Editions Jacques Gabay - LAGRANGE : Mécanique Analytique Auteur hendrikAntoon lorentz. Façonnage broché. Prix 31 Euros - 203,35 FF- 33,54 $US. ORIGINE DU REPRINT. hendrik-Antoon lorentz. THE THEORY OF ELECTRONS. http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Fiche.asp?CV=99
Jhproject contributed to Soviet nuclear weapons research. lorentz, hendrik Antoon(18531928). Dutch theoretical physicist; Nobel laureate; developed http://www.physics.sfsu.edu/~lwilliam/sota/worms/Scientists.htm
Extractions: Home Time Stars Black Holes ... Sources I've decided to list some of the most important scientists who worked on the topics I discuss on this web site. So please take your time to read at least those few words I put together for you and please honor these men's work. And remember, they are legends... Scroll to
Vormgevers Van De Tijd 2: Hendrik A. Lorentz (1853-1928) NICI Publications 2001 Vormgevers van de tijd 2 hendrik A. lorentz(18531928). Vormgevers van de tijd 2 hendrik A. lorentz (1853-1928). http://www.nici.kun.nl/Publications/2001/15189.html
AbsoluteFacts.nl - Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853-1928) De Nederlandse natuurkundige hendrik Antoon lorentz leefde van 1853 tot1928. Hij was van hendrik Antoon lorentz. De Nederlandse natuurkundige http://www.absofacts.com/wetenschap/data/lorentzha.shtml
Extractions: Lorentz heeft een groot aandeel gehad in de ontwikkeling van vele gebieden van de natuurkunde. Reeds in zijn dissertatie, "Over de theorie der terugkaatsing en der breking van het licht" uit 1875, stelde hij zich ten doel een verklaring van optische verschijnselen te geven met behulp van de elektromagnetische theorie van J.C. Maxwell. Deze theorie bleek zeer bruikbaar. De kroon op Lorentz' werk werd gezet door zijn theorie ter verklaring van het naar zijn leerling genoemde zeemaneffect, die door experimenten op schitterende wijze werd bevestigd. In 1902 werd hem samen met Pieter Zeeman de Nobelprijs voor natuurkunde toegekend. De onderzoekingen over het zeemaneffect waren belangrijk, omdat zij inlichtingen verschaften over de bouw van de materie.
Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Lorentz" 1. lorentz Biography of hendrik lorentz (18531928) http//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/lorentz.html2. hendrik Antoon lorentz Winner of http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Lorentz
Books On Problems Of Fundamental Physics lorentz, hendrik A Theory of Electrons. Teubner (1916) CHT. lorentz,hendrik A Problems of Modern Physics. Dover (1927) CHT. http://users.aber.ac.uk/cat/books.htm
Extractions: Books on Problems of Fundamental Physics Caroline H Thompson http://www.aber.ac.uk/~cat (Originally prepared for the University of Georgia, July 1998) General Afriat, A and Selleri, F The Paradox of Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics . Plenum Press, NY and London (1998) [FS, CHT] Arp, Halton Quasars Redshifts and Controversies . Interstellar Media, Berkeley CA (1987) [CHT, FS, HA] Arp, Halton Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science . (1998) Can now be ordered from: apeiron@vif.com [HA] Aspden, Harold Aether Science Papers . (1996) [HAsp, CHT] Aspden, Harold Modern Aether Science . (1972) [HAsp] Details of both the above available at http://www.energyscience.co.uk Baeyer, Hans Christian Von Taming the Atom . (Viking , 1992) [CHT] Beckmann, Petr Einstein Plus Two . (Golem Press, 1987) [TVF, AP] Bell, John Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics . (CUP, 1987) [CHT, FS] Brody T A The Philosophy Behind Physics . (Springer-Verlag, 1993) [AMC, CHT] Cartwright, Nancy How the Laws of Physics Lie . (Clarendon Press 1983) [CHT] Collins, Harry and Trevor Pinch
Lorentz Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz. (1853 - 1928). Uma E como precursor do criadorda teoria da relatividade, destaca-se hendrik A. lorentz. lorentz http://orbita.starmedia.com/~portaldafisica/lorentz.htm
Extractions: var logDomain = "starmedia"; var logChannel = "paginaspersonales"; var logPath = "otros"; Adicionar aos Favoritos Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Uma atitude muito comum quando se analisa o progresso científico é a tendência a condicioná-lo unicamente ao surgimento cíclico de gênios individuais. É certo que a contribuição isolada de um pesquisador pode ser decisiva em determinado momento histórico, mas ela é necessariamente condicionada à existência de um background de conhecimentos, reunidos por outros estudiosos. Assim, dizer que a Newton se deveu a criação da mecânica clássica é dizer apenas meia verdade: ele é, inegavelmente, um marco, pois com ele muitas etapas foram queimadas; mas não se deve esquecer que sua figura está ligada ao pano de fundo formado pelos pesquisadores que o antecederam (o que, de modo algum, diminui sua estatura). Da mesma forma, a obra de Albert Einstein baseou-se em conhecimentos anteriores da física, mesmo se para revisá-los. E como precursor do criador da teoria da relatividade, destaca-se Hendrik A. Lorentz.
Www.iper1.com - Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Translate this page Cerca la rima. hendrik Antoon lorentz. Friedrich von Gentz Heinrich Gentz hendrikAntoon lorentz a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z http://www.iper1.com/rime/index.asp?cerca=Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Hendrik Lorentz Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz (1853 - 1928). niederländischer Physiker und Mathematiker.hendrik Antoon lorentz wurde am 13. Juli 1853 in Arnheim geboren. http://www.ph.tum.de/~kressier/Bios/Lorentz.html
Extractions: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz wurde am 13. Juli 1853 in Arnheim geboren. Seine Schulzeit absolvierte er in seiner Geburtsstadt, bis er 1870 für ein Studium der Mathematik und Physik an die Universität Leiden ging. Im Februar 1872 nahm er die Lehrtätigkeit am Abendgymnasium in Arnheim auf und bildete sich autodidaktisch weiter, so dass er 1875 promovieren konnte. Auf Grundlage der Maxwell -Theorie erklärte er in seiner Dissertation " Sur la théorie de la réflexion et de la réfraction de la lumière " die Brechung und Reflexion des Lichtes. Nachdem er 1877 eine Professur auf den mathematischen Lehrstuhl in Utrecht ablehnte nahm er 1878 einen Ruf auf den ersten niederländischen Lehrstuhl für theoretische Physik an der Universität Leiden an. 1892 gab er eine erste Erklärung des Michelsonschen Versuches durch die Lorentz-Kontraktion. Im gleichen Jahr formuliert Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 1892 eine modellhafte Theorie der Leitfähigkeit und der magnetischen Eigenschaften von Metallen, welche von der Existenz beweglicher negativer Ladungsträger in den Metallen ausgeht. Sie wird später als Elektronentheorie bezeichnet. 1895 führt er die Lorentz-Kraft (eine Möglichkeit das Magnetfeld genauso zu definieren wie das elektrische Feld mit der
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz (1853 - 1928) Físico-matemático holandêsnascido em Arnhem, Netherlands, cujas fórmulas matemáticas http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/Hendrick.html
Extractions: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1904), forneceram a base da teoria da relatividade de Albert Einstein Maxwell Pieter Zeeman George Francis Fitzgerald descobriu a Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction ou simplesmente Lorentz contraction Ehrenfest Fellow da Royal Society (1905), a Rumford Medal (1908) e a Copley Medal (1918).
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Translate this page hendrik Antoon lorentz, 18/07/1853(Arnhem, Holanda) - 4/02/1928(Haarlem, Holanda).lorentz Filho de Gerrit Frederik lorentz e Née Geertruida van Ginkel. http://www.pcarv.pro.br/biografias/hendrik_lorentz.htm
Extractions: Lorentz Filho de Gerrit Frederik Lorentz e Née Geertruida van Ginkel. Quando tinha quatro anos sua mãe morreu, e em 1862 seu pai casou com Luberta Hupkes. Naquele tempo, segundo o currículo, havia aulas não só de manhã e à tarde, mas também à noite. Lorentz frequentou o ensino primário em Arnhem até seus 13 anos, quando passou para o segundo grau. Em 1870 ele foi para a Universidade de Leiden, mas em 1872 voltou para Arnhem, lecionando à noite. Enquanto professor, Lorentz trabalhou em seu doutorado. Em 1875 apresentou sua tese: a teoria da reflexão e refração da luz , refinando a teoria eletromagnética de Maxwell. Lorentz foi indicado para lecionar física na Universidade de Leiden em 1878, e só saiu quando aposentou, em 1912. Em seguida, foi indicado para ocupar o cargo de diretor de pesquisas no Instituto Teyler, em Haarlem. Antes da comprovação da existência do elétron, Lorentz propôs que as ondas de luz eram devidas a oscilações de cargas elétricas no átomo. Lorentz desenvolveu sua teoria matemática para o elétron, sendo agraciado com o Prêmio Nobel de Física em 1902. Lorentz foi agraciado junto com seu aluno Pieter Zeeman, que havia verificado experimentalmente o estudo teórico de Lorentz sobre a Teoria Atômica, demonstrando o efeito de campos magnéticos fortes em oscilações através da medida de alterações no comprimento de onda da luz emitida. Lorentz é lembrado também pelo seu importante trabalho conhecido como
Lorentz Biografie van lorentz, hendrik Antoon. lorentz, hendrik Antoon (18531928). lorentz,hendrik Antoon , natuurkundige (Arnhem 18-7- 1853 - Haarlem 4-2- 1928 ). http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BWN/lemmata/bwn1/lorentz
Extractions: @import url(CSS/Form); /*IE and NN6x styles*/ @import url(http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BWN/lemmata/bwnstylesheet); /*IE and NN6x styles*/ HOME REACTIE SITEMAP HULP ... VERWIJZINGEN PROJECTMENU Biografie van Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Onderzoek Projecten Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland lorentz Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland 1 (Den Haag 1979). URL: http://www.inghist.nl/Onderzoek/Projecten/BWN/lemmata/bwn1/lorentz Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon , natuurkundige (Arnhem 18-7- 1853 - Haarlem 4-2- 1928 ). Zoon van Gerrit Frederik Lorentz, kweker, en Geertruida Ginkel. Gehuwd sinds 15-7-1881 met Aletta Catharina Kaiser. Uit dit huwelijk werden 2 zoons en 2 dochters geboren. Na het doorlopen van de HBS in zijn geboortestad (1866-1869), deed Lorentz admissie-examen voor de universiteit en studeerde wis- en natuurkunde in Leiden (1870). In november 1871 werd het kandidaatsexamen afgelegd en in februari 1872 volgde een terugkeer naar Arnhem waar hij leraar wiskunde werd. In juni 1873 was reeds het doctoraal examen afgelegd, terwijl op 11 december 1875 de promotie plaatsvond te Leiden op een proefschrift Over de theorie der terugkaatsing en breking van het licht.
? Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.chemmate.com/history/h65.htm
Tobias Hendrik Lorentz And Teunisken Moll Tobias hendrik lorentz and Teunisken Moll. Family group sheet for familyF344 in gedcom file Moll.ged. Return to index. Father. Tobias http://www.boldts.net/gedcom/moll/F344.shtml
Genealogy - Famous Relatives hendrik Antoon lorentz. Second cousin, twice removed. Relationshipsbetween hendrik lorentz, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Hans Boldt. http://www.boldts.net/Gen-Famous.shtml
Extractions: Programs 2 It's always exciting to receive new information from distant relatives. But when I received an e-mail from an eighth cousin, it brought some especially interesting news that he and I were related to, not just one but, two Nobel Prize winners! Although they certainly knew each other, Hendrik Lorentz and Heike Kamerlingh Onnes likely did not know they were fifth cousins. Second cousin, twice removed. When asked who were the greatest men, the most powerful thinkers he had known, Albert Einstein answered without hesitation, "Lorentz". The influence of Lorentz's work in the world of physics can't be overestimated. His work in understanding why objects shorten as they travel faster was fundamental to Einstein's relativity theory. Lorentz is also known for first postulating the existence of the electron as well as determining the hydraulic effects of the land reclamation project in the Zuyder Zee. Location: 32.6N 95.3W
Hendrik Lorentz hendrik lorentz (1853 1928). lorentz is best known for his work onelectromagnetic radiation and the FitzGerald-lorentz contraction. http://www.fys.kuleuven.ac.be/pradem/fysici/Lorentz.html
Extractions: Pradem Leuven Demo's Applets Laboproeven ... Zoeken Hendrik Lorentz (1853 - 1928) Lorentz is best known for his work on electromagnetic radiation and the FitzGerald-Lorentz contraction. He developed the mathematical theory of the electron. Find out more at http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Lorentz.html Pradem Leuven
Individual Lives L Lorca, Federico Garcia lorentz, hendrik lorentz, hendrik Lorenz, Konrad Lorenz,Konrad Loring, William Wing Unknown today, Loring served as Colonel in US Army http://amillionlives.com/ind_l.html
Ref: 19th Century - By Miles Hodges Ampère Michael Faraday Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev James Clerk Maxwell AlbertMichelson and Edward Morley George Fitzgerald hendrik lorentz Heinrich Hertz http://www.newgenevacenter.org/reference/19th-cen2.htm
Zeeman, Lorentz & The Electron an electromagnetic field. hendrik Antoon lorentz modified and completedMaxwell's theory of electromagnetism. In his theory the http://ilorentz.org/history/lorentz/lorentz.html
Extractions: Stained glass windows by Harm Kamerlingh Onnes (a nephew of the physicist), depicting the experimental discovery by Zeeman (top and bottom) and the theoretical explanation by Lorentz (center). H.B.G. Casimir, Haphazard Reality ...more info... De ontdekking van het elektron De droom van Lorentz Nobel Prize in Physics 1902 Centennial Symposium 2002 ... Zeeman's electromagnet
Hendrik Antoon Lorentz: Awards Won By Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 123Awards hardwork is paid in form of awards. Awards of hendrik Antoon lorentz.OTHERNOBEL, 1902, PHYSICS. Enter Artist/Album. Partner Sites. Stardose.com. http://www.123awards.com/artist/5413.asp