Zwei Mathematiker Translate this page Geschwistern auf. Unter Anleitung seines Lehrers, bernt holmboe, entdeckteer seine Begabung für Mathematik frühzeitig. Bereits mit
Abel His father passed away in 1820. Abel was discovered to have a greatknowledge of mathematics by his teacher bernt holmboe. After
Extractions: Died: 16 April 1829 in Froland, Norway Niels Henrik Abel was born August 5th, 1802 in Finnoy Norway. He like many other famous mathematicians was dirt poor all his life. His father had a degree in theology and philosophy, and became involved in the political independence of Norway. He was also involved in writing a new constitution in 1814. However his father made false charges against some of his colleagues and this lead to the end of his political career. His father passed away in 1820. Abel was discovered to have a great knowledge of mathematics by his teacher Bernt Holmboe. After his father's death, Abel was able to attend the University of Christiania in 1821. This could have only happened due to Holboes help in obtaining a scholarship. One year after he started his studies he graduated from the University, but he had already accomplished so much. Abel's trip to Germany did however allow him to meet Crelle, who would publish the first journal entirely devoted to mathematics. In 1827 in the first volume of Crelle's Journal, Abel's work, Recherches sur les fonctions elliptiques was published. This was instrumental in establishing mathematical analysis on a rigorous basis. After returning to Norway heavily in debt, he became very ill and was informed he had tuberculosis. Despite his bad health and poverty he continued writing papers on equation theory and elliptic functions. This continued work had major importance in the development of the whole theory of elliptic functions. Abel revolutionized the understanding of elliptic functions by studying the inverse of these functions.
Forfattere A-D Berg, W. holmboe. Foged Jens holmboe og hans mødrene slegt Ziegler. NST12 (1949) 6369. Bergh, Gerh. Bielke, bernt G. Svar på spørsmål nr.
Extractions: [anonyme/ukjente] A Achelis, Thomas Otto. "Biøstrup-Heber." NST . "Brødrene Isaac Andreas og Peter Henrik Cold. Hvor blev Petrus Marius Schmidt [Garboe] født? Olaus Zeuthens epitaphium i Arrild kirke i Tønder. Norske herrnhuter i Christiansfeld." NST . "En norsk minnesten i Slesvig by."
Norwegian Woodwind Music EVENSEN, bernt Kasberg (1944) Suite for Clarinet 1972 NMIC(MS) 9'20 N-MIC-tape. holmboe,Tone Groven (1930) Suite for Woodwind and Piano No 1 N-MIC(MS).
Jeffrey Vitter's Genealogical Links Elling Bolt Holst (ffffff). Marius Sophus Lie (fffffff). Carl Anton Bjerknes (ffffffff).bernt Michael holmboe (fffffffff). Søren Rasmussen (ffffffffff).
Extractions: This section lists two types of my genealogical links: family and academic. Below is a partial list of my relatives on the Web. The path in my family tree from me to each person listed appears in parentheses, where "f" indicates father, "m" indicates mother, "p" indicates parents (both father and mother), "s" indicates son, "d" indicates daughter, and "=" indicates spouse. For example, "ps" (parents' son) designates a brother, and "mpss" (mother's parents' son's son) designates a cousin on my mother's side. My favorite Vitter and farm girl Sharon Weaver Vitter Cary Academy senior Jillian St. Raymond Vitter (d). Cary Academy freshman J. Scott Vitter Jr. (s). Cary Academy sixth grader Audrey L. Vitter (d). Clerval, France farmers and 1843 immigrants (ffffp) and children Joseph Vitter (ffffps), Auguste Vitter (ffff), (ffffps), Georges Vitter (ffffps), Jean Baptiste Vitter (ffffps), Victor Vitter (ffffps), Marie Louise (Elize) Vitter Cathalogne (ffffpd). Former Chevron Chief Engineer A. L. Vitter Jr.
CIH Student Conference 2000 9.109.20, Speech. bernt Lindtjørn, Director, CIH. 9.20 COMMUNITY. HaleamaH Al-Sabbah*, G holmboe-Ottesen, J Jervell, A Husseini, E Bjertness.
Extractions: Centre for International Health PROGRAMME ( Short Detailed The conference will take place in the main Auditorium in the Armauer Hansen Building, Center for International Health. PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE Registration Welcome speech. Lado Loro, Chairman of the 1 st ASSC Official Opening of the 1 st Guest lecture:
Abels Gate Da matematikklæreren hans døde, fikk Abel ny matematikklærer, bernt Michaelholmboe. holmboe fikk stor betydning for Abels virke innenfor matematikken.
Extractions: Han var den nest eldste av seks søsken. Faren til Niels Henrik ble betegnet som "meget egenrådig", og han var heller ikke særlig flink med økonomien. Det førte til at tilværelsen for familien ble svært vanskelig. Da faren døde i 1820, ble moren sittende igjen med stor gjeld og seks barn mellom seks og tjue år. Den eldste var sinnssyk. Moren til Niels Henrik ble omtalt som "overordentlig smuk, men aldeles karakterløs", og skal visstnok allerede fra 15-årsalderen ha hengitt seg til "overdreven nytelse av alkohol", noe som gikk i arv til alle sønnene unntatt Niels Henrik. Denne vanskelige familiesituasjonen kom til å plage Niels Henrik gjennom hele studietiden. Allerede i 1824, 21 år gammel, trer Abel inn i de store matematikernes rekker. Da beviste han at det var umulig å løse en generell femtegradslikning ved bare å bruke de fire regningsartene eller å trekke ut kvadratrøtter. På den tiden hadde matematikere over hele verden strevd med å finne en generell løsning av en slik likning. Abels resultat satte en effektiv stopper for dette arbeidet.
The Norwegian-American Historical Association, Northfield, MN *holmboe, JA, 426 West Second St., Oklahoma City, Okla. VT, 6122 Belmont Ave.,Dallas, Texas KILEN, OM, Stanley, ND KINDLEY, bernt, 316 West Ave.
Geir Arne Mauseth Holthe, B: 1975 - Namsos, 05.11.1981 ) Haug, Arne Tørris ( 11.06.1964 - ) Haug, bernt Gunnar ( 07.10 Holm,Oskar Berg ( ..1919 - ) Holm, Sylva Holm, Valborg holmboe, Harald holmboe
Extractions: H Surnames INDEX A B C ... W X Y Z OTHER Häkonsdatter, Sigrid ( .CA.1281 - .CA.1363) Hågensdatter, Gisken Haagensen, Ditlev Bugge Haagensen, Edevart Hagerup Haagensen, Hartvig Martin ... Haagensen, Peder ( .CA.1705 - ..1779) Hagan, Johanna Halvorsdatter Hagen, Aleksander Ingebrigtsen Hagen, Andreas Ingebrigtsen Hagen, Anette Pedersdatter ... Hagerup, Alethe Hansdatter ( .CA.1642 - .CA.1713) Hagerup, Hans Hansen ( .CA.1600 - ) Hagerup, Margrethe Jørgensdatter ( .CA.1668 - ..1711) Haldorsen, Ole Hallvardsdotter, Kristina ( .CA.1300 - .ET.1348) Hallvarsdotter, Kristina ( .CA.1325 - ) Halsan, Hartvig Emil Halsan, Jomar Halsan, Jostein Halsan, Reidar Hartvigsen ... Hansdatter, Katrina ( .CA.1788 - ) Hansdatter, Marie ( .CA.1844 - ) Hansdatter, Martha ( .CA.1792 - 22.05.1869) Hansdatter, Puline Lydia Hansdatter, Ragnhild Hansdatter, Sara Kristine Hansdatter, Sesilie Martha ... Hansen, Olaus ( .CA.1842 - ) Hansen, Ole Hansen, Ole ( .CA.1831 - ) Hansen, Oliva Hansen, Peter Henrik ( 30.07.1851 - UKJ.) Hansen, Petrine Hansine Hansen, Rasmus Hansen, Rasmus ( .CA.1853 - ) Hansen, Søren Bertinus
Norske Matematikere bernt Michael holmboe (1795 1850). The Mac Tutor History of Mathematicsarchive. Elling Holst (1849 - 1915). Otte Hustad (1928 - 1991).
Extractions: Min hjemmeside. Norske matematikere Adresser til norske matematikere Bent Birkeland har samlet en del materiale i "Norske matematikere". Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Professorer i matematikk ved Universitetet i Oslo. Tapir Avdeling for realfag, hjemmeside. ABELSENTERET i Gjerstad "Niels Henrik Abel - et geni og hans samtid" . Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo (1954). "Niels Henrik Abel: mathematician extraordinary." University of Minnisota Press (1957). de Niels Henrik Abel. - Nouv. ed. Johnson Reprint Corporation (1965). Bilder og kart (kommer ...). Fr. Lange-Nielsen: "Niels Henrik Abel." Nordisk Mat. Tidsskrift. Bd. 1 (1953) pp. 65 - 90. Karl Egil Aubert: "Niels Henrik Abel." Normat nr. 27 (4) (1979) pp. 129 - 140. Aschehoug forlag Et foranskutt lyn: Niels Henrik Abel og hans samtid Oversettelse til engelsk Springer-Verlag , se anmeldelse av Jeremy J. Gray i MAA Online Arild Stubhaug: " Abelhaugen i Slottsparken." Kronikk i Aftenposten, 25.09.96. Niels Henrik Abel side ved MacTutor History of Mathematicians archive.
Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page 1937). Hollerith (Hermann), Américain (1860-1929). holmboe (BerntMichael), Norvégien (1795-1850). Hopf (Heinz), Allemand (1894-1971).
Antarctic Explorers: Lincoln Ellsworth bernt Balchen was the pilot with Chris Braathen serving as mechanic. Dr. JorgenHolmboe was meteorologist, Walther J. Lanz was radio operator and Dr. Reals
Extractions: "School was a horror. I couldn't do anything with school - always the dunce of my classes, always falling behind. It was to be this way throughout my school and college days. Not until, years later, I found my true interest in life did I discover that I could master a subject, no matter how difficult, if it helped me in what I wanted to do." Together with pilot Herbert Hollick-Kenyon, Lincoln Ellsworth would complete the first transantarctic flight in history. With four stops along the route, the flight covered 2200 miles with an elapsed time of approximately 20 hours. The transantarctic flight was the longest flight in Antarctic history, an accomplishment not repeated again until January 1956. That the flight was successful under such extreme conditions was the result of a combination of a good airplane, flown by a man with excellent pilot and navigational skills, together with a great deal of courage and just plain luck. Ellsworth's Introduction to Polar Exploration Together with the dawn of aerial exploration in the polar regions came a proliferation of expeditions and sojourns, many of which became "firsts" for this new method of discovery. Ellsworth's initial exposure to polar adventures began on May 21, 1925, when he
VEDA Kdy ale v roce 1817 priel do kláterní koly nový ucitel matematikyBernt holmboe, Abeluv prístup se od základu zmenil.
Extractions: Alena Mareová Neviditelný pes ji pøed èasem uveøejnil dotazník paní doktorky Mareové z Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci v Praze, týkající se extremismu. Nyní vás znovu prosí o pomoc. Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci se t.è. zabývá trestnou èinností policistù - jejími pøíèinami, nezbytnými podmínkami její existence a monostmi její redukce. Dílèím úkolem je zjitìní, jak v souèasnosti policii a policisty vnímá veøejnost a odborná veøejnost. Ze zkuených pracovníkù justice a policie byl vytvoøen soubor expertù, jejich názory budou zpracovány a interpretovány zvlá .Vzhledem k vynikajícím zkuenostem ze sbìru názorù prostøednictvím dotazníkù pøedloených internetové èásti veøejnosti, také v tomto pøípadì jsem zpracovala krátký dotazník a prosím uivatele internetu o jeho vyplnìní.
Extractions: _Laurits ANDERSSØN Bentha ANDERSDATTER _Anna Jonsdatter HÅRD INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 09/10/2002 10:30:40 Family 1 Magdalena BRAUN Peter Christian BAY Andreas BAY INDEX HTML created by GED2HTML v3.5e-WIN95 (Sep 26 1998) on 09/10/2002 10:30:40 BIRTH DEATH : 1744, Christiania