolic mirrors and was aware of spherical aberration. He also investigated the magnification produced by lenses and atmospheric refraction. His work was translated into latin and became accessible to later european scholars Robert Grosseteste (England).
MEMODOC : Table Des Noms Cités Les Intendants De Franche-Comté Translate this page Guigue (Nicolas), 91, 94, 455 Guiottet (louis Balthazar), 355 Maistre, 156, 456 Malet,211 malus (Jean), 27 53, 467 Marchand de Launay (etienne Philippe), 470
Log Of Mystic Seaport: Index To Personal Names 12(2)7,; Malm, Aleta 11(2)22,; Maloney, Richard C . 14(3)27,;malus, etienne louis 19(2)35,32(1)10,; Manchester, Francis
LaserLinks From The Stony Brook Laser Teaching Center Infoplease; Lessons on polarized light; Course Notes (Univ. of Durham); Principlesof Ellipsometry; A Wave-plate Experiment (NJIT); etienne louis malus.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) Chronologie 1809-1819 Translate this page Mort de malus. Avènement de louis XVIII Lermontov, de Jules Simon (+1896), de Millet,de Viollet-le-Duc, de Jules Lequier (+1862), d'Hervé etienne Faye (+1902
Extractions: Naissance à Besançon, le 15 janvier, de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Son père est vigneron et tonnelier. Il fut aussi brasseur, mais, a écrit son fils dans ses Mémoires sur ma vie , " il vendait sa bière presque au prix de revient; n'ayant rien voulu que son salaire, le brave homme perdit tout ". Père et mère admirent l'uvre égalitaire de la Révolution française. La mère de Proudhon, Catherine Simonin (" ma mère à qui je dois tout "), est " une femme supérieure douée d'un caractère héroïque ", selon une expression que Sainte-Beuve a empruntée au bibliothécaire de Besançon, Weiss, l'ami de Charles Nodier. Proudhon aura quatre frères dont deux mourront en bas âge. Travaux à la campagne : " J'ai été cinq ans bouvier.
Molecular Structure Light oscillating in one plane only is called polarized light. This name wasgiven it in 1808 by a French physicist, etienne louis malus (17751812).
Extractions: Molecular Structure The Theory of Types Berzelius seized upon the notion that radicals could be the units of which organic molecules were built. He believed that organic molecules were built of radicals as inorganic molecules were built of individual atoms. Radicals, he came to think, were almost as indivisible and untouchable as the individual atoms themselves. Berzelius maintained that the force holding atoms together in an inorganic molecule or in an organic radical was electrical in nature (which eventually turn out to be right). Every molecule, then, had to contain a positive portion and a negative portion, since only between oppositely charged elements was there attraction. For simple inorganic substances, like sodium chloride, this notion of positive and negative was eventually shown to fit the facts. To make it fit organic substances, Berzelius had to insist that radicals consisted of carbon and hydrogen only, with carbon negative and hydrogen positive. He held that the benzoyl radical (C H O) did not and could not contain oxygen, which distorted the work done with that radical. Berzelius was also certain that it was impossible to substitute a negative element for a positive element without drastically changing the properties of a compound.
Anovi - XIXe Siècle Translate this page Influencé par etienne louis malus, il travaille à présent surla polarisation de la lumière, son caractère ondulatoire. Le
Extractions: François Arago naît le 26 février 1786 à Estagel dans le pays catalan. Le village sera rattaché quelques années plus tard au département des Pyrénées orientales. Les Arago sont des paysans aisés, des " pagès ", éleveurs de brebis, cultivant à loccasion quelques oliviers. Cette opulence locale permet à son père, François Bonaventure, deffectuer de solides études à luniversité voisine de Perpignan. Bachelier en droit, il est chargé de responsabilité municipale à la fin du règne de Louis XVI, avant de devenir le premier maire de la commune, le 7 février 1790. Quelques années plus tôt, en 1778, il sétait marié à Marie Roig, elle aussi fille de paysan aisé. Tandis que la Révolution poursuit sa marche en avant, François Bonaventure Arago devient magistrat, adhérant à la Société populaire, affiliée au Club des Jacobins. Après la déclaration de guerre à lEspagne voisine, au mois de mars 1793, il est ensuite chargé de la levée en masse dans la région. De sensibilité girondine, ses qualités lui valent de ne pas être inquiété par la venue des représentants en mission de la Convention nationale. Plus tard, après Thermidor, Arago prend la présidence du Directoire, une charge quil occupe jusquen 1798. Il est alors nommé directeur de lHôtel de la Monnaie à Perpignan, ce qui apparaît comme un aboutissement à cette honorable carrière publique. François Bonaventure Arago sera fidèle au Consulat et à lEmpire. Il se consacre alors à léducation de ses enfants, qui doivent poursuivre cette ascension sociale du clan Arago.
History Of Optics 5/7 1809. etienne malus publishes the law of malus which predicts the light intensity 1892.Henrilouis Le Châtelier builds the first optical pyrometer. 1893.
Extractions: William Herschel discovers infrared radiation from the Sun. Johann Ritter discovers ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Thomas Young demonstrates the wave nature of light and the principle of interference. William Wollaston observes dark lines in the solar spectrum. Etienne Malus discovers polarization by reflection. Etienne Malus publishes the law of Malus which predicts the light intensity transmitted by two polarizing sheets. David Brewster discovers stress birefringence. Simon Poisson predicts the Poisson bright spot at the center of the shadow of a circular opaque obstacle. Augustin Fresnel phenomenologically explains optical activity by introducing circular birefringence. Joseph Niepce takes the first permanent photograph.
M Index Maior, John (52) Maltsev, Anatoly (1299*), Malcev, Anatoly (1299*) Malebranche,Nicolas (1326*) Malfatti, Francesco (419) malus, etienne louis (486) Manava (301