RFE/RL Russian Federation Report entrance into the race, the reelection of incumbent Governor nikolai Volkov is Thisdecision arose because of the death of Gennadii luzin (independent) who had http://www.rferl.org/russianreport/2000/02/7-160200.html
Extractions: 16 February 2000, Volume 2, Number 7 PAN-REGIONAL ISSUES: CONSTITUTIONAL COURT CHAIRMAN RULES OUT APPOINTING GOVERNORS... ...AND FEDERATION COUNCIL CHAIR AGREES. In an interview with "Izvestiya" on 8 February, Federation Council Chairman Yegor Stroev said that although he thinks that the Russian president should intervene where the federal Constitution and laws are ignored, "we should be careful not to take the executive power structure to extremes, such as saying that governors should be appointed instead of elected." Stroev added that he favors a federative over a unitary structure in Russia and that history has taught Russia that changing territorial divisions "costs the country dearly." According to Stroev, there is an overabundance of structures in the regions which answer to the center and regional heads "may easily demand at least a ten-fold reduction of federal personnel in the regions." JAC COMMUNISTS CLOSE UP SHOP IN REGIONS... ...AS NDR DEPLOYS ITS STAFF FOR PUTIN. Meanwhile, Segodnya" reported on 12 February that the executive committee of Our Home Is Russia (NDR) has sent more than 10,000 of the party's members to participate in 79 of Russia's 89 district election commissions. NDR members participating in 57 of the 79 commissions support Putin. JAC
Theyre In The Army Now doesnt fall under the armys usual responsibilities, admits nikolai Reznik,the One son of the regiment Sasha luzin, 15, remembers little of his http://www.msnbc.com/news/877309.asp
Extractions: NEWSWEEK WEB EXCLUSIVE The boys asleep in their bunks could be any young teens at summer camp. But this is no vacation spot. At precisely 6:00 a.m., a Russian army officer storms in and barks out a wake-up call. Within minutes the boys have made their beds, pulled on their uniforms and prepared for morning exercises on the military base of the Kineshma Chemical and Radiation Defense Regiment. var acol=new flashObj2("acol"); acol.flashFile = "/modules/newsweek/swf/acol/f4/nwk_acol_nav_event_f4.swf"; acol.altImg = "/modules/newsweek/swf/acol/nwk_acol_nav_ALTimage.jpg"; acol.width = "150"; acol.height = "100"; acol.ID = "acol"; acol.downloadLink = "top"; acol.webTV = "true"; acol.play = "true"; acol.loop = "false"; acol.quality = "best"; acol.flashVer="5"; document.write(writeFlashComponent2(acol)); var acol=new flashObj2("acol"); acol.flashFile = "/modules/newsweek/swf/acol/nwk_acol_nav_sections.swf"; acol.altImg = "/site_elements/clear.gif"; acol.width = "150"; acol.height = "280"; acol.ID = "acol"; acol.downloadLink = "top"; acol.webTV = "true"; acol.play = "true"; acol.loop = "false"; acol.quality = "best"; acol.flashVer="5"; document.write(writeFlashComponent2(acol));
Extractions: Choose language ... History Restoration of the Russian Academy of Sciences In 1991, in connection with the changes that occurred in the political, social and economic situation in the country, including the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Federation, the Academy received a new status in 1991 and was given back its old name: the Russian Academy of Sciences. [Decree of the President of Russian Federation of December 2, 1991]. Academician Yuri S. Osipov was elected President of the Academy. The scientists of the Academy made great contributions to the development of practically all directions of modern science. Developing the traditions of national scientific schools, the researchers of the Academy enriched many areas of theoretical and applied mathematics. Studies of Ivan M. Vinogradov and his school into the theory of numbers, as well as research into the theory of functions carried out by the school of Nikolai N. Luzin gained wide international recognition. New approaches were proposed in the theory of differential equations and functional analysis, in the theory of probabilities, algebra, topology, mathematical logic, and in the mathematical theory of optimal control (Andrei N. Kolmogorov, Sergei L. Sobolev, Ivan G. Petrovsky, Lev S. Pontryagin, Anatoly I. Maltsev, and others). Substantial contributions to the development of applied mathematics were made by Mikhail A. Lavrentyev, Mstislav V.Keldysh, and others. A number of problems related to mathematical applications in mechanics, economics, physics and technology were successfully solved.
The Life Of A Great Mathematician at Moscow State University, she was involved with a group called the Luzitania.(Soublis) The group was named after its leader nikolai Nikolaevich luzin. http://www.sienahts.edu/~sj103441/SophSem/ninalife.htm
Extractions: The Life of a Great Mathematician Stacey Jacobs Nina Karlovna Bari is one great example of a woman who contributed to mathematics. Nina Bari provided many with the advancement of the theory of trigonometric series. She dedicated her life to solving theory functions. Once Bari solved many questions regarding trigonometric series, she shared her findings with many students and colleagues through teaching, lecturing, and giving seminars. On November 19, 1901, Nina Karlovna Bari was born in Moscow, Russia. She was the daughter to Doctor Karl Adolfovich and Olga Eduardovna Bari. Nothing is recorded about Nina's childhood and very little is available about her high school years. She attended a private high school for girls called L. O. Vyazemskas. While she was in high school she showed great potential in mathematics. By 1918 she passed the high school graduation examination that was usually given for high school boys. (Soublis) Once she finished high school she attended Moscow State University. Originally, Moscow State was an institution for higher learning exclusively for men. ( C ampbell and Grinstein) However, after the Revolution, Moscow State University was opened up to men and women alike. Nina Bari was the first woman to enroll at Moscow State.
THE WORK OF NINA KARLOVNA BARI Bari also spent a great amount of time in editing a book and assortmentof works for a close friend, nikolai Nikolaevich luzin. http://www.sienahts.edu/~sj103441/SophSem/ninawork.htm
Extractions: THE WORK OF NINA KARLOVNA BARI Stacey Jacobs A few years after the Revolution, the mathematical world in Russia was expanding very rapidly. A transition from traditional mathematics to new areas of abstract mathematics was emerging. The areas of abstract mathematics consist of topics like set theory, abstract algebra, and function theory. Many claimed that this new mathematics was not realistic and mainly for mathematicians entertainment. Nina Karlovna Bari, a loyal member of the Luzitania group, excelled in this style of abstract mathematics. Obtaining her interest in trigonometric series and function theory at the beginning of her college career, Bari based the rest of her life solving many problems that dealt with the uniqueness of the trigonometric series. Baris thesis revolved around one main question, Under what condition is trigonometric development of a given function unique? From others work, Bari concluded that trigonometric developments were not unique. So with her research, she explored two cases where the conditions set were either a M -set or a U -set. An
HALMAZ98\EA01 további fontos szerepet játszó matematikusok David Hilbert (18621943), ErnstZermelo (1871-1952), Felix Hausdorff (1869-1942), nikolai luzin (1883-1950 http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/courses/halmaz98/antinom.htm
HALMAZ98\EA01 Néhány nevet kiemelünk a hosszú sorból David Hilbert (18621943), Henry LéonLebesgue (1875-1941), Felix Hausdorff (1869-1942), nikolai luzin (1883-1950 http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/~hajnal/courses/halmaz99/antinom.htm
Äripäev Online - > Uudised 08.06.2001 Talrandi ainuomanik oli pikka aega Vassili luzin, kes on loovutanud väikese osaluseGrigori Leflerile ja nikolai Salnikovile (kummalegi 2%). Kadaka turgu http://www.aripaev.ee/1943/uud_uudidx_194301.html
Extractions: esileht sisujuht reklaam firmast ... logi sisse reede 08.06.2001 uudised sisu äp online tänane leht uudised - sisukord ... otsing / arhiiv teabekeskus rubriigid eriväljaanded puhkepäev suhtleme foorumid kiri toimetusele ajakirjanikud äp foto teenused mobiil ärikontakt maksuvõlglased seminariruum ... ametlik teade otsi eratelefonid firmaotsing numbriotsing in english BBN daily summary corporate info advertising Loomulikult. 30 protsendi ulatuses tuleb teha omainvesteeringuid, aga hulgifirma Serpon on mind teeninud juba üheksa aastat. Veel mõned aastad tagasi töötas see väga tulusalt. Näiteks majoneesi müük tootis 50 protsenti, tatra ja muude tangainete müük 30 protsenti kasumit. Serpon oli enne kalatööstuste pankrotistumisi nende üks suuremaid varustajaid tomatipastaga. Pagaritööstustele oleme tarninud rosinaid ja pähkleid. Turg oli sel ajal tühi. Nüüd on olukord muidugi muutunud. Tulu toovad ka muud ärid. Ma ei ole ajanud raha teenimiseks ühtegi firmat pankrotti.
Extractions: 16 iyulya 2001 versiya dlya pechati Gruppe "Katarsis" pridetsya vremenno povremenit' s repeticiyami. Vo-pervyh, basist gruppy otpravilsya v otpusk v yuzhnyi gorod Adler, gde zagoraet seichas na beregu morya. Vo-vtoryh, lider kollektiva Aleksei Nadtochiev ostalsya bez lyubimogo komba, kotoryi sgorel vo vremya repeticii vtoroi raz na poslednie polgoda. "Poshel real'nyi dym i zavonyalo, - krasochno povestvuet Aleksei. - A gde ego garantiinyi talon ya ne znayu, tak chto pridetsya bablo vykladyvat' na pochinku!" V rezul'tate s gorya lider ural'skoi grandzh-komandy kruglymi sutkami rubitsya na paru s drammerom v supergeim "Counter Strike", promenyav rodnoi instrument na mysh' i klavu. Gruppa "M.A.R.K." zavershaet rabotu nad novym al'bomom. Uzhe zapisany vse 12 trekov dlya budushego reliza. Svedenie, skoree vsego, proidet v techenii iyulya-avgusta. Uzhe opredeleno nazvanie al'boma (poka sekret). "Zvuchanie budet neskol'ko otlichat'sya ot "Minus Tridcat' Tri", - rasskazyvaet lider gruppy Andrei Markovskii, - odnako my postaralis' sohranit' vse horoshee, chto tam bylo". Prezentaciya al'boma predpolagaetsya provesti v sentyabre-oktyabre. Ne zabyvaet komanda i o koncertnyh vystupleniyah. 7 iyulya gruppa "M.A.R.K." prinimala uchastie v festivale "Rok na Ivana Kupala", proshedshem v gorode Snezhinske. Nadeemsya, chto rebyata eshe podelyatsya s nami vpechatleniyami.
Extractions: Felix Hausdorff (1868 Breslau - 1942 Bonn) Waclaw Sierpinski (1882 Warschau - 1969 Warschau) Kazimierz Kuratowski (1896 Warschau - 1980 Warschau) Stanislaw Ulam (1909 Lemberg, Polen (heute Lvov, Ukraine) - 1984 Santa Fe, USA) Andrzej Mostowski (1913 Lemberg, Polen (heute Lvov, Ukraine) - 1975 Vancouver, Kanada) Oliver Deiser (deiser@rz.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de), 20.2.2001
Chapter II The Russian mathematician nikolai Nilolaevich luzin used to say in his lecturesthat the advantages of the decimal system are zoological, not mathematical. http://kr.cs.ait.ac.th/~radok/math/mat4/m42.htm
Extractions: Chapter II Formation of Continued Fractions Expansion of a Real Number into a Continued Fraction Algorithm of Expansion into a Continued Fraction Forget for the time being the decimal system. The Russian mathematician Nikolai Nilolaevich Luzin used to say in his lectures that the advantages of the decimal system are zoological, not mathematical. If we had eight fingers on our two hands instead of ten, mankind would operate in the octal system . Indeed, the decimal system is very convenient in practice, but it is inappropriate for a discussion of theoretical aspects of arithmetic. Forget about any decimal and positional number system, that is, take Archimedes place and ask yourself: What would be the most natural approach to estimating a real number? This question is answered without hesitation: The first step is to indicate the integers between which our number lies. For example, 61/27 lies between 2 and 3,
Things Krzys' Likes On The Web Ian Fleming Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss William Ewart Gladstone Andrey NikolaevichKolmogorov Claire Boothe Luce nikolai Nikolaevich luzin Stefan Mazurkiewicz http://www.math.ilstu.edu/krzysio/like.html
VAÖW¶£\ Gregory Crowe, The Life and Work of nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky A Study of the luzin, Nikolaj nikolaivich(18831950) Aleksei E. Levin, Anatomy of a http://www.histec.me.titech.ac.jp/~masanori/russian-bunken.htm
Team nikolai N. Isakov (instrument responsible) nik@nf.jinr.ru; Dimitry E. Burilichevburil@nf.jinr.ru; Tatyana I. Ivankina iti@nf.jinr.ru; Wladimir W. luzin luzin http://www.gwdg.de/~kulleme/team.html
Psephos.adam-carr.net/russia/oblasts2.txt Duma member elected nikolai Votka (Medved member elected Gennadiy luzin MURMANSK OBLAST http://psephos.adam-carr.net/russia/oblasts2.txt
MY MATHEMATICAL GENEOLOGY Nicolay Bugaev (1866, he had two advisors) Dimitri Fedorowitsch Egorov (1901) nikolai Nikolayevich luzin (1915) Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov (1925 http://www.math.ucla.edu/~rcooper/geneology.html
Alec Mihailovs' Mathematical Ancestors nikolai Nikolayevich luzin Ph.D. Moscow State University 1915, Dissertation TheIntegral and Trigonometric Series. Hassler Whitney Ph.D. Harvard University 1932, http://webpages.shepherd.edu/amihailo/ancestors.htm
City/ Region Company Name Description Short Description Of The 1560, 2,5 y, Mr. Podshivalov Vitaliy Nikolaevich, Dir Mr. luzin Yury Nikolaevich 14800,4,2 y, Mr. Timoshenko nikolai Vasilievich, Dir Ms. Sergeeva Loubov Danilovna http://www.bisnis.doc.gov/bisnis/isa/020425jrxls.htm
Extractions: City/ Region Company Name Short description of the project Project cost Thousand USD Payback period Contacts Additional information Electric power engineering Krasnodar, Russia «Kubanenergo», JSC - Krasnodar Thermoelectric Plant 8 years Mr. Spiridonov Vitaly Yevgenievich, Director, Mr. Saichenko Victor Nikolaevich, Project Coordinator Address: 350033, g. Krasnodar, Stavropolskaya St., 2 Tel: (8612) 68-59-13, 68-24-93, 68-47-68 Krasnodar, Russia «KubanGRES», JSC Construction of the Krasnodar Hydro-electric Power Station: 888 000 (420 000 1-st phase) 10 years Mr. Yudovsky Leonid Grigorievich, Director Mr. Kirev Ivan Mikhailovich, Project Coordinator Address: 352574, Krasnodarsky Krai, Mostovskoi r-n, pos. Energetikov Tel: (86192) 5-19-55, 5-38-61