References For Lifshitz References for evgenii M lifshitz. Articles IE Dzyaloshinskii andLP Pitaevskii, evgenii Mikhailovich lifshitz (on his sixtieth
Extractions: I E Dzyaloshinskii and L P Pitaevskii, Evgenii Mikhailovich Lifshitz (on his sixtieth birthday), Soviet Physics Uspekhi M I I Kaganov, Mikhailovich Lifshitz, J. Statist. Phys. Ya B Zel'dovich and M I Kaganov, Evgenni Mikhailovich Lifshitz, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society of London Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
L lifshitz, evgenii Mikhailovich. Biographical Memoirs 1990 vol 36 pp 335357, plate, by Ya B Zel'dovich and M I Kaganov
Extractions: L Laby, Thomas Howell Obituary Notices 1945-1948 vol 5 pp 733-755, plate, by D K Picken Lacaze-Duthiers, Felix-Joseph Henri de See Duthiers, Felix-Joseph Henri de Lacaze- Lack, David Lambert Biographical Memoirs 1974 vol 20 pp 271-293, plate, by W H Thorpe La Cour, Leonard Francis See Cour, Leonard Francis La Lacroix, Francois Antoine Alfred Obituary Notices 1952-1953 vol 8 pp 193-205, plate, by Emm de Margerie Laidlaw, Sir Patrick Playfair Obituary Notices 1939-1941 vol 3 pp 427-447, plate, by H H Dale Lamb, Sir Horace Obituary Notices 1932-1935 vol l pp 375-391, plate, by A E H Love, and pp 391-392 by R T Glazebrook Lambert, Aylmer Bourke Proceedings 1842 No 55 pp 412-413 Lamplugh, George William Proceedings B 1927 vol 101 pp xii-xiv, plate, signed by A S Lanchester, Frederick William Obituary Notices 1945-1948 vol 5 pp 757-766, plate, by H R Ricardo Land, Edwin Herbert Biographical Memoirs 1994 vol 40 pp 195-219, plate, by F W Campbell Landau, Lev Davydovitch Biographical Memoirs 1969 vol 15 pp 141-158, plate, by P L Kapitza and E M Lifshitz Landsteiner, Karl
My Booklist BOOK{ll_87, AUTHOR = {Landau, Lev Davidovich and lifshitz, evgenii Mikhailovich},EDITOR = {}, TITLE = {Fluid Mechanics}, PUBLISHER = {Pergamon Press}, YEAR
Lifshitz evgenii M lifshitz wrote a curriculum vitae in 1976 which provides abetter description of his life than might come from other sources.
Extractions: Evgenii M Lifshitz wrote a curriculum vitae in 1976 which provides a better description of his life than might come from other sources. We quote this CV in full, particularly as Lifshitz wrote it very much in the style of the other entries in this History Archive:- I was born in in Kharkov. My father was a doctor and a professor at the Institute of Medicine. My mother is now a pensioner. After finishing secondary school in , I studied for two years at the chemical college, and went in to the physics and mechanics faculty of Kharkov Mechanics and Machine Building Institute where I graduated in , having completed the examinations and had a diploma thesis accepted. In I began as a graduate student at the Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute, under Lev Landau . I completed the course and took the PhD examination in I worked at the Institute until as a senior research scientist. In
Lifshitz Biography of evgenii M lifshitz (19151985) evgenii M lifshitz wrote a curriculum vitae in 1976 which provides a better description of his life than might come from
Extractions: Evgenii M Lifshitz wrote a curriculum vitae in 1976 which provides a better description of his life than might come from other sources. We quote this CV in full, particularly as Lifshitz wrote it very much in the style of the other entries in this History Archive:- I was born in in Kharkov. My father was a doctor and a professor at the Institute of Medicine. My mother is now a pensioner. After finishing secondary school in , I studied for two years at the chemical college, and went in to the physics and mechanics faculty of Kharkov Mechanics and Machine Building Institute where I graduated in , having completed the examinations and had a diploma thesis accepted. In I began as a graduate student at the Ukrainian Physicotechnical Institute, under Lev Landau . I completed the course and took the PhD examination in I worked at the Institute until as a senior research scientist. In
Descripteur - Collision Processes lifshitz (evgenii Mikhailovich) EDITIONS MIR , 1967, 718 p.
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Lifshitz Portrait evgenii M lifshitz. JOC/EFR August 2001
Liste Provisoire DicoMeca (F-M) Translate this page L'HOSPITAL (de), Guillaume François, 1661 - 1704, CdE, 257. lifshitz,evgenii, 1915 - 1985, AM, 258. LIGHTHILL, Michael James, 1924 - 1998,AM, 259.
Extractions: FALKNER CdE FANNO CdE FENCHEL [JC] FICK Adolf-Eugen [PAB] FLAMANT [PP] FLAMMARION Nicolas Camille [BE] F FLETTNER Anton [PAB] FOUCAULT [PP] FOURIER Joseph [PP] FOURNEYRON [PAB] FRANCIS James [PAB] FRENET [PP] FRESNEL Augustin Jean [PP] FREYSSINET [PP] FRIEDRICHS Kurt Otto [PP] FRONTIN Sextus Julius Frontinus [PAB] FROUDE William [PAB] FULLER Pudley Dean [JF] FULTON Robert [PAB] GALILEE (dit) Galileo Galilei [BE] GALLE Johann Gottfried CdE GAUSS Carl Friedrich [PP] GAUTHEY Emiland Marie [PP] GAY-LUSSAC Louis-Joseph [JC] GEIRINGER CdE GERMAIN Sophie [PP] GIBBS John Willard [JC] GLAUERT Hermann [PAB] GOLDENVEIZER CdE GOLDSTEIN Sydney CdE GOODMAN John [JF] GRASHOF Franz [PP] GREEN George [PP] GRIFFITH A. A. [PP] GULDIN Paul [PP] Ludwig Karl Friedrich [JF] HABASH AL-HASIB [BE] HAGEN Gotthilf [PAB] HALL CdE HALLEY Edmond [BE] HAMILTON William Rowen [PP] HARDY William Bate [JF] HARTMAN CdE HELE SHAW [AM] HELMHOLTZ (von) Hermann [PP] HENCKY Heinrich [JC] HENDERSON Thomas [BE] HERACLIDES de PONTUS ca. 387 AC - 312 AC [BE] HERON d'ALEXANDRIE ca. 10 - ca. 75
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Cosmology Course: General Relativity For applications, one has to look elsewhere. The Classical Theory ofFields, Lev D. Landau and evgenii M. lifshitz (Pergamon, 1985).
Extractions: The first lecture sketched all the mathematical notions necessary for the understanding of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to cover examples or even to present simple computations. John Baez has a very nice tutorial that covers a large fraction of what I talked about. The following problems from the Problem Book (see reference below) are recommended to help with further understanding. Metrics: Problems 6.7, 6.10. Covariant Differentiation and Geodesics: Problems 7.1, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.10, 7.20. Curvature: Problems 9.2, 9.7, 9.8, 9.11, 9.12, 9.13, 9.15, 9.16. Symmetries: Problems 10.2, 10.3, 10.11. Einstein Equations: Problem 13.4 Cosmology: Problems 19.1, 19.3, 19.7, 19.10. The solutions to these problems are fairly short and should provide enough background for later parts of the course. More problems will be suggested as the course proceeds. Suggested References The limitations of time imposed by the format of only one lecture a week are such that it is impossible to present the required general relativity in anything but the form of caricature. The references below provide all the information to be covered in the lectures. For those eager to get to cosmological issues directly, the book by Peebles is recommended. Dirac, Landau and Lifshitz, and Weinberg are recommended for those who want to take a deeper, though still non-geometric, path. The geometric approach to relativity, while elegant and powerful, is not required for the vast majority of cosmological applications. Knowledge of ordinary tensor calculus is adequate. Still, those desiring to step beyond these boundaries should sample Schutz, MTW, and Wald.
Cosmology Course: Thermal History Of The Universe Statistical Physics (Vol. I), Lev D. Landau and evgenii M. lifshitz (Pergamon, 1980).A legendary reference and contains much useful background information.
Extractions: In this lecture I sketched the thermal history of the Universe in crude outline and discussed some of the more useful basic physical notions needed to follow more detailed presentations as can be found in Kolb and Turner (The Early Universe) or in Weinberg (Gravitation and Cosmology). Landau and Lifshitz, Statistical Physics (Vol. I) remains the classic reference for understanding the thermodynamic underpinnings. Suggested problems from Lightman et al, the `Problem Book' are 19.27 and 19.28. Lecture Notes in PDF Suggested References The Early Universe , Edward W. Kolb and Michael S. Turner (Addison-Wesley, 1990). A useful text, though presentation is sometimes sketchy and nonuniform. The thermal history of the Universe is covered well (can be cryptic on occasion, though). Statistical Physics (Vol. I) , Lev D. Landau and Evgenii M. Lifshitz (Pergamon, 1980). A legendary reference and contains much useful background information. Gravitation and Cosmology , Steven Weinberg (Wiley, 1972). Presented with the clarity that is the hallmark of Weinberg's writings, this book contains excellent discussions of several cosmological topics. There is some good stuff here on the thermal history of the Universe (though a bit outdated).
Extractions: L Laby, Thomas Howell 03 May 1880 - 21 June 1946 Fellow Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de ? 15 May 1713 - 21 March 1762 Fellow Lacaze-Duthiers, Felix-Joseph Henri de Lacaze- See Duthiers, Felix-Joseph Henri de Lacaze- Lacepede, Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville-sur-Illon, Count of See Illon, Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville-sur-, Count of Lacepede Lachmann, Peter Julius Fellow Lack, David Lambert 16 July 1910 - 12 March 1973 Fellow Lacroix, Francois Antoine Alfred 04 February 1863 - ? 12 March 1948 Foreign Member La Faye, Charles de See Faye, Charles de la Lagny, Thomas Fantet de 07 November 1660 - ? 12 April 1734 Fellow Lagrange, Joseph Louis 25 January 1736 - 10 April 1813 Fellow Laidlaw, Sir Patrick Playfair 26 September 1881 - ? 20 March 1940 Fellow Laing, David 1800 - 06 August 1860 Fellow Lainson, Ralph Fellow Laird, Philip Nicholas Johnson- Fellow Lake, Sir Thomas fl 1657 - 1711 Fellow Lal, Devendra Fellow Lalande, Joseph Jerome le Francois de 11 July 1732 - 04 April 1807 Fellow Lamb, Sir Horace ? 27 November 1849 - 04 December 1934 Fellow Lamb, Trevor David
PhysicsWeb - How Are Galaxies Made? The dominance of gravity leads directly to a general scheme for galaxy formation,first calculated by Lev Landau and evgenii lifshitz of the Institute of
Extractions: Feature: May 1999 Galaxies have been forming since the universe was less than 10% of its current age - as supercomputer simulations predict and observations have confirmed. Ever since the 1930s when galaxies were confirmed as the fundamental building blocks of the universe, their origin and evolution have remained a central focus of physical cosmology. Speculation about the nature of galaxies dates back to the 18th century and the work of thinkers such as Thomas Wright of Durham and Immanuel Kant. Today, the prevailing theoretical ideas revolve around a 20-year-old suggestion that the origin of galaxies should be sought in quantum fluctuations generated at the time of the big bang. As with all problems in physics, the solution to the mystery of galaxy formation requires the interplay between theoretical ideas and experimental data. In this case the data are observations of galaxies stretching back over the history of the universe. 1 Looking back at the universe The universe is thought to be between about 10 and 15 billion years old. Its actual age depends on the Hubble constant, the density of matter in the universe and the value of the cosmological constant. The expansion of the universe means that light emitted by distant galaxies is "redshifted" to longer wavelengths on its journey to the Earth: } @BOOK{ll_87, AUTHOR = {Landau, Lev Davidovich and lifshitz, evgenii Mikhailovich},EDITOR = {}, TITLE = {Fluid Mechanics}, ISBN = {008-033933-6, 0-08-033932
PhysMath Bookshelf Fluid Mechanics (Hydrodynamics) by LD Landau, EM lifshitz / Published 1995 for GridEquations Direct Methods by Aleksandr A. Samarskii, evgenii S. Nikolaev
Physics 821 - Classical Dynamics Lev Landau and evgenii lifshitz, Mechanics, ISBN 0080-21022-8 Very good book tolook up things you forgot but rather short if you want to learn things for the
Extractions: Office: Smith Lab 4052 Office hours: after class and any time I am in my office Phone (office): Phone (home): Email: Office: Smith 1021H Office hours: by appointment Email: Classes: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 8:30am-9:18am ... Prerequisites: (Theoretical Mechanics) or equivalent Here, you can find the lecture notes as the class progresses. Beware, these are scanned from my hand-written notes and thus rather large files. This class will give an introduction into advanced methods of classical mechanics that allow treatment of more complex problems than the standard Newtonian formulation. We will try to develop the formalism as well as look into modern topics such as classical chaos. The subjects covered will be the following: A Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach , ISBN 0-521-63636-1 If you do not like the textbook or if you are just interested in reading things from a different point of view, you may want to look at the following textbooks.
Extractions: 513, Los Angeles Convention Center Robert Joynt (University of Wisconsin-Madison) The question of anomalous transport due to a band of impurity states in unconventional superconductors is discussed. In general, the bound state energies are not in midgap, even in the unitarity limit. This implies that, generically, the states associated with impurities are broad resonances, not true bound states. There is no impurity band in the usual sense of the phrase. The system of resonances produces no qualitative modifications to the T-matrix theory with impurity averaging which is normally used to treat the low-temperature transport of unconventional superconductors. However, users of this method often assume a density of states which is symmetric around the chemical potential. This is not normally the case. It is found that the non-crossing approximation is not valid in a strictly two-dimensional system. Impurity scattering in d-wave superconductivity. Unitarity limit versus Born limit.
Tuesday Afternoon, 17 March 1998 Kazumi Maki, evgenii Puchkaryov (USC) 1530 K35.04 Dwave Pairing in Disordered Departmentof Physics, University of Toronto) 1630 K35.09 On lifshitz tail in
Word Sketch For Bang (n) avoid the conclusion that there must have been a big bang , and therefore a beginningof time, was made by two Russian scientists, evgenii lifshitz and Isaac
Extractions: target door head table ... (back to top) (back to top) Bangs on the door and laughter, explicit threats as the dog whines. There was a loud bang on the door and Grace's angry voice called: "And you can stop that quarrelling, the pair of you. There's a loud bang on the front door and I jump. It was early morning and I went down to answer a bang on the front door of Dad's house.