Promotionsausschüsse Dr.phil In Deutschland, Österreich Und Schweiz Translate this page Kulenkampff, von Engelhardt, hudde, Frau Kugelmann Philosophische Fakultät I undII und zuständig Promotionsausschuss FB 10, Adresse johann Wolfgang Goethe
Veröffentlichungen Paul Gerhard Schmidt Translate this page vH hudde uU Schöning, Heidelberg 1997, S. 31-35. und übersetzt von PGS In Sitzungsberichteder Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft an der johann Wolfgang Goethe
Extractions: 1. Herausgeberschaft Mittellateinische Studien und Texte, Bd. 12ff., hg. v. P.G.S., Leiden/New York/Köln 1988ff. Exil, Fremdheit und Ausgrenzung in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit, hg. v. P.G.S., A. Bihrer u. S. Limbeck, Würzburg 2000 (Identitäten und Alteritäten 4). Die Frau in der Renaissance, hg. v. P.G.S., Wiesbaden 1994 (Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung 14). Humanismus im deutschen Südwesten, im Auftrag der Stiftung 'Humanismus heute' hg. v. P.G.S., Sigmaringen 1993. Hugo von Lüttich, Peregrinarius, ed. v. F. Unterkircher, hg. v. P.G.S., Leiden 1991, (Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 17). Walther Ludwig, Litterae neolatinae, hg. v. L. Braun, H.-W. Ehlers, P.G.S. u. B. Seidensticker, München 1989. Lateinische Sprichwörter und Sentenzen des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit in alphabetischer Anordnung. Neue Folge, Bde. 7-9, aus dem Nachlaß von Hans Walther hg. v. P.G.S., Göttingen 1982-86. Pontanos Tumuli Milch und Esel. Demutsgesten in der Vita des Dominikaners Elger, Graf von Hohenstein, in: Dorothea Walz (Hg.), Scripturus vitam. Festschrift Walter Berschin, Heidelberg 2002, S. 1025-1029.
ITALIENISCH - Ital. Themen WS 2000/01 DEUTSCHLAND Translate this page Schlüter (P). Diskussionsforum Italien (KO). Heydenreich (P) hudde (P)/Schlüter(P). Cristiani (Lb). Frankfurt am Main johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität. Inst.
Jahresforschungsbericht @ Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Translate this page The Contribution and Impact of johann Adam Schall von Bell, SJ (1592 - 1666),ed. by Roman Malek, SV D., Sankt Augustin, 1998. In H. hudde et al.
Extractions: Jahresforschungsbericht 1997-1998 Privatdozenten: Prof. Dr. D. Girgensohn (apl.), PD Dr. T. Maurer, Prof. Dr. H. Medick (apl.), Prof. Dr. G. J. Trittel (apl.), PD Dr. K.T. Winkler. Forschungsgebiete und Forschungsschwerpunkte: Prof. Dr. Michael Behnen: Internationale Beziehungen im 19. Jahrhundert. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Boockmann: Dr. Uwe Israel: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Rudolf von Thadden: Dr. Thomas Klingebiel: Prof. Dr. Bernd Weisbrod: Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte des viktorianischen Englands; Politische Kultur der Gewalt im 20. Jahrhundert; Geschichte des Landes Niedersachsen nach 1945. Prof. Dr. Hermann Wellenreuther: PD Dr. Claudia Schnurmann Prof. Dr. Michael Behnen: - "Status regiminis Provinciae". Althusius und die freie Republik Emden in Ostfriesland, in: Rechtstheorie, Beiheft 16/1997, S.139ff. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Boockmann: Dr. Uwe Israel: Dr. Thomas Klingebiel: Dr. Christopher Kopper: - "Ausgeplündert, in Ruinen". Die Deutsche Reichsbahn 1945-1963, in: Zeitschrift f. Unter-nehmensgeschichte 2/1997, S.185-208. - Between coercion and cooperation. Banking in National Socialist Germany, in: Financial History Review 1 /1998, S.49-62.
The Rise Of Calculus Descartes' method and hudde's Rule were important in influencing Newton. the developmentof the calculus was continued by Jacob Bernoulli and johann Bernoulli.
Extractions: The main ideas which underpin the calculus developed over a very long period of time indeed. The first steps were taken by Greek mathematicians. To the Greeks numbers were ratios of integers so the number line had holes in it. They got round this difficulty by using lengths, areas and volumes in addition to numbers for, to the Greeks, not all lengths were numbers. Zeno of Elea , about 450 BC, gave a number of problems which were based on the infinite. For example he argued that motion is impossible:- If a body moves from A to B then before it reaches B it passes through the mid-point, say B of AB. Now to move to B it must first reach the mid-point B of A B . Continue this argument to see that A must move through an infinite number of distances and so cannot move. Leucippus Democritus and Antiphon all made contributions to the Greek method of exhaustion which was put on a scientific basis by Eudoxus about 370 BC. The method of exhaustion is so called because
Dr. Matrix' Discussion Of Mathematics and Isaac Barrow, as well as on work of such Continental mathematicians as Descartes,Francesco Bonaventura Cavalieri, johann van Waveren hudde, and Gilles
Extractions: Hyperlinked by Dr. Matrix Mathematics , the study of relationships among quantities, magnitudes, and properties and of logical operations by which unknown quantities, magnitudes, and properties may be deduced. In the past, mathematics was regarded as the science of quantity, whether of magnitudes, as in geometry , or of numbers, as in arithmetic , or of the generalization of these two fields, as in algebra . Toward the middle of the 19th century, however, mathematics came to be regarded increasingly as the science of relations, or as the science that draws necessary conclusions. This latter view encompasses mathematical or symbolic logic, the science of using symbols to provide an exact theory of logical deduction and inference based on definitions, axioms, postulates, and rules for combining and transforming primitive elements into more complex relations and theorems. This brief survey of the history of mathematics traces the evolution of mathematical ideas and concepts, beginning in prehistory. Indeed, mathematics is nearly as old as humanity itself; evidence of a sense of geometry and interest in geometric pattern has been found in the designs of prehistoric pottery and textiles and in cave paintings. Primitive counting systems were almost certainly based on using the fingers of one or both hands, as evidenced by the predominance of the numbers 5 and 10 as the bases for most number systems today.
Extractions: pleroma - Reading in Hegel (English translation by Nicolas Walker and Simon Jarvis), Co-published by Athlone Publishers, London, and Stanford University Press, 1998 (304 pp.). Maser. - Bemerkungen im Hinblick auf Hinrich Weidemann's Bilder. Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, 1998 (84 pp.). Premises - Essays on Philosophy and Literature from Kant to Celan (English translation by Peter Fenves) Stanford University Press, 1999 (393 pp.) Editions:
ªk °ê ¼Æ ¾Ç ®a 17centurey Frenicle 1605~1675, ?Arnauld 1612~169, ? ?hudde 1628~1704. ? ? johann Rahn1622~1676, Roger Cotes 1682~1716, Georg
Index van den, heer van Wedde en Westerwolde II, III Hoverbeck, johann von X van hudde,Hendrick Hendricksz. III Hudsonbaai IV Huet, PierreDaniel XIII Hüfingen
Alfabetische Index ANF, V (1888), 213; Staatsche Leger, VIII, bd.III. WARTENBERG, graaf van,zie KOLBE, johann KASIMIR. WAVEREN, heer van, zie hudde, JOANNES.
Extractions: @import url(CSS/Form); /*IE and NN6x styles*/ HOME REACTIE SITEMAP HULP ... VERWIJZINGEN PROJECTMENU Onderzoek Projecten Brieven Anthonie Heinsius 1702-1720 A ... Z WAART , N.N. VAN. X N.n.g. Advocaat, genoemd door B. van der Dussen als behorend tot een gezelschap notabelen uit Rotterdam en omgeving dat in Geertruidenberg contact had met de Fransen. WACHSLAGER , GEORG, Friherre. II -IV Repertorium , I. WACHTMEISTER , HANS, graaf von. I ; II; VI; X; XI; XVII Admiraal van de Zweedse vloot. Hatton, Charles XII WACKERBARTH , AUGUST CHRISTOPH, graaf. I ; II; VI; VIII; IX; XI-XIV ADB Weensche Gezantschapsberichten WACQUANT , ANGELUS DE JESU MARIA DE. X R.K. priester; Carmeliet; kapelaan van de keizerlijke kapel in 's-Gravenhage 1717-20. Schutte, Buitenlandse Vertegenwoordigers WADDINXVEEN , heer van, zie BELLE , JOSUA VAN. WADE , GEORGE. VI ; XVIII (1673-1748) Engels officier; 1704 kolonel en adjudant-generaal van de Engelse troepen in Spanje en Portugal; 1708 brigadier en tot 1710 in Spanje; 1714 generaal-majoor; diende later in Schotland; opgeklommen tot veldmaarschalk. DNB WADENOYEN , heer van, zie COCK VAN DELWIJNEN , JOHAN DE.
Untitled Document Kuiper en PJ Verkruijsse; johann van Waveren hudde, door JJ O'Connorand EF Robertson; Hugo de Groot, door AC Eyffinger; Hugo de Groot
Extractions: Teksten over de 20ste eeuw Primaire teksten van denkers uit de Lage Landen. Algemeen Patristiek Moderne devotie Rudolf Agricola , beschreven door F. Akkerman Rudolf Agricola door New Advent (site van het Vaticaan) Cusanus , door J.G. Hagen in New Advent Geert Groote and the brothers of the common life
Home Page Translate this page John Wallis e Isaac Barrow, e del lavoro di alcuni matematici europei come Cartesio,Francesco Bonaventura Cavalieri, johann van Waveren hudde e Gilles
Extractions: antica La matematica greca ... Cronologia Cos'è la Matematica? Dopo Tolomeo, in molti centri della cultura greca venne avviata una tradizione di studi sui risultati della matematica dei secoli precedenti, a cui probabilmente si deve il fatto che essi si siano conservati fino ai giorni nostri. Gli studi continuarono anche nel mondo islamico dove, dopo il periodo d'oro della matematica greca, apparvero i primi apporti originali. Dopo il Rinascimento fu l'Europa a determinare lo sviluppo della matematica. Nel corso degli ultimi anni del secolo XVII e all'inizio del XVIII i nuovi concetti introdotti da Newton e da Leibniz LINKS: Dizionario enciclopedico
Leibniz' Life (1672-1676) characters. 1676 Nov, a short stop in Holland. met Jean Swammerdam (naturalhistorian) and johann hudde (mathematician) in Amsterdam. met
People Index: H Haast johann Franz Julius Von 18221887 German-New Zealand hudde Jan 1628 - 1704 Dutch mathematician; Hudleston Wilfred Hudleston 1828-1909
INDEX TO VOL 3THE HISTORY OF THE RACE IDEA From Ray To Carus 46. See also Afterlife Henry III, King, 81 Herder, johann Gottfried von 53nl5 Homopoliticus, 11 Homogeneity principle, 135 Hottentots, 63 hudde, Johan, 133 Antonio De Ulloa: Bibliografía Translate this page hudde, Hinrich 'Les plus heureux des hommes'? sind, herausgegeben und mit einigenBeylagen und Kupfern begleitet von JCS Erfurt johann Friedrich Hartung 1763
Extractions: (H-K) Frankfurt/ Main: Suhrkamp 1991. (= suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft. 891) Hafter, M.Z.: Towards a history of Spanish imaginary voyages. In: Eighteenth Century Studies , 1974-75, Heft 8, S. 265-282. Hagen, Victor W. von: South America called them... London: R. Hale 1949. Hagen, Victor W. von: Berlin etc.: Ullstein 1959. Hahn, Alois/ Platz, Norbert H. (Hg.): Haidu, Peter: The Semiotics of Alterity: A Comparison with Hermeneutics. In: New Literary History , 21 (1990), Heft 3, S. 671-691. Bibliotecas privadas en el mundo colonial. Frankfurt/ Main: Vervuert 1996. (= Textos y estudios coloniales y de la Independencia. 1) Hanke, Lewis: Dos palabras on Antonio de Ulloa and the Noticias Secretas. In: Hispanic American Historical Review , 16 (1936), S. 479-514.
History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians A list of all of the important mathematicians working in a given century.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories Bernhard Varenius (1622c. 1650) *W; johann Heinrich Rahn (1622-1676) *MT; RenéFrançois 1625-1712) *SB *MT *W; Robert Boyle (1627-1691) *MT; Jan hudde (1628-1704
Extractions: Note: there are also a chronological lists of mathematical works and mathematics for China , and chronological lists of mathematicians for the Arabic sphere Europe Greece India , and Japan 1700 B.C.E. 100 B.C.E. 1 C.E. To return to this table of contents from below, just click on the years that appear in the headers. Footnotes (*MT, *MT, *RB, *W, *SB) are explained below Ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) *MT Baudhayana (c. 700) Thales of Miletus (c. 630-c 550) *MT Apastamba (c. 600) Anaximander of Miletus (c. 610-c. 547) *SB Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570-c. 490) *SB *MT Anaximenes of Miletus (fl. 546) *SB Cleostratus of Tenedos (c. 520) Katyayana (c. 500) Nabu-rimanni (c. 490) Kidinu (c. 480) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae (c. 500-c. 428) *SB *MT Zeno of Elea (c. 490-c. 430) *MT Antiphon of Rhamnos (the Sophist) (c. 480-411) *SB *MT Oenopides of Chios (c. 450?) *SB Leucippus (c. 450) *SB *MT Hippocrates of Chios (fl. c. 440) *SB Meton (c. 430) *SB
GW Nederlands AW Grootendorst, De tweede brief van johannes hudde, in A. Grootendorst, Grepen JAvan Maanen, Een complexe grootheid Leven en werk van johann Bernoulli, 1667
Extractions: Deze bibliografie heeft als doel de Nederlandse literatuur over geschiedenis van de wiskunde toegankelijk te maken voor alle belangstellende lezers. (Nog?) niet opgenomen zijn: publicaties over geschiedenis van de wiskunde na 1900, publicaties door auteurs voor ca. 1860, publicaties over geschiedenis van de natuurwetenschappen (voorzover niet direkt met wiskunde te maken), en de meeste publicaties van 1 of 2 pagina's. Op dit moment is de bibliografie nog in opbouw, en daardoor verre van volledig. Aanvullingen en suggesties worden graag ingewacht per email: Over veel onderwerpen uit de geschiedenis van de wiskunde is in het Nederlands geschreven. Om een goede indruk van het vak te krijgen is het echter nodig, ook publicaties in het Engels (en eventueel Frans en Duits) te bestuderen. De meeste wetenschappelijke publicaties op het vakgebied verschijnen in deze talen. Opname van een publicatie in deze bibliografie houdt geen oordeel in over de inhoud van de publicatie.
Stauffenburg-Verlag Autoren Translate this page Buch King John - König johann Englisch-Deutsche Ausgabe Deutsche Prosafassung hudde,Hinrich, Reihe ERDA - Erlanger Romanistische Dokumente und Arbeiten.