Joseph D. Gergonne Joseph D. Gergonne Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. französische Astronom, Mathematiker und Logiker Joseph D. Gergonne untersuchte die fünf grundegenden Relationen
Extractions: Ebbinghaus - Ewald ... Geschichte der Philosophie Diskussion PhilTalk Philosophieforen Andere Lexika PhilLex -Lexikon der Philosophie Lexikon der griechischen Mythologie PhiloThek Bibliothek der Klassiker Zeitschriftenlesesaal Nachschlagewerke Allgemeine Information ... Dokumentenlieferdienste Spiele Philosophisches Galgenraten Shops PhiloShop PhiloShirt Service Kontakt Impressum eMail Logiker Eulerschen Kreisen in der Syllogistik entsprechen. powered by Uwe Wiedemann
Gergonne Joseph Diaz Gergonne. Born 19 June 1771 in Nancy, France Died 4 May 1859 in Montpellier,France. Joseph Gergonne's father was an architect and also a painter.
Extractions: Joseph Gergonne In 1791 the French Assembly was at a difficult stage trying to stabilise the country following the French Revolution. The Assembly was not helped by the King, Louis XVI, attempting to flee the country in June of that year. After the King was returned to Paris, the Assembly reinforced the frontiers of France by calling for 100,000 volunteers from the National Guard. Gergonne gave his support becoming a captain in the National Guard. In April 1792 France went to war against Austria and Prussia. The French attack was quickly halted and then Prussian forces invaded France. The Assembly called for 100,000 military volunteers and Gergonne joined the French army being assembled to defend Paris against the Prussians. On 20 September 1792 Kellermann led the French forces at Valmy with Gergonne in his army. The French defeated the Prussians in an artillery duel and, following this, the Austrian and Prussian armies retreated from France. Following this great French victory, Gergonne went to Paris where he became a secretary to his uncle. It was a time of much military action, however, and Austria and Prussia were not going to simply accept the defeat at Valmy as the end of the war. By 1793 they were joined by Spain, Piedmont, and Britain. The French forces were soon in trouble, fighting on many different fronts and being defeated everywhere. Gergonne returned to the French army, this time as secretary to the general staff of the Moselle army.
Gergonne Translate this page gergonne joseph Diez français, 1771-1859 Soldat à la bataille deValmy, puis officier dans l'armée des Pyrénées. Il est nommé
Extractions: Annales de Gergonne Poncelet Point de Gergonne : , Ed. Hermann, 1987. Droite de Gergonne : Nommons a, b et c les points de contact du triangle abc inscrit dans le triangle ABC. Les bissectrices (Aa), (Bb) et (Cc) sont concourantes en le centre du cercle inscrit (non tracées ci-dessous pour ne pas compliquer la figure) En vertu du théorème de Désargues , les supports des côtés homologues, soit (AB) et (ab), (BC) et (bc), (AC) et (ac), sont respectivement sécants en des points alignés u, v et w définissant ainsi la droite de Gergonne associé au triangle ABC. Brocard Lemoine Miquel Nagel Biot
Virtual Encyclopedia Of Mathematics friedrich gegenbauer leopold geiser karl friedrich gelfond aleksandr osipovichgellibrand henry geminus gentzen gerhard gergonne joseph diaz germain sophie
Extractions: GALILEO (Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) n.a Pisa matematico, astronomo, inventore, scienziato, innovatore maestro di eminenti scienziati, uno dei più grandi scienziati del mondo. Famoso per la relatività, che porta il suo nome,per le scoperte astronomiche,per un tipo di cannocchiale, per la sua scuola ove nacque il calcolo infinitesimale. Sostenne la teoria, negata dalla Bibbia, dei moti della terra, per questo,fu condannato.
Talbot's Correspondents Peter (1797 1877) merchant and electro-chemist GAY Jacques Étienne (1768 - 1864)botanist GELLER WO gergonne joseph Diez (1771 - 1859) mathematician GIBBS
Extractions: Talbot corresponded with more than 1100 individuals and institutions. Most of them are represented below. In this interim index, each person is listed only under their last known name the search feature in web browsers will help locate maiden names and other variants (there will be extensive cross-referencing in the final publication). This list will be updated frequently as additional biographical information is developed. Enquiries, suggestions and corrections are always welcome. e-mail or
Gergonne Joseph Diaz Gergonne. Joseph Gergonne was an artillery officer and a professor ofmathematics and provided an elegant solution to the Problem of Apollonius.
(Bernard Gergonne - Joseph Heidmann ) Généalogie des familles Heidmann, Heitmann, Heydmann et Heytmann
Gergonne.cdy El punto de gergonne (joseph Diaz gergonne, 17711859) aparece al unir los vértices de un triángulo con los puntos de
References For Gergonne References for joseph gergonne. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Books MH Otero, joseph-Diez
Extractions: P Baptist, Historische Anmerkungen zu Gergonne - und Nagel - Punkt, Sudhoffs Arch. K Chemla, The background to Gergonne's treatment of duality : spherical trigonometry in the late 18th century, in The history of modern mathematics I (Boston, MA, 1989), 331-359. Rev. Histoire Sci. A Lafon, Gergonne, ses travaux, Rev. Histoire Sci. Appl. S M Stigler, The anonymous Professor Gergonne, Historia Math. S M Stigler, Gergonne's 1815 paper on the design and analysis of polynomial regression experiments, Historia Math. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
Gergonne Biography of joseph gergonne (17711859) joseph gergonne's father was an architect and also a painter.
Extractions: Joseph Gergonne In 1791 the French Assembly was at a difficult stage trying to stabilise the country following the French Revolution. The Assembly was not helped by the King, Louis XVI, attempting to flee the country in June of that year. After the King was returned to Paris, the Assembly reinforced the frontiers of France by calling for 100,000 volunteers from the National Guard. Gergonne gave his support becoming a captain in the National Guard. In April 1792 France went to war against Austria and Prussia. The French attack was quickly halted and then Prussian forces invaded France. The Assembly called for 100,000 military volunteers and Gergonne joined the French army being assembled to defend Paris against the Prussians. On 20 September 1792 Kellermann led the French forces at Valmy with Gergonne in his army. The French defeated the Prussians in an artillery duel and, following this, the Austrian and Prussian armies retreated from France. Following this great French victory, Gergonne went to Paris where he became a secretary to his uncle. It was a time of much military action, however, and Austria and Prussia were not going to simply accept the defeat at Valmy as the end of the war. By 1793 they were joined by Spain, Piedmont, and Britain. The French forces were soon in trouble, fighting on many different fronts and being defeated everywhere. Gergonne returned to the French army, this time as secretary to the general staff of the Moselle army. gergonne,joseph D. Gerhards, Gerhard; Germain, Sophie; Gerson, Johannes;
Extractions: Ebbinghaus - Ewald ... Geschichte der Philosophie Diskussion PhilTalk Philosophieforen Andere Lexika PhilLex -Lexikon der Philosophie Lexikon der griechischen Mythologie PhiloThek Bibliothek der Klassiker Zeitschriftenlesesaal Nachschlagewerke Allgemeine Information ... Dokumentenlieferdienste Spiele Philosophisches Galgenraten Shops PhiloShop PhiloShirt Service Kontakt Impressum eMail [a] [b] [c] [d] ... [z] G powered by Uwe Wiedemann
Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Translate this page Lussac, joseph (1778-1850) Geiger, Hans (1882-1945) Gelfond, Aleksandr (1906-1968)Gell-Mann, Murray (1929-) gergonne, joseph-Diaz (1771-1859) Germer, Lester
References For Gergonne References for the biography of joseph gergonne References for joseph gergonne. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990).
Extractions: P Baptist, Historische Anmerkungen zu Gergonne - und Nagel - Punkt, Sudhoffs Arch. K Chemla, The background to Gergonne's treatment of duality : spherical trigonometry in the late 18th century, in The history of modern mathematics I (Boston, MA, 1989), 331-359. Rev. Histoire Sci. A Lafon, Gergonne, ses travaux, Rev. Histoire Sci. Appl. S M Stigler, The anonymous Professor Gergonne, Historia Math. S M Stigler, Gergonne's 1815 paper on the design and analysis of polynomial regression experiments, Historia Math. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
Joseph Diaz Gergonne Gauss, Carl Friedrich. 17771855. gergonne, joseph Diaz. 1771-1859
Liouville Translate this page LIOUVILLE joseph français, 1809-1882 pures et appliquées, appelé communémentJournal de Liouville (1836), qui fit suite aux Annales de gergonne.
Extractions: français, 1809-1882 Polytechnicien ingénieur des ponts et chaussées, Liouville fut élève de Cauchy à l'Ecole polytechnique où il enseigna lui-même dès 1833. Il fonda (1836) son Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées , appelé communément Journal de Liouville (1836), qui fit suite aux Annales de Gergonne . Il sera professeur au Collège de France (1839) et admis la même année à l'Académie des sciences. Archives de divers journaux et publications mathématiques, dont le Journal de Liouville (site externe, accès limité). C'est à Liouville que l'on doit la première édition des oeuvres de Galois . Travaux fondamentaux en théorie des nombres, en analyse réelle et complexe : équations différentielles, fonctions elliptiques et fonctions méromorphes (fonctions d'une variable complexe développables en série entière à l'exception de certains points isolés qui sont des pôles pour f). Laurent : Rappelons qu'on appelle nombre algébrique toute racine d'un polynôme à coefficients entiers (ou rationnels, cela revient au même)
El Punto De Gergonne Translate this page El punto de gergonne (joseph Diaz gergonne, 1771-1859) aparece al unir los vérticesde un triángulo con los puntos de tangencia de su circunferencia
Mathematicians From DSB Translate this page Galois, Evariste, 1811-1832. Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855. gergonne,joseph Diaz, 1771-1859. Girard, Albert, 1595-1632. Göpel, Adolph, 1812-1847.
Extractions: Validate html Abel, Niels Henrik Argand, Jean Robert Artin, Emil Beltrami, Eugenio Berkeley, George Bertrand, Joseph Louis François Bianchi, Luigi Bolyai, János (Johann) Bolyai, Farkas (Wolfgang) Bolzano, Bernard Bombelli, Rafael Borel, Émile (Félix-Édouard-Justin) Bouquet, Jean-Claude Briot, Charles Auguste Cantor, Georg Carathéodory, Constantin Cardano, Girolamo Cauchy, Augustin-Louis Cayley, Arthur Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich Clairaut, Alexis-Claude Clausen, Thomas Clebsch, Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Colden, Cadwallader Collinson, Peter Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, marquis de Cramer, Gabriel Crelle, August Leopold d'Alembert, Jean le Rond de Morgan, Augustus Dedekind, (Julius Wilhelm) Richard Delambre, Jean-Baptiste Joseph Descartes, René du Perron Dini, Ulisse Dirichlet, Gustav Peter Lejeune du Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav Duhamel, Jean Marie Constant Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max Euclid