Who2 Profile: Christian Doppler CHRISTIAN DOPPLER Mathematician. Christian Doppler studied mathematics andastronomy in Czechoslovakia and Austria, and ended up teaching in Vienna. http://www.who2.com/christiandoppler.html
Extractions: CHRISTIAN DOPPLER Mathematician Christian Doppler studied mathematics and astronomy in Czechoslovakia and Austria, and ended up teaching in Vienna. In 1842 he presented his paper "On the Coloured Light of Double Stars and Certain Other Stars of the Heavens," illustrating what has since been called the Doppler Effect. He explained that the perceived change of frequency in light and sound waves was due to the relative motion of the source and the observer. His ideas helped pave the way for the idea that the universe is expanding, and made it possible to follow weather patterns by tracking electromagnetic radio waves.
Doppler Christian Andreas Doppler. Christian Doppler's family were stonemason'swho had a successful business in Salzburg, Austria from 1674. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Doppler.html
Extractions: Christian Doppler 's family were stonemason's who had a successful business in Salzburg, Austria from 1674. The prospering business led to the building of a fine house in the Hannibal Platz [now named Makart Platz] in Salzburg, near to the river. Christian Doppler was born in this family house and, of course, the family tradition would have had him grow up to take over the stonemason's business. However his health was never very good and he was quite frail so he could not follow in the family tradition. Doppler attended primary school in Salzburg and then attended secondary school in Linz. His parents were unsure of his academic potential and consulted the professor of mathematics at the Salzburg Lyceum who recommended that Doppler should study mathematics at the Vienna Polytechnic Institute. The Polytechnic Institute had only been founded in 1815, so it was still a new establishment when Doppler began his studies there in 1822. He excelled in his mathematical and other studies and graduated in 1825. After this he returned to Salzburg, attended philosophy lectures at the Salzburg Lyceum, then went to the University of Vienna where he studied higher mathematics, mechanics and astronomy. At the end of his studies at the University of Vienna in 1829, Doppler was appointed as assistant to the professor of higher mathematics and mechanics at the University, Professor A Burg. He published four mathematics papers during his four years as Burg's assistant, his first being
WIEM: Doppler Christian Johann (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl Ddoppler christian Johann (18031853), austriacki astronom i fizyk, profesoruniwersytetu w Wiedniu. Odkryl i wytlumaczyl zjawisko zmiany http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/003b82.html
Extractions: poka¿ powi±zane Doppler Christian Johann (1803-1853), austriacki astronom i fizyk, profesor uniwersytetu w Wiedniu. Odkry³ i wyt³umaczy³ zjawisko zmiany obserwowanej czêsto¶ci fali wywo³anej wzglêdnym ruchem ( Dopplera zjawisko ). Autor licznych prac z zakresu optyki i astronomii instrumentalnej. Odwied¼ w Internecie Astronomia Powi±zania Dopplera zjawisko wiêcej zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra
Christian Doppler Christian Doppler. The Austrian physicist who developed the famous Doppler Effect . Christian Doppler (18031853) was an Austrian http://spaceboy.nasda.go.jp/note/kagaku/e/kag121_doppler_e.html
Extractions: in the world of astronomy In 1842, Doppler made the equation about frequency and relative movement of sound source and observer. Doppler conducted a unique experiment to prove his theories. For two days, Doppler had a train pull repeatedly at different speeds a freight car with trumpeters playing on top of it. He then had a musician capable of understanding the differences in sounds record the height of the notes played as the train moved closer or further away. This effect proved Doppler's theory superbly. Doppler later tried to prove that his theory also applied to light but was unable to fulfill his goal.
Christian Johann Doppler Christian Doppler. Christian Doppler light. Picture of Christian DopplerImage courtesy of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. How http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/people/enlightenment/doppler.html
Extractions: Christian Doppler was an Austrian mathematician who lived between 1803-1853. He is known for the principle he first proposed in Concerning the coloured light of double stars in 1842. This principle is now known as the Doppler Effect . He hypothesised that the pitch of a sound would change if the source of the sound was moving. He didn't test this hypothesis until 1845. To test his hypothesis, Doppler used two sets of trumpeters: one set stationary at a train station and one set moving on an open train car. Both sets of musicians had perfect pitch and held the same note. As the train passed the station, it was obvious that the frequency of the two notes didn't match, even though the musicians were playing the same note. This proved Doppler's hyphothesis. Later, a scientist named Fizeau generalized Doppler's work by applying his theory not only to sound but also to light.
Christian Johann Doppler Christian Doppler. Doppler had only worked out his theory for sound. Picture ofChristian Doppler Image courtesy of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/people/enlightenment/doppler.html&edu=ele
Extractions: Christian Doppler was an Austrian mathematician who lived between 1803-1853. He is known for a principle he proposed in 1842. This is now known as the Doppler Effect . He thought that the pitch of a sound would be different if the source of the sound was moving. He didn't get to test his hypothesis until 1845. Doppler tested his hypothesis by using two sets of trumpeters. One set was at a train station and one set was on an open train car. The train car was pulled past the station. Both groups of trumpeters played the same note but the notes didn't match. The frequency of the notes had changed. Later, a scientist named Fizeau went further with Doppler's work and applied it to light, too. Doppler had only worked out his theory for sound.
Biographien Bedeutender Physiker Translate this page Anfang, doppler christian, Ende. Text Sandra Schmidt und Tanja Semmelmeyer(7A Klasse). * 29. 11. 1803 in Salzburg + 17. 3. 1853 in Venedig. http://www.ebgymhollabrunn.ac.at/ipin/ph-biogr.htm
Extractions: + 10. 6. 1836 in Marseille Bereits im Alter von 12 Jahren wies er erstaunliche Fähigkeiten in höhere Mathematik vor. Der ruhige Verlauf seiner Jugend wurde jedoch durch die Französiche Revolution nachhaltig unterbrochen. Ampères Vater, angesehener Händler und Stadtrat in Lyon, endete unter der Guillotin. Seine Frau starb jung. Auf Napoleons Betreiben begann er ein furchtbares Forscherleben, zuerst als Professor in Bourg und 1809 als Professor für Mathematik in Paris. Nach der Entdeckung Ørsteds , dass ein stromdurchflossener Draht eine Magnetnadel ablenkt, konnte Ampère innerhalb einer Woche zeigen, dass die Ablenkung durch die "Rechte- Hand-Regel" oder "Rechtsschrauben-Regel" beschrieben werden kann. Damit wurde das Konzept der Kraftfeldlinien eingeführt, das später von Faraday verallgemeinert wurde und das zu einer Erweiterung des physikalischen Weltbildes über die rein mechanischen Auffassungen von Galilei und Newton hinausführte.
Christian Andreas Doppler Christian Andreas Doppler. by Karl Loren. Christian Doppler's family were stonemason'swho had a successful business in Salzburg, Austria from 1674. http://www.karlloren.com/ultrasound/p73.htm
Extractions: to see a larger version Show birthplace location Christian Doppler 's family were stonemason's who had a successful business in Salzburg, Austria from 1674. The prospering business led to the building of a fine house in the Hannibal Platz [now named Makart Platz] in Salzburg, near to the river. Christian Doppler was born in this family house and, of course, the family tradition would have had him grow up to take over the stonemason's business. However his health was never very good and he was quite frail so he could not follow in the family tradition. Doppler attended primary school in Salzburg and then attended secondary school in Linz. His parents were unsure of his academic potential and consulted the professor of mathematics at the Salzburg Lyceum who recommended that Doppler should study mathematics at the Vienna Polytechnic Institute. The Polytechnic Institute had only been founded in 1815, so it was still a new establishment when Doppler began his studies there in 1822. He excelled in his mathematical and other studies and graduated in 1825. After this he returned to Salzburg, attended philosophy lectures at the Salzburg Lyceum, then went to the University of Vienna where he studied higher mathematics, mechanics and astronomy.
Christian Doppler - Wikipedia NL Christian Doppler. Christian Johann Doppler (1803 1853) was een Oostenrijksewis- en natuurkundige naar wie het zg. Doppler-effect is genoemd. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Doppler
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Christian Doppler Christian Doppler Symposion commemorating the 200th anniversary of his birth. 10.15 10.45am Helmuth Grössing (Wien) Christian Doppler in Vienna . http://www.sbg.ac.at/doppler/agenda_e.html
Christian Doppler - Wikipedia Other languages Nederlands. Christian Doppler. From Wikipedia, thefree encyclopedia. Christian Andreas Doppler (18031853) was an http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Doppler
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Christian Doppler Christian Doppler. Christian Doppler remarca sunetul undelor care se misca provenindde la o sursa care era in miscare fiind compresata sau extinsa. http://www.lefo.ro/carmensylva/curriculum/webfizica/istoriafizicii/christian_dop
Christian Doppler Christian Andreas Doppler. Narozen 29. Po absolvování strední koly v Lincizahájil Christian Doppler v roce 1822 studium na vídenské polytechnice. http://www.math.muni.cz/math/biografie/christian_doppler.html
Christian Doppler - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All acapedia.org main. acapedia.org home acapedia feedback. Friends ofAcapedia Christian Doppler. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://acapedia.org/aca/Christian_Doppler
Austrian Research Centers In Seibersdorf (ARC) - Homepage mail to webmaster Deutsch Login. ARC Company doppler christian. Logged in asrobot, News. Copyright. UP, AZ. Christian Doppler. Email, cdoppler@researchstudio.at. http://www.arcs.ac.at/unter/mitarbeiter/001537
Christian Doppler ber das Leben und Wirken des ¶sterreichischen Forschers. http://www.christian-doppler.org/
Extractions: Contact Us ... Christian Doppler was born in Salzburg, Austria at No. 1 Makart Square in 1803 as the second son of a master stone-mason. He became a math professor and presented his eponymous effect in a study on changes in color due to motion of double stars in 1842. Christian Doppler studied mathematics and astronomy in Czechoslovakia and Austria, and ended up teaching in Vienna. In 1842 he presented his paper "On the Coloured Light of Double Stars and Certain Other Stars of the Heavens," illustrating what has since been called the Doppler Effect. He explained that the perceived change of frequency in light and sound waves was due to the relative motion of the source and the observer. His ideas helped pave the way for the idea that the universe is expanding, and made it possible to follow weather patterns by tracking electromagnetic radio waves. COOL SITES
Doppler, Christian christian doppler. Lithographie. doppler, christian, * 29. 11. 1803 Salzburg, 17. http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.d/d750588.htm
Extractions: Doppler, Christian, * 29. 11. 1803 Salzburg, 17. 3. 1853 Venedig ( Italien bedeutender Mathematiker und Physiker; Vater von Adolf Doppler Physikalischen Instituts der Wien. Er entdeckte den nach ihm benannten " Doppler -Effekt" in der Akustik und Optik (den Einfluss des Bewegungszustands einer Schall- oder Lichtquelle bzw. ihres Beobachters, zum Beispiel das scheinbare Tieferwerden des Pfeiftons einer vorüberfahrenden Lokomotive), den er in seinem wichtigsten Werk "Über das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einiger anderer Gestirne des Himmels" (1842) beschrieb; damit zeigte er den Weg zur Bestimmung der Radialgeschwindigkeit der Sterne. und K. Kadletz, C. Doppler Neue Deutsche Biographie Verweise auf andere Alben:
Christian-Doppler-Klinik Salzburg Die christiandoppler-Klinik fr uumlher auch Landesnervenklinik ist ein Teil der Landeskliniken Salzburg http://www.christian-doppler-klinik.at/
Über Christian Doppler Johann christian doppler Geboren 29 November 1803 in Salzburg März 1853 in Venedig christian doppler studierte am Polytechnischen Institut Wien (der Vorläuferorganisation der heutigen Technischen http://ilfb.tuwien.ac.at/cdl/cdg.html