Extractions: poster Christophe Accadia NWP Division, the Met Office London Road, Bracknell, RG12 2SZ Bjarne Amstrup Danish Meterorological Institute Lyngbyvej 100 DK-2100 Copenhagen O Denmark Observing system experiments with the HIRLAM 3D-VAR system. P Simon Anderson NWP Division, the Met Office London Road, Bracknell, RG12 2SZ Mesoscale forecasts at the Met Office - The effect of reducing the radiosonde network O Sue Ballard NWP Division, the Met Office London Road, Bracknell, RG12 2SZ Development of 4D-Var at the Met Office O Dale Barker MMM Division, NCAR NCAR, PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO, 80307-3000. USA O Jean-Marie Bettems Swiss Meteorological Institute Kraehbuhlstrasse 58 CH-8044 Zuerich Switzerland Daniel Birkenheuer NOAA/Forecast Systems Laboratory 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303
Sail-world.com -- The Coriolis Effect our Ocean Planet. By the way, gustaveGaspard coriolis was an 18th centurymath major in France.'. by Brian Hancock. Click for further http://www.sail-world.com/news.cfm?Nid=8660&RequestTimeOut=180
The Misappliance Of Science The coriolis Force, named after French mathematician gustave Gaspard coriolis, isthe name of the inertial force applied to moving objects within a rotating http://www.tafkac.org/faq2k/science_3.html
Extractions: The Misappliance Of Science The Misappliance Of Science The 'Plane Truth (What Goes Up...) Does Not Compute Mad Medicine Stupid People Tricks Stupid Academia Tricks What's In A Word? Reefer Madness How Firm Is Your Foundation? Kill Your Television! Astonishing Antipodean Antics Lewd Food Snuff Movies Upstanding Legends Of The Penis And Scrotum Hide The Salami Disney Dementia Question Authority (And Other Conspiracies) Legal Beagles Wild Life In The Fast Lane Astounding Avian Anomalies Doggie-Style and Catty-Wumpuss Other Animal (But Non-Buggy) Crackers Arthropod Crackers Urban Angst Take Me To Your Leader Dead Horses Previous legend The Misappliance Of Science Next legend The Drain in Spain Debunked: Bathtubs and toilets drain the other way round in the other hemisphere, due to the Coriolis Force. The Coriolis Force, named after French mathematician Gustave Gaspard Coriolis, is the name of the inertial force applied to moving objects within a rotating coordinate system, that appears to deflect the object's direction. It is most observable on Earth in winds and ocean currents, if you're measuring such things. Because meteorological and oceanic phenomena show Coriolis influence regarding their direction of rotation, people who can't ordinarily observe such events like to believe that Coriolis can be observed on a small scale, such as with bathwater draining out of a tub. This is impossible.
Lecture 20: Rotation & Revolution Of The Earth The coriolis Effect. First described by French physicist gustave coriolisin 1835. Deflection of a projectile due to the Earth's Rotation http://www-astronomy.mps.ohio-state.edu/~pogge/Ast161/Unit4/movearth.html
Extractions: Prof. Pogge, MTWThF 9:30 Key Ideas: Demonstrations of the Earth's Rotation about its axis: Demonstration of the Earth's Revolution around the Sun: Eppur si muove (?) Legend has it that Galileo muttered the words "Eppur si muove" (It still moves) under his breathe after abjuring his "errors and heresies" before the Roman Inquisition in thew matter of teaching the forbidden Copernican system. This story is almost certainly false, but it touches upon the principal objection to the Heliocentric System since the time of Aristotle: How do you prove that the Earth really does rotate upon its axis and revolve around the Sun? The Need for Speed A major conceptual barrier to accepting the rotation and revolution of the Earth is that the speeds required are enormous. Speed of the Earth's Rotation at the Equator: Circumference of the Earth at the Equator = 40,000 kilometers Time to complete one Rotation = 24 hours Speed of Rotation = Distance/Time = 40,000 km / 24 hr =
Chiedi All'esperto: Fisica Translate this page ogni oggetto in moto con la velocità v rispetto alla superficie terrestre saràsoggetto alla accelerazione di coriolis (Gaspard gustave coriolis Parigi 1792 http://www.vialattea.net/esperti/fis/isobare.htm
Extractions: (risponde Mino Saccone Le correnti d'aria si muovono (sorprendentemente) secondo le isobare invece che perpendicolarmente ad esse per via della rotazione terrestre. Motivazione molto approssimativa Dal punto di vista della meccanica occorre ricordare che ogni oggetto in moto con la velocità v rispetto alla superficie terrestre sarà soggetto alla accelerazione di Coriolis (Gaspard Gustave Coriolis Parigi 1792-1843 ) espressa dal seguente prodotto vettoriale: Ac = 2w x v Ora, come è noto, il prodotto vettoriale produce un risultato perpendicolare a entrambi i fattori, da cui si deduce che l'accelerazione di Coriolis è in ogni istante "trasversale", in altre parole un corpo che si muove sulla superficie terrestre è costantemente soggetto a una forza laterale. Essendo il vettore v del vento circa sempre parallelo alla superficie terrestre, essa sarà massima ai poli. All'equatore la sola componente di Coriolis attiva sarà quella diretta verso l'alto o verso il basso (rispetto alla superficie terrestre in quel punto) che praticamente non interessa in quanto trascurabile rispetto alla gravità.Questa componente dell'accelerazione di Coriolis costituisce in pratica l'aggiustamento della forza centrifuga che come è noto è
Physical Effects Of The Earth's Rotation (Coriolis Effects) These effects can be explained in terms of an 'imaginary' force, called the coriolisforce (after gustave coriolis, an 18thcentury French mathematician who http://www.cseligman.com/private/supplement/planets/coriolis.htm
Extractions: Physical Effects of the Earth's Rotation (Coriolis Effects) As the Earth rotates to the East, any object not attached to it will seem to drift to the West. This is why the stars, Sun, Moon, and planets all rise in the East, and set in the West. Their motion is, in a sense, an optical illusion, a mirror image of the motion which we actually have. Similarly, there are effects which act on objects near the surface of the Earth, which are not so obvious as the rotation of the sky, but which can be directly verified by careful observation. These effects can be explained in terms of an 'imaginary' force, called the Coriolis force (after Gustave Coriolis, an 18th-century French mathematician who explained the effect in an elegant mathematical way), and as a result, the effects are referred to as Coriolis effects. The nature and size of the Coriolis effects depend upon where you are. If you are near the Pole, the axis of the Earth's rotation is nearly vertical relative to your Horizon, and as things spin around in the sky, they move nearly horizontally. Similarly, the Coriolis effects are almost completely horizontal. But if you were near the Equator, where the Earth's axis of rotation is nearly horizontal, things spinning around the sky would move nearly vertically, and the Coriolis effects are almost completely vertical. At in-between latitudes, the stars rise and set at an angle to both the vertical and the horizontal, and there are both vertical and horizontal Coriolis effects. In general, as you move toward one of the Poles, the horizontal Coriolis effects grow, and the vertical ones shrink, whereas if you move toward the Equator, the horizontal effects shrink, and the vertical ones grow.
Planet Science | Out There | Plug Hole Experiment coriolis Force. It is named after a scientist called gustaveGaspardcoriolis, who first described the force in 1835. Its also http://www.scienceyear.com/outthere/plughole/background.html
Extractions: But why ? Scientists have investigated this and discovered lots of possible reasons, but one which has always been controversial is called the Coriolis Force . This force influences weather across the globe, and causes systems like cyclones and hurricanes to rotate in different directions on opposite sides of the globe
WIEM: Coriolisa Si³a (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl C Powiazania. Antycyklon, Foucaulta wahadlo, coriolis Gaspard Gustavede, Prady morskie, Pasaty, Sily bezwladnosci, wiecej ». http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/008ebf.html
Extractions: poka¿ powi±zane Coriolisa si³a, jedna z si³ bezw³adno¶ci dzia³aj±ca na cia³o znajduj±ce siê w nieinercjalnym (tu: obracaj±cym siê) uk³adzie odniesienia, F cor ×v, gdzie m - masa cia³a, - wektor prêdko¶ci k±towej obracaj±cego siê uk³adu, v - wektor prêdko¶ci liniowej cia³a mierzony w obracaj±cym siê uk³adzie odniesienia. Si³a Coriolisa spowodowana dziennym ruchem obrotowym dzia³a na poruszaj±ce siê poziomo na Ziemi cia³a, osi±gaj±c najwiêksze warto¶ci na biegunach (przy ruchu poziomym wektory i v s± prostopad³e, niezale¿nie od kierunku v), a jej sk³adowa pozioma zanika na równiku Na pó³kuli pó³nocnej powoduje odchylanie siê poruszaj±cych siê poziomo cia³ na prawo (odpowiedzialne np. za intensywniejsze podmywanie prawych brzegów rzek), a na pó³kuli po³udniowej - w lewo. Si³a Coriolisa dzia³a na spadaj±ce swobodnie cia³a, odchylaj±c je od pionu w kierunku wschodnim. Si³a dzia³aj±ca na jednostkow± masê nazywa siê przyspieszeniem Coriolisa. Jej istnienie zauwa¿y³ Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis (1792-1843), francuski matematyk. Zobacz równie¿ Prêdko¶æ k±towa Prêdko¶æ Nieinercjalny uk³ad odniesienia Powi±zania Antycyklon Foucaulta wahad³o Coriolis Gaspard Gustave de Pr±dy morskie ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra
Coriolis coriolis inertial force described by the 19th century French engineermathematicianGustave-Gaspard coriolis in 1835. Tendency http://www.bccc.com/air/coriolis.htm
Extractions: CORIOLIS Coriolis (under construction) will be an experimental new media publication for artists hosted by the Centre for Creative Communications, and co-edited and co-curated by Nancy Paterson and Jim Andrews. Coriolis : inertial force described by the 19th century French engineer-mathematician Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis in 1835. Tendency for any moving body on or above the earths surface to drift sideways from its course because of the earths rotation. In the Northern hemisphere the deflection is to the right because of the motion; in the Southern hemisphere it is to the left. Artist in Residence Home
Coriolis: Yleistä coriolisilmiöksi. Voima on saanut nimensä selittäjänsä GustaveGaspard coriolis'n (1792-1843) mukaan. coriolis on Joensuun http://cc.joensuu.fi/~coriolis/yleista.htm
Ç äýíáìç Coriolis The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.physics4u.gr/energy/coriolis.html