Lexell Anders Johan Lexell. Born Anders Lexell is sometimes known by the Russianversion of his name which is Andrei Ivanovich Lexell. His http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Lexell.html
Extractions: Anders Lexell In 1768 Lexell was invited to St Petersburg. The St Petersburg Academy of Science had been founded by Catherine I, the wife of Peter the Great, in 1725 and Euler had worked there since 1727. By this time Euler was getting quite old, being 62 years of age when the young mathematician Lexell arrived in 1769. However, working in the same Academy as Euler and other high quality scientists was something which Lexell found exciting and enjoyable. Euler discussed research plans with Lexell and the other mathematicians at the Academy. They shared ideas while Lexell sometimes developed further ideas suggested by Euler , sometimes calculating tables, and compiling examples. For example Lexell is given full credit on the title page for his help with Euler 's 1772 publication Theoria motuum lunae, nova methodo pertractata. In 1771 Lexell was appointed professor of astronomy at the St Petersburg Academy of Science and a few years later he was approached by the Swedish government trying to persuade him to return to Sweden. By this time Lexell had achieved quite a fine reputation as both a mathematician and astronomer and he was highly involved in the exciting work at the Academy. Knowing this, the Swedish government tried too attract him with back with a cleverly worked out offer. He would be appointed to a chair at the University of Abo immediately (this was in 1775) but since he was so involved at work being undertaken at the St Petersburg Academy he would be allowed to remain there for five years to complete the work before returning to Abo. Despite the attractive proposition, Lexell was having none of it and turned it down in favour of staying permanently in St Petersburg.
Extractions: Lärare A B C D ... P Q R S T U ... VW Riktnummer 019 A Namn Tjänst Tel: Ahlström Ingrid Sfi Allbrand Per Ma, Tk Ambertson Eva-Britt Sfi Andersson Ingrid Sfi Arvidson EvaGun Omv Asplund Ann-Christin En B Backén Wilbert Ma Becker Karl-Erik Ma, Nk Bergsten Christina Omv Bergkvist Gunnar Öppet Komvux Bergmark Kerstin Sv Berlin Marianne Ma,Ke Björdin Britt-Marie Omv Björk Anders Sv Björk Eva-Britt Särvux Bohman Linda Omv Bäck Barbro Sv Bäck Margareta Omv Bäcklund Mats Hi,Sh C Collgård Forell Anne Omv D Denander Ingegerd Sv, En E Edfors Maria Ge, Sh Ehrsson Gunwor Omv Ekström Lars Ma Eliasson Ingrid Sv Elmgren Hallinger Ingierd Sfi Eriksson Kierstin Omv F Fohlström Lisbeth Omv Forslund Kerstin Omv Fredin Pia Omv Fredricson Carin Omv Fryksén Birgitta En, Sv G Gising Liselott Omv Gisleskog Ulla Omv Grönlund William Sh Gustafsson Göran Sfi Gustafsson Petra Sfi Gustavsson Elisabet Sfi H Hedberg Mats Ma Hesselbratt Rose-Marie Sfi Holmberg Elisabeth Romerprojektet I Isacsson Håkan Romerprojektet Ivert Kerstin Omv J Janse Maria Sfi Jansson Åke Ma Jennebo Irene Sv Jersenius Christer Sv Johannesson Mary Sfi Johansson Barbro Omv Johansson Birgitta Sv Johansson Kerstin Omv Johansson Ulla Sfi Jonsson Kristin a Sfi Josefsson Helena Ma, K
Helsingin Yliopiston Opettajat Ja Virkamiehet 1640-1917. Hakemisto Levin Gustav, 4. Levin (Livin) Olof, 10. Levänen Sakari, 60. lexell anders Johan,7. Liebman Reinhold, 9. von Liewen Hans Henrik nuor, 1. Lilius Albert H, 40. http://www.helsinki.fi/keskusarkisto/hakemrv.htm
Extractions: Helsingin yliopiston opettaja- ja virkamiesmatrikkeli 1640 - 1917 A B C D ... Y-Ö A Aarne, Antti A., Achander, Anders, Achrelius, Daniel, Achrelius, Ericus, Aejmelaeus, Sanfrid August, Afzelius, Anders Erik , Ahlqvist, August E, Ahrenberg, Carl Wilhelm, Ahlstedt, August Fredrik, Ahlstedt, Johan Ephraim, Ahlstedt, Johan Fredrik, Ailio, Julius E, Airila, Yrjö E, Akiander, Matthias, Alander, Christiernus, Alanus, Abraham, Alanus, Georgius, Alanus, Henrik, Alanus, Jakob Abraham, Alanus, Johannes Georgii, Alanus, Nicolaus, Alcenius, Carl Alexander, Aleksander Aleksandrovitsh (Aleksanteri III), Aleksander Nikolajevitsh ( Aleksanteri II), Almberg (Jalava), Anton Fredrik, Alopaeus, Magnus, Alopaeus, Magnus Jakob, Alopaeus, Pehr Johan, Alstrin, Lars, Aminoff, Germund Fredrik, Aminoff, Johan Fredrik, Andersin, Harald, Apelöf, Erik, Appelberg, Karl Adolf, Appelgren, Simon, Arabashin, Konstantin, Arelin, Johan, Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August, Armfelt, Alexander, Armfelt, Gustaf (Gösta) J F, Armfelt, Gustaf Mauritz, Armfelt, Mauritz Wilhelm (Wladimir)
Extractions: Subject: Swedish Mathematicians Biographic Archive Author: xpolakis@hol.gr Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 01:43:05 +0200 Searching the Net for Jim's querry, I came across an interesting Swedish project: It is a "biographier" of Swedish mathematicians, with pointers to their online papers. The Project's URL (in two lines): http://www.math.uu.se/studie/grundutb/project/KVA_1739_1849/biografier/ The Math Forum
Some Anders J. Lexell Info lexell; anders J.; 17401784; FIN/RUS http://www.astrosurf.com/cielextreme/page118E.html
References For Lexell References for anders lexell. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Articles VI Lysenko, Differential http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Lexell.html
Extractions: V I Lysenko, Differential equations in the works of A J Lexell (Russian), Istor.-Mat. Issled. V I Lysenko, On the mathematical works of A I Lexell (Russian), History and methodology of the natural sciences XXV (Moscow, 1980), 104-112. V I Lysenko, Polygonometric work in Russia in the 18th century (Russian), Istor.-Mat. Issled. Nova acta Acad. Sci. Petropolitanae D Vachov, Anniversaries in mathematics history for 1984 (Bulgarian), Fiz.-Mat. Spis. B'lgar. Akad. Nauk. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
Lexell, Anders Johan (Nordic Authors) lexell, anders Johan (1740 1784) mathematician, Sweden. Project Runeberg, Mon Jan 15 223336 2001 (aronsson) se/ runeberg/ authors/ lexeland. http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/authors/lexeland.html
Extractions: Ruotsin vallan aika 1640 - 1809 FILOSOFINEN TIEDEKUNTA Pyhien kielten (heprean ja kreikan) professori Virka perustettiin 1640, jaettiin 1811 Kaunopuheisuuden ja runouden professori Virka perustettiin 1640 kaunopuheisuuden professori virkana, runouden professori virka yhdistettiin siihen 1747 Logiikan ja metafysiikan professori Virka perustettiin 1640, uudelleenjärjestely 1811 Siveysopin ja historian professori Virka perustettiin 1640 siveysopin, politiikan ja historian professori virkana, nimi vaihdellut, professuuri jaettiin 1811 Matematiikan professori (Mathematum/Matheseos Professor) Virka perustettiin 1640 Luonnontieteen (myöh. fysiikan) professori (Scientiæ Naturalis Professor) Virka perustettiin 1640 "fysiikan ja kasvitieteen" professuurina (Physices & Botanices professori) Kasvitiede irtautui 1747 perustettuun toiseen virkaan ja jäljelle jäi 1750-luvulla fysiikkaan vakiintunut professuuri Runouden professori (Poëseos Professor) Virka perustettiin 1655, yhdistettiin kaunopuheisuuden professori virkaan 1747
Lexell Biography of anders lexell (17401784) anders lexell is sometimes known by the Russian version of his name which is Andrei Ivanovich lexell. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Lexell.html
Extractions: Anders Lexell In 1768 Lexell was invited to St Petersburg. The St Petersburg Academy of Science had been founded by Catherine I, the wife of Peter the Great, in 1725 and Euler had worked there since 1727. By this time Euler was getting quite old, being 62 years of age when the young mathematician Lexell arrived in 1769. However, working in the same Academy as Euler and other high quality scientists was something which Lexell found exciting and enjoyable. Euler discussed research plans with Lexell and the other mathematicians at the Academy. They shared ideas while Lexell sometimes developed further ideas suggested by Euler , sometimes calculating tables, and compiling examples. For example Lexell is given full credit on the title page for his help with Euler 's 1772 publication Theoria motuum lunae, nova methodo pertractata. In 1771 Lexell was appointed professor of astronomy at the St Petersburg Academy of Science and a few years later he was approached by the Swedish government trying to persuade him to return to Sweden. By this time Lexell had achieved quite a fine reputation as both a mathematician and astronomer and he was highly involved in the exciting work at the Academy. Knowing this, the Swedish government tried too attract him with back with a cleverly worked out offer. He would be appointed to a chair at the University of Abo immediately (this was in 1775) but since he was so involved at work being undertaken at the St Petersburg Academy he would be allowed to remain there for five years to complete the work before returning to Abo. Despite the attractive proposition, Lexell was having none of it and turned it down in favour of staying permanently in St Petersburg.
Anders Lexell (1740-84) anders Johan lexell (December 24, 1740 December 11, 1784). Links andersJohan lexell biography, History of Mathematics, University of St. http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/Bios/lexell.html
Extractions: Anders Johan (sometimes in Russian: Andrei Ivanovich) Lexell was born on December 24, 1740 in Abo, then Sweden (now Turku, Finland), where he lived until 1763, and graduated at the university of Abo im 1760. In 1763, he became assistant professor at Uppsala Nautical School, in 1766 professor of mathematics. In 1768 he was invited to the St. Petersburg Academy of Science where he was appointed as professor of astronomy in 1771, and in succession of Euler, to the chair of mathematics in 1783. He died at St. Petersburg a year later, on December 11, 1784. From 1780 to 1782 he had undertaken a travel through Europe and visited Germany, France and England. Besides significant work in mathematics, mainly analysis and geometry, he contributed to astronomy his calculation of the solar parallax and the calculation of the orbits of several comets. Among these comets was one discovered by Charles Messier , the first for which a short period (5 1/2 years) was found. Lexell also found that it had passed very close to Jupiter and its moons, but while the comet changed its orbit significantly and could not be found later, the moons were uneffected; this led him to the conclusion that the comet's mass was extremely low. He also was among the first to calculate an orbit for planet Uranus as it was newly discovered by William Herschel on March 13, 1781.
Deep Sky Astronomers Maskelyne, Nevil (17231811) Delisle, Joseph Nicholas (1688-1768) Lalande, Joseph-Jeromele Francais de (1732-1807) lexell, anders (1740-84) Pingre, Alexandre http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/Bios/histbios.html
Extractions: Hesiod (bet. 1000 and 700 BC) Aristotle (384-322 BC) Hipparchus (c. 190-120 BC) Ptolemy (c. 85-165 AD) Al Sufi (903-986 AD) Magellan , Fernando de (1480-1521) Galilei , Galileo (1564-1642) Peiresc , Nicholas-Claude Fabri de (1580-1637) Cysatus , Johann Baptist (1588-1657) Marius , Simon (1570-1624) Huygens , Christiaan (1629-95) Hodierna , Giovanni Battista (1597-1660) Bullialdus , Ismail (1605-94) Hevelius , Johan [Jan] (1611-87) Ihle , Johann Abraham (1627-99?) Picard , Abbe Jean (1620-82) Halley , Edmond (1656-1742) Flamsteed , John (1646-1719) Kirch , Gottfried (1639-1710) Cassini , Giovanni Domenico (Cassini I; 1625-1712) De Mairan , Jean-Jacques Dortous (1678-1771) Bevis , John (1695-1771) Derham , William (1657-1735) , Philippe Loys (1718-51) Maraldi , Jean-Dominique (Maraldi II; 1709-88) Le Gentil de la Galaziere, Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe-Jean-Baptiste (1725-92) Lacaille , Abbe Nicholas Louis de (1713-62) Messier , Charles (1730-1817) Koehler , Johann Gottfried (1745-1801) Bode , Johan Elert (1747-1826) Darquier de Pellepoix, Antoine (1718-1802)
H/d-18 Resultat 45 45 50 58) 387.27 Johan Israelsson, Jesper lexell, anders Axling, Susanna Nyhrén, Håkan Jerning, Pontus Olsen, Maria http://cgi.tninet.se/~njw639u/u10mila/1996/htdres.htm
Mera anders Johan lexell (17401784). lexell började studera vid ÅboAkademi 1755 och fortsatte sedan vid Uppsala Universitet 1763. http://www.math.uu.se/studie/grundutb/project/KVA_1739_1849/biografier/mera.html
Extractions: Johan Henrik Burmester (1720-1770) Tillbaka Anders Celsius (1701-1744) Anders Celsius behöver egentligen ingen närmare presentation. Redan 1710 blev han inskriven vid Uppsala Universitet. Från början läste Celsius juridik men växlade snart över till naturvetenskapen. Celsius läste matematik för Anders Gabriel Duhre och fick snart även börja undervisa hos honom. År 1727 utgav Celsius läroboken "Aritmetika eller Ränekonst". I "Observationer om tvenne beständiga grader på en thermometer" (1742) visar Celsius att snöns smältpunkt alltid infaller vid samma temperatur oberoende av tryck, och presenterade den 100 gradiga skalan. Anders Celsius: Professor i Uppsala 1701-1744 (Uppsala 1936) och Sten Lindhrots (Stockholm 1989)] Tillbaka Anders von Drake (1682-1744) KVA såg i Drake en begåvad, oegennyttig man med "lätt och förnöjt" sinne. Herr Presidentens von Drakes Minne (KVA 1745:68)] Tillbaka Samuel Duraeus (1718-1789) Tillbaka Per Elvius (1710-1749) Elvius kompetens inom flera vetenskaper har diskuterats, men en konst han definitivt inte hade fallenhet för var talarkonsten. Åhörarna till hans Thamiska föreläsningar upphörde att komma och hans undervisningsskyldighet omvandlades snart till en serie artiklar i KVA. Härav uppkom den intressanta följetongen "Vetenskapernas Historia".
Lexell A. J. Vanhin tiede, s. 364365, 455. anders lexell, Tähdet ja avaruus 5/84, s.186-187. Edellinen hakusana Kääpiotähti Seuraava hakusana Linnunrata. http://www.ursa.fi/kosmos/l/lexell.html
Extractions: Anders Johan Lexell (1740-84) oli suomalainen tähtitieteilijä ja matemaatikko. Lexell tutki differentiaali- ja integraalilaskentaa ja differentiaaliyhtälöitä sekä taivaanmekaniikkaa . Oli L. Eulerin seuraaja Pietarin tiedeakatemian akateemikkona. Lexell oli järjestämässä kansainvälistä Venuksen ohikulun havaitsemista ( Auringon editse) ja julkaisi sen tulokset 1772. Hän tutki C. Messierin 1770 löytämää komeettaa , joka nimettiin Lexellin komeetaksi. Lexell samanaikaisesti Laplacen kanssa osoitti, että W. Herschelin löytämä ja komeetaksi luulema Uranus on planeetta Edellinen hakusana: Kääpiotähti
Genos 32(1961), S. 61-69 (Lexell) Akademikern anders Johan lexell (17401784). Silhuett av F. Anting 1784.Original i Vetenskapsakademins arkiv (Moskva), som välvilligt http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/32/32_61.htm
Extractions: Artikelns slut Lexell På Lexe gård invid Gävle i Sverige bodde under senare delen av 1600-talet bonden Jon(as) och hans hustru Anna Olofsdotter. Två av deras söner gick läsvägen: den äldre, Olaus Jonae Lexelius, inskrevs som student i Uppsala år 1690, den yngre, Johannes Jonae Lexelius, tretton år senare. Olaus Lexelius blev slutligen komminister i Jakob och Johannes församling i Stockholm, medan Johannes Lexelius slutade sina dagar som kyrkoherde i Öregrund år 1765. Om den senares barn har G UNNAR H ÄLLSTRÖM i sitt herdaminne kunnat ge tämligen kompletta uppgifter, medan han om Olaus Lexelii familjeförhållanden har blott sporadiska kunskaper. Han känner till hustruns namn Elisabeth Almgren och uppräknar fyra barn, vilkas öden dock - utom, en i späd ålder död dotters - förblir obekanta. Han framkastar dock den förmodan, att den pärlfiskeriinspektör Jonas Lexelius (sic!), som gifter sig i Åbo 1740 vore identisk med komministerns äldsta son Jonas, f. 1699.[ ] I sitt stora verk om Finlands guldsmeder säger T YRA B ORG , att juveleraren (guldarbetaren) i Åbo Jonas Lexell var son till en kapellan i St. Jakob och född i Stockholm år 1699.[
FinnLinks - Famous Finns Category Updated Sun 9 Apr 2000. L. anders Johan lexell, mathematician anders lexell(17401784) made major contributions to spherical geometry and trigonometry. http://www.genealogia.fi/finnlinks/show.php?cid=24
Lexell A. J. llexell AJ. anders Johan lexell (174084) oli suomalainen tähtitieteilijäja matemaatikko. lexell tutki differentiaali- ja integraalilaskentaa http://www.funet.fi/pub/astro/html/kosmos/l/lexell_a.html
Extractions: Anders Johan Lexell (1740-84) oli suomalainen tähtitieteilijä ja matemaatikko. Lexell tutki differentiaali- ja integraalilaskentaa ja differentiaaliyhtälöitä sekä taivaanmekaniikka a. Oli L. Eulerin seuraaja Pietarin tiedeakatemian akateemikkona. Lexell oli järjestämässä kansainvälistä Venuksen ohikulun havaitsemista ( Auringon editse) ja julkaisi sen tulokset 1772. Hän tutki C. Messierin 1770 löytämää komeetta a, joka nimettiin Lexellin komeetaksi. Lexell samanaikaisesti Laplacen kanssa osoitti, että W. Herschelin löytämä ja komeetaksi luulema Uranus on planeetta Tähtitieteen vaiheita Helsingin yliopistossa, s. 22-24, Kosmos s. 141, 145 Anders Lexell: Tähdet ja Avaruus 5/84 s. 186-187 Edellinen hakusana Etusivulle Hakemisto Lähteet ...