Médaille Fields Translate this page Une partie en fut démontrée par lUkrainien vladimir drinfeld (médaille Fields1990), une autre partie a conduit Andrew Wiles à démontrer le fameux http://www.ac-bordeaux.fr/Pedagogie/Maths/comm/bulletin/bull19/fields.htm
Extractions: Chtoucas de Drinfeld et correspondance de Langlands Le 20 août dernier à Pékin, Laurent Lafforgue a reçu la médaille Fields pour sa publication « Chtoucas de Drinfeld et correspondance de Langlands » qui démontre les conjectures de Langlands. Ces conjectures, énoncées à la fin des années 1960, esquissent des liens étroits et surprenants entre des classes dobjets mathématiques de natures différentes, liant ainsi lalgèbre et lanalyse. Une partie en fut démontrée par lUkrainien Vladimir Drinfeld (médaille Fields 1990), une autre partie a conduit Andrew Wiles à démontrer le fameux théorème de Fermat, Laurent Lafforgue clôturant ici le chapitre. Il est le septième Français à recevoir cette récompense attribuée tous les 4 ans.
AGATA : Prévisions 2000-2001 Translate this page Janvier 04 Janvier, Relâche. 11 Janvier, vladimir VERSHININ. Relationsalgébriques des polyzetas et associateurs de drinfeld. Haut de page. http://www.math.univ-montp2.fr/agata/archives/A-00-01/agata-00-01.html
International Mathematics Research Notices Baranovsky, vladimir, Victor Ginzburg, and Alexander Kuznetsov Wilson?s Grassmannianand a Beilinson, A. and V. drinfeld Affine KacMoody algebras and http://imrn.hindawi.com/ai/b.html
Extractions: B B. Strachan, Ian A.: Bacher, Roland: Unimodular lattices without nontrivial automorphisms Bachmat, Eitan: A Fourier transform construction for Arakelov-Chow groups of an arithmetic abelian scheme Backelin, Erik: Representation of the category $O$ in Whittaker categories Badea, C.: Subalgebras with the same $K$ -theory and the same stable rank Bahouri, Hajer and Jean-Yves Chemin: Baik, J., T. Kriecherbauer, K. D. T.-R. McLaughlin, and P. D. Miller: Uniform asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a general class of discrete weights and universality results for associated ensembles: announcement of results Baik, Jinho: Bakalov, Bojko and Victor G. Kac: Field algebras Baker, Matthew H.: Cartier points on curves Baker, T. H. and P. J. Forrester: A $q$ -analogue of the type $A$ ... Dunkl operator and integral kernel Ball, Keith: A lower bound for the optimal density of lattice packings Eigenvalues and holonomy Baouendi, M. S. and Linda Preiss Rothschild: A local Hopf lemma and unique continuation for harmonic functions Barannikov, Sergey and Maxim Kontsevich:
Extractions: Robbert Dijkgraaf (verschenen in Ned. Tijd. v. Nat. 62/11 (1996) 255-257) Wiskunde en Natuurkunde The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, .'' ``Wat is ?'' ``Dat is de verhouding tussen de omtrek en diameter van een cirkel.'' Waarop de schoenenverkoper uitroept,``Wat heeft een cirkel nu met schoenen te maken?!'' We zijn allen vertrouwd met het verschijnsel dat Wigner zo mooi benoemd heeft wiskundige begrippen zijn inderdaad `onredelijk effectief' in de beschrijving van natuurlijke verschijnselen. Toch is het algemene beeld van de wiskunde, en de wiskundige in het bijzonder, onder natuurkundigen niet altijd even positief, zoals eveneens vele anekdotes getuigen. Bijvoorbeeld de natuurkundige in een ballon: natuurlijk is deze verdwaald, maar ziet onder zich een figuurtje en vraagt, ``Waar ben ik?'' De figuur peinst een lange tijd en antwoordt uiteindelijk ``In een ballon!'' Waarop de fysicus onmiddellijk weet dat deze een wiskundige heeft aangetroffen, want 1) er moest lang over nagedacht worden, 2) het antwoord is correct, en 3) volledig zinloos. Knopen en Elektronen Graag wil ik deze nieuwe ontwikkeling aan de hand van twee voorbeelden toelichten. Mijn eerste voorbeeld is de knopentheorie. Een wiskundige knoop is een inbedding van een cirkel in de driedimensionale ruimte die zichzelf niet doorsnijdt. Anders dan de knoop die we in onze schoenveters leggen, kan deze knoop niet ontknoopt worden zonder de veter te breken. (De twee uiteinden van de veter zijn aan elkaar geplakt.) De probleemstelling is alle inequivalente knopen te classificeren. Ook al is dit probleem zeer eenvoudig te formuleren, het antwoord is uiterst gecompliceerd, zie bijvoorbeeld het volgende figuur
A. D. Bell: Ring Theorists By Name drinfeld, VG MathSciNet Entry vladimir G. Drin´feld (drinfeld@math.uchicago.edu)University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics; Drozd, Yu. http://www.uwm.edu/People/adbell/RT/alpha.html
Extractions: Alphabetical List of Ring Theorists Fall 1999 "alpha" version, with numerous updates This is a list of (non-commutative, associative) ring theorists arranged alphabetically by an an anglicized version of the family name (last name) as it appears in the MathSciNet (Math Reviews) author database. The list includes links to MathSciNet entries, links to individual Web pages, and e-mail addresses all links (when available) work by selecting the name/address. When I am unsure of an address, I include multiple possibilities. Please help me correct any mistakes, or omissions. (E-mail adbell@uwm.edu ; see my notes You may wish to consult my notes about the lists . If you haven't used this list before, I particularly recommend you read the portion of the notes about names and searching A B C ... Z A Abrams, Gene D. MathSciNet Entry
THE MATH ENQUIRER 1982 Alain CONNES, William P. THURSTON, ShingTung YAU 1986 Simon K. DONALDSON,Gerd FALTINGS, Michael H. FREEDMAN 1990 vladimir drinfeld, Vaughan FR JONES http://www.humboldt.edu/~math/currentevents/colloquim/archives/fall_02/nov08-02.
Extractions: Volume 02 Fall Issue 12 For People With Inquiring Minds November 7, 2002 Math Model of Cells Bori Mazzag is currently a lecturer in the Mathematics Department at Humboldt State University. She recently completed a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of California, Davis. She received a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1995 and a M.S. from UC Davis in 2000. Her area of interest is mathematical modeling of problems in cell and molecular biology. She is proud of Imre Kertesz, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature 2002, and can be reached at bcm9@humboldt.edu. Fields Medal Winners : Lars V. AHLFORS, Jesse DOUGLAS : Laurent SCHWARTZ, Atle SELBERG : Kunihiko KODAIRA, Jean-Pierre SERRE : Michael F. ATIYAH, Paul Joseph COHEN, Alexander GROTHENDIECK, Stephen SMALE : Alan BAKER, Heisuke HIRONAKA, Serge P. NOVIKOV, John Griggs THOMPSON : Enrico BOMBIERI, David B. MUMFORD
Extractions: News By Rebbeca Andrews The 1990 Fields Medals, mathematics' most prestigious international awards, were announced on August 21 in Kyoto, Japan, at the International Congress of Mathematicians. Four mathematicians received the award, which is accompanied by $15,000 Canadian. The Fields Medal, regarded as the Nobel Prize in mathematics and given every four years, was conceived by Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields. Vaughan F.R. Jones, professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, was recognized for his contributions to knot theory, which uses mathematical equations to describe knots. A mathematical knot can be pictured as a knotted piece of string that forms a closed, continuous loop. If the string can be deformed without cutting it into a simple circle, with no twists or crossings, it is not a true knot rather, it is an unknot. Sometimes, two knots may appear different, but with enough twisting and pulling, they can be deformed into the same knot. In 1984, while working with von Neumann algebras, a mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics, Jones discovered the Jones polynomials, a powerful tool for determining whether two complex knots that look very dissimilar are really the same.
MathNet-fields Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones, Gisborne(New Zealand). vladimir GershonovichDrinfeld, Kharkov(Ukraine). 1986?, Michael H. Freedman, Los Angeles. http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/people_fields_medal0
Graduate Faculty: Graduate Mathematics At The University Of Arizona Thakur, Arithmetic geometry, especially function fields and drinfeld modules. VladimirZakharov, Weak turbulence, optics, solitons, singularities, field theory http://www.math.arizona.edu/grad-ugrad/grad/hbgrdfac.html
Extractions: DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS GRADUATE FACULTY - AREAS OF INTEREST Bruce J. Bayly Fluid dynamics: stability of complex flows, magnetohydrodynamic dynamos, chaotic mixing Rabinda Bhattacharya Probability theory and statistics; Stochastic differential equations and Markov processes Paul Bressler Geometry, symplectic geometry, index theory, algebraic analysis John Brillhart Number theory, application of computers to mathematical research, theory of equations, modular identities Moysey Brio Computational science, hyperbolic conservation laws, numerical PDEs, computational fluids, MHD Marta Civil Mathematics education, in particular, teacher education, beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics, socio-cultural approaches to mathematics education, equity issues, and parental involvement in mathematics William Conway Fluid dynamics, numerical methods in applied mathematics Jim Cushing Mathematical ecology and population dynamics, ordinary and partial differential equations, integral and integrodifferential equations, difference equations, applied dynamical systems Carl DeVito Non-standard analysis and its applications to topological vector spaces, operator theory
Extractions: Amount Name Date Amazon - please call us with this #: 700104740382 Amazon - please call us with this #: 700104778202 Amazon - please call us with this #: 700106729272 Amazon - please call us with this #: 700106735182 Amazon - please call us with this #: 700108719262 Amazon - please call us with this #: 700109748292 Anonymous ADTO Anonymous AVPE Anonymous ELENA PHL Anonymous EYAK Anonymous EZHIK Anonymous IYBE Anonymous NAOR Anonymous NEAV Anonymous ORKH Anonymous RYDO Anonymous RYSA Adams, Sergei Akopova, Irina Alekperova, Zara Alexeenko, Alina Andreev, Pavel Apresian, Dmitry Ayzenberg, Asya Bachmakov, Maxim Bachmendo, Boris Barkovsky, Dmitri Bashinsky, Sergei Becker, Jonathan Begun, Vadim Begun, Vadim Beilinson, Alexander Belyi, Evgueni Berdnikov, Boris Berdycheva, Elena Berenstein, Michael Berezin, Leonid Berezin, Leonid Beyrau, Mark
Médaille Fields Nouvelle Zélande, algèbres de Von Neumann (en liaison avec les travaux de http://www.spm.cnrs-dir.fr/quoi/distinctions/fields.htm
Matematica - Articoli - Interventi Di 1986, Simon K. DONALDSON Gerd FALTINGS Michael H. FREEDMAN. 1990, VladimirDRINFELD Vaughan FR JONES Shigefumi MORI Edward WITTEN. 1994, http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/interventi/medaglie-fields-elenco.htm
·s»D: ¼Æ¾Ç¬É°ÊºA The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.math.ntu.edu.tw/news/community.htm