Curriculum Vitae Of Daniel Kral 2001; the fourth prize at the 8th Annual vojtech jarnik InternationalMathematical Competition 1998, Ostrava, Czech Republic; hish
Extractions: Name: Daniel Kral Born: 30/6/1978, Zlin, Czech Republic PhD student of: Department of Applied Mathematics and Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Charles University, Malostranske namesti 25, 118 00 Prague, Czech Republic Home address: Nevanova 1035/20, 163 00 Prague - Repy, Czech Republic E-mail: WWW: since October 2001 a graduate student of Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Master Degree in Computer Science received in September 2001 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic master thesis "Computational Complexity and Graph Theory" defended in September 2001, advisor Jan Kratochvil all but one university courses passed with grade 1 (US grade A) received several awards during my studies (see the full list below), e.g., the best alumni award given by Czech Ministry of Education, the Bolzano award given by Charles University advanced twice to the finals of ACM ICPC; a member of the champion team of Central European Region of ACM ICPC in 1999
Kat. Aplikovane Matematiky Korte, B Nesetril, Jaroslav vojtech jarnik's work in combinatorial optimization(autor state), S. 37-54, Prometheus, Prometheus Praha, 1999, stat ve sborniku.
Kat. Matematicke Analyzy 21, c. 1, 1999, s. 387395, puvodni clanek. Novak, Bretislav Life andwork of vojtech jarnik 200 s., Prometheus, Praha, 1999, sbornik.
Extractions: Jdi na jmena zacinajici na: A B C C ... Other Poradi Cislo Jmeno Poznamka Abilunon Agafonikov Albis Aldrin ... Bivoj planetka typu Amor (NEO) Blaha Blanik Bohsternberk Bolzano ... Echion Trojan v libracnim bode L4 Emicka Enya Fabini Fabribudweis ... Kazi velmi vystredna draha (e=0.42) Kleczek Klementinum Klepesta Klet ... Krok planetka typu Amor (NEO) Kryl Kremze Krizik Kubisova ... Mentor Trojan v libracnim bode L5 Messier Messner Mikulasek Milanstefanik ... Premysl sklon drahy k rovine ekliptiky 26 stupnu Pribram Puchnarova Purkyne Qualytemocrina ... Teta sklon drahy k rovine ekliptiky 32 stupnu Thalpius Trojan v libracnim bode L4 Tolstikov Toyen Treshnikov Triglav ... von Suttner Posledni upravy 14.ledna 2003. Zpet na predchozi stranku Zpet na zakladni stranku
AB 5/2002 [Tiskový Odbor AV ÈR] V sekci matematickofyzikalni se jim stal vojtech jarnik, v sekci geologicko-geografickemineralog Frantisek Slavik, v chemicke Rudolf Brdicka, v biologicke
Extractions: pøednáka PhDr. Antonína Kostlána, CSc. Jestlie ji v tøicátých letech byla u nás i v zahranièí organizaèní struktura vìdecké práce pøevzatá de facto jetì z 19. století podrobována rostoucí kritice, po zkuenostech získaných za druhé svìtové války se ji nepochybovalo, e je málo efektivní, a zaèaly být pøipravovány zásadní zmìny. Témìø ve vech evropských zemích dolo v deseti èi patnácti letech po roce 1945 k zásadnímu pøebudování vìdecké infrastruktury a k prosazení nových organizaèních forem èasto nevázaných na universitní prostøedí. Z tohoto úhlu pohledu mùeme vznik Èeskoslovenské akademie vìd povaovat za projev tého modernizaèního trendu, který zásadním zpùsobem pøetvoøil pováleènou Evropu a postavil ji na dnení základy. Po znaènou èást své existence byla Èeskoslovenská akademie vìd institucí, která drela krok se svìtovou vìdou, byla schopna se podílet na tvorbì nových paradigmat a v nìkterých pøípadech dosáhla i celosvìtovì uznávaných výsledkù. Za daò této modernizaci mùeme povaovat i fakt, e její vznik byl spojen se zánikem pøedchozích vìdeckých spoleèností, tedy nejen výe zmiòované Èeské akademie vìd a umìní, ale i Královské èeské spoleènosti nauk, prvorepublikové Masarykovy akademie práce, Èeskoslovenské národní rady badatelské a dalích. Rozhlédneme-li se po tehdejí Evropì, uvidíme, e v nìkterých pøípadech se pøi prosazování nových organizaèních rámcù pøistupovalo sice k tradièním institucím s jistou pietou, jinde vak docházelo k jejich nesentimentální funkèní pøestavbì. Pro pøíklad nemusíme chodit daleko za nae hranice. Spoleènost císaøe Viléma (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft) zaloená v roce 1911 sice pøedstavovala jednu z tradièních opor nìmecké vìdy, a pøece tamní vìdci neváhali a dali na zasedání v Göttingenu 26. února 1948 souhlas k jejímu zásadnímu pøebudování do nové funkèní podoby spojené se jménem nedávno pøed tím zemøelého nestora nìmecké vìdy Maxe Plancka.
[HM] History Of Transcendental Numbers By Dave L. Renfro of Lebesgue measure, Hausdorff dimension, Baire category, their LiouvilleRoth constants,and a more precise Hausdorff measure result by vojtech jarnik at sci
Extractions: Subject: [HM] History of transcendental numbers Author: Date: ... The Math Forum
HLAVATY MSS. II Allendorfer, Vincent W. Allin, Josef Anderle, James LeRoy Anderson, vojtech ErvinAndic Maurice Janet, Allen Ira Janis, Ludvik Janos, Vojta jarnik, Ivan Jelinek
Extractions: Correspondence with friends in Czechoslovakia and different parts of the world deals almost exclusively with personal and family matters. About thirty percent of all of the correspondence is in Czech and some in Slovak. Collection size: 8,012 items For more information about this collection and any related materials contact the Manuscripts Department, Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 Telephone: (812) 855-2452.
Extractions: 173 ucastniku AUSBERGEROVA Marie PaedDr. . BACHELOVA Zdena BECVAR Jindrich doc. RNDr. CSc., MU UK, Praha. BLAHNIK Otakar prom. fyzik, KMA FAV ZCU, Plzen. BOHAC Zdenek RNDr. CSc., Institut mat. a d.g. VSB TU, Ostrava. BOUSKA Josef prof., Jihlava. BREJCHA Milos Ing., KMA FAV ZCU, Plzen. BROUSEK Vaclav Mgr., Klatovy. BROZ Petr Gymnazium, Cheb. BRUNOVA Jitka RNDr., Olomouc. BURDA Pavel doc. RNDr. CSc., Institut mat. a d.g. VSB TU, Ostrava. BUSEK Ivan PhDr., Praha. CALDA Emil doc. RNDr. CSc., MFF UK, Praha. COUFALOVA Jana PaedDr. CSc., Plzen. CEPICKA Jan Ing., KMA FAV ZCU, Plzen. CERNA Ivana Chlumec. CERNIKOVA Marie Mgr., Praha. CERNY Jaroslav doc. RNDr. CSc., FSV CVUT, Praha. DAVIDOVA Eva RNDr., Petrvald. DITTRICH Jiri RNDr., Brno. DLAB Vlastimil prof. RNDr. CSc. . DOLANSKY Petr RNDr., KMA FAV ZCU, Plzen. DOLEZALOVA Jarmila RNDr. CSc., Intitut Mat. a d.g. VSB TU, Ostrava. DRABEK Pavel prof. RNDr. DrSc., KMA FAV ZCU, Plzen. DRAHOTSKY Petr Mgr., Hradec Kralove. DVORAK Karel Mgr., Milevsko.
PC Fórum - Diskuzní Fórum O Poèítaèích telekomunikaci. vojtech jarnik je borec, ale rusak Demidovic ma takysve kouzlo. Ohledne me prace pro lidi je to takhle. Nejsem
Images Of Mathematicians On Postage Stamps High-quality scans of postage stamps from around the world picturing famous mathematicians.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories 1891), C. Strouhal (physicist, 18501922), and V. jarnik (mathematician, 1897 FilipeFaria, Oliver Faulhaber, Maike Den Houting, Dr. vojtech Jankovic, Roland
Extractions: Images of Mathematicians on Postage Stamps RECENT CHANGES: On March 15, a Spanish stamp depicting Archimedes was added, a stamp issued by the Netherlands depicting De Witt was added, a 1961 stamp issued by the Soviet Union depicting workers studying mathematics was added, a 1978 Finnish stamp commemorating the Internation Congress of Mathematicians was added, and bernoulli.jpg, imk.jpg, lagrange.jpg, leibniz1.jpg, leibniz2.jpg, luxembourg2000.jpg, nunes.jpg, and huygens1.jpg were replaced with better scans. Thanks to Bert Jagers for these images. Also on March 15, workers2.jpg, newton46.jpg, newton47.jpg, huygens3.jpg, descartes8.jpg, and descartes9.jpg were added. Thanks to Brigitte Vallee for these images. ABEL, Niels Henrik. Issued by Norway on April 6, 1929, upon the death centenary abel1.jpg abel2.jpg abel3.jpg abel4.jpg ; issued by Norway on June 5, 2002, on the two-hundredth anniversary of his birth abel5.jpg abel6.jpg ; a coin issued by Norway in 2002 on the 200th anniversary of his birth abel7.jpg
Archiv Obsahu 1998 Z HISTORIE Pred sto lety se narodil cesky matematik a pedagog vojtech jarnik, 9.AUTOMATIZACE - Integrace procesnich ridicich systemu a prumyslovych pohonu, 10.
Extractions: NABIDKA MULTIMETRU - Nove digitalni multimetry METEX POJISTKY VN FIRMY SIBA - Tepelna ochrana spinacich zarizeni pojistkami vn firmy SIBA s vestavenym teplotnim omezovacem Z HISTORIE - Pred sto lety se narodil cesky matematik a pedagog Vojtech Jarnik AUTOMATIZACE - Integrace procesnich ridicich systemu a prumyslovych pohonu NORMALIZACE PRISTROJE z a.s. METRA BLANSKO - Pristroje pro mereni proudovych chranicu pri revizich elektrickych zarizeni - Pristroje pro revizni techniky z a.s. Metra Blansko ZAJIMAVOSTI - Vyrobni program tenzometru u HBM - MGCplus = zkusenost + budoucnost, MGCpress zaruci kvalitu lisovanych spoju Trojfazove soustavy, Hratky s rezistory VELETRHY A VYSTAVY - Kalendar vybranych odbornych veletrhu a vystav pro 1. pololeti 1998 - Jubilejni veletrh remesel - Nejmodernejsi vystaviste se otvira v Mnichove - Nejvetsi veletrh informacni techniky - Drive '98 - Automatizace v modernich budovach - Male servomotory s velkymi momenty CHRANICE V PRAXI - Pravda o chranicich NOVE KNIHY Pristupovy a dochazkovy system IQPropTM/Business REVIZE ZARIZENI - Revize starych zarizeni podle novych norem Firma MQI, Brno nabizi
GENERAL INFO He was a student of the wellknown Czech mathematician vojtech jarnik,and he was also the head of the Department from its very beginning.
Liane BBS: CZriddles: Re: Taky Blbost II Jo! Viz vojtech jarnik Diferencialni pocet I. Je to tam dost dobre popsany a jestliTe tahle vec opravdu zajima, asi sotva sezenes lepsi literaturu (tohle je
Predmetove Skupiny as, Strakonice 20012005 Fibich, Ondrej, 1954- Filip, vojtech, 1955- Filipova zima,divadelni hra Jamboree, Strakonice Janssen, Olaf Japonsko jarnik, vrch, okr
ARC 1998 010167 AZ 980067 CZ cze I Madlova, V. vojtech jarnik. (Ed. Barvikova, H.).- Praha, Archiv AV CR 1998. - 12 s. Grant GA AV CR(CZ) KSK3077601.
Famous Mathematicians Translate this page Simmetrie di equazioni differenziali. Eduard Janisch (1868-1915). Zygmunt Janiszewski(1888-1920). Christian Jansson (nato 1951). vojtech jarnik (1897-1970).
Extractions: Famous mathematicians A B C D ... Z Gruppi algebrici, geometria enumerativa. Matematica italiana, nata a Milano. La curva x^2y=a^2(a-y) porta il suo nome. Dedico' gli ultimi 40 anni della sua vita alla cura dei poveri. Scrisse in due volumi le "Istituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventu' ialiana" che contengono la nuova analisi differenziale di Leibniz e Newton. 12418 June Barrow-Green: Maria Gaetana Agnesi. EMS Newsletter March 1999, 18-19. Medaglia Fields nel 1936, premio Wolf nel 1981. Raoul Bott a.o.: Lars Valerian Ahlfors (1907-1996). Notices AMS February 1998, ... Frederick Gehring/Irwin Kra/Steven Krantz/Robert Osserman: The mathematics of Lars Valerian Ahlfors. Notices AMS February 1998, ... Ahmose (ca. 1700 a.C.)
Erdos Connection Erdos2, Version 2002, February 2, 2002 This is a list of the 6419 persons with Erdos number equal to 2, together with their coauthors who have Erdos number 1 listed beneath them. Balcar, Bohuslav NESETRIL, JAROSLAV RODL, vojtech Balcerzak, Marek BAUMGARTNER, JAMES E. SHELAH, Claudia LEFMANN, HANNO RODL, vojtech Bertrand-Mathis, Anne VOLKMANN, BODO Besicovitch,
Extractions: Erdos2, Version 2002, February 2, 2002 This is a list of the 6419 persons with Erdos number equal to 2, together with their co-authors who have Erdos number 1 listed beneath them. An asterisk following the name indicates that this Erdos co-author is known to be deceased; additional information about the status of Erdos co-authors would be most welcomed. (This convention is not used for those with Erdos number 2, as to do so would involve too much work.) Please send corrections and comments to . The Erdos Number Project Web site can be found at the following URL: