Extractions: Arne Beurling Arne Beurling: Collected works. 2 volumes. Birkhuser 1989, 800p. DM 198. Wilhelm Blaschke Wilhelm Blaschke: Gesammelte Werke. 6 volumes. Thales, Essen 1986. DM 170/volume. Georg Cantor H. Meschkowski/W. Nilson (ed.): Georg Cantor: Briefe. Springer 1991, 540p. DM 158. - Shiing-shen Chern Shiing-shen Chern: Selected papers. 4 volumes. Springer 1989, together ca. 2000p. DM 400. Girard Desargues J. Field/J. Gray (ed.): The geometrical work of Girard Desargues. Springer 1987. DM 158. M. Escher H. Coxeter/M. Emmer/Roger Penrose/M. Teuber (ed.): M. Escher: Art and science. North-Holland 1986, 400p. $ 50. Carl Friedrich Gau§ Carl Friedrich Gau§: Werke. *1988. Olms 1981. Israil Gelfand Israil Gelfand: Collected Papers. 3 volumes. Springer 1989, 3000p. DM 744. - Harish-Chandra Harish-Chandra: Collected papers. 4 volumes. Springer 1983. DM 400. Hans Arnold Heilbronn E. Kani/R. Smith (ed.): The collected papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn. Wiley 1988, 600p. $55. David Hilbert David Hilbert: Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Erster Band: Zahlentheorie. *4578. Chelsea. Edmund Hlawka Peter Gruber/W. Schmidt: Edmund Hlawka, Selecta. Springer 1990, 550p. DM 164. Felix Klein Konrad Jacobs (ed.): Felix Klein, handschriftlicher Nachla§. Erlangen 1977. D. Rowe: A forgotten chapter in hte history of Felix Klein's Erlanger Programm. Historia Mathematica 10 (1983), 448-454. D. Rowe: Felix Klein's "Erlanger Antrittsrede": A transcription with English translation and commentary. Historia Mathematica 12 (1985), 123-141. Edmund Landau Edmund Landau: Collected works. At least 10 volumes. Thales, Essen 1986. Ca. DM 220/volume. Karl Lwner Karl Lwner: Collected works. Birkhuser 1988, 540p. DM 168. Mitio Nagumo Mitio Nagumo: Collected papers. Springer 1993, 470p. DM 180. Isaac Newton D. Whiteside (ed.): The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton. 8 volumes. Cambridge 1981. Emmy Noether Emmy Noether: Gesammelte Abhandlungen. Springer 1983, 780p. 3-540-11504-8. DM 158. - Alexander Ostrowski Alexander Ostrowski: Collected mathematical papers. 6 volumes. Birkhuser 1984, 4000p. DM 738. Johannes Radon Johannes Radon: Gesammelte Abhandlungen. 2 volumes. Birkhuser 1987, 900p. DM 360. Adam Ries S. Deschauer: Das zweite Rechenbuch von Adam Ries. Eine moderne Textfassung mit Kommentar und metrologischem Anhang und einer Einfhrung in Leben und Werk des Rechenmeisters. Vieweg 1992, 240p. DM 54. - Igor Shafarevich Igor Shafarevich: Collected mathematical papers. Springer 1988, 780p. DM 184. Thomas Stieltjes Thomas Stieltjes: Collected papers. 2 volumes. Springer 1993, 1300p. DM 348. Paul Turn Paul Turn: Collected papers. 3 volumes. Akadmiai Kiad, Budapest 1990, 2665p. DM 340. - Kosaku Yosida Kosaku Yosida: Collected papers. Springer 1993, 630p. DM 198.
Gelfand Israil Moiseevic Gelfand. Born Israil Gelfand went to Moscow at the ageof 16, in 1930, before completing his secondary education. There http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Gelfand.html
Extractions: Israil Gelfand went to Moscow at the age of 16, in 1930, before completing his secondary education. There he took on a variety of different jobs such as door keeper at the Lenin library, but he also began to teach mathematics. There were many different institutes in Moscow where mathematics was taught in evening classes and Gelfand taught elementary mathematics in various of these institutes, then a little later progressing to teach more advanced mathematics. While he did this evening teaching he also attended lectures at Moscow University, the first course he attended being the theory of functions of a complex variable by Lavrentev In 1932 Gelfand was admitted as a research student under Kolmogorov 's supervision. His work was in functional analysis and he was fortunate to be in a strong school of functional analysis so he received much support from other mathematicians such as A E Plessner and L A Lyusternik. Gelfand presented his thesis
SOCI QUALIFICA - LINCEI Translate this page gelfand israil Moiseevic - Ssf Nato a Krasnyje Okny (Ucraina) il 20 agosto 1913.Prof. di Matematica nella Rutgers University, New Brounswick, NJ (USA). http://www.lincei.it/SOCI/SOCI.QUALIFICA.html
Extractions: ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI A B C D ... Z A AGOSTONI Emilio - N.s.f. ALBANESE Bernardo - C.s.m. ALLAIS Maurice - S.s.m. AMANDRY Pierre - S.s.m. AMBROSETTI Antonio - C.s.f. AMERIO Luigi - N.s.f. AMPRINO Rodolfo - N.s.f. ANDERSON Philip Warren - S.s.f. ARBARELLO Enrico - C.s.f. ARCELLI Mario - C.s.m. ARNALDI Girolamo - N.s.m. ARNOLD Vladimir - S.s.f. Nato a Odessa (Russia) il 12 giugno 1937. Prof. di Matematica al Steklov Mathematical Institute di Mosca (Russia).
Israil Gelfand, Hero Of Mathematics israil gelfand, modern hero of mathematics. I first met gelfand atthe International Congress of Mathematics, Moscow, 1966. At a http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~streater/gelfand.html
Extractions: I first met Gelfand at the International Congress of Mathematics, Moscow, 1966. At a reception on the first day, he stood at the end of a large room, and the visitors politely formed a loose queue to have a word with this legendary figure. I was with P. M. Cohn; I was impressed that Gelfand knew of Cohn's work on rings, on which Gelfand complimented him, for having solved an outstanding problem that arose in Gelfand's own work. He also knew of my book with Wightman . I might have seen Gelfand in 1972, during the special Moscow conference on mathematical physics. I met Gelfand again when he came to England to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford. The next day he visited the London Mathematical Society, and gave a talk about representing groups of maps from a group to the reals. He kindly mentioned my work of 1968 and subsequent papers Go to my HOME PAGE for more links.
Gelfand Biography of israil gelfand (1913) israil gelfand migró a Moscú a la edad de 16 años, en 1930, antes de completar su educación secundaria. http://www.cenamec.org.ve/matemat/biograf/Gelfand.html
Biography-center - Letter G M. Moiseevic gelfand, israil. Mujeres Matemáticas http://www.biography-center.com/g.html
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 523 biographies
Satrancokulu.com Almasi (Macaristan), Evgeny Bareev (Rusya), Boris gelfand (israil), Vassili Ivanchuk (Ukrayna), Vladimir Kramnik (Rusya) http://www.satrancokulu.com/news/mainnewseski.asp
Extractions: Satrançta Doping Kontrolü Uzun Süredir Uygulanýyor. Þimdi de "Cezalar Aðýr" Tartýþmasý Baþladý. Satranç dünyasýnýn iki önemli ismi Alexander Baburin ve Vladimir Kramnik geçtiðimiz haftalarda iki önemli açýk mektup yayýnladýlar. Vladimir Kramnik mektubunda Prag'da yapýlan birleþme anlaþmasýnýn koþullarýna uyulmasý konusunda FIDE'yi uyarýrken, Alexander Baburin ise aðýr maddi cezalar içeren anti-doping kurallarýný eleþtiriyor ve bütün GM ve IM'leri mektubuna imza atmaya davet ediyor. Bu sene olimpiyatlardaki doping kontrolü için týklayýnýz.
Gelfand Biography of israil gelfand (19130BC) israil gelfand went to Moscow at the age of 16, in 1930, before completing his secondary education. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Gelfand.html
Extractions: Israil Gelfand went to Moscow at the age of 16, in 1930, before completing his secondary education. There he took on a variety of different jobs such as door keeper at the Lenin library, but he also began to teach mathematics. There were many different institutes in Moscow where mathematics was taught in evening classes and Gelfand taught elementary mathematics in various of these institutes, then a little later progressing to teach more advanced mathematics. While he did this evening teaching he also attended lectures at Moscow University, the first course he attended being the theory of functions of a complex variable by Lavrentev In 1932 Gelfand was admitted as a research student under Kolmogorov 's supervision. His work was in functional analysis and he was fortunate to be in a strong school of functional analysis so he received much support from other mathematicians such as A E Plessner and L A Lyusternik. Gelfand presented his thesis
References For Gelfand References for israil gelfand. MI Visik, AN Kolmogorov, SV Fomin and GE Silov,israil Moiseevic gelfand (On his fiftieth birthday) (Russian), Uspehi Mat. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Gelfand.html
Extractions: M B Berkinblit, Ju M Vasilev and M L Sik, The work of I M Gelfand in biology (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk M B Berkinblit, Ju M Vasilev and M L Shik, The work of I M Gelfand in biology, Russian Math. Surveys N N Bogolyubov, S G Gindikin, A A Kirillov, A N Kolmogorov, S P Novikov, and L D Faddeev, Izrail Moiseevich Gelfand (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday) (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk Gelfand receives MacArthur Fellowship, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. S G Gindikin, A A Kirillov and D B Fuks, Work of I M Gelfand in functional analysis, algebra and topology, Russian Math. Surveys S G Gindikin, A A Kirillov and D B Fuks, Work of I M Gelfand in functional analysis, algebra and topology (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk S G Gindikin, Israel Gelfand, in Geometry and physics (Bologna, 1991), ix-xii. Israel M Gelfand (curriculum vitae), in Functional analysis on the eve of the 21st century (Boston, MA, 1995), xii. Izrail Moiseevic Gelfand (on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday) (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk
References For Gelfand References for the biography of israil gelfand References for israil gelfand. Articles M B Berkinblit, Ju M Vasilev and M L Sik, The work of I M gelfand in biology http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Gelfand.html
Extractions: M B Berkinblit, Ju M Vasilev and M L Sik, The work of I M Gelfand in biology (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk M B Berkinblit, Ju M Vasilev and M L Shik, The work of I M Gelfand in biology, Russian Math. Surveys N N Bogolyubov, S G Gindikin, A A Kirillov, A N Kolmogorov, S P Novikov, and L D Faddeev, Izrail Moiseevich Gelfand (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday) (Russian), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk Gelfand receives MacArthur Fellowship, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. S G Gindikin, A A Kirillov and D B Fuks, Work of I M Gelfand in functional analysis, algebra and topology, Russian Math. Surveys S G Gindikin, A A Kirillov and D B Fuks, Work of I M Gelfand in functional analysis, algebra and topology (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk S G Gindikin, Israel Gelfand, in Geometry and physics (Bologna, 1991), ix-xii. Israel M Gelfand (curriculum vitae), in Functional analysis on the eve of the 21st century (Boston, MA, 1995), xii. Izrail Moiseevic Gelfand (on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday) (Russian), Uspehi Mat. Nauk
Links From The Web-site Of R. F. Streater Maurice René Fréchet; Christian Fronsdal; Dennis Gabor; Lars Garding;Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss; israil gelfand; Murray GellMann; http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/~streater/links.html
Gelfand Portraits Portraits of israil gelfand israil gelfand. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Gelfand.html
Biografías De Matemáticos Translate this page israil Moiseevic gelfand. Textos Originales www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/BiogIndex.html.Otro site dedicado http://www.cenamec.org.ve/matemat/biograf/indice.htm
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of GEL Geleßus, Manfred, Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, 1981. gelfand, israil,Moscow State University, gelfand, Alan, Stanford University, 1969. gelfand, S.1969. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=GEL
Search Result For I. M. Gelfand gelfand . Born israil gelfand went to Moscow at the age of 16,in 1930, before completing his secondary education. There http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/hp/a-tree/g/Gelfand:I=_M=.html
Satrancokulu.com Ghinda (Romanya) IM Sipke Ernst GM Mikhail Golubev (Ukrayna) GM Christopher Lutz(Almanya) GM William Lombardy (ABD) GM Boris gelfand (israil) IM, MD Anthony http://www.satrancokulu.com/makale/doping.asp
Extractions: Bu mektubun aslý þu adreste yayýnlanmýþtýr: http://www.gmsquare.com/. Bütün GM, IM ve satranç gazetecileri ve yazarlarý bu mektubun altýna imza atabilirler- Sadece GM'lerle kýsýtlý deðildir. Eðer adýnýzýn bu mektuba eklenmesini istiyorsanýz Alexander Baburin'e ababurin@iol.ie adresinden e-posta atýn.
Biografías De Matemáticos Translate this page John Graunt. K. Kepler Johannes. L. Laplace, Pierre Simón de Lefschetz, Solomon.M. Moiseevic gelfand, israil Mujeres Matemáticas. P. Platon Pythagoras de Samos.S. http://matematicas.reduaz.mx/Principal/Biografias.html
Extractions: Matemáticas, esta rama del conocimiento humano que nos ha guiado a través de la historia, no habría sido posible sin la dedicación de grandes hombres que aportaron su conocimento y estudios a esta gran labor. En esta página encontrarás referencias bibliográficas en orden alfabético de todos aquellos que aportaron un poco de su conocimiento para esta área. A B C D ... H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A Abel, Niels Henrik Agnesi, Maria Gaetana Alexander, Aitken Allen, Florence Eliza ... Al-Khorizmi B Bacon, Clara Latimer Banach, Stefan Barajas Alberto Bartholomeo Pitiscus ... Barrow Isacc C Cayley Arthur Cantor George Cauchy, Augustín Louis Cavalieri, Bonaventura Francesco ... Copérnico Nicolás D D'Alembert Jean Le Rond Dedekind Richard Demócrito de Abderea Descartes, René E Einsten Albert Eratosthenes de Cirene Euclides Euler, Leonard F Fermat Pierre Fibonacci, Leonardo Pisano
Bizim ESR Gezeti Ruslan Ponomaryov, Vasili Ivançuk (h?r ikisi Ukrayna), Peter Leko (Macaristan),Aleksey Sirov (Ispaniya), Boris gelfand (israil), Naycel Sort http://bizimasr.media-az.com/arxiv_2002/avgust/195/idman.html
Bizim ESR Gezeti Rusiya) 2749, Peter Leko (MacarIstan) - 2739, Vasili Ivancuk (Ukrayna) - 2731,Aleksey Sirov (Ispaniya) - 2727, Boris gelfand (israil) - 2712, Yevgeni http://bizimasr.media-az.com/arxiv_2001/new_apr/262/idman.html
Extractions: Hercend, SefanIn ona ciddi muqavimet gostereceyi deyilirdi Dunen futbol uzre Azerbaycan cempionatInda XVII turun startI verildi. AqdamIn Qarabaq klubu Buzovna qesebesindeki Genclik stadionunda Semkir komandasInI qebul etdi. Bu gorusde Viktor Kulikovun vurduqu yegane top Aqaselim Mircavadovun yetirmelerine qelebe qazandIrIb. Oten turda istirahet etmis paytaxtIn Neftci klubu Tofiq Behramov adIna respublika stadionunda Sefa komandasInI qebul edib. Cempionluqa iddialI olan paytaxt komandasI genc Sefa kollektivi ile qarsIlasdI. Milli yIqma komandanIn ve olimpiya yIqma komandasInIn baza klublarI sayIlan bu kollektivlerin bir-birlerinin oyununa kifayet qeder beled olduqlarI hiss olunurdu. Bu gorusde imkanlarIndan daha yaxsI istifade eden Neftci 3:1 hesabI ile qelebe qazanIb. Neftciden toplardan ikisini Musfiq Huseynov, birini Seymur Rehimov vurub. Elcin Rehmanov 11 metrlik cerime zerbesi ile bu toplardan birinin evezini cIxIb. Qeyd edek ki, zedeli olduqlarIna gore Kamal Quliyev, Ferrux IsmayIlov ve Samir Eliyev bu defe meydana cIxmayIblar. Qeyd edek ki, bu klublarIn birinci dovrede kecirdikleri ilk qarsIlasmada Neftci Kamal Quliyevin vurduqu yegane topla 1:0 hesabI ile qelebe qazanmIsdI. Turun qalan oyunlarI bu gun kecirilecek. Bu defe asaqIdakI komandalar yarIsacaqlar: Dinamo/BakIlI - Xezer Universiteti Turan - Viles
Mathem_abbrev Galileo Galilei Galois, Evariste Gauss, Carl Friedrich gelfand, israil GeminusGemma Frisius, Regnier Genocchi, Angelo, Gerard of Cremona Gerhard of Cremona http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm
Extractions: Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.