Extractions: HOME science Mandelbrot Der französische Mathematiker Gaston Julia untersuchte im Jahre 1919 das Verhalten der Folge mit Gleichung z n+1 = z n + i . Für z wählte er Werte aus der komplexen Ebene aus. Während bei einer Anzahl von Werten z um den Ursprung der Gauss'schen Ebene z n für n gegen unendlich einem Grenzwert zustrebte oder beschränkt blieb, gab es einen Bereich ausserhalb, welcher divergierte. Es dauerte jedoch bis in die siebziger Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts, bis die Bedeutung der Julia-Mengen erfasst wurde. Julias Formel lässt sich verallgemeinern. Wenn man für c in z n+1 = z n + c eine beliebige komplexe Zahl einsetzt, erhält man zu jedem c eine bestimmte Julia Menge. Die Juliamenge J ist als Randmenge zwischen D und E definiert. Dabei ist D der sog. Divergenzbereich und E der sog. Einzugsbereich (s. Bild 1.1 für c = -0.15 +0.45i). Die Julia-Menge ist also eine Menge aller z mit einer bestimmten Eigenschaft. Für exakte Definitionen von D und E siehe entsprechende Literatur. In Bild 1.2 sind Julia Mengen für c = + i, c = -0.4 + 0.7 i, c = -0.7 + 0.3 i und c = -1.77 + 0.01 i (von links oben nach rechts unten) dargestellt.
OEUVRES Translate this page 4 (1964). julia, gaston, Oeuvres de gaston julia Vol. 1 (1968). julia, gaston,Oeuvres de gaston julia Vol. 2 (1968). Kato, Tosio, Travaux Vol. 1 (1950-1961). http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/MotCle/node9.html
Extractions: suivant: PHILOSOPHIE monter: MotCle HISTOIRE Abel, Niels Henrik Abel, Niels Henrik Artin, Emil The collected papers of Emil Artin (1965) Atiyah, Michael Collected works Vol. 1 (1988) Atiyah, Michael Collected works Vol. 2 (1988) Atiyah, Michael Collected works Vol. 3 (1988) Atiyah, Michael Collected works Vol. 4 (1988) Atiyah, Michael Collected works Vol. 5 (1988) Badrikian, Albert Oeuvres scientifiques (1990) Banach, Stefan Oeuvres Vol. 2 (1979) Bellman, Richard E. The Bellman continuum (1986) Bernoulli, Jakob Die Werke von Jakob Bernoulli Vol. 1 (1969) Bishop, Errett Selected papers (1986) Bochner, Salomon Selected mathematical papers of Salomon Bochner (1969) Bolzano, Bernard Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 1 (1930) Borel, Armand Oeuvres Vol. 1 (1983) Borel, Armand Oeuvres Vol. 2 (1983) Borel, Armand Oeuvres Vol. 3 (1983) Borel, Armand Oeuvres Vol. 4 (2001) Borel, Emile Oeuvres de Emile Borel Vol. 1 (1972) Borel, Emile Oeuvres de Emile Borel Vol. 2 (1972) Borel, Emile Oeuvres de Emile Borel Vol. 3 (1972) Borel, Emile Oeuvres de Emile Borel Vol. 4 (1972)
RESERVE Translate this page julia, gaston, Cours de cinématique, 1928. julia, gaston, Eléments d'algèbre,1959. julia, gaston, Eléments de géométrie infinitésimale, 1927. http://www.iecn.u-nancy.fr/~eguether/bibliotheque/RESERVE/
Extractions: Abouabdillah, Driss Adhemar, Robert d' Adhemar, Robert d Adhemar, Robert d' Adhemar, Robert d' Statique Albert, Abraham Modern higher algebra Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Appell, Paul Arsac, J. Auerbach, F. Grenzgebiete der technischen und physikalischen Mechanik Auerbach, F. Baker, H. F. Abel's theorem and the allied theory Barnsley, Michael General solution of a Boltzmann equation, and the formation of Maxwellian tails Beghin, Henri Beghin, Henri Beghin, Henri Statique et dynamique Vol. 1 Beghin, Henri Beghin, Henri Beghin, Henri Beghin, Henri Beghin, Henri Behnke, Heinrich Theorie der Funktionen mehrerer komplexer Veranderlichen Behnke, Heinrich Benoit, A. Cosmographie Bernstein, Serge Bertrand, J. Betz, Albert Konforme Abbildung Birtwistle, George Blanc, A. Rayonnement Blutel, E. Blutel, E. Bohr, Niels Boll, Marcel Boll, Marcel Bolzano, Bernard Bernard Bolzano's Schriften Vol. 1 Boole, George A treatise on differential equations Borel, Emile Borel, Emile
Re: Gaston Gaudio TE AMO!!!!! Translate this page julia - 23/09/2002 2032 Re gaston Gaudio TE AMO!!!!! julia- 23/09/2002 2034. Re gaston Gaudio TE AMO!!!!! daniela - 25 http://boards2.melodysoft.com/app?ID=tenisargentino&msg=57
Re: Gaston Gaudio TE AMO!!!!! Translate this page Andrea - 23/09/2002 1451 Re gaston Gaudio TE AMO!!!!! julia - 23/09/2002 2037.Re gaston Gaudio TE AMO!!!!! Andrea - 23/09/2002 1448. Volver Responder. http://boards2.melodysoft.com/app?ID=tenisargentino&msg=56
Gaston Maurice Julia Translate this page gaston Maurice julia. geboren am 3. Februar 1893 in Sidi Bel Abbès (Algerien). gastonMaurice julia starb am 19. März 1978 in Paris (Frankreich). http://mitglied.lycos.de/InformatikLk/Apfel/gaston.htm
Extractions: - Soldat an der französischen Front im ersten Weltkrieg verlor seine Nase und musste von da an für den Rest seines Lebens einen Lederriemen über seinem Gesicht tragen während Operationen betrieb er im Krankenhaus seine mathematischen Forschungen. - 1918 veröffentlichte er sein 199-seitiges Meisterwerk "Mémoire sur l'iteration des fonctions rationelles" behandelte die Iteration einer rationalen Funktion f Julia beschrieb präzise die Menge J(f) für z aus C, für welche die n-te Iteration f n (z) für n gegen unendlich begrenzt bleibt. heutige Bezeichnung dieser Menge ist "Julia-Menge". Seine Arbeit gewann den Grand Prix der l'Académie des Sciences und machte Julia in den mathematischen Hochburgen seiner Zeit berühmt.
The Julia Sets The julia Sets gaston julia HAD SETS TOO There is only one Mandelbrot setand every number in the complex plane is either in or out of the set. http://mcasco.com/jset.html
Extractions: The Julia Sets GASTON JULIA HAD SETS TOO... There is only one Mandelbrot set and every number in the complex plane is either in or out of the set. Associated with every point in the complex plane is a set somewhat similar to the Mandelbrot set called a "Julia" set after the mathematician Gaston Julia. In developing the Mandelbrot set we examined points in the complex plane to see if z If we examine points in the complex plane to see if z +k diverges, where k is a fixed complex number, we get the Julia set associated with the point k. Instead of changing the constant in the function as we move from pixel to pixel, we hold the value of k fixed as we scan the screen. Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set are close relatives. The Julia set boundary will be illuminated by the escape time algorithm as was the case for the Mandelbrot set. Julia sets take several different forms depending on the location in the plane of the fixed point k. Now that you have had a description of how Julia sets are generated we will give you a guided tour of some of the possibilities. Each of the next several displays shows an entire Julia set. Note the coordinates of the starting point in the label above the drawing area. Each Julia set is contained in the same region of the complex plane as is the Mandelbrot set. In fact the Mandelbrot set has been called a catalog of the Julia sets. Many similar structures are seen in both sets. The boundaries of either might be considered the ultimate fractal object. Run the following series of Julia set displays to see the sets develop. I have included below each display title an image of the final results.
(Julia FREDENBURG - John B. GOWEN ) 1802 1873) Susanna FURNER ( - ) Jacomyutje FYNHOUT ( - ) julia GALLAGHER ( - )Patricia GAME Minnie Matilda GARTON (NOV 1878 - ) David gaston (1820 - ) David http://www.cybersurfers.net/~vredenb/gedcom/ind0009.html
Informations Généalogiques Translate this page HÉDIN, gaston, Sexe Masculin Naissance 07 avril 1930 Décès 1930. TUNCQ, Mauricette julia Georgette, TUNCQ, Claude gaston Jules, http://perso.wanadoo.fr/jean-luc.dron/jld/dat82.htm
Julia Fractaal gaston julia (gaston Maurice julia, 1893 1978, Frankrijk) publiceerde in 1919zijn boek Mémoire sur l'iteration des fonctions rationelles waarin hij het http://www.pandd.demon.nl/complex1/julia_fractaal.htm
Extractions: We bekijken deze functie op een bijzondere manier: we maken een rij van functiewaarden als volgt. Kies een getal, en noem dat x Bereken de functiewaarde voor x , en noem deze waarde x Bereken de functiewaarde voor x , en noem deze waarde x Enzovoorts. We krijgen dus een rij getallen die voldoen aan x n+1 f x n Gaston Julia (Gaston Maurice Julia, 1893 - 1978, Frankrijk) publiceerde in 1919 zijn boek Mémoire sur l'iteration des fonctions rationelles waarin hij het iteratief gedrag van de in hoofde genoemde functie(s) onderzocht. C =
2D Julia Sets julia Sets. gaston julia wrote a paper describing these sets in Mémoire surl'itération des fonctions rationnelles, Journal de Math. Pure et Appl. http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractal-info/2dj.htm
Extractions: A Julia set is the result of a 2 dimensional iteration over the complex plane. Here "x" represents the real and "y" the imaginary component of the two axes describing the plane. Each pixel is the result of a recursive solution of a very simple mathematical expression. Each pixel colour is a visual indication of the number of iterations completed before the escape test was passed. The dark centre region never passed our test within the iteration limits imposed. Z is a complex value initialized to each pixel coordinate and then used recursively to calculate a new value Z whose magnitude is tested after each iteration. Here the bailout value is set to 4.0 This image is typical of what a 2 Dimensional Julia Set will look like using modern computers with their sophisticated graphical displays. I think it is important to remember that when these were first visualised, computers had not even been invented yet. Indeed, the concept of these sets had been known to the mathematical world for quite a few years before anyone ever tried to plot them out in any type of graphical representation. Gaston Julia first presented his paper
FRACTINT Julia Sets These sets were named for mathematician gaston julia, and can be generated bya simple change in the iteration process described for the Mandelbrot Set . http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/julia_type.html
Extractions: Julia type (type=julia) These sets were named for mathematician Gaston Julia, and can be generated by a simple change in the iteration process described for the Mandelbrot Set The relationship between the Mandelbrot Mandellambda Sets Some equations have additional parameters. These values are entered as the third or fourth params= value for both Julia and Mandelbrot sets. The variables x and y refer to the real and imaginary parts of z; similarly, cx and cy are the real and imaginary parts of the parameter c and fx(z) and fy(z) are the real and imaginary parts of f(z). The variable c is sometimes called lambda for historical reasons. Julia Toggle Spacebar Commands The spacebar toggle has been enhanced for the classic Mandelbrot and Julia types. When viewing the Mandelbrot, the spacebar turns on a window mode that displays the Inverse Julia corresponding to the cursor position in a window. Pressing the spacebar then causes the regular Julia escape time fractal corresponding to the cursor position to be generated. The following keys take effect in Inverse Julia mode. [Space] [n] Numbers toggle - shows coordinates of the cursor on the screen. Press
Mandelbrot En Julia interpretatie van een Mandelbrotset. gaston julia (link naar KU Brussel), Geboren1893 in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algerije, gaston julia. interpretatie van een julia-set. http://members.ams.chello.nl/ilundahl/manjul.html
Extractions: Benoit Mandelbrot link naar K.U. Brussel Geboren: 1924 te Warschau, Polen Mandelbrot is verantwoordelijk voor het ontstaan en de grote bloei van de fractalmeetkunde. Met behulp van computers toonde hij aan dat Julia's werk een grote bron is voor het maken van fractals. Mandelbrot werkt nog steeds voor IBM in het Watson Research Center Benoit Mandelbrot interpretatie van een Mandelbrot-set Gaston Julia link naar K.U. Brussel Geboren: 1893 in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algerije Overleden: 1978 te Parijs Julia, de grondlegger van de complexe dynamische systemen is vooral gekend door de naar hem genoemde Julia-Set. Waarschijnlijk was hij niet zo bekend geworden indien Mandelbrot in de jaren zeventig niet was komen opdagen met computervoorstellingen van de Julia-Set. Gaston Julia interpretatie van een Julia-set startpagina
Nationalencyklopedin På Internet, NE.se - NE.se Söksida 5. julia, gaston julia , gaston,18931978, fransk matematiker verksami Paris, framför allt känd genom begreppet julia-mängder. http://www.ne.se/jsp/tradedoubler/search.jsp?t_word=Julia
Nationalencyklopedin På Internet, NE.se - NE.se Söksida 7. julia, gaston julia , gaston,18931978, fransk matematiker verksami Paris, framför allt känd genom begreppet julia-mängder. http://www.ne.se/jsp/tradedoubler/search.jsp?t_word=Juli
Wiskundigen - Julia julia. gaston julia (1893 1978) was een Frans wiskundige, geborenin Algerije. Over zijn leven is weinig anders te melden dan dat http://www.wiskundeweb.nl/Wiskundegeschiedenis/Wiskundigen/Julia.html
Extractions: Gaston Julia (1893 - 1978) was een Frans wiskundige, geboren in Algerije. Over zijn leven is weinig anders te melden dan dat hij ernstig gewond raakte als Frans soldaat in de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Hij verloor zijn neus en moest de rest van zijn leven met een neuskap lopen. De periode waarin hij middels pijnlijke operaties weer werd opgelapt, deed hij zijn wiskundige onderzoekingen. In 1918 legde hij het resultaat neer in een beroemd artikel over 'iteratieve toepassing van rationale functies', waarin de beroemde Julia-verzameling werd beschreven in termen van operaties met complexe getallen.
Zandor's - Alessandro Rosa - Windows Security My experience in translating the articles of gaston julia suggested me that Originalarticles are very important for studies of beginners and experts too http://malilla.supereva.it/Pages/Papers/papers.html
Extractions: Original articles are very important for studies of beginners and experts too, since they are a source of basic concepts for further studies. They are quite hard to find out. In most occasion, they are not written in English but in the original language of its author; so if you achieved in find it, you'll have to learn a new language and then study it (... ooooh !). My SUGGESTION is invite anyone to join and then to write down a list of Net links to translations of original articles. Here are listed the publications and/or papers: ( download from here
Individus Translate this page Retour, Paul Jean Frédéric MONOD, Marie Louise BABUT, Eugène MONOD,Magdeleine Emily julia Louise BELLAMY. gaston Frédéric Eugène MONOD. http://mag.free.fr/monod/www/mono0007.html
Table Of Contents Translate this page suite). 102. . ARTICLE, julia, gaston Sur la représentation conformedes aires triplement connexes. 106. . ARTICLE, Moser, Chr. Zwei